Keenwick Sound Board of Directors Meeting
January 12, 2013 – 9:00AM- Clubhouse
Present: President Carol Griffin; Eileen McCabe, Vice President and Clubhouse Chairperson; Diane
Schoen, Treasurer; John McGee, Director, Pool Chairperson and Maintenance Co-chairperson;
Charlie Knighton, Director, Grounds and Ponds Chairperson; Larry Gerst, Director, Roads
Committee Chairperson and Maintenance Co-Chairperson; Francine Offutt, Secretary.
Committees Represented: Margie DiNenna, Sunshine Committee Chairperson and Everything $6
Sales; John Mandato, ARC Chairperson; Evelyn Bisogno Fair Committee.
The purpose of this meeting was to conduct our quarterly meeting business.
President Carol Griffin called the meeting to order at 9:05AM. Board members made a point to give
credit to Cindy Mandato and Marie Cocci for the design and work they did on the Keenwick Sound
sign. Diane Schoen made a motion to dispense reading the minutes of the October Board Meeting
and approve the minutes of October 13, 2012. The motion was seconded by Eileen McCabe and was
unanimously carried. Carol asked that the minutes of the sign committee meeting of November 12,
2012, be revised and approved via email. These minutes do not get posted on the website.
Diane presented the Report as of October 13, 2012 to January 12, 2012. The Cash Balance as of
October 13, 2012 was $201,381.00 and the Operating balance was $31,516.00. We had income of
$2,476.00 and Operating Expenses of $8,391.00 leaving a net balance in the Operating account of
Capital Account beginning balance as of October 13, 2013, was $163,993.00. We had interest
income of $83.00 and capital expenditures of $19,631.00 leaving a net balance of $144,445.00. We
have a balance from the Fair of $5,872.00 in the Capital account.
Our year to date operating expenses show that we are over our income budget due to profit from the
$6 Everything Sale and Clubhouse income. Our total expenses year to date are $24,313.00 and are
on target with the budget. The Cash balance as of January 12, 2013 is $175,918.00.
Dues Update: Diane was happy to report that all dues have been collected as of Friday,
January 11, 2013. Diane mentioned that Lot # 210 is going to settlement this month and she received
a check from the management company for the dues, late fees and mowing. There is still a lien on
Lot #170 but the dues were paid.
FAIR – Evelyn Hunter. Evelyn informed Carol through email that Bonnie Spear
and her sister, Marilyn Jones, will chair the raffle for the fair this year. The disbursement of the
tickets will be handled the same as last year with Carol and Diane. Evelyn wanted to have the Fair
earlier this year. It was discussed and decided that the Fair would be held on Saturday, August 17,
2013. Evelyn will get sign logo from Cindy Mandato so Glenn (Evelyn’s husband) can create
letterhead for the mailings to vendors. Carol will also receive the new logo letterhead so she can
email to board members, officially changing our letterhead to reflect the new sign.
Evelyn mentioned that Gary Lindamood has offered to arrange for the tickets to be printed again this
year. The other recommendation that Evelyn proposed was raising the price for vendors and yard sale
rentals. It was decided that vendors and outsiders would be charged $30.00 and residents would pay
$15.00. Carol suggested that Evelyn have her first Fair meeting in March or early April so Evelyn
can provide an article for the Spring Newsletter. Evelyn mentioned that she would also contact
Nancy Fowler who had recommendations regarding the raffle last year. Carol will provide
information to Evelyn as requested. Board members congratulated Evelyn for last year’s Fair
EVERYTHING $6 SALES. Margie DiNenna. The $6 sales made over $800 profit
from the November event. The company could not change the July date so that date has been
cancelled. The other dates Margie gave are March 23rd and December 14th. Carol told Margie that
she would try to have the ads placed in the Wave Newspaper’s socials articles.
BUS TRIP. Carol reported that the trip to Charleston/Savannah has become a fund
raiser. Ann Ballantyne is organizing this trip and because of the number of passengers she should
receive a rebate which she will donate to the community. There is currently a waiting list for this
WELCOME COMMITTEE – Janice Fyock – Absent. Carol received a report
from Janice which read as follows: The welcoming committee will visit George Krach and Kathleen
Banaszewski, of 36752 W. Pond; Gary and Marilyn Jones of 36721 W. Bluewater Run and Todd and
Pam Bayles of 37666 River Run, today, January 12. They will welcome Robert and Christina Kilduff
of 37801 W. Stoney on January 19th. They will visit David and Kathleen Berch of 37843 W. Stoney
and Mary Lou Brennan of 36978 E. Stoney when they notify Janice when they will be in town or are
Janice told Carol that owners are saying that our low Association fees are what make this
neighborhood very attractive.
SUNSHINE COMMITTEE – Margie DiNenna. Margie reported that from the
October meeting until today she has sent out 4 get well cards, 2 sympathy cards and one donation.
SIGN COMMITTEE REPORT – Project Review and Recommendation. The
Committee members were not present. Carol stated that their work was done except that there have
been some comments to revisit the lighting for the sign on River Run entrance. John Mandato
mentioned that Cindy Mandato was going to talk to Brian about adding another light. Discussion
ensued. Carol stated that we would ask for recommendations of what would give us the best lighting
possible and once the information is received we would take it into consideration, but all agreed that
additional lighting is needed or stronger light bulbs, etc. The actual project total at this time cost
$23,131.00. John Mandato will have Cindy contact Brian at Native Scapes regarding the lighting
issue and give the board her recommendation.
The lights by the other entrance do not work and as Charlie pointed out, the switch fell off.
John McGee will look at the entrance lighting on Bluewater. This is not an emergency.
BOAT RAMP KEYS – Francine Offutt. Francine had nothing to report.
ARC COMMITTEE UPDATE – John Mandato. John reported that there were a couple of fences
put up in the neighborhood and a couple of new sheds. John reported that there are currently two
new houses under construction. The construction at the top of Breakwater which is almost done had
a variance for the porch and, looking at the plans, John felt the house presented better with the porch
than without so John did not contest the variance. The other is a lot on West Pond for which the
plans and paperwork for the new construction have been approved.
John explained that while walking on Breakwater, he saw that they were putting the foundation for
another home and John had to freeze construction because he had not receive any information
whatsoever on this new construction. Diane identified the owner, who is going to have a house built
there. John had not received any paperwork, nor had any contact from the owners or builder
regarding plans and paperwork. Finally, the matter was resolved with Beracah. John was able to
review the plans to verify that they met the requirements as stated by the ARC. They apologized to
John for the misunderstanding.
John also has one more lot proposing construction on West Stoney Run whose owner did not know
how long he had to wait to start the construction. John had recommended that he contact the county
for that particular information. This lot was purchased last March. Construction should start on or
before the summer and it will be a 2 story house.
Discussion ensued on the condition of one house which had siding blown off during the hurricane in
2011. Carol will try to contact the owners since the siding has not been repaired. Larry Gerst asked
about sending out letters to owners whose houses are not being maintained. Larry spoke of the
yellow house on the corner near his home on West Pond and River Run. Carol stated that these issues
are typically not addressed at this time of year but that, as soon as the weather breaks in early spring,
letters will be sent out to residents whose properties are in need of repairs.
Artesian Water: River Run and Breakwater Carol spoke about the water problem she
noticed on River Run where the water was bubbling up from a water main just before Christmas.
Carol called Artesian dispatch on 12/23 and Jeff Price on 12/24 to have this taken care of as soon as
possible. She followed up with an email on 12/28 requesting repairs as soon as possible. Artesian
made the repair on 12/29. Apparently Artesian got a lot of calls about this situation and Carol was
surprised at their initial lack of response.
Larry mentioned the road surface on West Pond near Breakwater is sinking again (near John
McGee’s house). This same area had been repaired previously. Charlie Knighton stated that Clean
Delaware does not handle road repairs but would use their cameras to check under the road. Charlie
also mentioned that due to the age of pipes they are separating at the belt where the pipes connect.
Carol suggested having Charlie contact Clean Delaware to have them run cameras in that area as well
as other areas that is questionable since their work minimum time is 2 hours.
Carol will give a photocopy of the signed Snow Removal contract to Larry.
Sawgrass Letter. Larry called his people to get an estimate for repairing the streets damaged
by sawgrass in this neighborhood and received an estimate of $200,000.00. Larry said what is going
on right now would not cost this much but if left unaddressed, road repair would be exorbitant.
Discussion about sawgrass in the neighborhood ensued. Carol will send out letters in early spring
about lawn care and will include trimming or edging where sawgrass is growing. Carol asked Charlie
to ask Native Scapes and other companies if they take care of weed control such as sawgrass and
what can be done about it.
CLUBHOUSE REPORT – Eileen McCabe. There are two additional rentals: Ravens Roost Club
who usually meet at a bar that has closed for the winter. They will meet twice, last Sunday of
January and February. Eileen reported that we have a new cleaning person for the clubhouse that will
come in on the third Wednesday. She also stated that the Riley party in April was cancelled.
Carol emailed an official letter to Tracy Lynn telling her that we had awarded a contract to someone
else. There was no response from her.
At the request of Marge DiNenna, she asked that the ceiling fans be included in the clubhouse
cleaning. Carol suggested that we get volunteers to do specific work inside the clubhouse similar to
what is done outside when we have spring cleaning. Discussion ensued.
Clubhouse Maintenance. John McGee suggested that when the weather is warmer we paint
the clubhouse, and stated that the walls need cleaning before applying primer. Once the painting is
done we could make a decision about adding wainscoting to the rest of the clubhouse. John also
suggested having the 6 doors replaced and looking into the cost of flooring to replace the actual
carpet. Discussion on using “wood” vinyl flooring ensued. There was also mention of painting the
Also the outside steps are in need of repair. It was suggested to use treated lumber or trex decking
for the steps and to paint the outside door. John Mandato suggested installing an overhang above the
outside steps by the front door. Discussion ensued on the ducts and heating problems in the
clubhouse and John will look into how the system could be modified. Carol will send out an email
soliciting volunteers for the cleaning in April.
PONDS COMMITTEE UPDATE– Charlie Knighton. Branches and debris were removed by
Solitude in response to Joe Deebo’s concern.
GROUNDS REPORT – Charlie Knighton.
Lawn Care Contractor. Charlie solicited lawn service contract bids from four companies.
Native Scapes and Griffs Graffs responded with proposals.
Charlie read both contracts which charge the same amount for grass cutting. Discussion ensued.
Charlie mentioned that the Fall cleanup took 2 days and did not cover the entire area. Charlie took
some plastic bags to Blue Hen and since they do not accept plastic bags, Charlie had to empty the
bags but was able to dump the paper bags. Diane suggested paying the lawn service for this type of
cleanup stating that the company would be responsible for the disposal and we would not have to deal
with that process. A resident had suggested to Charlie that the Association buy a trailer for cleanups,
fair, etc, and allow residents to use it also. Discussion ensued on the liability, insurance and other
cost issues and it was decided that the Association would not purchase a trailer. John McGee
recommended that Charlie contact Native Scapes to ensure that they have the necessary insurance
and license, and request that they modify their proposal to include specifics as outlined in our criteria.
He stated that they had done a great job landscaping the front entrance and as long as these items
were addressed, he felt that Native Scapes deserved the contract.
Motion: Diane Schoen made a motion to award the lawn contract this year to Native Scapes
provided they supply the necessary documents such as certification of insurance, business
licenses and meet criteria stipulated. The motion was seconded by John McGee and was
unanimously carried.
Charlie Knighton will contact Brian of Native Scapes with the information.
Charlie tried to give the rocks to Brian of Native Scapes when they did the landscaping for the sign.
The rocks are still there. He also asked McCarthy Stones and Griff’s Grass. No one seems to want
POOL AND MAINTENANCE UPDATE - John McGee. John reported that the pool has been
winterized. John wanted to know about the contract for maintaining the pool. The company we used
last year was Poolside and there were no complaints. Discussion ensued. The board agreed that John
get an estimate from Poolside for this coming year. Barring a substantial increase, the board would
accept a contract from them. John will send the contract info to board members by email.
Maintenance was already covered for the Clubhouse. Carol mentioned to have an indoor crew and
outdoor crew. It was mentioned that a master carpenter lived in our neighborhood and may be
willing to help with our carpenter projects.
RESIDENTS ISSUES. Carol Griffin. Carol received several emails from residents in the past
three months.
.One email recently received was from Lisa Carter Lot 288 who found a personal item in the
street but no one has inquired about it.
.The Okins Lot 114, were looking for a new directory and Carol will handle;
.The Berch’s lot # 286, new owners, sent email saying that the new signs and landscaping by
the clubhouse looked awesome and were very impressed with the neighborhood;
.Gerri Hornbaker Lot 253, wanted to know why the END OF ROAD WORK sign was still up
at intersection of West Stoney and Bluewater Run. Carol responded that DelDot had not removed it
yet and stated that she had contacted them about it. Larry will contact DelDot again;
.Joe Cain, Lot 309 was concerned about the variance for the setback on new construction.
Carol forwarded to John Mandato, who answered his questions to Joe’s satisfaction.
.Nick Bartolomeo, Lot 236, is willing to help with the painting for the sheds or the clubhouse
or whatever. He was frustrated because cleanups are scheduled on Thursdays and he is not available
to help on that day.
.Milt Warren sent email about two way radios and wrote that it would be a great
communication tool within the community for projects and for emergency situation. This email was
sent to Carol in November and she was unable to look into it then. Carol did not know how much it
would cost and mentioned that it might be useful for the Fair. Discussion ensued.
.Eileen asked about the email Carol sent to us about an intruder. Carol explained that it was a
residence on Breakwater. Someone knocked at her door at 1 am and the person stated they wanted
to ask her a question. She did not open the storm door but she never called the police. She let Carol
know of the incident when Carol had sent out a security bulletin involving Fenwick Shoals. All
agreed that residents should call the police to report incidents of this type.
.John McGee reported that at Thanksgiving he found the glove box in his car opened but did
not feel like anything was missing. He stated that he had inadvertently left his car unlocked. A
week later, he realized that a pair of sunglasses was missing. Apparently his sister-in-law came down
for Christmas and told John that someone stole sodas from the back of her truck while visiting during
Thanksgiving. John realized then that someone had stolen but he had never reported it.
.The tree that was taken down behind a home on E Stoney Run belonged to Carol Pemrick
Lot 51 and 52.
.John reported that someone might have dumped a pile of branches by Lot 315, Breakwater
behind the commercial center. Carol stated that during the storm as she was looking for damages in
the neighborhood she saw that there was a huge branch caught on a tree on that property. Carol
notified the owners of the big branch. John stated that it looked like someone dumped a pile of
branches by the lot.
Non-Profit Status of KSHA: Carol will be working on meeting with a new attorney on the
non-profit status
ARC Regs/Amendment: No update at this time.
Resident Email Update: Carol has about 107 email addresses at this time and is making
Diane Schoen mentioned that Laila sent the newsletter electronically to about 25 residents and
had received positive feedback from many. Carol will send another email reminding those who
signed up to receive the newsletter electronically and soliciting other residents to consider this cost
saving method.
Home Maintenance/Repairs: Has been discussed previously.
Next meeting will be on Saturday, April 13, 2013 at 9:00AM.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Diane Schoen, was seconded by Larry Gerst and was
unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned approximately 11:30AM.
Respectfully submitted by
Francine Offutt