Summer Gardens - Rarangi Beach

18 February 2015
For those requiring transport or car-pooling – meet 9.30am at Havelock Hall
Items to bring:
 Your nametag
 Lunch
 Chair
 Something for the trading table
 Flowers for the competition
 Money for the raffle
Rarangi is a small coastal community 15 minute drive NE of Blenheim, on the coast of Cloudy Bay.
The land is mainly made up of pea gravel and sand. The prevailing wind is the Easterly especially when inland
areas warm up. Norwesters also charge in with quite a force at times. However Rarangi is protected from
some Southerly winds with Cape Campbell deflecting this wind towards Wellington. Consequently setting up
gardens and even trying to grow a lawn is very challenging. Many residents have given up on trying to grow a
lawn and just mow the weeds!
Head for Blenheim – turn left into Rapaura Road to Spring Creek. Turn left onto SH 1 heading for
Tuamarina – turn R into Hunter Road, which becomes Rarangi Road. 5km from this turn-off, on the
right hand side is Beatrice Place.
10.15 – 11.00am
16 Beatrice Place, Rarangi
(Sheena Lyne)
Sheena and her neighbours have Lifestyle Blocks from 2-3 acres in size. She has an olive grove and
hazelnut trees as well as an established garden since moving to Rarangi 4 1/2 years ago. Frosts have
taken a toll of her olive harvest this year. Water is sourced by a well from an aquifer flowing to the sea.
 Parking – plenty on the street outside of Sheena’s property.
 Toilet available
11.05am – 12noon
Clerveux Estate, Beatrice Place, Rarangi
(Fleur Hansby)
The ground is all level. Fleur’s passion is stone masonry so there are lots of dry stone walls on her 3
acre property.
 Toilet available
Turn back onto Rarangi Road, past the 90degree corner, when the road becomes Rarangi Beach Road.
There’s a big pink fruit/veg stall on the right hand side of the driveway.
12.05pm – 1.30pm
54 Rarangi Beach Road, Rarangi
(Ave Fairbrother)
Ave has lived in Rarangi for 36 years. Her garden is ‘a secret by the sea’ full of colour; has chickens and
a fairy cottage. A very hot early summer and lack of rain is causing Ave and her plants a bit of stress...
 Parking on the grass on the right-hand side of her property before you get to the trees.
 Toilet available
 Lunch in the garden, plus trading table, flower competition, raffle
Go back the way you came and turn left into Neal Road, then left again.
1.35 - 2.15pm
5 Bay End, Rarangi
(Donna Booth)
Donna has a lifestyle block and has only recently started her garden in August 2013. A long drive leads
into her property with trees recently planted lining the drive.
 Parking - plenty of room to park on her property before you get to her house/garden.