13. SOIL MICROBIOLOGY 13.1. INTRODUCTION Soil main roles (1) medium for plant growth (2) water controlling in the hydrologic system (3) nature’s recycling system (4) habitats for living organisms (5) an engineering medium in humanbuild ecosystems Soil definition Natural body formed from “parent material” as a result of chemical, physical and biological processes; regularly it is divided into horizontal layers – soil horizons Soil volume composition (1) 45 % mineral component (2) 5 % organic component (in CR mostly 1-3 (6) %) (3) 50% pores (20-30 % water, 20-30 % air, optimum 30 % water) Soil organic matter (SOM) Only 1-6 %, but crucial significance for soil properties. Composition: (1) living organisms (= soil biomass); microorganisms, zooedafon, living roots (2) remains of plants, animals and microorganisms (3) remains in decomposition (4) humus (Soil = main reservoir of microbes) Humus (1) black (brown) organic part of SOM (2) very complex (3) resistant to microbial decomposition (half time of decomposition from tens to thousands years; plant residues weeks or months) (4) narrow C:N ratio (10-12 : 1); for plant material very often more than 60 : 1 (5) important for soil structure, water holding capacity, nutrient stability….. = soil fertility Soil mineral constituents Huge diversity in the size and composition (1) stones, gravel … (> 2 mm) (2) sand (2 – 0.05 mm) (3) silt (0.05 – 0.002 mm) (4) clay (< 0.002) The proportion of particles = soil texture (sandy loam, silty clay…) Soil structure – the possibility of soil particles to form aggregates Soil (water) solution Regularly soil solution contains small but significant quantities of soluble inorganic compounds = nutrients for plants and microorganisms Important concentration of H+ and OHions (pH) Soil air Soil air differs from atmospheric – great variability, high moisture, the content of CO2 higher than O2 (may be 5-10 %) 13.2. MAIN SOIL MICROORGANISM GROUPS General composition (Brady, Weil 1999) Number/g kg/ha Bacteria 108-109 400-5000 Actinomyces 107-108 400-5000 Fungi 105-106 1000-15000 Algae 104-105 10-500 Protozoa 104-105 20-200 Nematodes 10 –102 10-150 Mites 1-10 5-150 Collembola 1-10 5-150 Earthworms 100-1500 Other fauna 10-100 (Usually the total biomass of microorganisms = 5000 – 13000 kg/ha) C-source Heterotrophs – use of organic C – substances (mostly saprophytes) Autotrophs – use of CO2 Mixotrophs - use of CO2 together with organic C – substances Zymogenic – decay of plant residues Source of energy Chemotrophs – energy from chemical substances decomposition Phototrophs – use of light energy Source of electrons, H+ Organotrophs – organic substances Litotrophs – inorganic substances Combinations of the descriptions Chemoorganotrophic heterotrophs Chemolitotrophic autotrophs Photolitotrophic autotrophs Physiological (metabolic) groups Defined according the activities in metabolic processes: C-cycling - amylolytic, cellulolytic, butyric bacteria, (lactic acid bacteria, propionic bacteria).... N-cycling – ammonifying b., nitrifying b. etc. P-cycling – P-solubilizing bacteria….. Important genera (examples): Non-sporulating rods: Pseudomonas, Mycobacterium, Arthrobacter, Rhizobium Spore-forming bacteria – Bacillus, Clostridium Cocci – Staphylococcus, Micrococcus… Actinomyces – Streptomyces, Nocardia Fungi – Mucor, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Trichoderma, Fusarium… 13.3. RELATIONSHIP AMONG MICRORGANISMS AND PLANTS Spermosphere Microorganisms living on the surface of seeds (sometimes problematic – esp. fungi) Phytosphere Microorganisms living on the surface of above ground parts of plants (up to 108/g) Mainly proteolytic – Pseudomonas up to 90 % Other components: fungi, spore-forming bacteria (Clostridium, Bacillus), lactic acid bacteria… Rhizosphere Ecological niche – surface and close surroundings of plant roots Microflora is influenced by root exudates (source of simple nutrients) Rhizosphere effect = the change of microflora: (1) low diversity (non-sporulating rods prevail); (2) the higher population /2-1000 times/ than in root-free soil (ratio R/S) Mycorrhizae Symbiotic association between a fungus and plant root, sometimes obligatory Significance: (1) for plant: better water and nutrients supply (2) for fungus: source of C-substances (3) root fungi activity in mineralisation Vesicular-arbuscural mycorrhizae (VAM), fungus is present into root cells forming vesicules and arbuscules 13.4.SOIL MICROORGANISM FUNCTIONS 13.4.1. SOIL FORMATION (SF) Factors influencing soil formation: (1) parent materials (2) climate (3) biota (4) topography (5) time SF starts with rock (parent material) weathering – physical, chemical biological (breakdown, synthesis, disintegration, decomposition) Physical – influence of temperature, water (ice), wind, plants, animals…. Chemical – water (hydrolysis), oxygen and esp. organic and inorganic acids originated by biological activities (H2CO3, H2SO4, HNO3, oxalic acid…..) Important role of autothrophs during SF = synthesis of organic substances Synthesis of humus substances Role of living organisms: (1) biological weathering (2) organic matter accumulation (3) profile mixing (4) nutrient stability (5) aggregate formation (stability) 13.4.2. CARBON CYCLING 13.4.3. NITROGEN CYCLING 13.4.4. PHOSPHORUS CYCLING 13.4.5. SULPHUR CYCLING 13.4.6. MINERALISATION Organic substances Inorganic subst. = one of main function of microorganisms, usually it starts with hydrolysis = source of nutrients for plants, microbes.. Examples for soil: Carbon substances (cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, lignin, organic acids…) Aerobic respiration Org. C-substances CO2 + H2O + E Butyric fermentation (anaerobic) Org. C-substances CO2 + acids (butyric, acetic…) + alcohols + H2 + e (Non complete mineralisation) Nitrogen cycling (proteins, amino acids, urea, nucleic acids, chitin…) Ammonification (both aerobic and anaerobic) Org. N-substances NH4+ + others Phosphorus cycling (ATP, nucleic acids, phosphoproteins, phytates…) Org. P-substances H2PO4-, HPO42-, PO43 Sulphur cycling (methionine, cystine, organic ester sulphates…) Org. S-substances H2S (anaerobic) Org. S-substances SO42 Priming effect = the higher level (speed) of mineralisation after amendment of easily mineralisable substances to slowly mineralisable substances Significance: - decomposition of complex substances - detoxification of xenobiotics 13.4.7. HUMIFICATION = process of humus formation (synthesis) from organic material Humus = complex of amorphous and colloidal substances; dark colour; narrow ratio of C : N (10-12 : 1); very low level of degradability (half time of mineralisation - from tens to thousands years) Conditions for humification: (1) source of organic matter (2) external conditions (3) microflora Source of organic matter (OM) OM = source both of components for humus synthesis and energy OM with short half time of mineralisation = source of energy (simple substances – root exudates, the finest roots…) OM with medium or long half time of mineralization = source of humus components + source of energy (plant residues, farmyard manure, compost) Decomposition Rapid Energy Components Good Bad Sugars, starches Crude proteins Hemicellulose Cellulose Fats, waxes Lignin, phenolics Very slow Bad Good Decomposition of organic residues 100%= mineralisation (CO2) 60-80 % biomass 6-8 % non-humus sub. 6-8 % humus 10-30 % Three phases of humus synthesis (1) breakdown of water soluble substances – mostly energy production (2) breakdown of insoluble substances, production of intermediates (3) physical and chemical phase – condensation and polymerisation, stable humus is produced External conditions for humus synthesis Temperature generally 20°-65°C, optimum 30° – 45°C, with growing temperature the speed is growing but mineralisation is also higher (lower humus production) high temperature is important for destruction of pathogens and weed seeds Aeration higher aeration stimulates mineralisation; humus production is lower but high quality; optimum = combination of aerobic (dominant) and anaerobic conditions Water optimum humidity for soil – 60% of maximum water holding capacity optimum humidity for composting – approx. 65 relative % pH optimum 7 (6 – 7) for high quality of humus Other factors climate, erosion, exposition, parent material… Microflora Synthesis of humus = responsibility of soil microorganisms There are not special microorganisms responsible only for humification – this is the activity of complex soil microflora The process starts with bacteria very quickly followed by fungi and is completed with actinomyces Two main microbial phases: (1) bacterio-fungi phase (2) actinomycetal phase HUMUS Components: Fulvic acids – yellow, lower stability, half time of mineralisation (2) 10 – 200 years Humic acids – dark (brown, black), high stability, half time of mineralisation 800 – 4000 years Humins – very stable, biologically less activity, half time of mineralisation > 4000 years Significance: Physical properties (structure - pores, water capacity…) Chemical properties (sorption of nutrients, cation exchange capacity, pH – buffering…) Biological properties (improving conditions for soil biota) 13.4.8. IMMOBILISATION = anabolic process needing energy Inorganic subst. Organic substances in living organisms Result = growing microbial biomass Examples: NH4+ Amino acids (Proteins) NO3- ( NH4+) Amino acids (Proteins) SO42cystine (-SH) H2PO4phospho-organic subst. Influence of carbon content; nearly all N, S, P is immobilized if C:N >40:1 C:S >(200) 400:1 C:P >100:1 Significance: Positive – nutrients are “stored” in soil, less probability of leaching and erosion losses Negative – competition between plants and microorganisms, organic subst. cannot be used by plants 13.4.9. SOIL SICKNESS Usually result of monocultures, exp. some plants – apple tree, lucerne, some vegetables….. Less sensitive – cereals esp. corn (maize) Signs: Shortage of some nutrients Higher pathogen incidence Decreasing microbial diversity Changes in decomposition activity Some metabolites are increasing Result = worse soil biological quality, bad plant growth, decreasing yield of agricultural plants Solution: Plant diversity Agriculture – plant rotation Organic fertilizing Soil improving – pH, watering… 13.4.10. DETOXICATION Growing significance last decades with the higher environment pollution (the higher use of xenobiotics). Detoxification = natural activity of soil microorganisms, three levels: (1) main metabolic pathway (pollutant = source of nutrients or/and energy) (2) secondary utilization, (pollutant = secondary source of nutrients or/and energy) (3) co-metabolism (individual molecules of pollutant are metabolised, importance for microorganisms is very limited Biodegradability is defined by “half-time of decomposition” Chlorinated hydrocarbons 2-5y Triazine herbicides 1-2y Urea herbicides 2-10mo Organophosphate insect. 1-12wk Carbamate insecticides 1-8wk Variants of detoxification (decontamination, bioremediation): “in situ” – for low level of soil contamination, improving by optimisation of soil properties (pH, content of water and nutrients, aeration, cultivation…) “ex situ” – for higher level of soil contamination, (1) soil removing (2) dilution with non-contaminated material (3) nutrient level (ratio C:N:P) improvement (4) pH (5) inoculation (6) processes management (aeration, watering… “ex situ” detoxification variants: land-farming bed reactor bioventing etc. Microorganisms active in decontamination: Achromobacter Alcaligenes Arthrobacter Pseudomonas Trichoderma Aspergillus Penicillium 13.4.11. SELFCLEANING = result of soil homeostasis = self regulation = antagonistic relations between autochthonous and alochthonous soil microflora Contaminated microorganisms are eliminated by usual typical soil microorganisms Principles: - nutrient competition - space competition Significance – positive process, “soil health” esp. elimination of pathogens (both plant and animal) Stimulation: - crop diversity, crop rotation - external conditions regulation (pH, aeration, water content, nutrient content…)