Original Program of Study


PLEASE TYPE (for students admitted after 3/27/00)

P H .D.


Program plan for Trevor Owens

1. General Culture (8)

EDUC 800: Ways of Knowing

EDUC 802: Leadership Seminar

EDUC 805: Doctoral Seminar in Education (2cr)

2. Research Methods (12)

EDRS 810: Problems and Methods in Education Research

EDRS 811: Quantitative Methods in Educational Research

EDRS 812: Qualitative Methods in Educational Research

EDRS 797: Mixed Methods in Educational Research

3. Professional Specialization (21): Educational Psychology

Major Area

EDEP 820: Teaching, Learning, and Cognition

EDEP 821: Sociocultural Processes in Learning, Instruction, and Motivation

EDEP 822: Advanced Learning, Motivation, and Self-Regulation

EDEP 823: Research Project in Educational Psychology: Sequence I

EDEP 824: Research Project in Educational Psychology: Sequence II

EDEP 653: Culture and Intelligence

EDUC 994: Advanced Internship in Education (Ideally teaching or co-teaching)

4. Secondary Emphasis (14): Instructional Technology

Minor Area(s)

EDIT 705: Instructional Design

EDIT 772: Web-Based Instructional Tools (2cr)

HIST 696: An Introduction to History and New Media Credits (Waived via MA)

HIST 697: Creating History in New Media Credits (Waived via MA)

HIST 615: Politics of Technology in 20 th Century America (Waived via MA)

5. Dissertation (12)

EDUC 998 (3) Doctoral Dissertation Proposal

EDUC 999 (9) Doctoral Dissertation Research




Summer, 2013


Through my work at the Center for History and New Media, and the Games Learning and

Society conference, I have become passionate about the psychological dimensions of educational technology. This proposed plan of study helps me to hone my skills as a researcher and designer working with educational media.

My program of study includes the prescribed coursework in my primary specialization, educational psychology, and a mixture of courses from the instructional technology program and waived courses from my MA. My MA courses focused on designing and building educational media projects for history education and critical approaches to understanding technology in 20 th century America.

To complement the required coursework in quantitative and qualitative methods in educational research, I intend to study mixed methods in educational research. While many students who specialize in educational psychology chose to take additional coursework in quantitative methods, I feel my interested in studying cognition involving educational technologies in naturalistic settings is best supported through deeper engagement with mixed methods approaches.

My work at the Center for History and New Media has provided me with ample opportunity to conduct research, write grants and present at conferences. At this point the weakest point on my CV is my lack of experience with teaching, or co-teaching courses. I would like to use my internship to either teach or co-teach a course in educational psychology to remedy this weakness.


Student Signature Date


Thomas E. Scruggs, Director

Ph.D. in Education Program



Chair, Date

Doctoral Advising Committee


Member, Date

Doctoral Advising Committee

(minor area representative)



Doctoral Advising Committee

