MAC ENHANCEMENTS TO SUPPORT QUALITY OF SERVICE IN WIRELESS NETWORKS A THESIS Submitted by RAJESH S. in fulfillment for the award of the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE (BY RESEARCH) DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING FACULTY OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ANNA UNIVERSITY CHENNAI 600 025 MAY 2004 ii BONAFIED CERTIFICATE Certified that this thesis titled ‘MAC enhancements to support quality of service in wireless networks’ is a bonafide work of Mr. S.Rajesh who carried out the research under my supervision. Certified further, that to the best of my knowledge, the work reported herein does not form part of any other thesis or dissertation of the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate. Date: Place: MIT, Chennai. Dr.S.Srikanth, Member Research Staff, AU-KBC Research Centre, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chromepet, Chennai, TN – 600 044 – India. Dr.C.N.Krishnan, Director, AU-KBC Research Centre, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chromepet, Chennai, TN – 600 044 – India. iii ABSTRACT High raw data rates at physical layer have become possible in wireless communication. But for multimedia (voice, video, games) applications to use these, it is necessary to design medium access control (MAC) schemes that can support quality of service (QoS). In this thesis, we propose MAC enhancements to improve the performance of wireless networks. Specifically, we address the MAC issues in wireless ad hoc networks and wireless local area networks (WLANs) to support traffic with QoS requirements. We have assumed the use of carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) based schemes in this work. The wireless channel is a shared medium and hence it is necessary to have efficient MAC schemes. In wireless ad hoc networks, the MAC is usually distributed, whereas, in WLAN, the MAC could be distributed or centralized based on topology and requirement. Support for QoS involves catering to two types of traffic: Traffic that has priority assigned per packet (based on type of data in the packet or the link end-points involved). This requires the MAC to differentiate (prioritize) and give the appropriate ratio of the available bandwidth to the traffic. Traffic streams that must be guaranteed certain bandwidth, delay and other requirements (put together as QoS requirements) irrespective of other traffic in the system. Traffic streams with QoS guarantees are supported in the centralized MAC scheme only. iv Contributions made in this thesis are: Wireless ad hoc networks with directional antenna at nodes are considered and we propose a MAC protocol that uses the directional antennas used by the nodes. We show that there is improvement in throughput and delay performance due to this. We then consider WLANs with centralized MAC and propose an enhanced MAC to improve the delay and throughput performance of the system so that the QoS requirements can be met. v ACKNOWLDEGEMENT This thesis is the outcome of the direction, encouragement and invaluable guidance from my supervisor Dr.S.Srikanth and co-supervisor Dr.V.Vaidehi. My sincerest thanks to them for helping me move ahead with the research work at every stage and motivating me to do the best. I am greatly indebted to Dr.C.N.Krishnan, the Director of Anna University - K.B.Chandrasekhar (AU-KBC) Research Centre for the extraordinary effort and ideology behind the whole research programme. A life shall not suffice to return what I have gained out from him and the Research Centre. My sincere thanks to Dr.S.Anand and Dr.R.Jayaparvathy for their invaluable suggestions and many interesting discussions which threw light on a number of subtle points in the study. Thanks to all staff for every course I had undergone has helped me in this work. Dr.S.Shanmugavel’s suggestions came in at the right time to add the missing glitter to the work. My heart felt thanks to all friends including Bhat, Gopi, Kadal, Khan, Masood, Nandhan, Rajesh, Sangeeta, Vijayalakshmi and Vinosh for having helped me in more than one way throughout the course and research work. All my success in working towards this degree is due to the love and immense moral support my parents and sister have given me. And of course, to God my thanks have no bounds but are too less still. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT III LIST OF TABLES VIII LIST OF FIGURES IX LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS, SYMBOLS AND NOMENCLATURE X CHAPTER 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.1.1 Literature Review 2 1.2 Problem Definition 3 1.3 Assumptions 3 1.3.1 Scope 4 1.4 Contribution in this Thesis 4 1.5 Thesis Organization 4 CHAPTER 2 6 MAC ENHANCEMENTS IN AD HOC NETWORKS 6 2.1 Overview 2.1.1 Ad Hoc Networks 2.2 The IEEE 802.11 Standard 6 6 7 2.2.1 Distributed Coordination Function 7 2.2.2 QoS Enhancement 9 2.2.3 EDCF Mode of IEEE 802.11e MAC 10 2.3 Proposed Scheme 10 2.4 System Model 11 2.4.1 MAC Enhancements with Directional Nodes 12 2.4.2 QoS Enhanced MAC with Directional Nodes 14 2.5 Performance Study 14 vii 2.6 Results and Discussion 15 CHAPTER 3 18 QOS IMPLEMENTATION ON WLAN 18 3.1 Overview 18 3.2 Existing Technology 18 3.2.1 PCF Mode of IEEE 802.11 MAC 19 3.2.2 HCF Mode of IEEE 802.11e MAC 20 3.3 System Model 21 3.3.1 MAC Scheduler Enhancements 21 3.3.2 Design of Scheduler 22 3.3.3 Enhanced Scheduling Algorithm 24 3.4 Performance Study 3.4.1 Simulation 3.5 Results and Discussion 28 29 31 CHAPTER 4 38 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE 38 4.1 Conclusion Summary 38 4.1.1 Applications 39 4.1.2 Future Scope 39 APPENDIX 1 Assignment of Type of Service 40 40 Case 1 40 REFERENCES 43 PUBLICATIONS OUT OF THIS WORK 46 viii LIST OF TABLES Table 1. TSPEC based Admission Control .................................................... 23 Table 2. Twin Token - Bucket Parameters .................................................... 27 Table 3. AC association - Simple case (Case 1) .......................................... 41 Table 4. AC Assignment – Complex Case (Case 2) ..................................... 42 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. DCF mode of operation 8 Figure 2. State Diagram of the Protocol 13 Figure 3. Delay Performance with increasing Network Density 15 Figure 4. Performance of ad hoc MAC schemes 16 Figure 5. Effect of Power-backoff 17 Figure 6. CFP, CP and Super-frame 19 Figure 7. System - Block Diagram 22 Figure 8. Twin Token Bucket Implementation 24 Figure 9. Alternating CFP and CP 25 Figure 10. EMDR (Estimated Mean Data Rate) Curve 26 Figure 11. TXOP generated by Scheduler in HCF compared with basic PCF28 Figure 12. Parameters for generation of traffic of 4 ACs 30 Figure 13. Variation in effective goodput with traffic 31 Figure 14. Behavior of EDCF and HCF 32 Figure 15. Traffic Streams supported for different peak data rate deviation on a non-ideal channel 33 Figure 16. Traffic Streams supported and EDCF Throughput for a network when scheduler in HCF handles TXOPs of both contention free and contention based traffic. 34 Figure 17. Goodput v/s delay for various schemes. 35 Figure 18. Co-efficient of variation versus delay plot. 36 x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS, SYMBOLS AND NOMENCLATURE s AC ACK Ad Hoc Network AIFS AP Atomic Sequence BC BEB BER Beacon BSS CAP CBR CCA CFP CP CSMA Micro Seconds (1s = 10-6 Second) tou – stands for traffic density – Traffic to be transmitted to or received from a particular source or sector of a network region (direction) Access Category Acknowledgement An infrastructure-less, topology-free wireless network. Arbitration IFS Access Point A transmission of the following sequence RTS (from Source) CTS (from Destination) Data (or MPDU from Source) ACK (from the Destination) Broad-cast All that can hear are the intended recipients. Binary Exponential Backoff Bit Error Rate A management frame (that has to be transmitted periodically) carrying the network parameters and timing information. Basic Service Set Controlled Access Phase Constant Bit Rate The type of traffic that is encoded using a constant bit rate encoding like a 64kbps for a voice frame. Clear Channel Assessment Contention Free Period Contention Period Carrier Sense Multiple Access xi CSMA/CA CSMA/CD CTS CW DCF DACK DCTS DData DIFS Directional Antenna DRTS EDCF EIFS EMDR FCFS Goodput HC HCF IBSS IFS LAN MAC MANET maxMSDULifetime MDR MPDU MSDU Multicast Network Density CSMA/Collision Avoidance CSMA/Collision Detection Clear To Send Contention Window Distributed Coordination Function Directional ACK Directional CTS Directional Data DCF IFS An antenna that radiates only a few degrees (much less than 360) on the horizontal as well as vertical planes. Directional RTS Enhanced DCF Extended IFS Estimated MDR First Come First Serve We define goodput as the total number of bits of data transmitted successfully by the MAC layer per unit time. Maximum goodput of a particular topology corresponds to the traffic condition that results in maximum bits transfer in MAC. Hybrid Coordinator Hybrid Coordination Function Independent BSS Inter-frame Spacing Local Area Network Medium Access Control Mobile Ad hoc Network A constant set in every station which tells how long to hold a MSDU in queue before dropping it in case it doesn’t get a chance to get transmitted. Mean Data Rate MAC PDU MAC Service Data Unit A regulated broadcast which is meant for a selected set of recipients. It is the density of the network mentioned in xii OCTS Omni-directional antenna ORTS PC PCF PDA PDF PDU PER PIFS QoS QAP QBSS QSTA RED RTS SIFS SME STA Super frame TBTT TC TS TSPEC terms of the average number of neighboring nodes per node. Omni-directional CTS An antenna that radiates 360 degrees solid angle. (In practice omni directional antennas radiate 360 on the horizontal plane but only a few degrees, (less than 10,) on the vertical plane). Omni-directional RTS Point Coordinator Point Coordination Function Personal Digital Assistant (A hand-held computing device) Probability Density Function Protocol Data Unit Packet Error Rate PCF IFS Quality of Service QoS enabled AP QoS enabled BSS QoS enabled STA Random Error Detect Request To Send Short IFS Station Management Entity Station Duration combining a CFP and a CP as scheduled by the hybrid coordinator. Usually the super frame size is the same as the TBTT. Target Beacon Transmission Time The time duration information in every beacon telling other nodes about the time after which an attempt to transmit the next beacon frame will be done. Traffic Category Traffic Stream A higher layer end to end traffic which has link level QoS requirements (delay, minimum bandwidth etc) Traffic Specification xiii TXOP VBR VLAN Wi-Fi WLAN WSTA Transmission Opportunity This is the fixed duration informed by the QAP in the poll within which the polled station must finish an atomic sequence of transmission. Variable Bit Rate The type of traffic that is encoded using varying coding rate based on the information content of the frame. Typically used for coding video frames. Virtual LAN Wireless-Fidelity (A certification that ensures interoperability of wireless devices with the same certification.) Wireless LAN Wireless STA Used in the QoS enhanced Station context only. 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 OVERVIEW This thesis presents medium access control (MAC) schemes to handle traffic with QoS requirements in wireless networks. In particular, ad hoc networks and wireless local area networks (WLANs) have been considered. A thorough study of the literature in this has been carried out and various mechanisms for QoS enhancements have been proposed. Enhanced distributed access mechanism with directionality aware MAC has been proposed for ad hoc networks. Centrally coordinated WLANs have been considered for carrying traffic with QoS requirements. Admission control, traffic shaping and policing and scheduler mechanisms have been proposed for QoS support in these networks. These cases have been analyzed wherever appropriate and extensive simulations have been carried out at every step. Results of these have been dissected, compared and discussed. 2 1.1.1 Literature Review Ad hoc networks have been studied for long and Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) in particular were proposed by Macker and Corson (2001). The CSMA/CA based MAC scheme was proposed for ad hoc networks and WLAN by the IEEE 802.11 standard (1999). The performance of ad hoc networks with distributed coordination function (DCF) mode specified in this standard was studied by Kamerman and Aben (2000). Most MAC protocols proposed for ad hoc networks assumed omni directional antennas at all the nodes. Sanchez et al (2001) studied the performance of the IEEE 802.11 DCF in a network of nodes with directional antennas. However, the MAC protocol and the scheduling mechanism did not exploit the directional antennas at the nodes in the network. Work by Matthias and Tse (2001) showed that in the absence of delay constraints, mobility of the nodes enhances the throughput of ad hoc networks. However, in ad hoc networks with QoS support, it is necessary to satisfy the delay requirements of users. Thansis et al (2003) consider MAC protocol specifically designed for directional ad hoc networks but this too does not deal with inherent QoS issues. Some of the handshake techniques in their papers have been reused here but with a difference in scheduling. The IEEE 802.11a standard (2001) and the IEEE 802.11g draft (2003) define how high data rates up to 54Mbps can be achieved at the physical layer in WLAN. To exploit the availability of high raw data rate at the physical layer, enhanced MAC layer protocol is required to support applications with delay and throughput guarantee requirements. The IEEE 802.11e (2002) supplement was drafted to enhance the MAC of the IEEE 802.11 standard to support QoS in WLAN. This supplement formulates the guidelines for QoS support and leaves a lot of space for the implementers to add implementation specific functionality. Guidelines for scheduler design and queue handling have been taken from this. 3 1.2 PROBLEM DEFINITION High raw data rates (up to 54Mbps as per standards and twice that in proprietary ways) at physical layer have become possible in wireless communication. But for multimedia (voice, video and game) applications to use these, it is necessary to design medium access control (MAC) schemes that can support quality of service (QoS). In this thesis, we propose MAC enhancements to improve the performance of wireless networks. Specifically, we address the MAC issues in wireless ad hoc networks and wireless local area networks (WLANs) to support traffic with QoS requirements. 1.3 ASSUMPTIONS The following assumptions have been made regarding the problem in hand while arriving at the solution. These assumptions define the scope or the boundaries of the solution formulated. Carrier sense multiple access schemes have been used throughout. Near symmetry in uplink and downlink has also been assumed. In case of directional antennas, the implication due to the direction-switching mechanism has been considered only to the extent of a delay factor. For obtaining positional information, the exact scheme has not been studied but one specified in literature by Rahul et al (1999) can be used in lieu of a full fledged geo positioning system. The MAC schemes also assume low mobility of the individual nodes in the network. 4 1.3.1 Scope The standard MAC guidelines used and assumptions presented above make the solution suitable only for ad hoc networks with less number of hops and for wireless local area networks with central coordination. In either case, these schemes are not suitable for networks with highly mobile nodes. Positional information is required which must be either provided through a higher layer tunnel or an immediate routing protocol. 1.4 CONTRIBUTION IN THIS THESIS Contributions made in this thesis can be split into two categories viz., Ad Hoc networks and WLANs: Wireless ad hoc networks with directional antenna at nodes are considered and we propose a MAC protocol that uses the directional antennas used by the nodes. We show that there is improvement in throughput and delay performance due to this. We then consider WLANs with centralized MAC and propose an enhanced MAC to improve the delay and throughput performance of the system so that the QoS requirements can be met. 1.5 THESIS ORGANIZATION Chapter 2 deals with MAC enhancements for ad hoc networks. We discuss how stationary nodes if at appropriate locations can contribute to the enhancement in network performance. We also show how directional antennas at nodes can be used to enhance throughput and delay performance in ad hoc networks with suitably enhanced distributed MAC scheme. The pre-final chapter deals with the specific problem of handling QoS traffic in case of wireless local area networks (WLANs) where a central coordinator is present. In each chapter the analysis and/or simulation results 5 have been discussed appropriately. The last chapter summarizes the conclusions drawn from the work and, also shows the applications and future scope of the same. 6 CHAPTER 2 MAC ENHANCEMENTS IN AD HOC NETWORKS 2.1 OVERVIEW Ad hoc networks are topology-free infrastructure-less wireless networks. The nodes might have asymmetric capabilities. This chapter describes how directional antennas at nodes can be used to enhance throughput and delay performance in ad hoc networks with enhanced distributed MAC scheme. 2.1.1 Ad Hoc Networks Though ad hoc networks are simply characterized by their topology-free and infrastructure-less nature; all nodes in the network are usually capable of routing. Each node participates in forwarding the packets and thus the network is not dependent on any single node for its existence. These nodes might be asymmetric in other aspects like power consumption, antenna power, antenna type, buffer size, sensitivity and complexity of the digital processing circuitry. These networks typically find applications in military during war, rescue operations, sensor networking, component tagging etc. Recently these are finding normal applications like connecting Wireless-Fidelity (Wi-Fi) or Bluetooth certified mobile devices (laptops, cell phones, PDAs, etc) without wire. 7 2.2 THE IEEE 802.11 STANDARD The IEEE 802.11 standard (1999) specifies MAC protocols for operation in ad hoc mode and centrally coordinated mode. The distributed coordination function (DCF) is used for operation in the ad hoc mode. 2.2.1 Distributed Coordination Function The DCF is based on carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA). The standard defines the common duration for carrier sensing by the Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) function or DCF Inter Frame Space (DIFS) at every node and also the contention window ranges (CWmin, CWmax). The time gap between two packets in the handshake sequence or an atomic operation, defined as Short Inter Frame Space (SIFS), is less than DIFS. This prevents other nodes from capturing the channel when one transmission (in the same area) is already going on. All nodes that can hear each other and agree to join and form an Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS). These nodes remain in synchrony with a special management frame called the ‘Beacon frame’. This frame is periodically generated by one of the nodes in the IBSS. Once a node captures the channel, it can send data packet of at most one MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU) which might be broken into fragments or MAC Protocol Data Units (MPDUs) as specified by the variable Fragmentation Threshold. A four-way handshake is optionally used. A typical sequence (depicted in Figure 1) would be: The node willing to transmit (source node, S1 in Figure 1) performs carrier sensing. ACK 2 FREE MPDU (2) ACK 1 MPDU (1) CTS BUSY Backoff RTS 8 time S1 time S2 time S3 SIFS SIFS SIFS SIFS SIFS DIFS -------NAV------ ----NAV--- Figure 1. DCF mode of operation If it finds the channel free for a DIFS duration, it may transmit. To avoid collision situation, it back’s off in random multiples of a constant time (Slot-time) chosen from the contention window (CW min and CW max). After the backoff countdown, a request to send (RTS) frame is sent by the source node. If the destination node (S2 in Figure 1) is ready to receive then it initiates a clear to send (CTS) frame within a SIFS duration. The source node initiates the sending of the Data frame (MPDU or fragment) within a SIFS duration. If the destination node properly receives the MPDU it responds with an acknowledgement (ACK) packet. In case of failure the source node backs-off again with a random number chosen from a doubled contention window. Absence of ACK is treated as 9 collision in which case, the node has to carrier sense for an extended IFS (EIFS). The duration for which the transmission would go on is continuously updated through the network allocation vector (NAV) field in the handshake frames. The NAV information is used by other nodes (like S3 in Figure 1) in the network to stay away from transmitting. When one transmission is going on the same area, another transmission will lead to collision. This combined with the handshake helps overcome the hidden node problem to a good extent but creates more number of exposed nodes. MSDUs in MAC queue for duration longer than a (configurable) constant 'maxMSDULifetime' are dropped from the queue. In addition to this a retransmit limit can also be fixed. For handling data packets a simple First Come First Serve (FCFS) queue is used by all the nodes. This protocol allows fair-channel access on the long-run, given the traffic generation characteristics and channel condition due to environmental changes are even across all nodes in the network. This doesn't differentiate nodes or traffic in anyway and hence it is suitable for best-effort type of traffic only. 2.2.2 QoS Enhancement The QoS enhanced MAC has the requirement that the protocol data units (PDUs) that reach the MAC layer, from the higher layers, be associated with certain traffic categories (TC), which is typically 8. Each TC is mapped to one of four access categories (ACs) and the available resource is distributed to these ACs based on the preset priorities for the ACs. Prioritizing is achieved by assigning different values for various parameters like the backoff window size and the inter-frame spacing in the basic CSMA/CA based MAC. 10 2.2.3 EDCF Mode of IEEE 802.11e MAC Though ad hoc networks do not support traffic streams with guaranteed service, the available bandwidth can be distributed based on the Traffic Category (TC); each TC having a different priority. The IEEE 802.11e standard provides enhanced mechanism to handle TCs that are mapped to one of the 4 Access Categories (AC). Each AC has different priority of channel access. Multiple instances of the DCF (i.e., one for each AC) exist in every node. Once a node captures the channel, it can transmit for a duration termed as Transmission Opportunity (TXOP). Prioritization amongst ACs is achieved by having different: values for: Clear channel assessment (CCA) duration or arbitration inter frame spacing (AIFS) per AC, contention window ranges or CW min and CWmax per AC and Transmission Opportunity (TXOP) per AC. 2.3 PROPOSED SCHEME In this thesis, we propose a MAC for ad hoc networks that takes into account, the directionality of the antennas at the nodes. We also study the effect of having stationary or immobile nodes placed at strategic locations. We consider a network in which the transmission ranges of the nodes are comparable to the geographical area of the network. Nodes with directional antennas can be used in ad hoc networks to increase concurrent transmissions due to decreased interference. We also consider power back off at the antennas. Power back off is defined as the reduction in the transmission power in any specified direction. We consider the usage of both fixed beam-width antenna arrays as well as variable beamwidth antenna arrays. 11 Mobility in ad hoc networks was shown to have resulted in an enhanced throughput in the absence of delay constraints (Matthias 2001). However, in ad hoc networks with QoS support, it is necessary to satisfy the delay requirements of users. Therefore, it is of interest to selectively immobilize nodes in an ad hoc network and study the delay performance. The locations of the immobile nodes are fixed taking the following into consideration: The transmission ranges of all the immobile nodes are proper subsets of the geographical area of the network. For networks with a given probability distribution of node positions in a given area, the immobile nodes must be placed following the same distribution. As a corollary, when nodes are distributed uniformly in the network area, the immobile nodes must also be placed in a uniformly distributed manner. We show that an improvement of 50% in the delay performance and 5% in the throughput performance can be achieved by combining the above techniques, i.e., selectively immobilizing nodes in an ad hoc network and exploiting the directionality of the antennas at the nodes. We also show that the proposed enhancements to the MAC result in improved network connectivity. 2.4 SYSTEM MODEL We consider a flat circular geographical network area of radius 'R'. Let fd(x,y) be the probability density function (pdf) of the position of the nodes. The objective is to propose a MAC scheme and scheduling mechanism 1. that takes into account the directionality of the antennas at the nodes, and 2. by immobilizing a selected subset of nodes. 12 We make the following assumptions to carry out the required study. There are N nodes in the network Each node can transmit only to nodes which are at a distance lesser than a specified distance limit, d0. The contention mechanism is same as DCF for traffic without QoS requirements, and the EDCF for traffic with QoS requirements. As described by Rahul et al (2000), the nodes are assumed to know their individual positions. The RTS frames contain the MSDU expiry time i.e., the time relative from the recent most Beacon frame, when the corresponding MSDU would be dropped from the MAC queue if it does not receive service. This is calculated considering the current time and the IEEE 802.11 parameter, MSDU lifetime. (Not part of the existing standard). 2.4.1 MAC Enhancements with Directional Nodes We propose the following enhancements in the MAC for a network with directional antennas at the nodes (depicted as state diagram in Figure 2): Before the basic atomic sequence, (RTS/CTS/Data/ACK), every source node with at least one MSDU in its queue contends to send an omni directional RTS (ORTS) at maximum power. The ORTS contains the position of the source node. The destination node responds with a omni directional CTS (OCTS) at maximum power. The OCTS also contains the position of the destination node. If the source does not receive an OCTS after ORTS, o it may send another ORTS to the same node after a time period corresponding to an extended inter frame space (EIFS)1, or 1 As per the standard, after every erroneous transmission, the channel access should be deferred for an EIFS period. 13 o the can send an ORTS corresponding to a different destination node as indicated by another MSDU in its queue. ORTS 1 OCTS 2 ORTS 4 3 Timeout Timeout OCTS DRTS Timeout DACK DCTS 5 DData 6 7 Figure 2. State Diagram of the Protocol On successful reception of the OCTS, the source node uses the information on the position of the destination and computes the direction of the destination node. Similarly, the destination node computes the direction of the source node from the ORTS. Depending on the residual life time of the MSDU (i.e., the difference between the maximum MSDU lifetime (maxMSDULifetime) and the delay already experienced by the MSDU), the source node chooses either to continue sending ORTS to other nodes or initiate transmission of directional DATA (DData) to the destination The scheduler at the directional nodes can decide to switch to directional mode in any particular direction and initiate reception using Directional Request To Receive (DRTR) after which directional atomic sequence (DRTS/DCTS/DData/DACK) can go on. It shall select to orient to the direction from where maximum traffic is coming in terms of sum of requests. As illustrated by the simplified state diagram, when in state 3, the scheduler decides whether to send another ORTS or a DRTS based on the queue status and residual lifetime of the packets for which DCTS has been 14 received. Without moving to a state greater than or equal to state 5, the node can not hold the channel for more than a MSDU transmission time. 2.4.2 QoS Enhanced MAC with Directional Nodes In a network with QoS parameter specifications for the traffic, we consider 8 traffic categories (TCs), which, in turn, are mapped to 4 access categories (ACs). Weights are assigned to the ACs depending on the QoS requirements. The only additional change in the protocol is that, the scheduler selects to orient to the direction in which maximum weighted traffic is expected to be transmitted. The maximum weighted traffic is computed from the weights assigned to the ACs. 2.5 PERFORMANCE STUDY We study the throughput and delay performance of the proposed MAC in ad hoc networks for the following scenarios: Omni-directional nodes with basic CSMA/CA based MAC Directional nodes with enhanced scheduler based MAC Directional nodes with EDCF for QoS traffic handling Directional nodes with enhanced scheduler based MAC for QoS traffic handling The performance of the network with omni directional antennas at the nodes are provided for comparison. We study the goodput defined as ‘the total number of bits of data transmitted successfully by the MAC layer per unit time’. Maximum goodput of a particular topology corresponds to the traffic condition that results in maximum bits transfer in MAC. 15 2.6 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Simulations were carried out with the specified parameters for an ad hoc network with increasing number of nodes within a 1000m* 1000m area. We define ‘goodput’ as the total number of bits of data transmitted successfully by the MAC layer per unit time. Maximum goodput of a particular topology corresponds to the traffic condition that results in maximum bits transfer in MAC. As shown in the graph (Figure 3), we observer that as we increase the network density (number of nodes per unit area; where the unit are is the area of coverage of one omni-directional node), the delay performance improves. Delay corresponding to Maximum goodput (msec) Effect of immobility and directionality on delay 600 All mobile nodes 10% immobile nodes All directional nodes All directional and 10% immobile nodes 500 400 300 200 100 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Network density: Average number of neighboring nodes per node 10 Figure 3. Delay Performance with increasing Network Density The curve corresponding to all mobile nodes indicates the base performance when all nodes are mobile and omni-directional (using basic 16 IEEE 802.11 protocol). Though at less network density the variation in delay is not prominently visible, we observed up to 50% drop in delay when the network has all directional nodes with 10% of them immobilized. This directly gives better support for traffic with delay based QoS requirements. Figure 4. Performance of ad hoc MAC schemes In graph (Figure 4) we see that the maximum goodput is high for less density of the network and is sustained even at higher network densities with the enhanced scheduler with QoS handling capabilities. We also observe that it 16% to 40% better throughput at various network densities. One of the major causes for the increase in the overall throughput of the network is due to the possibility of frequency reuse across the network. Frequency reuse ensures concurrent transmissions at different regions of the network. The graph (Figure 5) shows the maximum number of neighbors per node (averaged in time) that fall in the directional beam of that node’s antenna. This is directly related to more frequency reuse in the network when less neighbors are affected per beam. We observe that power backoff helps 17 keep the number of affected nodes (called as exposed nodes) to the minimum even for high network density. Figure 5. Effect of Power-backoff Thus we conclude that for an ad hoc network with low mobility, use of directional antennas with the enhanced MAC with QoS capabilities, the QoS requirements for typical voice/video traffic can be met. 18 CHAPTER 3 QOS IMPLEMENTATION ON WLAN 3.1 OVERVIEW This chapter deals with the specific problem of handling QoS traffic in case of wireless local area networks (WLANs) where a central coordinator is present. Wireless local area networks (WLANs) are network of computers or other devices that can communicate with other nodes either using a central coordinator or distributed coordinator. The distributed coordination is the same as ad hoc mode detailed in the previous sections. In central coordination, there is a special node termed as access point (AP). 3.2 EXISTING TECHNOLOGY In WLANs the MAC deployed is typically based on the IEEE 802.11 standard (1999). Nodes can operate in a distributed manner using the DCF or in a centralized manner using the point coordination function (PCF). In the PCF mode, the point coordinator that resides in the AP does the central coordination. The enhanced version of PCF namely hybrid coordination function (HCF) in the IEEE 802.11e draft (2002) defines MAC extensions to support QoS traffic on the standard IEEE 802.11 based networks. 19 3.2.1 PCF Mode of IEEE 802.11 MAC In PCF mode, the access point AP is given preferential access to the medium. This is achieved by sensing the carrier to be free for duration of PCF inter-frame space (PIFS), which is shorter than DIFS but longer than SIFS. BUSY Contention Free Repetition interval Contention Contention Contention Free Free time PIFS PIFS AP Super Frame Figure 6. CFP, CP and Super-frame The AP may hold the channel in the contention free mode for a contention free period (CFP) maximum duration after which contention based transmission takes place (as shown in Figure 6). It can gain access again at the end of target beacon transmission time (TBTT) or contention free repetition interval. Thus a contention free period (CFP) and contention period (CP) alternate. In the CFP, the point coordinator (PC) in the AP forwards any multi-cast packet and polls the associated wireless stations for transmission and reception in a round-robin fashion. 20 3.2.2 HCF Mode of IEEE 802.11e MAC The QoS mechanisms in IEEE 802.11e draft (2002) specified for the centralized mode of operation is called as the hybrid co-ordination function (HCF), which provides a mechanism for QoS enhanced STAs (QSTAs) associated with a QoS enhanced AP (QAP). A QSTA obtains transmission opportunities (TXOPs) for any of these mechanisms. Within one TXOP duration, a wireless station (WSTA) may transmit as many MPDUs as might fit in. HCF Controlled Channel Access: This mechanism involves a point coordinator called the hybrid coordinator (HC). It gains channel access with better preference using PIFS sense duration because SIFS < PIFS < DIFS or AIFS of any AC. Traffic streams (TSs) may be created on the wireless link. QSTA may negotiate regarding the traffic specifications (TSPECs) the QAP must try to provide for the TS with the HC. The HC schedules traffic during CFP and CP to meet the requirements of TCs and all accepted TSs. Admission Control: Resource allocation requests for new TS for which proper schedule can not be created due to lack of resources as computed from the link conditions and TXOP budget by the scheduler are rejected. Buffer Management: Random Early Detect (RED) algorithm (Braden et al 1998) can be used for EDCF based traffic. This maintains small queue size and is suitable for low latency applications. Traffic Shaping and Policing: Since the input traffic is highly bursty in nature, it must be shaped and policed before scheduling. Traffic not belonging to any TS may be rate-limited by using a simple leaky bucket. However for TSs the aggregate throughput and delay characteristics of all the admitted TSs should be used as a for traffic shaping. This can be achieved by the twin-token bucket 21 implementation. The decision of token-bucket parameters is based on scheduler explained in next section. 3.3 SYSTEM MODEL In this section, we describe the algorithmic implementation of a system conforming to the IEEE 802.11e draft (2002) which can be ported either as hardware or software along with other layer two services. The scheduler must be able to adapt to the channel variations and provide optimal performance. It must interact properly with the other parts of the system in establishing queues of shaped and policed stream of packets to be scheduled. 3.3.1 MAC Scheduler Enhancements The interaction between different blocks in the system at the QAP is shown in Figure 7. It shows the flow of packets as it enters the QAP. Only the downlink (QAP to WSTAs) situation has been depicted. A similar set of blocks exists for uplink (WSTAs to QAP) Packets entering the down link buffer are first of all classified based on whether or not a TS has been created. The ones for which, TS has been created are sent to the Twintoken bucket based traffic shaper, the others are sent to a Random Early Drop (RED) based queue. The shaped up traffic is fed to the TS buffers while the other is classified based on AC and is fed to the 4 AC buffers. The HCF, common to uplink, downlink and crosslink (WSTA to WSTA direct link in contention free mode) has two schedulers. The TS scheduler generates polled TXOPs for the admitted TSs. Under EDCF, scheduling within every AC is First In First Out (FIFO, except 22 for timeout based packet drops). At any given time instance, only one of the TSs or ACs (of/for any WSTA) that has obtained a TXOP either by contention or by poll, occupies the channel. The function of the individual blocks, related to the TS scheduler is explained, wherever required. The scheduler closely interacts with the admission controller and, traffic policer and shaper to optimize the performance. Traffic Streams (variable number) Rate, size control Input Queue Admission control HCF TS Scheduler EDCF Channel Twin Token Bucket FIFO per AC Drop Rate Cont rol RED Queue EDCF Parameters Access Categories (4) AC=0,1,2,3 Packet Path Control Information Path Figure 7. System - Block Diagram 3.3.2 Design of Scheduler The scheduler must allocate resources such that under controlled operating conditions, all WSTAs with admitted TS are offered TXOPs that satisfy the service schedule. The corresponding admission control is based on the parameters (per traffic stream) as shown in the table (Table 1). The input for the scheduler to generate a service schedule is the TSPEC (mentioning Mean Data Rate, Peak Data Rate, Delay Bound, etc.) of each TS to be admitted. The scheduler must try to generate TXOPs at 23 definite intervals for finite duration computed from the requirements mentioned and generate corresponding polls. The remaining resource can be shared by the WSTAs through EDCF mechanism. Table 1. TSPEC based Admission Control TSPEC parameter Continuous CBR Traffic Bursty traffic Unspecified time QoS or non-QoS traffic traffic Nominal MSDU Specified Specified Unspecified Don’t Care Size Minimum Specified Nominal MSDU Mean Data Don’t care Service size / Mean Rate / Nominal Interval Data rate MSDU size Maximum Specified Delay bound / Delay bound / Don’t Care Service Number of Number of Interval Retries Retries Inactivity MUST BE SPECIFIED interval Minimum Data Must be Same as Mean Unspecified Don’t care Rate specified if Data Rate peak data rate is specified Mean Data Specified Specified Don’t care Don’t care Rate Maximum Unspecified Unspecified Specified Don’t care Burst Size Minimum PHY Must be Equal to mean Don’t care Don’t care Rate specified if Data Rate minimum data rate is specified Delay Bound Specified Specified Don’t care Unspecified Surplus Must be specified if delay and jitter bounds are Don’t care Bandwidth present Allowance Scheduler was designed such that QAP generates schedules and admits Traffic Streams based on effective bandwidth (Effective Mean Data Rate or EMDR) estimation calculated from Packet Error information. For ease of design and analysis, it is assumed that transmission is always at the 24 same data rate (54Mbps) and that only one QBSS is present. Set rate of token filling in Twin Token bucket is varied accordingly (Figure 8). r1 tokens/s r2 tokens/s Overflow Overflow s1 s2 Token Addition Received traffic Dropped packets Token Addition Peak-rate limited Shaped traffic Dropped packets Figure 8. Twin Token Bucket Implementation Any 802.11 implementation offers more than one data rate. The mechanism for rate adaptation based on channel characteristics is not mentioned. Many use schemes based on Received Signal Strength measurement (Javier et al 2002). If the scheduler mentioned in the section above is used, it will only get a rough estimate of EMDR. To accommodate rate adaptation information, obtained from Station Management Entity, (SME), we modify the algorithm mentioned in previous section. 3.3.3 Enhanced Scheduling Algorithm The scheduler must try to generate Service Schedule for each TS such that the requirements mentioned are met. That is, the scheduler must allocate TXOPs at some definite intervals for definite duration and generate corresponding polls in the CFP (. The remaining resource can be shared by the WSTAs through EDCF mechanism. 25 BUSY Contention Free Repetition interval Contention Contention Contention Free Free time PIFS PIFS AP Super Frame Figure 9. Alternating CFP and CP Scheduler can be designed such that QAP generates schedules and admits Traffic Streams based on effective bandwidth (Effective Mean Data Rate or EMDR) estimation based on Packet Error. Step 0: EMDR is initialized to maximum data rate supported by the physical layer and control parameter, to zero. EMDR = 54 Mbps (3.1) 0 = 0 (3.2) Step 1: For every packet transmitted control factor, n (which is the value of updated with transmission of nth packet) is calculated as shown: n = n-1 + x (3.3) where, x n = 1 if successful, -1 if unsuccessful Success or failure is known from the reception of ACK. The protocol assumes no usage of Group ACK. With Group ACK delayed updation will only be possible. (This condition has not be considered for simulation studies also). Step 2: Over a large time scale, EMDR is given by (equation 3.4), 26 1 (3.4) EMDR = 54 * 1+ e-n or as shown in Figure 10. EMDR (Mbps) 54-------- 27--------n -infinity +infinity 0 Figure 10. EMDR (Estimated Mean Data Rate) Curve In implementation since we cannot go for n ranging to infinity, since n should itself adapt based on channel condition, n is upper limited to a constant (+/- 127) and EMDR is made a function of ’ which is a function of deviation factor n, (initialized to 127), updated periodically with every packet transmission. ’n (n) = 127* n/n (3.5) Where, n is given by n = n-1 - 1 if x n = x n-1 127 if x n = x n-1 (3.6) n is reset to 127 and n to 127 every time n reaches zero. Therefore, EMDR is given by, (equation 3.7) 1 (3.7) EMDR = 54 * 1+ e-n’(n) Step 3: Aggregate the mean and peak data rate requirements mentioned through TSPEC for each admitted Traffic Stream. 27 Step 4: Set rate of token filling in second bucket in Twin Token bucket (r2) to estimated EMDR (Table 2). Table 2. Twin Token - Bucket Parameters Token filling rate (Constant) Bucket Size Token extraction rate Major purpose Bucket 1 r1 = Peak Data Rate s1 = 1 token (mimic leaky bucket) Rate limiting Bucket 2 r2 = Mean Data Rate s2 = Maximum Burst Size tokens At most Peak Data Rate Burst size limiting Step 5: Admit Traffic Streams until aggregate mean data rate of existing traffic streams does not exceed EMDR, reject otherwise. Step 6: Update using step 1 to 4 unless an unhandled exception occurs. On exception revert to step 0. While admitting the traffic stream, the slice of time required for the traffic stream is also calculated. This is now generated as TXOP (Figure 11) within the CFP. TXOP gives predefined time to the WSTAs unlike the PCF where the channel holding time of any station once the poll has been accepted is not dictated by the access point (only a common upper limit exists). 28 ACK MPDU (1) Of MSDU (2) ACK MPDU (2) Of MSDU (1) ACK CF-Poll MPDU (1) Of MSDU (1) One MSDU time 11 TXOP time 11e (i) TXOP Time SIFS SIFS SIFS SIFS SIFS SIFS 11e (ii) Figure 11. TXOP generated by Scheduler in HCF compared with basic PCF 3.4 PERFORMANCE STUDY Only the BSS (Basic Service Set) type of simulation topology has been taken into consideration. Since we consider the enhancements provided by IEEE 802.11e, we have a QBSS (QoS enabled BSS). A single QAP connecting to many WSTAs has been taken up. The QAP is connected to the Ethernet interface too. 29 3.4.1 Simulation Simulations were carried out with nodes implementing the standard HCF based coordinator with enhanced scheduling scheme. The system simulated consists of one QoS enabled access point (QAP) with 8 nodes (QoS enhanced wireless stations). No ‘direct-links’ or ‘group/ bulk/ burst –acknowledgement’ have been considered though they are possible as per the standard HCF protocol. The table (Table 1. TSPEC based Admission Control) gives us the details of the parameters taken for AC specific parameters. Simulation of this with parameters for Best-Effort, Video Probe, Video and Voice as the 4 Access Categories was considered. The weights taken were 1:2:3:4. This is the performance without explicit traffic stream creation by the management layer. A QBSS with one QAP and 8 WSTAs was simulated. A 50% of the total traffic was generated from the QAP and the remaining 50% from the WSTAs. For EDCF traffic generation belonging to the 4 different ACs, the parameters, (shown in chart (Figure 12)) were used. For ease of simulations, accumulated bursty traffic of 512Kbps of AC=3 and 512Kbps of AC=1 requiring a combined Mean Data Rate of 1Mbps has been used per TS. To alter the QoS parameters, (CW min[AC], CWmax[AC], TXOP[AC]), EDCF parameters chosen are the same as specified in the standards as default. Physical layer assumed is as mentioned in the IEEE 802.11a standard (2000) Simulations were carried out for two different channel conditions viz., ideal and high bit error rate (BER=10-4) resulting in varying Packet Error Rate (PER). 30 Traffic Type Access Category Non QoS QoS Traffic Traffic Best Effort Video Probe Video Audio AC=0 Exponential AC=1 Pareto with cutoff (1.7, 1864bits, 12000bits) AC=2 Pareto with cutoff (1.1, 652bits, 12000bits) AC=3 CBR 32 & 64 Kbps Figure 12. Parameters for generation of traffic of 4 ACs 31 3.5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In this section we discuss the results as found from the study. Effective Goodput for 4 ACs in EDCF Effective Goodput (Mbps) 12 10 8 6 4 AC=0 Best-effort AC=1 Video-probe AC=2 Video AC=3 Voice 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Input Traffic (Mbps) Figure 13. Variation in effective goodput with traffic The graph (Figure 13) illustrates the effective goodput of the higher AC increasing linearly with incoming traffic at the cost of lower ACs. In this graph (Figure 14), we study the effective goodput of the two protocol schemes namely, HCF contention free access and EDCF deploying the scheduler discussed earlier. We observe that the performance is better when HCF contention free access is used over EDCF by about 5% at maximum goodput. 32 Effective Goodput for HCF-Contention Free Channel Access, EDCF Effective Goodput (Mbps) 30 25 20 15 10 5 HCF-Contention Free Channel Access EDCF 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Input Traffic (Mbps) Figure 14. Behavior of EDCF and HCF The graph (Figure 15) illustrates the number of 1Mbps streams or roughly the throughput in terms of Mbps achievable when a channel with high bit error rate (10-4) is used. The graph includes the case when packet error rate (PER) is estimated and also when rate adaptation information is used. We observe that the adaptive scheme is able to provide service schedule of TXOPs for Traffic Streams and is able to support equivalent number of Traffic Streams (TSs) even in bad channel condition. From graph (Fig 8) it can be seen that throughput performance improves when rate adaptation information is used for EMDR estimation by the scheduler in HCF. The performance improvement is significant particularly when BER of the channel is high. This can be attributed to the fact that the algorithm comes into effect when estimation of packet error rate is done along with rate adaptation. In both the cases, trials to admit more TSs than indicated in the graphs resulted in rejection by the Admission Control procedure. 33 Figure 15 shows the average throughput performance of the adaptive scheduler in generating service schedules for both Traffic Streams in Contention Free Period (CFP) and the four Access Categories in Contention Period (CP) We observe that the overall throughput is a bit better for contention free traffic (TSs) due to less contention overheads. Figure 15. Traffic Streams supported for different peak data rate deviation on a non-ideal channel We observe from (Figure 16) that presence of EDCF does not degrade the performance of the scheduler for Traffic Streams as the HCF allocates only the bandwidth remaining after TS allocation for EDCF. Such a centralized scheduling scheme performs well when bandwidth is shared for EDCF operation due to the higher access priority of HC in QAP (using PIFS). Thus it can support applications with QoS guarantee requirements on the wireless link. Optimization of scheduler for polling in CFP when reserved Traffic Streams are not established has not been considered. 34 Figure 16. Traffic Streams supported and EDCF Throughput for a network when scheduler in HCF handles TXOPs of both contention free and contention based traffic. Simulation was conducted to compare the enhanced scheduling scheme results with the round robin based scheduling scheme. The same topology and input traffic pattern (discussed in Simulation section) was used for both the schemes. This graph (Figure 17) compares the goodput versus delay for various schemes namely, EDCF HCF with basic scheduling based on Round Robin (RR) HCF with enhanced scheduling scheme designed above (ES) We observe that the delay performance for EDCF starts with a high delay of 43ms for a system goodput of 5Mbps and increases non-linearly with time to 132ms for 25Mbps. Though HCF with simple round-robin scheduling performs similarly for low goodput, it performs relatively better for high 35 goodput. But in any case, HCF with the enhanced scheduling scheme gives much lower throughput. Figure 17. Goodput v/s delay for various schemes. Compared to the round-robin scheme, enhanced scheduling scheme provides 66% lower delay for low data-rates (goodput = 5Mbps) and a 75% for high data-rates (goodput = 25Mbps). The parameters shown in Table 1 describe distributional properties of the amount of information generated per burst. Burstiness defined as peak to mean bandwidth ratio is an important parameter of the multimedia traffic. The co-efficient of variation (ρ) defined as, ρ= σ (3.8) μ Where, σ is the standard deviation of the traffic from its mean μ. 36 Typical value of ρ for a VBR video frame (packet at application layer) size is 0.23 and that of the VBR video burst size is 0.31. For CBR, the standard deviation in the frame size is zero but the variation is contributed due to the varying burst size. The following simulation was carried out with a constant co-efficient of variation for the burst (set at 0.31, which is the typical value for video applications) but with a varying frame co-efficient. Figure 18. Co-efficient of variation versus delay plot. We observe from the graph (Figure 18. Co-efficient of variation versus delay plot.) that the delay for even minor increase in the variation of the frame size results in drastically high delay for a weighted round-robin (RR in the plot) based scheme. At typical value of ρ = 0.23 for frame in a video VBR, the delay offered by the RR based scheme is above a 100ms but for the enhanced scheduling algorithm (ES in the plot), the delay is below 25ms. 37 This directly gives support for QoS traffic in terms of handling bursty traffic from VBR sources. 38 CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE 4.1 CONCLUSION SUMMARY From the study, we conclude that usage of directional antennas with appropriate MAC protocol can help enhance performance of ad hoc networks and can help offer better QoS guarantees. Though at less network density the variation in delay is not prominently visible, we observed up to 50% drop in delay when the network has all directional nodes with 10% of them immobilized. This directly gives better support for traffic with delay based QoS requirements. We also conclude that when a scheduler with rate estimation coupled with incoming traffic stream shaping and admission control (adaptive scheduler) are used, performance can be improved in the centralized wireless networks. This when combined with IEEE 802.11e protocol is deployed can help handle both traffic with differentiated QoS requirements (multiple Access Categories) and integrated requirements (reserved Traffic Streams). We can admit traffic streams summing up to 25Mbps when the physical layer raw data-rate is 54Mbps. Compared to the round-robin scheme, enhanced scheduling scheme provides 66% lower delay for low data-rates (goodput = 5Mbps) and a 75% for high data-rates (goodput = 25Mbps). Also we have been able to show the better performance of the 39 enhanced scheduler in handling brusty traffic with high co-efficient of variation in the frame size (typical to video VBR traffic). 4.1.1 Applications Applications of the ad hoc case include hotspots, campus, office and outdoor networks with user categorization or different access priorities. The complete centrally coordinated QoS enhanced system is best suited for any indoor application where an Access point can be set up. Especially for offices with VLAN etc. This is the best suited for networks carrying multimedia dependent applications like audio/video streaming, audio/video conferencing, gaming, sensor monitoring, remote equipment controlling etc. 4.1.2 Future Scope This work can be extended to integrate with other systems based on different standards including Hiperlan/2, GSM/GPRS and UMTS. The current scheme is not designed with high mobility applications or several hop ad hoc networks in the design phase. The scheduler design can be extended considering the distance variation and high mobility possibility. 40 APPENDIX 1 ASSIGNMENT OF TYPE OF SERVICE In this section we take up case studies of particular networks with bandwidth (QoS) requirements and see how the QoS categorization would function with EDCF based QoS. Case 1 Assume the total available bandwidth (in long run) on an average to be 10Mbps. Let there be 5 users, each with 100KBps (or 100*8=800Kbps) bandwidth requirement. Let there be 15 users, each with 25KBps (or 25*8=200Kbps) bandwidth requirement. Let there be 25 users, each with 10KBps (or 10*8=80Kbps) bandwidth requirement. Let there be 25 users, each with 5KBps (or 5*8=40Kbps) bandwidth requirement. The following table shows the bandwidth requirement per user and the total requirement in the system. 41 Table 3. AC association - Simple case (Case 1) User Type (αβγδ) Number of users Alpha (α) Beta (β) Gamma (γ) Delta (δ) 5 15 25 Bandwidth per user (in KBps) 100 25 10 Bandwidth per user (in Kbps) 800 200 80 Total bandwidth for this user type (in Kbps) 4000 3000 2000 Total bandwidth for this user type (in Mbps) 4 3 2 25 5 40 1000 1 Total bandwidth requirement` in the system (in Mbps) 10 The total requirement of the user type decides the access category the user belongs to. For instance, in the mentioned case, with users of type α, β, γ and δ, α maps to AC3, β to AC2, γ to AC1, δ to AC0 respectively the bandwidth requirement ratio is AC0:AC1: AC2:AC3 = a:b:c:d = 1:2:3:4 The corresponding EDCF parameters are calculated for this ratio. Case 2 To illustrate the fact that the higher AC is allotted for the user type that has higher total bandwidth requirement than the individual requirement the following case is studied. Similar to the previous case, the following table shows the bandwidth requirement per user and the total requirement in the system. Here the overall requirement per user type is not in any particular order. It is like in a typical real life scenario. 42 Table 4. AC Assignment – Complex Case (Case 2) User Type (αβγδ) Number of users Alpha (α) Beta (β) Gamma (γ) Delta (δ) 1 20 40 Bandwidth per user (in KBps) 100 25 10 Bandwidth per user (in Kbps) 800 200 80 Total bandwidth for this user type (in Kbps) 800 4000 3200 Total bandwidth for this user type (in Mbps) 0.8 4 3.2 50 5 40 2000 2 Total bandwidth requirement in the system (in Mbps) 10 The total requirement of the user type decides the access category the user belongs to. For instance, in the mentioned case, with users of type α, β, γ and δ, α maps to AC0, β to AC3, γ to AC2, δ to AC1 respectively the bandwidth requirement ratio is AC0:AC1: AC2:AC3 = a:b:c:d = 0.8:2:3.2:4 Though the α type users who are seemingly higher priority users have been given less part of the channel, the total number of users being low in that category justifies the loss. Thus every individual α user’s bandwidth requirement is met. So is the case with the other users. 43 REFERENCES 1. Braden B., Clark D. et al (1998), 'Recommendations on Queue Management and Congestion Avoidance in the Internet', IETF RFC 2306. 2. IEEE Standards Committee (1998), 'IEEE 802.1Q, Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks', IEEE Standard. 3. IEEE Standards Committee (1999), 'IEEE 802.11, Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specification on 2.4GHz band', IEEE Standard. 4. 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