Pure Substances

Changes in Matter:
Chemical & Physical Properties and Changes
Physical Properties:
 Characteristics that can be observed with your senses
Examples of physical properties include:
Freezing Point
State of Matter
Physical Change
What is a physical change?
 A change in one or more physical properties
 The substance stays the same. NO NEW SUBSTANCE IS FORMED
 A change in a substance’s size, shape, state of matter (or changes in some
of the other examples given above).
1. Cutting a watermelon – change in size and shape
2. Ice Cream Melting - change in state of matter from solid to liquid
3. Crumpling a piece of paper – change in size and shape
4. Water freezes at 0⁰ Celsius – freezing point
5. Cutting an onion – change in size and shape
6. Chopping wood – Change in size and shape
Notes 2012 – Chemical & Physical Properties & Change
Chemical Properties
 Chemical properties describe the way a substance reacts with other
 CANNOT be observed unless a chemical reaction takes place.
 A NEW substance is formed
Chemical Properties are:
 Reactivity (how a substance reacts with another substance)
 Flammability (the ability of a substance to burn)
Chemical Change:
 The substances that make up an object have been changed into other
substances with new properties. A chemical reaction has to occur in order
for a chemical change to happen.
***INDICATORS that show a chemical change has occurred include:
 The production of a gas
 Change of temperature
 Formation of a new substance
 Production of a solid
 Production of light
 Change of color
Notes 2012 – Chemical & Physical Properties & Change
Things to think about when identifying a chemical change
-Was a new substance formed?
- Was there a reaction?
- Was heat or light given off?
- How did the characteristics change?
Examples of Chemical Changes:
1. Rust (iron oxide) = formed from iron reacting with oxygen. (Indicator –
new substance and color change)
2. Baking soda and vinegar = carbon dioxide ( Indicator - a new substance
is formed and the production of gas)
3. Digesting food – food is broken down by acids
4. Baking a cake – a new substance is formed from the batter to the cake
5. Burning wood – ash is created
Notes 2012 – Chemical & Physical Properties & Change