Interview and Theory Paper Assignment

Interview and Theory Paper Assignment
Perhaps the best way to find out about a profession is to talk to someone who is doing it. You are
to interview a practicing public relations professional. After your interview, you will write a
paper that frames the work of the professional practitioner within a theoretical framework of
public relations we've discussed in class. The theoretical framework you will use will be one of
the following:
1. Four Models of Public Relations
2. Systems Theory
3. Situational Theory of Publics
These theoretical frameworks will be covered in class.
Instructions to Conduct Interview.
Write out a set of interview questions (they must be typed out). I MUST approve your
questions PRIOR to your interview. Your interview questions are due on Thursday,
January 26. I will return your questions on Tuesday, January 31.
Write interview questions that will obtain the following information.
1. Background information of the person's educational and professional history.
2. Information about the company/organization in which the person works, i.e., where is it
located, the kind of business it is, number of employees, type of products manufactured
or sold, etc.
3. Information about the person’s day-to-day activities including specific explanations of
job duties and responsibilities
4. Information about what public relations activities the person does and/or supervises.
5. Biggest challenges the person faces doing public relations for the
6. Identification of the publics of the organization and their importance to the
In order to make sure you get the information you need for your paper, you must give
careful thought to the questions you want to ask the person you interview.
Please make every attempt to schedule your interview between Feb. 2 and Feb. 20 in order
to give yourself the time necessary to write your paper. Be sure to call far enough in advance
to be able to meet with the practitioner. Public relations professionals are very busy and
need lead time for interviews.
Conduct the interview. You might want to tape record the interview as it will allow you to
not have to write detailed notes and ensure that you have detailed data for your paper.
NOTE: You MUST get permission from the practitioner to tape the interview prior to
the interview. Be sure to explain that you are using the tape so you will have details for the
paper you need to write. If the practitioner says he/she does not want you to tape the
interview, then you cannot tape it.
Document the interview by completing the form on the following page. This must be turned
in with your typed interview questions when you turn in your paper.
Interview Documentation
Explanation: You must complete this form that documents your interview and attach your
interview questions to it. This form and your interview questions must be attached to
your paper when you turn it in on Mar. 4.
To Be Completed by Students Conducting the Interview.
Name(s) of Interviewers: _________________________________________________
Name of Person Interviewed: _____________________________________________
Organization/Company: _________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: ____________________________________________________
Date of Interview: _____________________________________________________
Please attach the list of questions you prepared for the interview.
Instructions to Write Paper.
Three theories will be discussed in class that are central to the profession and practice of
public relations. These theories are (1) systems theory, (2) situational theory of publics,
and (3) the four models of public relations.
In this paper you are to select one of these theories and connect the concepts of the theory
to what the practitioner has told you about his or her job. You are expected to use
examples from the interview to illustrate elements of the theory. For example, if a
practitioner tells you that she tries to create messages that tell employees of the company
that they are valued, you would be able to use this comment to illustrate an element of the
situational theory of publics. We will discuss this in class and give you examples of
how to make these connections.
Your paper must be 6-7 pages, typed, double-spaced, and include a cover page with an
appropriate title. You must use a minimum of 5 sources for your paper (the interview can
be used as one source).
You may organize your paper in a number of ways, but one acceptable way to organize
your paper is to include the following sections:
1. Introduction - Explain your purpose in the paper and what you are covering in the
2. Brief Explanation of the Elements of the Theory - You do not need to explain the
entire theory, but you need to include an explanation of the specific parts of the
theory that you are using in the paper.
3. Description of the Person Interviewed and the Public Relations
Activities/Responsibilities of the person.
4. Application of the Theory to the What You’ve Learned About Public Relations - In
this section you will use examples from your interview to illustrate specific elements
of the theory.
5. Conclusion – Summarize what you learned about the public relations profession in
this assignment.
Grading - 60 points.
Up to 10 points for spelling, grammar, punctuation. 10 points=no errors. 8 points=2
errors. 6 points=3-4 errors. 0 points if 5 or more errors.
Up to 10 points for clarity and organization of paper.
Up to 15 points for thoroughness of information presented about the practitioner’s
responsibilities and activities and for demonstrating an understanding of the type
of organization/industry in which the public relations the practitioner practices,
i.e., corporate public relations, nonprofit public relations.
Up to 25 points for content including demonstrating you understand the theory and
appropriate application of theory to the interview.