SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR2 (February 4, 2008 SoCalGas Direct Testimony of Herbert S. Emmrich – Demand Forecasts) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 1: Request: Refinery Segment Gas Demand Forecast (1) For the forecast period beginning in July 2008 through the end of the forecast period please provide the monthly forecast values for the variable Average Transportation Rate ($/Dth). (2) For the forecast period beginning in July 2008 through the end of the forecast period please provide the monthly forecast values for the variable Other Surcharges ($/Dth). (3) For the forecast period beginning in July 2008 through the end of the forecast period please provide the monthly forecast values for the variable CBSP ($/Dth). (4) For the forecast period beginning in July 2008 through the end of the forecast period please provide the monthly forecast values for the variable Butane Price ($/Dth). (5) For the historical and forecast period please provide the number of days in each month used to arrive at average daily gas usage. (6) For the regression results shown on pages EmmrichSCGDF-357 and EmmrichSCGDF-358 of the gas demand workpapers please define the variable WTX Gas. (7) If the variable WTX Gas is in Mr. Emmrich’s workpapers please reference the pages in the workpapers where it may be found. (8) If the variable WTX Gas is not in Mr. Emmrich’s workpapers please provide, on a quarterly basis, historic and forecast values for this variable. RESPONSE 1: 2009BCAP_DR_DRATMR2_Q1_1to5.xls 1) See Column D in the first worksheet of the attached Excel file. 2) See Column E in the first worksheet of the attached Excel file. 3) See Column F in the first worksheet of the attached Excel file. The data are also shown in the Workpapers Volume 2 of 4, page EmmrichSCGDF-343. 1 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR2 (February 4, 2008 SoCalGas Direct Testimony of Herbert S. Emmrich – Demand Forecasts) ______________________________________________________________________ 4) See Column G in the first worksheet of the attached Excel file. The data are also shown in the Workpapers Volume 2 of 4, page EmmrichSCGDF-352. 5) See the second worksheet of the attached Excel file. 6) The variable “WTX Gas” is the natural gas price in constant 2006 dollars per Mcf at West Texas in the Permian Basin. 7) The historic values of WTX Gas are not in Mr. Emmrich's workpapers; the forecast values are shown in workpaper pages EmmrichSCGDF-359 and EmmrichSCGDF-360. 8) Quarterly historic values of the variable “WTX Gas” are shown in column C of the attached file “Regress Current Dollars.xls”. Regress Current Dollars.xls 2