Uploaded by Felisa Jimenez-Kelly

8.9B DOL 1-5

Physical & Chemical Properties
State whether each is an example of a Physical (P) or Chemical (C)
_____ 1. A rock’s density
_____ 2. boiling point of Gatorade
_____ 3. ability of an old car to rust
_____ 4. red color of a ripe apple
_____ 5. ability of wood to ignite
_____ 6. bitter taste of a lemon
_____ 7. melting point of wax
_____ 8. hardness of marble
_____ 9. Luster (shininess) of gold
_____ 10. Reacts with an acid to form hydrogen
_____ 11. Smell of sulfur
_____ 12. Reacts with a water to form a gas
_____ 13. luster of aluminum foil
_____ 14. texture of a nail file
_____ 15. Supports combustion
_____ 16. Can neutralize a strong acid
_____ 17. Freezing point of water
_____ 18. Temperature of hot chocolate
_____ 19. Smoothness of our desks
_____ 20. Mass of a textbook
_____ 21. Smell of an orange
_____ 22. Whistle of a tea kettle
_____ 23. Reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide
_____ 24. Sweetness of a Skittle
Physical & Chemical Changes
State whether each is an example of a Physical (P) or Chemical (C) change.
_____ 1. Glass breaking
_____ 2. Hammering wood together to build a playhouse
_____ 3. A rusting bicycle
_____ 4. Melting butter for popcorn
_____ 5. Glassblower creating sculptures
_____ 6. Freezing a chocolate-covered banana
_____ 7. Separating sand from gravel
_____ 8. Spoiling milk
_____ 9. Burning toast
_____ 10. Making salt water to gargle for a sore throat
_____ 11. Mixing lemonade powder into water
_____ 12. Cream being whipped
_____ 13. Water evaporating from a pond
_____ 14. Cutting grass
_____ 15. Burning leaves to clear a field
_____ 16. Humidifier putting moisture into the air
_____ 17. Corroding metal
_____ 18. Bleaching your hair
_____ 19. Fireworks exploding
_____ 20. Squeezing oranges to make orange juice
_____ 21. Frying an egg
_____ 22. Pouring milk on your oatmeal
_____ 23. Food rotting in the refrigerator
_____ 24. Trimming a rose bush
_____ 25. Making a chopped salad
_____ 26. Rotting wood