Mitchell Beach Botanical Garden National Estuary Program Community-based Restoration Partnership Proposal I. Applicant Information 1. Organization - Mitchell College 2. Address of Organization - 437 Pequot Ave New London, CT 06320 3. Organization Web Page Address - II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Project Contact Project Manager and Title - Dr. Kristen M. Lester, Assistant Professor Address of Contact (if different from above) - As above Phone number - (860) 701-5012 Fax number - (860) 701-5090 Email address - Contact web page address - n/a Congressional District - Connecticut 2nd Congressional District III. Project Information 1. Project name - Mitchell Beach Botanical Garden 2. Project start date - March 1st, 2009 3. Project end date - December 31st, 2009 4. Project location - New London, New London County, CT 5. Land Ownership (public/private) - Private 6. Type(s) of habitat - Coastal Habitat 7. NOAA Trust Resource(s) to benefit from restoration - Coastal Beach Habitat 8. Partners involved o Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection o Natural Resources Conservation Service o Connecticut Sea Grant o United States Coast Guard Academy o Science & Technology Magnet School of Southeastern Connecticut o Dension Pequotsepos Nature Center 9. IV. Federal, state or local permits required - None required Project Abstract 1. Project objectives: The Mitchell Beach Botanical Garden is part of the overall Mitchell Beach Restoration Project. The objectives of the botanical garden are to: 1) educate visitors about native coastal plants and their importance to coastal ecosystems, allowing visitors to gain a sense of the final outcome of the Mitchell Beach Restoration Project even as the project is underway and 2) serve as a continuing educational tool upon completion of the overall restoration project by educating visitors about the herbaceous plants present elsewhere on the dune that are inaccessible due to dune fencing and signs discouraging cross dune foot traffic. 2. Description of project: The Mitchell Beach Botanical Garden will be an important part of the Mitchell Beach Restoration Project, a project that seeks to restore native habitat along the Thames River in New London, CT. The Mitchell Beach Botanical Garden will educate visitors about native coastal plants in Connecticut. The section to be planted is approximately 80 feet square, and traverses the dune (Figure 1). The garden will therefore be highly visible from the parking lot, the beach, and from the main access path to the beach. Currently, the area is a dense thicket of Japanese Knotweed, a common invasive plant in Connecticut. Our goal is the remove the invasive plants from that area and reestablish native plants that were present in the early part of the century. 3. 4. 5. 6. Herbaceous specimens we intend to showcase include: American Beachgrass (Ammophila breviligulata) , Beach pea (Lathyrus maritimus), Sandwort (Honckenya peploides), Dusty Miller (Artemisia stelleriana), Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), Beach plum (Prunus maritime), Bayberry (Morella pensylvanica), Virginia rose (Rosa virginiana), Blazing star (Liatris scariosa) and Seaside Goldenrod (Solidago sempervirens). Two of these species (Blazing Star and Sandwort) are species of special concern in Connecticut. The plan includes an ADA compliant wooden walkway, visual/braille plant identification signs, and a larger sign at the entrance that will show the location of plants within the garden (Figure 3). Take-along flyers describing the area will also be available at the map center. Larger regional local effort: The Mitchell Beach Restoration Project (MBRP) is an important habitat restoration project on the Thames River in New London. The 600 foot long, 1.5 acre parcel is the last remaining beach of significant size on that water body. The MBRP aims to 1) restore Mitchell Beach through erosion control, invasive plant removal, and native plant replanting, and 2) educate the public about native Long Island Sound habitats. The Mitchell Beach Botanical Garden is an important component of the overall project being undertaken at Mitchell Beach. On-the-ground activities: These activities include: o Removal of invasive Japanese Knotweed using hand tools o Tilling of soil to remove Japanese knotweed rhizomes and root systems o Grading of site o Planting of native plants o Laying out of wooden walkway o Installation of benches o Installation of signs. Describe project partners and their contribution: o Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources Conservation Service and Connecticut Sea Grant have already provided us with significant expertise. We will continue to rely on their experience for guidance throughout the duration of this project. o United States Coast Guard Academy will provide significant manpower as part of their Officer Candidate Community Service component. o Science and Technology Magnet School of Southeastern Connecticut – manpower through volunteer service. Community involvement: A lesson plan on native plants in Connecticut will be developed as part of this effort, and will be distributed to local school districts. We anticipate that the botanical garden will be used as a resource by multiple educational institutions. Volunteer involvement will include members of the New London community from various educational institutions. V. Budget a. A total of $21,510 is being requested from the National Estuary Program Community-based Restoration Partnership. These funds will be used for hand tools such as clippers and shovels, native plants, a modular based, ADA compliant, sustainably harvested Teak/Ipe wooden walkway, plant identification signs that will contain visual and Braille text, a larger map sign approximately 4 x 5 feet in size for the entrance to the garden, and printing of curriculum materials for local schools. Matching contributions of $23,672 include in kind labor from Coast Guard Cadets and Officer Candidates, volunteer hours of Mitchell College students, Project Leader hours, memorial benches, and the development and printing of take-away flyers/maps. Total of requested NEP/CRP funds and matching funds has been attached as an appendix. Appendix 1 Mitchell Beach Botanical Garden National Estuary Program Community-based Restoration Partnership Proposal Amount Requested from the National Estuary Program Community-based Restoration Partnership Native plants Hand tools Educational Signage/plant labels Wooden Rollout Walkway Curriculum Development and Printing Cell Phone Tour 5250.00 500.00 3000.00 9360.00 1000.00 2400.00 $21,510.00 Amount of Matching to be provided by Mitchell College Community Volunteers 60 @ 4 hrs. @$20 per hour Mitchell College students 30 @ 16 hrs. @ $20 per hour Project Leader 60 hours @ $69.54/hour Granite Benches (2) Memorial Gifts Native Plants (Earth Day Auction) Design and printing of take-away flyers/maps of garden 4800.00 9600.00 4172.40 1600.00 3000.00 500.00 $23,672.40 Total cost of project, including in-kind donations: $45,182.40