Archaeological Archives Forum
Business Meeting Minutes
March 15th 2004
The 7th meeting of the Archaeological Archives Forum was held at 2pm on
March 15th in The Wheeler Room, The Society of Antiquaries of London.
Kenneth Aitchison, IFA
Duncan Brown, IFA Finds Group
James Dinn, ALGAO
Mike Evans, NMR, EH
Lesley Ferguson , RCAHMS
Catherine Hardman, ADS
Kathy Perrin (secretary), EH
Hedley Swain (chair), SMA
Brian Williams, Environment and Heritage Service, Northern Ireland
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from:
Patrick Ashmore, HS
Adrian Brown, The National Archives
Jonathan Berry, CADW
MIchael Dawson, SCAUM
Gavin Evans, Welsh Museums
David Gaimster, Society of Antiquaries
Mike Heyworth, CBA
Hilary Malaws, RCAHMW
Nick Merriman, MA
David Morgan-Evans, APPAG
Peter Winsor, MLA.
Catherine Hardman, attended on behalf of Julian Richards, ADS.
2. Minutes of last meeting.
The minutes of the October meeting were accepted as a true record.
3. Day conference on archaeological resource centres.
A joint AAF/SMA day conference on archaeological resource centres took place
on Wednesday 26th October. The day was very successful and was attended by
150 people. A summary of the day can be found in the SMA newsletter. This
summary, along with the results of the SMA museums collection areas mapping
programme, will be used as the basis for an approach to EH, DCMS, Museums
Association, HLF and the MLA to get the concept of resource centres onto the
Action KP, HS
Another day conference on the practicalities of developing a resource centre is to
be organised for October.
Action KP, HS
4. Update on current projects
Museum collecting areas – HS
The SMA will be employing a full time assistant to develop subject specialist
networks. It is possible that this post can be utilised to finish the remaining work
on the museum collecting areas project in order to produce the hard copy map,
keep the work updated and to produce a report identifying gaps and overlaps in
MAP2 revision/Framework for selection strategies – KP
The first phase of new EH project management documentation, which will
eventually replace MAP2 , is now out for public consultation. This document
consists of a general statement of project management principles for Historic
Environment research. This contains a section on the project archive and sets
out the principle of selection. The next phase of documentation will be more
detailed and will include fuller guidance on archiving and selection strategies.
Standards guidance on archive roles, procedures and responsibilities – DB
(paper tabled)
The project design for the second stage, the production of the final guidance,
was tabled for discussion. This will be re-submitted to Archaeology Commissions
(now Historic Environment Enabling Programme) for funding. On first submission
the project team were asked to find partnership funding. It was suggested by HS,
BW and LF that financial support could be expected from The Society of Museum
Archaeologists, Environment and Heritage Service NI, and the RCAHMS
respectively. Historic Scotland and CADW would also be approached. BW stated
that he is hoping to utilise the guidance within the new NI standards manual.
Action KA, DB, BW, LF
5. National reports
Wales – written report follows
The National Museum, CyMAL and the Royal Commission have been
considering ways of taking the 'What's in Store' report forward and to that end we
presented the attached document, detailing our recommendations, to the newly
formed Historic Environment Group at their second meeting last month. The
Historic Environment Group was established by Alan Pugh, Welsh Assembly
Minister for Culture, Welsh Language and Sport, last year under the
chairmanship of Tom Cassidy, Chief Executive of Cadw. The group, whose remit
is to advise the Welsh Assembly Government on action to benefit and promote
the historic environment of Wales, includes representatives of organisations in
Wales with an interest in the historic environment.
The meeting agreed to set up a working group, as recommended in the
document, under the chairmanship of Mike Houlihan, Director General of the
National Museum and a member of the HE Group. This working group is meeting
for the first time next week.
The RCAHMS have been given 12 million pounds by the Scottish Executive to
build a new documentary archive store. Work on the store will take place
between 2005-7.
The SWISH project has launched archaeological images, text and bibliographical
references on line. Archaeological data will also be made available in the future.
PASTMAP now includes information on historic landscapes and gardens.
Proposals also exist to include scheduled ancient monuments.
The ADS is now adapting the OASIS project to capture Scottish information.
Northern Ireland - BW
A 20/20 panel exists to reposition archaeology within NI, BW is on this group. In
NI archaeology is seen as expensive and putting a break on development. There
is a fear that once the assembly starts again archaeology may be at risk.
6. Future agenda
Storage Costs project
It was agreed that HS and KP would meet with PW to discuss taking this project
a step further by reviewing museum charging policies.
Action HS, KP, PW
Archaeology and the law
It was agreed that information on legal aspects should be included in the
forthcoming standards project guidance.
Action DB, KA
Training programmes
The SMA is to include archaeological archiving in its training programmes for
Action HS
KA and HS are to prepare a proposal to take to the new training and standards
team at EH.
Action KA, HS
The IFA have an HLF project establishment grant to deliver bursaries for training.
There will be a series of meetings around the country with potential stakeholders
and an IFA conference session. This will be a UK wide project which will result in
an HLF bid for full project money which could lead to a possible dozen
The IFA Finds Group are considering updating their register of specialists and
identifying gaps. EH may be approached for money.
7. Human Remains.
HS is chairing a working group set up by the DCMS which aims to formulate a
code of practice for museum holding human bone from other countries. They are
also planning to devise a standard for storage, curation and display of human
bone. This will apply specifically to England, but NI, Wales and Scotland will be
included in the consultation process.
It was agreed that the forthcoming AAF standards document would be taken to
next year’s EAA conference where we hope to chair a session on standards in
order to share and discuss similar documents within Europe.
HS and KP are to present papers on the AAF and archives at a conference on
the conservation of archaeological materials in Williamsburg this November.
Action KP, HS
9. AOB
None tabled
10. Date and venue of next meeting
Thursday 27 Oct 2005
11.30am –12.45am Strategy meeting (topic and venue to be arranged)
1.15pm-2pm Lunch (provided) Wheeler Room, Society of Antiquaries
2pm –4pm Business meeting – Wheeler Room, Society of Antiquaries
Kathy Perrin
AAF Secretary
March 2005