Submillimeter In-Situ Gas Phase Investigation of the Tholin Hypothesis Brian J. Drouin and Robert Hodyss, California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena CA, 91109 Introduction The atmosphere of Titan has fascinated astronomers, physicists, chemists and biologists more and more as new observations and simulations increase understanding of this frozen pre-biotic world. Observations and laboratory studies have largely focussed on the presence of haze that obscures visual and infrared imaging. These aerosol laden clouds of methane are believed to be continuously supplied with organic seed material dropping from the radiation processed upper atmosphere. Sediments consistent with experimentally derived tholin condensates have been imaged on the surface using infrared imaging (in methane windows) [Brown et al. 2006] and radar [Elachi et al. 2006]. These carbon-nitrogen compounds are known to produce amino-acids and other complex organic species in an abiotic aqueous environment [Khare et al. 1984]. It is even likely that such processing has occurred on the surface of Titan during short periods following meteoric impacts or cryovolcanism [Artemieva and Lunine 2003]. Searching out and analyzing such locations would achieve major goals in the search to understand the origins of life and the nature of the early earth. The Huygens probe [Tomasko et al. 2005, Niemann et al. 2005, Fulchignoni et al. 2005] successfully operated in Titan’s atmosphere and survived on the surface for several hours – thus paving the way for future, more ambitious, surface sampling. But how do we really know what to look for in such a mission? Certainly laboratory efforts have contributed to the successes of the Cassini-Huygens mission to the Saturn/Titan system [reference review]. However, the laboratory must continue to provide the guidance necessary to push the analysis of present and forthcoming mission results and to plan the next missions. Perhaps the most pressing questions that remain to be pinned down are still the most obvious ones, such as: Which atmospheric phenomena contribute to the creation of the organic haze layers? Which radiative mechanism dominates the atmospheric chemistry (or is it a concert of radiation mechanisms)? Does the atmosphere selectively fractionate/condense chemicals on time-scales shorter than diffusion and deposition? Are the solid compounds produced in laboratory simulations causally linked to gaseous processes that can be quantified in the Titanian atmosphere? Mitigating these unknowns can confidently determine which instruments will be successful in future missions that search for pre-biotics in this specific environment? Certainly there are many ways to reduce uncertainty in the tholin hypothesis and we present one in which the rotational spectra of atmospheric species can be exploited both in the laboratory and with new telescopes. Many experiments have been done in efforts to elucidate the understanding of Titan’s activated atmosphere and the nature of surface sediments. These experiments each reproduce the atmospheric chemistry of Titan through mixture of nitrogen, methane and sometimes ammonia or water, which is then activated by electrical or coronal discharge, electron bombardment or photolysis. (reasons to use a flow system from Clarke 2000) The laboratory investigation of the atmospheric photochemistry of planets and satellites is mainly carried out in static systems. These studies are often poor models of chemical processes in atmospheres because: (1) much higher mixing ratios of minor constituents must be used to accurately determine the amount of reactant consumed and to obtain sufficient products for analysis, (2) secondary photolysis of the initial photoproducts often occurs, (3) wall reactions occur, and (4) most of the starting material is converted to products to obtain enough for spectroscopic analysis. (More from Szopa 2006) However, the existing plasmas simulations introduce experimental biases compared with the conditions of aerosols production in Titan’s atmosphere: chemistry is induced by electrons instead of photons; the solid analogues are produced and deposited on solid surfaces; direct analysis of the particles inside the reactive chamber is not easy. In order to avoid some of these experimental problems, we have developed another method of production of Titan’s aerosols analogues. Prior to 1991 experiments were primarily qualitative in nature and served to identify species that could be confirmed in Voyager’s IRIS spectra [Hanel et al. (1981)]. Thompson et al 1991 was the first such experiment to emphasize the need for quantitative analysis of the simulated atmosphere. Thompson 1991 showed that quantitative analysis was quite important for classifying the different experiments utilizing a metric for plasma activation based on the percentage of ion-pairs of the parent gas. The plasma is said to have a “low-dose” if it is less than 5% ionized (1.4 eV/molecule), a condition that ensures most collisions in the gas occur with neutral species and the plasma can be considered thermally cold. Using this dosage criteria and an activation dependent metric Thompson was able to put the measured product yields at two different pressures in context with the work of Toupance et al. [1974]. The results of these two quantitative experiments indicate that the lower pressure discharge produces less saturated hydrocarbons and nitriles and higher power favors nitriles over hydrocarbons. The experiments did not effectively measure amines that may have been present in abundances less than or equal to the similar molecular weight hydrocarbons. Thompson 1991 directly applies their experiments to a Titan atmosphere model that incorporates 1 MeV electrons bombarding the atmosphere down to the 0.1 mbar pressure level. This pressure is below the experimental range, but the extrapolative model was successful in producing most observed species to with factors of 5 of the Voyager IRIS spectra. This alone shows that the electrical discharge methods employed are analogous (in mechanism) to the dominant processes in Titan’s upper stratosphere. They specifically point out that photo-induced chemistry only becomes a significant factor in the middle stratosphere. The authors specifically address the need for quantitative measurements of the simulated Titan atmosphere at these lower pressures where magnetospheric activity is strongest. Thompson et al 1994 follow up this work with mass flux measurements that indicate the magnetospheric chemistry can be a major contributor to the stratospheric haze as well as surface deposition. A series of laboratory measurements of activated mixtures of N2/CH4 has been performed at LISA that has focussed on the observables in the mid- to far-infrared wavelengths (Vanssay 1994,) . Initially these measurements were similar to Thompson, with a plasma discharge upstream of the gas analysis the results of these experiments are summarized in Coll 1999a. This series of papers [Vanssay 1994 ib id] has established a list of species that now have been searched for with the moderately high resolution CIRS onboard Cassini. Much of the early success of CIRS can be credited to the concerted efforts to explain the Voyager IRIS data with laboratory simulants and this commensurate plan put into motion before CIRS arrived at the Saturnian system. Describe INMS results here – in situ detection of ammonia, acrylonitrile (C2H3CN), propionitrile (C2H5CN) and formaldimine (CH2NH). Go into importance of in situ detection for discovery of intermediates, chemical pathways and full systematic observation. Then describe prior measurements of activated systems. Optical and electrical measurements of an activated Titan simulant mixture were performed by Nascimento et al 1998. The emission spectra of a number of radical and diatomic species were measured and quantified. Gazeau et al. (2000) developed a photochemical reactor/cell that could probe the reaction chamber directly with IR. Subsequent experiments (e.g. Tran et al 2003) have rallied towards a primarily photochemical mechanism for the formation of organics, nitriles and haze. (more about Tran). A correct hypothesis should incorporate contributions from both ionizing radiative sources, with appropriate considerations for altitude. In general laboratory efforts can contribute to planetary science through fundamental research or with simulated environments. Fundamental spectroscopic and kinetic measurements allow the complex soup of discordant observations to be understood in a reductionist fashion. Conversely, it is very difficult to obtain a ‘big picture’ from the patchwork modeling that inevitably results from the small (but growing) observational datasets of planetary atmospheres. Certainly our strong global understanding of the earth atmosphere has grown out of regular, timely measurements coupled with continuing research into fundamental properties of the species present. For remote systems the fundamental research must be augmented by the in-situ style measurement of simulated environments because the number of unknowns is constrainable and the chemistry is immune to model problems. Paubert et al 1987 pioneered the search for rotational spectra of Titan’s atmosphere and reported detection of hydrogen cyanide using the IRAM telescope. (Measurement of CO should be here). Using improved receivers Bézard achieved higher sensitivity with the same telescope and added cyanoacetylene (Bézard 1992) and acetonitrile (Bézard 1993) to the detected list. (Someone must have gotten cyanoacetylene here). Motivated by experimental simulations (de Vanssay et al. 1995 and Coll et al. 1995), Marten et al utilized even more sensitive receivers at IRAM in an effort to identify cyanodiacetylene, but sufficed only to improve measurements of the previously discovered cyanides. With the strict dipole emission source of rotational spectra, non-detections can readily be turned into upper limits in the disk-averaged models and therefore provide strong feedback to the experimental efforts, which initially suggested a particular abundance of a species. Overall rotational emission detection is a very promising method for discovery of high polarity, low abundance species in remote environments. Receiver technology and frequency coverage has steadily improved simultaneously with array techniques that provide spatial resolution. Furthermore, the spectrometers are inherently high resolution, with bandwidth and channel width determined electronically, this allows the astronomer to measure line profiles that can be disseminated into narrow, upper stratospheric, and wider, lower stratospheric, components. This technique allows concentration as a function of altitude to be extracted for the disk-averaged globe. Clearly a systematic effort utilizing experimental methods, atmospheric modeling and rotational emission detection could lead to a stronger understanding of the stratospheric sources for the Titan haze and sediment. Millimeter and submillimeter laboratory spectroscopy has long been useful for qualitative identification of polar gas-phase species and is naturally connected to the field of millimeter and submillimeter astronomy. The technique is inherently high resolution and typically results in a high quality frequency measurement of the molecular spectra that ultimately leads to gas-phase structure and dipole moment measurements. The frequency and dipole measurements directly transfer to astronomical needs for quantifying gases detected via rotational bands, however, quantitative (concentration) analyses are rarely reported in the laboratory (cite N2O5?) due to the difficulties with source power characterization. Recent improvements in the stability of local oscillators for Herschel’s HIFI instrument, as well as a long history of R&D for communications has culminated in laboratory sources for molecular spectroscopy that are reliable [Drouin et al 2005] and now quantifiable. Furthermore, the rotational spectra of transient species are routinely studied using techniques quite similar to those reported for Titan simulants. However, no study has reported a quantitative analysis of an activated planetary atmosphere simulant to date. The present work serves as a proof of principal for quantitative analyses of complex mixtures that will no doubt be improved upon many times as the technology and cleverness of the researchers improves. Experimental The JPL submillimeter spectrometer[Drouin et al. 2005] was fitted with two mass flow controllers, two hollow electrodes, polyethylene windows and a liquid nitrogen trap, see Figure 1. The operating temperature of 200 K was maintained through passive cooling with methanol chilled by liquid nitrogen and circulated through an envelope surrounding the discharge region. A 3000 Volt, 0.240 Ampere discharge was maintained within 110 mTorr (0.00014 atmospheres) nitrogen and methane. This pressure was actively maintained using the mass-flow controllers following the gas regulators and the discharged gas was continuously pumped through the system using a vacuum pump. Condensable discharge products either deposited upon the cell walls or were collected in a liquid nitrogen trap in line to the vacuum pump. Plastic (polyethylene) windows were fitted directly onto the cold, grounded hollow cathode and onto an insulated extension near the hot hollow anode. Submillimeter radiation was produced through direct multiplication from a voltage-tuned crystal oscillator (Yttrium Iron Garnet – YIG) in the microwave (centimeter) wavelengths. This spectral source is highly monochromatic, polarized and directional. However, the radiation is not collimated as in LASER sources, and therefore careful quasi-optical alignment is required for efficient coupling of the source and detector system. For frequencies between 300 and 700 GHz (wavelength 1.0 - 0.43 mm) quasi-optical mirrors of the ‘front-fed Dragonian’ design [Chang and Prata 2004] have been built that convert the expanding beam from a submillimeter diagonal horn to a one inch (-30 dB radius) parallel beam. These mirrors are implemented at the source multipliers and with Schottky detectors to enable efficient coupling of the submillimeter beam through the cell. For frequency measurements above 700 GHz (wavelength < 0.43 mm) quasi-optical lenses made of polyethylene were utilized for source/ detector alignments. The inherent polarization of the multiplier source is used to gain a factor of two in pathlength (effective length of the absorption cell) by first passing the radiation through a polarization grid aligned with the beam polarization, then, utilizing a roof-top reflector at 45o on the opposite end of the cell, the beam is passed through the cell a second time with the polarization rotated by 90o. Upon reaching the polarization grid the rotated beam is then reflected into the detector aperture. Use of the Dragonian optics enables ~10% of the source power to be coupled into a Schottky (room temperature) detector, making this cost-effective, albeit inherently less sensitive, detector competitive with liquid helium cooled detectors. Furthermore, the improvement in source optics removes the need for any quasi-optical lenses that contribute to absorption loss in the system. A computer program controls the source frequency and monitors the demodulated detector signal while the spectrum is scanned for characterization of the plasma. Further details of the spectrometer system, particularly the multiplier characteristics, are available in reference [Drouin et al. 2005]. Survey scans from 570-648 GHz and 770-930 GHzm using frequency modulation, were done to search for any unexpected compounds and to characterize species that were not well cataloged. An example of one of the survey spectra is shown in Figure 2. Quantitative analyses were performed utilizing direct absorption spectra taken using amplitude modulation. The spectrum shown in Figure 4 gives a hydrogen isocyanide concentration of 3.2 ppm. Low sensitivity scans, utilizing the room temperature Schottky diode detector in the 570-625 GHz range, quickly identified chemicals such as hydrogen cyanide (HCN), carbon monoxide (CO), water (H2O), ammonia (NH3), methyl cyanide (CH3CN), methylenimine (CH2NH) and cyanoacetylene (HC3N). Quantitative analyses of direct absorption spectra shows that HCN, CH3CN and HC3N are present in the cell at concentrations about 200x the mixing ratio at the equivalent pressure in Titan’s atmosphere (water, methylenimine and ammonia have only been characterized in Titan’s ionosphere). Water was not added to the system, but is detected at conditions consistent with its source being the cold cell walls. Table 1. Quantitative analyses of absorption spectra. Species Concentration comment CN 4.09 ppm N = 7/2, J = 5 CN 5.10 ppm N = 7/2, J = 4 Harm. Cont. CO 8.93 ppt HCN 161 ppm From 13C HCN 160 ppm From 15N HNC 3.15 ppm J=5 HNC 3.25 ppm J=6 H2O 449 ppm on walls too NH2 ~2.5 ppt NH3 333 ppm saturated NH3 420 ppm From 15N H2CN 9.29 ppm HC2N ~75 ppm No dipole measurement CNCN < 160 ppb no detection CH2NH 50.6 ppm Catalog off 1-50 MHz HC3N ~80 ppb CH3CN 23.0 ppm CH3NC 0.73 ppm Catalog off 5 – 27 MHz The detection system was then improved by utilizing the laboratory’s most sensitive detector, a liquid helium-cooled, Silicon bolometer. Survey scans in the same spectral window then revealed a number of radical and unstable chemical species present at < 20 ppm. Compounds thus far identified in the survey spectrum include: cyanide radical (CN), hydrogen isocyanide (HNC), amidogen (NH2), methyleneamidogen (H2CN), cyanomethylene (HC2N) and methyl isocyanide (CH3NC). Many of these species have been quantified using direct absorption spectroscopy and known quantum mechanical parameters from the JPL and CDMS databases. The quantitative results are summarized in Table 1. During assignment and quantification of the spectra several database/literature spectroscopic deficiencies were identified including: 1) Only extrapolative predictions for CH3NC and CH2NH; 2) no predictions for hydrazine (N2H4), or methylamine (CH3NH2); 3) and no dipole moment measurement for cyanomethylene. The survey spectrum shown here, as well as spectra recorded from 770 - 930 GHz are sufficient to update the database for CH3NC and CH2NH, however, further analysis to identify signatures due to N2H4 and/or CH3NH2 is beyond the scope of this spontaneous research project. An electrical measurement of the ballast resistance allows the power dissipated in the plasma/electrode system to be separated from the total power provided by the DC power supply. With the Rb = 7.76 k ballast resistance 38-80% of the power goes into the N2/CH4 plasma as well as the heating of the electrodes and coolant. A method described by Thompson et al., for comparison of their results to the work of Toupance, allows an upper estimate of the plasma ‘dosage’ based on electrical measurements of the plasma circuit. This formula is given in Eqn 1 and allows a dosage upper limit of 180 eV/molecule to be determined for the measurements described thus far. Eqn 1) dosage = V I (1 - (I Rb/V))t/N In Eqn 1 the voltage (V) is that applied by the DC power supply and current (I) is the measured current of the total circuit including plasma/electrode resistance as well as the ballast resistance, t is the residence time of the molecules in the flow cell and N is the total number of molecules in the cell volume enclosed by the electrodes. At 100 mTorr and 200 K the 2 Liter cell contains approximately N = 1019 molecules and residence times are close to one second as deduced from the flowmeter settings. 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Apparatus DAQ PC lock in amp DC power supply N2 coolant out modulation detector T 0o C rooftop reflector 5 cm P RF synthesizer T 100 cm multiplier chain polarizing grid cathode coolant in anode vacuum pump CH4 Figure 2. Survey scan of 0.5 mm region. Figure 3. Direct absorption spectrum of HNC J = 5 4. 543890.00 543895.00 543900.00 543905.00 Frequency (MHz) 450 100 400 90 350 80 concentration (ppm) concentration (ppm) Figure 4. ([HCN] - ), ([H13CN]/0.011 - ), and ([NH3] -▲) vs. plasma voltage at a) 300 K and b) 200 K. 300 250 200 150 70 60 50 40 30 100 20 50 10 0 1000 1500 2000 Discharge Voltage 2500 3000 0 1000 1500 2000 Discharge Voltage 2500 3000 Figure 5. HCN and NH3 product yields vs. energy dosage Product Yield (molecule/heV) 6.E-04 300 K (HCN) 300 K (H13CN) 300 K (NH3) 200 K (HCN) 200 K (NH3) 5.E-04 4.E-04 3.E-04 2.E-04 1.E-04 0.E+00 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 Energy (eV/molecule) Figure 6. Profiles compared with experimental data. CH4, CO, C2H2, HCN, CO2, C2N2, HC3N profiles from Teanby et al. Icarus 181 (2006) 243-255, CH3CN profile from Marten et al. Icarus 158, (2002) 532-544. CH4 0.01 CO C2H2 HCN 0.1 CO2 exp exp/200 C2N2 pressure(mb) HC3N exp 1 HCN exp CO exp H2O exp HC3N exp 10 CN exp HNC exp H2CN exp 100 CH2NH exp CH3CN exp CH3NC exp 1000 1.E-13 NH3 exp 1.E-10 1.E-07 vmr 1.E-04 1.E-01 CH3CN CH4 exp