Name of study subject: Methodology of Educational Research Subject code: ETM715; Department code: 66 Study mode: part-time studies Number of credits: 4 (160 hrs.): lectures (32 hrs.), practical classes (0 hrs.), self-study work(128 hrs.) Semester the subject is learnt: Semester 2 Form of assessment: examination STUDY SUBJECT DESCRIPTION Goals: to develop students’ competence of educational research, which reveals itself through an ability to independently plan and conduct researches and to creatively apply acquired methods of analysis, to evaluate research results and to identify their reliability. Competencies to be acquired: to identify a research problem; to design instrument of empiric research (questionnaire, test, research guidelines); to formulate generalisations, conclusions and recommendations of research; to establish direction and strategy for dissemination of research results; to apply methods of descriptive statistics: data filing and their graphic visualisation; to apply the statistical package SPSS 15, for analysis and processing of research data; to organise and implement project activities. Abstract: The content of study module “Methodology of educational research” reflects the topical issues of current social researches. The range of problems that educational researches have addressed in the last decade has increased, more comprehensive experience in terms of quality has been accumulated and Lithuanian researchers have been involved in more and more international researches. The development of educational science (similar to other social sciences) has been affected by methodological consolidation of qualitative researches, meeting validity and reliability criteria. Striving for education and development of an educator-researcher, methodological training plays a particular role in the Master study programme. The structure of the course is based on the logic of educational research. Initially, the key principles and concepts of scientific research are discussed: general research objectives and preconditions for their realisation, the object of educational research and problem of scientific cognition, particularity of empiric research and conception of its results. Methods of empiric qualitative data collection and their quality analysis. A considerable attention is paid to quantitative research methodology: gathering of qualitative data and their statistical analysis. Revelation of educational diagnostic functions in the structure of empiric scientific structure is methodologically relevant. The search for positive propositions of education and problem of their quality control are discussed; this problem is not characteristic of other ‘behaviour’ sciences such as sociology and psychology. The pedagogical experiment, educational projects and expertise of education objects are analysed; the role of generalising education experience and possibilities for its realisation are studied. Topics Conception of social researches: peculiarities of social sciences, conditions that hinder development of social researches and sciences; conception of social researches, logical-methodological preconditions for scientific cognition and research methods. Positivism and scientific cognition. Scientific description, interrelation, prognostication. Fundamental, applied, expert and activity researches. (2 hrs. of theory) Educational knowledge, its structure and methodology Structure of educational knowledge. Conceptions of methodology and methods. Conception of scientific research, its purpose and structure. General research objectives. Scientific research prerequisites. Object of educational research. Conception of research object. Learner and educators activity as an object of scientific cognition. Variety of educational phenomena. Results of object cognition. Empiric and theoretical research. Research problem. Scientific fact. Problem of regularities explaining the object. Peculiarities of theoretical cognition. Qualitative and quantitative researches. (2 hrs. of theory) Types of educational researches. Conception of educational research, their kinds. Types of educational research. Conception of qualitative research. Methodology of quantitative and qualitative researches. Methodological differences combining quantitative and qualitative researches. Methodological prerequisites as differences in spread of postmodernism ideas. Combination of qualitative and quantitative researches. Traditions of qualitative researches. Strategies for qualitative researches. (2 hrs. of theory) Model for quantitative and qualitative research. Peculiarities of quantitative and qualitative educational research and its plan. Structurisation of quantitative and qualitative research. Methodology of quantitative and qualitative research preparation. (2 hrs. of theory) Methods of quantitative and qualitative research: Diagnostics in social researches: collection of “T”, “Q”, “. L” type data. Interview, ethics of research employing interview method, types of interviews, stages. Group interviews: focus groups, unstructured interview. Practical aspect of interviewing (selection of respondents and aspect of accessibility, “key” informant, interview structure, process of interview, interviewing, record keeping). Observation, scientific and daily observation, pedagogical observation. Experiment: independent, dependent and control variables, peculiarities of experiment, advantages of experiment, disadvantages of experiment, experiment design (quasi experimental and non-experimental design). Methods of expert assessment, document content analysis, case study, biographical study, conditions for action research and theory implementation in the context of educational paradigm change, action research. (16 hrs. of theory) Qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Conception of variables and their measurement, types of variables, measurement of variables, validity and reliability of social characteristics measurement, criteria of methodological quality, analysis of qualitative data. Preconditions for quantitative analysis of research data. Purpose of quantitative methods in educational researches. Measurement scales. Statistical sample. Statistical distributions. Distributions of qualitative variables. Normal distribution. Interval scales. Statistical values and parameter hypotheses. Chi-square criterion. Statistical correlation. Conception of statistical correlation. Assessment of correlation strength among variables. Factor analysis. Methods of cluster analysis. Empiric prognostication. Computer data analysis. (4 hrs. of theory) Content of laboratory and practical classes computer data analysis applying SPSS. (4 hrs. of practical classes) Teaching methods: Dialogue-based presentation of material, heuristic discussion, demonstration on computer. Requirements for attendance: Attendance of theoretical lectures is required, attendance of practical classes is obligatory. Assessment of knowledge and skills. Examination. Assessment coefficient (not more than 0.5). Form of examination: oral. Evaluation of individual work. Substantiation of MA paper methodology (80 hrs.). Preparation of research methodology (40 hrs.). (0.25 + 0.25 of the final mark). Requirements ( subjects that have to be studied previously) Theory of education, philosophy of education. Coordinating teacher: Prof.Dr. Palmira Pečiuliauskienė Recommended literature N o. Year of publication 1. 2008 2. 2008 3. 2006 4 2006 5. 2005 6. 2000 7. 1998 Author/s and title Publishing house Bitinas, B., Rupšienė, L & Žydžiūnaitė V. Kokybinių tyrimų metodologija. Part 1. Bitinas, B., Rupšienė, L & Žydžiūnaitė V. Kokybinių tyrimų metodologija. Part 2 Bitinas B. Edukologinis tyrimas: sistema ir procesas Lichtman, Marilyn. Qualitative Research in Education: A User’s Guide Dezin, N.K. & Lincoln I.S. (Ed.). The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. Pring, R. (2000). Philosophy of Educational Research. Klaipėda: S. Jokužio leidykla Klaipėda: S. Jokužio leidykla Vilnius:Kronta Bradley, W. J. and Schaefer, K. C. The Uses Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications London: Sage Publications London, New York Number of copies Library of Study room of higher education methodological institution literature 4 4 135 Other libraries 5 5 1 1 1 Online: OM5L4C&dq=Pring.+Philosophy+of+Education al+Research&printsec=frontcover&source 1 and Misuses of Data and Models : the mathematization of the human sciences. Sage Teacher: Palmira Pečiuliauskienė, Prof.Dr. (full name, position at work, research and pedagogical title) Approved by the Department on October 29 2009, Order No.1 Head of Department: Marija Barkauskaitė, Prof.Dr. Habil. (full name, position at work, research and pedagogical title)