intelligent building techniques

Intelligent Building Overview
This paper looks at an overview of what we deem to be intelligent building methods and
techniques currently being used in practice. Currently there are many sectors of ‘intelligent
building’ methods being researched and developed from design to management sectors.
- History of IB started with a strong focus on usability and microclimatic systems
- Revival of cross disciplinary research has opened up potential for smart materials, interoperable
information transfer, design methodologies and an advancement in technologies.
- Evolution in software development through the ‘digital revolution’ has brought an advancement
in design, management and simulation programs, expanding possibilities within the built
- Popular usage of numerically controlled machinery have economized their usage in commercial
applications for the production of mass customized parts.
Intelligent Building, Rapid Prototyping, Interoperability, Smart Materials, Sustainability, BIM
Interoperable software packages that streamline & integrate information flow between design
consultants (Design - Simulation - Information Management).
Leaders in the design software industry such as Autocad, Microstation, Design Project and
Archicad all incorporate similar tools to bring together Design, Structural (layouts) and MEP coordination. However, no singular software package
Although currently there are legal hurdles to overcome with information sharing between
designers and consultants.
Advanced Software Development
Software than economizes the design process (eg. Parametric Software, Design Automation).
Design Techniques
Evolving methodologies & techniques to enhance performance / flexibility / energy usage of
design result (workflow management / strategies, etc.).
Augmented Design Feedback
Rapid Prototyping methods (augment design feedback).
Research into current RP machines in the workplace and experimental feedback devices.
(Additive / Subtractive / Accumulative Prototyping), (Visualization advancements > 3d LABS),
(Haptic Devices).
Smart Materials
The use of smart materials & re-contextualization of materials (implementation due to cross
disciplinary engagement).
Breathable Envelopes, Information Rich Surfaces, Luminescent Materials, etc.
Interoperable software (design consultants – fabricators, increased feedback in feasibility).
Numerically Controlled Fabrication - direct information transfer from design to fabrication
(WYSIWYG) increased output efficiency (adaptive fabrication methods). New techniques in
fabrication > assembly techniques.
Services - industry networks (databases on technologies & materials – allows consultants to
source and evaluate available fabricators)
Robotics in fabrication.
Modelling extended into construction phase (electronic project documentation – real-time update
of project)
Sustainable construction practice (recycled formwork & building materials, minimizing material
use – efficient construction techniques, recycling waste)
Workflow / management systems (construction sequencing) - industry networks (database on
suppliers – real-time network available for builder / subcontractor to obtain available materials /
Robotics in construction (efficiency & decreased risk in fatalities)
Modern IB methods progressed in the 1970’s with a predominant focus on microclimatic systems
and integrated electronic networks within building envelopes. Evolving techniques and
technology advancements.
Complete integration of information & feedback systems (energy information & management,
tenant amenities, temperature, humidity, activity monitors, lighting control, acoustic,
telecommunications, air pressure, smoke / fire alarms, landscaping, digital signage, security,
Remote operations & optimization through tenant portal (central operations centre, .com address
–provides interface to access information, store tenant information & provide interaction)
Connectivity to mobile operations (via mob phones & pda’s)
Internet services & intelligent organizational networks - connectivity to external feeds and
information networks (weather reports, energy grids, etc.)
End of Building Lifecycle
Reuse of ‘Smart Materials’ and disassembly of parts / materials.