Four Rivers Heritage Area Fact Sheet Annapolis, London Town & South County Heritage Area, Inc. (ALTSCHA, Inc.), known as the Four Rivers Heritage Area, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, is one of Maryland’s 12 certified heritage areas. We create and support products and activities that leverage economic development through preservation and heritage tourism. -- Certified by the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, October 2001 -- Approved & Authorized by Anne Arundel County, Bill #33-01, June 2001 -- Added to Annapolis Comprehensive Plan by City Council, R-18-01, July 2001, and included in 2009 Comprehensive Plan, R-32-09 in Appendix, pp. 23-6 and 30. Operating and program assistance from the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority (MHAA) comes in the form of Management Grants, capped at $100,000 annually. These funds must be fully matched at the local level (75% must be cash, 25% can be in-kind). Each year, ALTSCHA requests support from the City of Annapolis and Anne Arundel County for these required matching funds. ALTSCHA is the only entity through which heritage-related nonprofit organizations and municipalities within its borders are eligible for matching Maryland Heritage Areas Authority (MHAA) grants and low interest business loans. Since certification, ALTSCHA has brought more than $3.3 million in matched program and project grants, including one low interest loan to a heritage tourism business, resulting in total leverage of $10.6 million for heritage organizations and projects. MHAA is an independent unit within the Executive branch of State government, and is administered by the Maryland Historical Trust, an agency of the Maryland Department of Planning. Funding (up to $3 million each year) comes out of Program Open Space funds. Maryland’s Heritage Areas are locally-designated and State-certified regions where public and private partners make commitments to preserving historical, cultural and natural resources for sustainable economic development through heritage tourism. At the local level, Heritage Areas focus community attention on often under-appreciated aspects of history, living culture, and distinctive natural areas, thus fostering a stronger sense of pride in the places where Marylanders live and work. Location/Mailing Address: Phone: Website: Staff (1.5 FTE): Arundel Center, 44 Calvert Street, MS 1106, Annapolis, MD 21401 410-222-1805 Carol Benson, Ph.D., Executive Director Victoria Villano, Heritage Programs Coordinator The Mission of the Four Rivers Heritage Area is to advance, support and promote the natural, historic and cultural resources of the region. Project grants for heritage tourism: • Grants from state – since FY2002, 61 grants awarded, includes 20 Capital grants • Established a mini-grant program – since FY2004 (FY14 is 11th year), 103 mini-grants have been awarded Other economic development tools: • One low-interest loan from MHAA to a heritage-tourism business, Discover Annapolis Tours • Expansion of the Annapolis Target Investment Zone – April 2009 Heritage Awards – Recognition of Excellence: • Established a Heritage Awards program – since December 2004 (2014 will be 11th year) Collaborative Programming – Special Events at Multiple Sites: • Established collaborative program called “South County Sundays” – Summers, 2003 to 2005 • South County Sites collaborated for “Fall Heritage Days” – 2006 • Established collaborative annual multi-site event, “Maryland Day Celebration,” for entire heritage area – March 2008 to present, expanded to 3-day weekend in 2010 (2013 was 6th year) Heritage Tourism Products: • South County Audiotour CD, “Roots & Tides” with accompanying brochure – 2003, reprinted 2011 • “Landings: A Boater’s Guide” – July 2006 • “Explorer’s Guide” with folded map – Map, October 2006; Guide, February 2007 • “Explore, Experience, Discover Four Rivers” brochure – January 2009 We also offer numerous networking and informational workshops and seminars, website with resources and heritage events calendar, printed newsletters, E-newsletters. Grant Program: The Heritage Area operates a mini-grant program each year from an annual mini-grant fund of at least $20,000. Mini-grants are awarded up to $2,500 (must be fully matched) to deserving heritage area partner organizations, local governments, and other heritage-related entities. Some projects funded through the mini-grant program include: An updated, expanded walking tour of Eastport (Annapolis Maritime Museum) Development of a historic kayak tour of Spa Creek (AMM with ACT), and of the Rhode River (ACT with SERC) A virtual reconstruction of the Rumney and Long, a historic ship ca. 1747, in 3D for exhibit at Historic London Town (ACT) A cellphone tour for “Annapolis: Centuries of Community” exhibit (Banneker-Douglass Museum) The Passport to Discovery, a children’s activity booklet (Chesapeake Children’s Museum) A one-day Black History Month seminar (HAF, BDM, and Bates Legacy Center) “I Dig Galesville Roots,” a multi-generational African-American history and genealogy project (Kunta KinteAlex Haley Foundation with the Galesville Community Center Organization) The preservation of Francis Scott Key’s Last Will and Testament (St. John’s College) Entities within the Heritage Area are also eligible to apply for Maryland Heritage Areas Authority grants through ALTSCHA, including both capital and non-capital matching grants for projects and small business loans. Capital projects in the Heritage Area funded through the MHAA grant program include: Renovation of restrooms in Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts (FY11) Restoration and rehabilitation of the historic Charles Carroll House (FY10, FY14) Emergency grant for roof replacement at Captain Avery Museum (FY13) Restoration and rehabilitation of the historic gardens (FY06) and repair and painting of damaged exterior wood (FY09) at the Williams Paca House Preservation and renovation of historic McNasby’s Oyster Packing Co. Building at Annapolis Maritime Museum (FY08) Restoration of the Southgate Memorial Fountain in Annapolis (FY08) Expansion of the Visitors Center on West Street (FY06, FY07) Other Activities include: -- “Familiarization Tours” to South County heritage sites for key stakeholders, heritage site interpreters and docents, as well as visiting tourism and public relations professionals. -- Workshops in collaboration with Historic London Town and Gardens, Anne Arundel County Public Schools, and other key stakeholders.