Disability Services Commission Service Contracting and Development Changing Service Providers (Portability) Guidelines 1. Keywords Individual Funding Disability Professional Service Portability Transfer 2. Purpose The following guidelines will provide a guide to service providers and Commission Service Contracting and Development staff in managing the arrangements for individuals wishing to transfer service provider and exercise portability of their funding. 3. Definition Portability of funding enables an individual who has been allocated an individual package of funding to change service providers if they choose to do so. 4. Principles In accordance with Disability Service Standard 2 ‘Individual Needs’, and Standard 3 ‘Decision Making and Choice’, these guidelines are based on the strong foundation that individuals shall have the opportunity to make choices about their services and the Commission will make every effort to promptly accommodate them. Individuals in receipt of individual funding can choose their service provider and move between service providers giving consideration to the following conditions: 3.1. Having had a reasonable time1 in an option to enable it to be established, developed and implemented effectively. The timeframe is negotiable based on the circumstances surrounding the request. 3.2. Notice being given before making a transfer. The timeframe should be agreed by all parties to enable a smooth transition with as little disruption as possible for all parties. 1 In most cases, a reasonable time is considered to be six months; however each case should be negotiated with the relevant Area Manager. Disability Services Commission Service Contracting and Development Directorate Changing Service Providers (Portability) Guidelines 3.3. Services transferred during the course of a year will involve a pro-rata transfer of the allocated funding for that year and the full allocation thereafter, unless otherwise negotiated between the Commission and the service provider. 3.4. The amount of funding that is transferred is the individual’s allocated funding, plus indexation and any other recurrent funding related to their services. 3.5. While respecting the primacy of individual choice and control, the rights of others in a shared arrangement and the ongoing sustainability of the service that the individual is transferring from must be balanced with the portability request. Consideration should include: a) the individual’s choice and the impact on the continuity of appropriate services to other individuals within any shared living arrangement; b) the financial impact of the transfer on the provider’s ongoing sustainability, based on an assessment of the proportion of Commission provided funds the portability request entails against the service provider’s overall cashflow; and c) impacts such as the sustainability of the service provider to provide quality services and sustain the shared service option. 3.6. While respecting the primacy of individual choice and control, in the event that a transfer may be delayed every effort will be made to accommodate an individual’s choice and quickly resolve any issues. 3.7. If conflicts arise that cannot be resolved, the Service provider’s standard grievance and conflict resolution processes will be engaged. 3.8. The Commission will not absorb or support additional recurrent costs as a result of adherence to these guidelines. 3.9. Where there are exceptional circumstances, the waiver of these guidelines must be approved by the Executive Director Service Contracting Development and/or the Director General of the Commission. 5. Background The Disability Services Act 1993 incorporates the principle of choice for individuals with a disability. 2 Disability Services Commission Service Contracting and Development Directorate Changing Service Providers (Portability) Guidelines Principles 5 and 8 of Schedule 1 of the Disability Services Act 1993 provides for the following: individuals with disabilities have the same rights as other members of society to participate in, direct and implement the decisions which affect their lives; and individuals with disabilities have the right to access the type of accommodation and employment that they believe is most appropriate. The Commission recognises that disability is not a static condition and respects that an individual’s circumstances and preferences change, with the result that they seek to change service provider and services to suit these changes. The Commission also recognises that there are circumstances that necessitate an individual to quickly seek a change in service provider. Interstate transfers are not considered in these guidelines but are guided by the policy ‘Moving Interstate: Assistance to individuals with disabilities and their carers’. 6. Consultation Process The review of these guidelines has been undertaken by Service Contracting and Development to comply with the implementation of the Delivering Community Services in Partnership Policy, changes to terminology and the Commission’s move to a holistic approach to individual funding without program structures and parameters. 7. Implementation Portability of funding requests can occur for a number of reasons, including: an individual wants to change their service provider a service provider terminates an option an individual moves within service outlets managed by the same service provider, and/or an individual chooses to move to or from self-management. 7.1 Where an individual is not in a shared option a) Individuals wishing to transfer service providers should discuss their request with their current service provider and ideally provide sufficient notice to enable planning and a smooth transition. b) The service provider will notify the relevant Commission Service Contracting and Development Officer to discuss the requested 3 Disability Services Commission Service Contracting and Development Directorate Changing Service Providers (Portability) Guidelines transfer to facilitate a smooth transition and completion of the relevant administrative functions. c) Where an individual is transferring to a new service provider, the Service Contracting and Development Officer will contact the new service provider to discuss the impact the request may have on their service and any requirements and timeframes. d) Where the individual, exiting service provider and the new service provider have agreed to the transfer request and timeframe, the Service Contracting and Development Officer will arrange the transfer of funding through a Variation to Service Agreement for both service providers. e) Where the proposed new service provider cannot accommodate the transfer request, the Service Contracting and Development Officer will immediately advise the individual and the current service provider. 7.2 Where an individual is in a shared option a) Individuals wishing to transfer service providers should discuss their request with their current service provider and provide sufficient notice to ensure a smooth transition for both the individual exiting and the individuals continuing to live in the shared option. b) The service provider will notify the relevant Service Contracting and Development Officer to discuss the requested transfer to facilitate a smooth transition for all individuals involved in the shared option and completion of the relevant administrative functions. c) Where individual funding is pooled to fund the shared arrangement and supports and services are interdependent, another individual with a similar level of funding will need to choose the position currently occupied by the individual seeking to move. The Service Contracting and Development Officer will advise the relevant Area Manager in these cases to ensure due consideration is given to all parties involved in the shared option. d) Where the individual, exiting service provider and the new service provider have agreed to the transfer request and timeframe, the Service Contracting and Development Officer will arrange the transfer of funding through a Variation to Service Agreement for both service providers. e) Where the proposed new service provider cannot accommodate the transfer request, the Service Contracting and Development Officer will immediately advise the individual and the current service provider. 4 Disability Services Commission Service Contracting and Development Directorate Changing Service Providers (Portability) Guidelines 7.3 Individual Development Program Disability Professional Services (DPS) funding is allocated to program places and portability of funding occurs through the transfer of program places. Program places will be transferred between service providers at the end of each financial year depending on population change and demand for service. The aim is to provide equity of access to services. Where an individual is eligible for services from a service provider that has a vacant place, an individual may occupy that place. Where a service provider has no place vacancies, the provider will maintain a waiting list of individuals seeking a place. Where a service provider has vacant places and another service provider has a demonstrated demand for places, the program places will be transferred. In this case, the Manager Individual Development Program or Service Contracting and Development Officer will contact both the service provider with the program place vacancies and the provider to which they are proposed to be transferred to discuss the impact of the potential transfer their service and transfer timeframes. The reallocation of program places and funding will be achieved through a Variation of Service Agreement to both the service provider reducing program places and funding and the service provider gaining the program places and funding. 8. Funding Or Resource Implications With the exception of the administration costs related to processing the transfer, which will be absorbed by the parties, all transfers are to be cost neutral to the Commission. 9. Related Policies Commission policies that incorporate the principle of the ‘provider of choice’ include: A Fair Level of Funding Policy Individualised Funding Policy 5 Disability Services Commission Service Contracting and Development Directorate Changing Service Providers (Portability) Guidelines 10. Communication And Training Strategy Stakeholder Service Contracting and Development staff Commission personnel Service Providers Strategy Through Area Managers SCDO Meetings SCD Policies on SharePoint Changing Service Providers (Portability) Guidelines on the Commission Intranet site Changing Service Providers (Portability) Guidelines on the Commission web site 11. Evaluation And Review These guidelines are evaluated according to the standard Director General policy review mechanism. For further information contact: Resi Mitterbauer Block Funded Contracting Quality and Outcomes Manager Author: Resi Mitterbauer Date: 16 May 2013 Reference: W:\Service Contracting and Development\Operational Governance\Policies & Procedures & Templates\Procedures & Guidelines\Changing Service Providers (Portability) Guidelines.doc Next Review: May 2014 6