ELDER CARE PROGRAM MSJ HOSPITAL REFERRAL FORM- INPATIENT SERVICES 3080 Prince Edward Street Vancouver, BC, V5T 3N4 Phone: 604.877.8183 Fax: 604.877.8165 PLEASE COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS AND REVIEW THE REFERRAL CHECKLIST. WE WILL CONTACT YOU TO DISCUSS FURTHER DETAILS REGARDING HOW WE MAY ASSIST IN CARE. GENERAL INFORMATION Client name: DOB (m/d/y): Facility (Name) / Home address: Postal code: Home Telephone: Referral date: PHN: Referring person: Family physician: Aware of referral? Yes Phone: Client agrees with referral? Caregiver agrees with referral? Yes Yes No No Fax: Phone: Fax: Power of Attorney: Substitute Decision-Maker: Community services involved in care (level of home supports, caregivers): Yes Yes Phone: No Family/Significant Other: Is client known to: Continuing Care Mental Health Team Male Female No Contact: __________ No Contact: __________ What is the anticipated disposition? Home alone Home with family/caregivers Home with home support Assisted Living Intermediate Care ECU REFERRAL CHECKLIST Service being requested by referring person (please refer to the admission criteria for each service): Geriatric Psychiatry Inpatient Unit Geriatric Medicine Inpatient Unit Please provide previous psychiatric and medical consultations and recent assessments. recent relevant investigations. most recent Medication Administration Record. most recent Medication Allergies Record. any pertinent Mental Health Act forms. Power of Attorney documentation. Representation Agreement documentation. Level of Intervention (if known). Draft Jan. 4, 2010 Page 1 of 4 3080 Prince Edward Street Vancouver, BC, V5T 3N4 Phone: 604.877.8183 Fax: 604.877.8165 ELDER CARE PROGRAM MSJ HOSPITAL REFERRAL FORM- INPATIENT SERVICES CURRENT CARE NEEDS AND FUNCTIONAL STATUS Communication: Are there any barriers (language, aphasias)? Sleep patterns: Sleeps all/most of the night without medication Sleeps all/most of the night with medication Disrupted Precautions: MRSA VRE HEP B HEP C TB Bladder management: Continent Incontinent Bowel management: Continent Incontinent Language(s) spoken? Safety: Wandering risk Determined elopement risk Mistreatment/abuse/neglect suspected CURRENT ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING Washing: Indep Supervision 1p Assist Dependent Reluctant Refuses Dressing: Indep Supervision 1p Assist Dependent Cueing Feeding: Indep Supervision 1p Assist Dependent Difficulty swallowing Toileting: Indep Supervision 1p Assist Dependent Med taking: Indep Supervision Bubble-pack Refuses Cueing Cueing CURRENT MOBILITY STATUS Mobility: Indep Supervision 1p Assist Cognitive impairment: Mild Moderate Severe 2p Assist Lift Wheelchair Please identify as specifically as possible the FUNCTIONAL GOALS OF ADMISSION: MEDICAL STATUS/GOALS OF REFERRAL Medical/Surgical History: Please identify as specifically as possible the MEDICAL GOALS OF ADMISSION: Draft Jan. 4, 2010 Page 2 of 4 Walker ELDER CARE PROGRAM MSJ HOSPITAL REFERRAL FORM- INPATIENT SERVICES 3080 Prince Edward Street Vancouver, BC, V5T 3N4 Phone: 604.877.8183 Fax: 604.877.8165 PSYCHIATRIC STATUS/GOALS OF REFERRAL Reason for referral (check all that apply): Mood Disorder – severe Suicide attempt Suicidal ideation Psychosis Cognitive impairment Physical aggression in response to care Physical aggression spontaneous Sexual inappropriate/aggression Physical agitation (exit-seeking, wandering) Verbal aggression Verbal agitation Other Please identify as specifically as possible the PSYCHIATRIC GOALS OF ADMISSION: Please elaborate on recent psychiatric, and behavioural history (including rating scales): Is substance use an active issue? Please comment on URGENCY and requested admission period: Is patient followed by Mental Health Team? No Yes Which one? Do you anticipate certification under the Mental Health Act (date)? Is patient being referred under Extended Leave? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Draft Jan. 4, 2010 Page 3 of 4 Yes No ELDER CARE PROGRAM MSJ HOSPITAL REFERRAL FORM- INPATIENT SERVICES 3080 Prince Edward Street Vancouver, BC, V5T 3N4 Phone: 604.877.8183 Fax: 604.877.8165 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 1. Geriatric Psychiatry Inpatient Unit (GPU): The GPU focuses on assessment and management of older adults 65 years and over, who suffer from lateonset mood, psychotic, and anxiety disorders, especially in the context of concurrent cognitive impairment and active subacute medical issues. 2. Geriatric Medicine Inpatient Unit: This service focuses on assessment and management of older adults 65 years and over, who experience chronic medical illnesses. Four of the beds provide care to older adults who suffer from concomitant acute medical and psychiatric symptoms at the time of referral. The following three outpatient services are offered at Mount Saint Joseph Hospital but require a separate referral form. Please contact these clinics separately (contact numbers listed below) 3. Geriatric Psychiatry Ambulatory Service: This service focuses on assessment and management of older adults 65 years and over, who suffer from late-onset mood, psychotic, and anxiety disorders, especially in the context of concurrent cognitive impairment. Clients should be able to arrange for transportation to and from appointments. A geriatric psychiatrist will work with other MSJ interdisciplinary team members as appropriate in the outpatient setting Contact: 604-877-8371 4. Geriatric Psychiatry Ambulatory ECT Service: This service focuses on outpatient ECT for both index (acute) and maintenance courses. This is a tertiary service and patients must have a community psychiatrist, Mental Health Team or physician following relatively closely. Contact: 604- 877-8142 5. Geriatric Medicine Ambulatory Service: This service focuses on assessment and management of older adults 65 years and over, who experience chronic medical illness symptoms. Clients should be able to arrange for transportation to and from appointments. An interdisciplinary team of health professions, which includes geriatricians and general practitioners with a focus on elder care, work with clients and caregivers in this outpatient setting. Contact: 604-877-8371 Draft Jan. 4, 2010 Page 4 of 4