Standards-Based Unit Planning Template Part 1: Unit Planning Template Teacher(s) ______Emily Yates____________________________________ Subject(s)/Course(s):____Science________ Grade/Level: ____1st Grade______ Unit Topic/Focus: ______Weather and Season____________________________ Integration with other content areas (if applicable)_______________________ Estimated time for implementation:__2 weeks_________________________ Connections to previous/future learning: Student will continue learning about the moon and it appears on a daily basis much like the Sun. The observable shap of the moon can be described as it changes from day to day in a cycle that lasts about a month. SC-EP-2.3.5 Standards (see Combined Curriculum Documents and others): Academic Expectations Program of Studies AE-2.1 Students understand scientific ways of thinking and working and use those methods to solve real-life problems. AE-2.2 Students identify, analyze, and use patterns such as cycles and trends to understand past and present events and predict possible future events. AE-2.3 Students identify and analyze systems and the ways their components work together or affect each other. Students will Observe weather conditions and record weather data over time using appropriate tools (e.g., thermometer, wind vane, rain gauge, etc.) use weather data to describe weather conditions and make simple predictions based on patterns observed (e.g., daily, weekly, seasonal patterns) observe the locations and real or apparent movements of the sun and the moon investigate evidence of interaction between the sun and the Earth (e.g., shadows, position of sun relative to horizon) to support inferences about movements in the Earth/Sun system Technology Program of Studies Core Content for Assessment Core Content 4.1 The Earth and the Universe: Earth/Space Science SC-EP-2.3.2 Students will describe patterns in weather and weather data in order to make simple predictions based on those patterns discovered. Weather changed from day to day and over seasons. Weather can be described using observations and measurable quantities such as temperature, wind direction, wind speed and precipitation. Simple predictions can be made by analyzing collected data for patterns. Standards-Based Unit Planning Template T-P-ICP-U-1 Students will understand that technology is used in all content areas to support directed and independent learning. T-P-ICP-S-C1 Students will use technology to communicate in a variety of modes. T-P-SESI-U-2 Students will understand that technology enhances collaboration to contribute to a learning community. T-P-ICP-S-l2 Students will use and care for technology. T-P-RIPSI-R1 Students will use teacherdirected Internet sources as a resource for information; use electronic resources to access and retrieve information. T-P-RIPSI-S-lP1 Students will gather technology information/data and use for problem solving in all content areas. T-P-SESI-U-5 Students will understand that assistive technology supports learning to ensure equitable access to a productive life. DOK 2 SC-EP-2.3.3 Students will describe the properties, locations and real or apparent movements of objects in the sky (sun, moon). Objects in the sky have properties, locations and real or apparent movements that can be observed and described. Observational data, patterns and models should be used to describe real or apparent movements. DOK 2 SC-EP-2.3.4 Students will describe the movement of the sun in the sky using evidence of interactions of the sun with the earth (e.g. shadows, position of sun relative to horizon) to identify patterns of movement. Changes in movement of objects in the sky have patterns that can be Kentucky Teacher/ISTE observed and Standards described. The Sun appears to move 6.0 Teacher uses technology to across the sky in the support instruction; access and same way every day, manipulate data; enhance but the Sun’s professional growth and apparent path productivity; communicate and changes slowly over collaborate with colleagues, seasons. Standards-Based Unit Planning Template parents and the community; and conduct research. 6.1 Uses available technology to design and plan instruction. 6.2 Uses available technology to implement instruction that facilitates student learning. 6.3 Integrates student use of available technology into instruction. 6.4 Uses available technology to assess and communicate student learning. ISTE Standards 1.0 Use knowledge of teaching, learning and technology to facilitate learning experiences. 1.2 Teachers engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problem using digital tools and resources. 2.0 Teachers plan and design authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning. 2.3 Teachers customize and personalize student learning activities to address a variety of learning styles, working strategies, and abilities through the use of digital tools and resources. 3.3 Teachers communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats. Recognizing shadows, provides information that can be used to make predictions and draw conclusion about those movements. DOK 2 Energy Transformations: Unifying Concepts SC-EP-4.6.2 Students will describe evidence of the sun providing light and heat to the Earth. Simple observations and investigations begin to reveal that the Sun provides the light and heat necessary to maintain the temperature of Earth. Based on those experiences, the conclusion can be drawn that the Sun’s light and heat are necessary to sustain life on Earth. DOK 2 Standards-Based Unit Planning Template Other Standards (e.g., national, district, English language proficiency, Kentucky World Languages Framework, technology, Kentucky Occupation al Skill Standards, etc.): Unit Organizer: A statement or question that: Focuses on realistic issues or problems Communicates the content standards in a way that engages students Connects learning to prior knowledge, experiences, skills, beliefs, and customs Winter, summer, spring or fall, the weather depends upon them all! Part 1: Unit Planning Template Essential Questions (3-5 questions that guide lesson planning/focus): Each question reflects Selected content standards Connection of learning with living Thinking, Problem-Solving, Application of Learning Engaging, Student-Centered Instruction 1. What are the four seasons? 2. What are some kinds of weather? 3. What are some weather tools? 4. How does weather change with the seasons? 5. What are some patterns of the objects in the sky? Connections to Literacy: Literacy includes, reading, writing, and the creative and analytical acts involved in producing and comprehending text. Who Cares About the Weather by Melvin Berger Standards-Based Unit Planning Template What Will the Weather Be Like Today? by Paul Rogers What Makes Weather? by Janet Palazzo The Four Seasons by Melvin Berger Silly Seasons by Claire Griffin Round and Round the Seasons Go by Rozanne Lanczak Williams Students will choose one of the above books to read with a partner. They will write a sentence telling one thing they learned from the book and illustrate their picture. The Season’s of Arnold’s Apple Tree by Gail Gibbons Students will listen to the story, The Season’s of Arnold’s Apple Tree by Gail Gibbons. They will be given an art activity to complete based upon the story. Connections to Career/Workplace: These are the skills necessary for a successful transition to postsecondary education or work and a desire for life-long learning in a global society. Standards-Based Unit Planning Template Part 1: Unit Planning Template Culminating Activity/Assessment: A product or performance that Allows learner to demonstrate their knowledge of targeted content standards through a variety of formats (Universal Design). Offers choice to meet learners differentiated needs. Directs the development of instructional strategies and activities. Includes scoring guide/rubric to inform learners of expectations. SmartNotebook on Seasons Harcourt Science Unit Assessment on Weather and Seasons Open Responses: My Favorite Season Trees Through the Seasons Types of Weather Selecting the Right Outfit to Wear Weather Resources/Technology: Resources to be used that support teaching and learning within the unit of study. Resources should include multiple means to access curriculum (i.e., audio, visual, multimedia, technology). Internet Resources: (dressing for the weather) (dress weather bear) (Elmo’s World Weather Game) (help Bella Bear decide what to wear) (The Four Seasons) Standards-Based Unit Planning Template (Seasons) Fall Winter Spring Summer KWTV:The 7-Day Forecast National Weather Service Interactive Weather Information Network EarthWatch Weather on Demand EarthWatch Weather on Demand-Skywatch Encylomedia The Four Seasons Weather: A First Look Magical Mother Nature: The Four Seasons Tuffy Makes Tough Decisions: Tuffy’s Tough Decisions Seasons Weather: Changes and Measurement Investigating Weather Junior Oceanographer: Oceans, Weather, and Climate Clouds, Weather, and Life Brave Irene Stage One Science: Changing Seasons Through the Seasons with Birds: Fall Through the Seasons with Birds: Summer Standards-Based Unit Planning Template Through the Seasons with Birds: Winter When the Wind Stops Spring In the Small, Small Pond The Caterpillar and the Polliwog I SPY the Clouds Roll By Mathica’s Mathshop: Winter Wonders Science Facts and Fun: What’s in a Rainbow? The Magic School Bus Kicks Up a Storm The Magic School Bus Makes a Rainbow Learner Activities: Powerpoint: “The Four Seasons” by Becky Dunning “4 Seasons” Graves County website “Weather Tools” Graves County website “Know Weather” Graves County website Document Camera-looking at leaves Intellitools Smartboard Read, Write, Gold Songs: Newbridge Songs for Learning CD: Seasonal Songs with Teacher Guide Game: Weather & Seasons center game Tools: Weather Watch- Rain gauge, wind speed, thermometer, wind direction device Harcourt Science: Big Book of Science Songs & Rhymes Activity Book Picture Cards Teaching Transparency My Book About Seasons student pages My Book About Weather student pages Translating text resource: SmartNotebook Activitiy (Seasons created by Emily Yates) Part II: Click here for lesson plan template Standards-Based Unit Planning Template Part II: Lesson Plan Template Lesson Topic/Focus _Seasons________________________________________ Estimated duration of lesson:___45 minutes___________ Targeted Standards: Academic Program of Studies Expectations Students will AE-2.1 Students understand Understand some scientific ways of events in nature thinking and have a repeating working and use pattern. Weather those methods to changes from day to day, but things such solve real-life as temperature or problems. precipitation tend to be similar in the same months every AE-2.2 Students year. identify, analyze, and use patterns begin to develop an such as cycles and awareness of the trends to purposes for which artworks are created understand past (e.g. ceremonial, and present events and predict artistic, expression, narrative, functional) possible future events. create new and AE-2.3 Students identify and analyze systems and the ways their components work together or affect each other. experience artworks designed to fulfill a variety of specific purposes Core Content for Assessment Core Content 4.1 SC-EP-2.3.2 Students will describe patterns in weather and weather data in order to make simple predictions based on those patterns discovered. Weather changes from day to day and over seasons. AH-EP-3.4.1 Students will experience visual art works created for a variety of purposes. Other: Technology Program of Studies T-P-ICP-S-C1 Students will use technology to communicate in a variety of modes. T-P-SESI-U-2 Students will understand that technology enhances collaboration to contribute to a learning community. Kentucky Teacher/ISTE Standards 6.0 Teacher uses technology to support instruction; access and manipulate data; enhance professional growth and productivity; communicate and collaborate with colleagues, parents and the community; and conduct research. 6.3 Integrates student use of available technology into instruction. 6.4 Uses available technology to assess and communicate student learning. Standards-Based Unit Planning Template ISTE 3.0 Use knowledge of teaching, learning and technology to facilitate learning experiences. 4.0 Teachers plan and design authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning. 2.3 Teachers customize and personalize student learning activities to address a variety of learning styles, working strategies, and abilities through the use of digital tools and resources. Targeted Essential Question(s): What are the four seasons? Comments: Lesson Summary: Brief overview of the lesson Read the book "The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree" aloud to the class. Student will be asked several Guided Reading questions during the reading. Then, they will be shown various types of apples. Apples that possibly came from the same tree, ones like in their yards, and other fruits that grow on trees will be listed. Students will then create an art project entitled “The Seasons of _______ Apple Tree.” They will create a picture of four apple trees and label each section with a different season. Part II: Lesson Plan Template Standards-Based Unit Planning Template Instructional Activities/Assessment: Plan strategies and activities that are equitable and reflect best practices (e.g. student inquiry, Universal Design, conferencing, research-based activities, problem-based learning, higher order thinking, multiculturalism, positive behavior supports, Sheltered Instruction) Strategies (check all that apply) Summarizing and note taking x Reinforcing effort and providing recognition Cooperative learning Generating and testing hypotheses X Questions, cues and advanced organizers x Identifying similarities and differences Homework and practice Setting objectives and providing feedback Non-linguistic representations x Other Read-aloud Marzano Procedure Read the book "The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree" aloud to the class. 1. Stop periodically to ask questions such as: What part of the spring tree becomes the apples in summer? What happens to the apple tree in the fall? What does the tree look like in winter? 2. Show the students various types of apples. Ask where did these apples come from? Did they all come from the same tree? Why not? Do any of you have apple trees in your yard? What kind of apples grow on them? What other fruits grow on trees? Activity: 1. Have the children go back to their desks and show them the art project "The Seasons of _________ Apple Tree." 2. Explain that they are going to show the different way an apple tree looks in different seasons. 3. Tell them they will need a black crayon and a glue stick. Give them each a sheet of light blue 18 X 24 paper and demonstrate how to fold into 4 equal parts vertically. 4. Show them the board where the title is written and allow them time to copy the title onto their papers and then label each section with a different season. 5. They will then glue the bare tree cut-out onto the winter section and the tree trunks onto the other three sections. 6. As the children finish this step, call them to the center where they will use an apple cut in half and green paint to print the tops of the trees. They then go to the second center to use eraser ends of pencils to put white snow on the winter tree and white blossoms on the spring tree. They use red for the apples of the summer tree and orange for the leaves of the fall tree. 7. Students will be bring finished work up to the front of the room and share their work under Standards-Based Unit Planning Template the document camera. They will be asked to explain what season their tree represents. As a summative assessment, student will then watch the review video clip from McMillan-McGraw Hill and complete the Test Prep multiple choice question quiz together as a class. Evaluation/Assessment (Formative, Summative, CATS-like) Pre-Assessment Open Response Anecdotal Records On-Demand Checklist Writing Portfolio Tasks X Multiple Choice X Quiz/Test Open-Ended Self-Assessment/Reflection x Questioning Techniques Other Click here for Kentucky General Scoring Guide, Holistic Scoring Guide, and Rubric Template. Another useful resource is English Language Proficiency Standards for Kentucky Schools Instructional Companion Notes: Part II: Lesson Plan Template Resources/Technology: Think about practical issues and materials needs for lesson implementation. Book - "The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree" apples 18'X24" light blue construction paper for each student pencils with eraser green, orange, red, and white tempera paint Internet access to Projector screen Document Camera Additional Notes/Attachments I used one of the best practice strategies in this lesson. KET Encyclomedia!! Standards-Based Unit Planning Template Part II: Lesson Plan Template Lesson Topic/Focus:_______Shadows_________________________________ Estimated duration of lesson:_____45 minutes (continued lesson)_______ Targeted Standards: Program of Studies Academic Expectations AE-2.1 Students understand scientific ways of thinking and working and use those methods to solve real-life problems. AE-2.2 Students identify, analyze, and use patterns such as cycles and trends to understand past and present events and predict possible future events. AE-2.3 Students identify and analyze systems and the ways their components work together or affect each other. Core Content for Assessment Students will Core Content 4.1 Observe the locations and real or apparent movements of the sun SC-EP-2.3.3 Students will describe the properties, locations and real or apparent movements of objects in the sky (sun, moon) Investigate evidence of interaction between the sun and the Earth (e.g. shadows, position of the sun relative to horizon) SC-EP-2.3.4 Students will describe the movement of the sun in the sky using evidence of interactions of the sun with the Earth (e.g. shadows, position of sun relative to horizon) to identify patterns of movement. Other: Technology Program of Studies T-P-ICP-U-1 Students will understand that technology is used in all content areas to support directed and independent learning. T-P-SESI-U-5 Students will understand that assistive technology supports learning to ensure equitable access to a productive life. Kentucky Teacher/ISTE Teacher Standards 6.0 Teacher uses technology to support instruction; access and manipulate data; enhance professional growth and productivity; communicate and collaborate with colleagues, parents and the community; and conduct research. 6.1 Uses available technology to design and plan instruction. Standards-Based Unit Planning Template 6.2 Uses available technology to implement instruction that facilitates student learning. ISTE Standards 1.0 Teachers use their knowledge of teaching, learning, and technology to facilitate learning experiences. 3.3 Teachers communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats. Targeted Essential Question(s): What are some patterns of the objects in the sky? Lesson Summary: Brief overview of the lesson Students will be drawing shadows at different times during the day and noting where the sun was in the sky. They will record whether or not the shadow is getting longer or shorter as the day goes on. Part II: Lesson Plan Template Instructional Activities/Assessment: Plan strategies and activities that are equitable and reflect best practices (e.g. student inquiry, Universal Design, conferencing, research-based activities, problem-based learning, higher order thinking, multiculturalism, positive behavior supports, Sheltered Instruction) Standards-Based Unit Planning Template Strategies (check all that apply) Summarizing and note taking x x x Cooperative learning Questions, cues and advanced organizers Homework and practice x X Non-linguistic representations Reinforcing effort and providing recognition Generating and testing hypotheses Identifying similarities and differences Setting objectives and providing feedback Other Marzano Procedure Students have been drawing shadow throughout the day prior to the lesson. Have students get a partner, sidewalk chalk and go outside on the sidewalk. Students will trace each others’ shadow on the concrete and record the time on their Shadow Observation Time Sheet. After returning inside, discuss what they have drawn and pose questions such as “Where is the Sun right now? Is it high in the sky? Will it be in the same place tonight? How does the sky help us know what time it is? Is your shadow similar/different than your partner’s shadow?” The students will view a video from KET Encyclomedia where they learn that the sun does not move, but the Earth rotates. Shadows are longer/shorter at different times of the day because the Sun is in different places in the daytime sky. Ask children where the sun is in the sky when shadows are the longest. Why is that? Allow students to work with their partners to come up with an answer to this question. They will work together to design a poster explaining why shadows are longer when the sun is either high in the sky or low in the sky. Allow them to share their answers and explain that the correct answer will be revealed the following day. For homework, students will record two more times on their Shadow Observation Time Sheet. 5:00pm and 7:00pm. They will also note if their shadow was longer or shorter than the time before at school. Evaluation/Assessment (Formative, Summative, CATS-like) Pre-Assessment Open Response Anecdotal Records On-Demand Checklist Writing Portfolio Tasks Multiple Choice Quiz/Test Open-Ended Self-Assessment/Reflection Questioning Techniques x Other Click here for Kentucky General Scoring Guide, Holistic Scoring Guide, and Rubric Template. Another useful resource is English Language Proficiency Standards for Kentucky Schools Instructional Companion Notes: Part II: Lesson Plan Template Standards-Based Unit Planning Template Resources/Technology: Think about practical issues and materials needs for lesson implementation. Sidewalk Chalk Shadow Observation Time Sheet Posterboard KET Encyclomedia Video (The Sun and the Earth) Additional Notes/Attachments I used one of the best practice strategies in this lesson. KET Encyclomedia!! Standards-Based Unit Planning Template Part II: Lesson Plan Template Lesson Topic/Focus:__Kinds of Weather_______________________________ Estimated duration of lesson: 45 minutes___________ Targeted Standards: Academic Program of Studies Expectations Students will AE-2.1 Students Understand some understand events in nature scientific ways of have a repeating thinking and pattern. Weather working and use changes from day to those methods to day, but things such solve real-life as temperature or precipitation tend to problems. be similar in the same months every year. AE-2.2 Students identify, analyze, Observe weather and use patterns conditions and such as cycles record weather data and trends to over time using understand past appropriate tools (e.g. thermometer, and present events and predict wind vane, rain gauge, etc.) possible future events. Use weather data to describe weather conditions and make AE-2.3 Students simple predications identify and based on patterns analyze systems observed (e.g. daily, and the ways their weekly, seasonal patterns) components work together or affect each other. Core Content for Assessment Core Content 4.1 SC-EP-2.3.2 Students will describe patterns in weather and weather data in order to make simple predictions based on those patterns discovered. Other: Technology Program of Studies T-P-ICP-U-1 Students will understand that technology is used in all content areas to support directed and independent learning. T-P-SESI-U-2 Students will understand that technology enhances collaboration to contribute to a learning community. T-P-ICP-S-l2 Students will use and care for technology. T-P-RIPSI-R1 Students will use teacher-directed Internet sources as a resource for information; use electronic resources to access and retrieve information. T-P-RIPSI-S-lP1 Students will gather technology information/data and use for problem solving in all content areas. Standards-Based Unit Planning Template Kentucky Teacher/ISTE Standards 6.0 Teacher uses technology to support instruction; access and manipulate data; enhance professional growth and productivity; communicate and collaborate with colleagues, parents and the community; and conduct research. 6.1 Uses available technology to design and plan instruction. 6.2 Uses available technology to implement instruction that facilitates student learning. 6.3 Integrates student use of available technology into instruction. ISTE Standards 1.2 Teachers engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problem using digital tools and resources. 2.0 Teachers plan and design authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes. Standards-Based Unit Planning Template Targeted Essential Question(s): What are some kinds of weather? What are some weather tools? Lesson Summary: Brief overview of the lesson Students will be collecting data in their journals about today’s weather. They have been studying weather all year long and will be using tools to gather weather data for today. Students will also make a prediction if we will be able to go outside for recess today based on the information they research on the internet, using a few teacher-selected sites. Standards-Based Unit Planning Template Part II: Lesson Plan Template Instructional Activities/Assessment: Plan strategies and activities that are equitable and reflect best practices (e.g. student inquiry, Universal Design, conferencing, research-based activities, problem-based learning, higher order thinking, multiculturalism, positive behavior supports, Sheltered Instruction) Strategies (check all that apply) x Summarizing and note taking x Reinforcing effort and providing recognition x Cooperative learning Generating and testing hypotheses x Questions, cues and advanced organizers Identifying similarities and differences Homework and practice Setting objectives and providing feedback Non-linguistic representations Other Marzano Procedure Students will record the weather data in their weather journals as they have been since the beginning of the year. They will record the rain gauge, temperature from the inside thermometer, sky conditions and record if any precipitation is happening at the time. One student will walk to the front of the school to check the wind speed based on the flag. Students will be given a partner to research on the computers if we will be able to go outside for recess. They will open up the internet browser and click My Favorites and choose one the following websites: KWTV:The 7-Day Forecast National Weather Service Interactive Weather Information Network EarthWatch Weather on Demand EarthWatch Weather on Demand-Skywatch Students will write a report telling if we are able to go outside for recess. (remembering the rule about 45 degrees) Will we need hats or coats? Will we need light jackets? No jackets? One group will be chosen to record their report on the daily weather pictograph and all other groups will share their weather reports to their classmates. Evaluation/Assessment (Formative, Summative, CATS-like) Standards-Based Unit Planning Template x Pre-Assessment Anecdotal Records Checklist Multiple Choice Open-Ended Questioning Techniques x Open Response On-Demand Writing Portfolio Tasks Quiz/Test Self-Assessment/Reflection Other Reports Click here for Kentucky General Scoring Guide, Holistic Scoring Guide, and Rubric Template. Another useful resource is English Language Proficiency Standards for Kentucky Schools Instructional Companion Notes: Part II: Lesson Plan Template Resources/Technology: Think about practical issues and materials needs for lesson implementation. Weather tools (rain gauge and thermometer) Journals Classroom computers with access to Internet Websites saved as My Favorites Weather graph Additional Notes/Attachments