Canada Province of Québec County of Gatineau Municipality of Kazabazua By-Law_________________ Title By-Law relating to other nuisances Considering that the regulations on nuisances previously adopted by the Municipality of Kazabazua does not take into account all forms of nuisances; Considering that article 546, paragraph 1 and 2 of the Municipal Code, gives onto the municipality the power to legislate in the matter of nuisance and the right to define and to decree what constitutes a nuisance, to write fines, set or impose any measure intended to eliminate or to prevent nuisances; Considering that Municipal Councillors consider it necessary to adopt a by-law on other nuisances; Considering that the Municipality of Kazabazua’s previously adopted by-laws on the matter of nuisances will remain current and in full effect; Considering that conforming to article 445 of the Municipal Code, a notice of motion was deposited at the regular council meeting ……. by …….; Consequently, it is proposed by : and resolved to adopt the by-law relating to other applicable nuisances on the territory of the Municipality of Kazabazua; Article 1 : Interpretative and administrative provisions The preamble forms an integrated part of the present by-law. The present by-law must not be considered as limiting the application or the general points of the other by-laws adopted by the municipality of Kazabazua in regards to nuisances and in the event this by-law does not address the issues at hand, it will be necessary to refer to the other by-laws of the municipality with regards to nuisances. In cases of contradiction in wording or context, expressions, terms and words in this by-law, outlined in the present article, the meaning and application will be applied based on this current by-law. 1-1) RESPONSIBLE OFFICER - signifies the designated employee, being municipal inspector, municipal building & environmental inspector or its duly authorized representative; 1-2) RUNNING WATER – signifies all permanent waterways, including sources of drinking water located on the territory of the municipality of Kazabazua, which do not dry during periods of drought; 1-3) CHEMICAL FERTILIZER – signifies specifically means for this by-law, spreading of chemical fertiliser in liquid, solid, granule, or any other form most commonly used for the up-keep of lawns; 1-4) SCRAP IRON – signifies all scrap iron or steel, old iron pieces or or iron implements, carcasses or parts of carcasses of machinery vehicles, or household appliances; 1-5) CHEMICAL WEEDKILLER – signifies specifically, for this by-law, spreading chemical weed killer in the form of liquid, solid, granule, or any other form, most commonly used for the up-keep of lawns; 1-6) LIMIT OF HIGH WATER - signifies the part of land likely to be submerged temporarily when water is at its highest level during the year; 1-7) NUISANCE - signifies any instance which can be charactarized as being harmful and which can threaten the general or stable environment, the public well-being, well-being of the neighbourhood or the esthetics of the area; 1-8) CHEMICAL PESTICIDE – signifies, specifically for the purposes of this by-law, spreading of chemical pesticide in liquid, solid, granule, or any other form, most commonly used for the maintenance of lawns; 1-9) WATER WAY - without limiting the general definition of watercourses mentioned in 1-2, a waterway means all lakes (including rivers and creeks), ponds and swamps situated on the territory of the Municipality of Kazabazua; 1-10) PUBLIC PROPERTY – signifies all property, roads, streets, boulevards, crescents, sidewalks and parks belonging to the Municipality of Kazabazua; 1-11) ROAD VEHICLES – for the purposes of the present by-law, the word "road vehicle" includes that which is attributed in the Quebec Road Security Code (L.R.Q. C.24-2), article 4, copy of which is annexed to the present by-law; 1-12) ANIMALS - for the purposes of the present by-law the word "animals" signifies domestic animals only, and is not restricted to dogs, cats and farm animals. The present definition does not include wild animals, that which can not be personal property. 1-13) RESIDUAL MATERIAL - articles 2-1 and 2-2 of the present by-law, it is necessary to understand the notion of residual material, residual meaning garbage, garbage bags, torn garbage bags with waste, scrap iron, paper, wood piles other than firewood stored outside for domestic usage, bottles or empty bottles, domestic garbage, refuse, rebus of sorts, nauseating substances, animal carcasses, an accumulation of building or demolition materials or except as authorized for a specific period by the Municipality of Kazabazua that these works of construction or demolition, during a reasonable period, piles of branches, bushes other than for purposes of domestic composting or burning (the whole under reserve of article 5-1b) of the present by-law for burning, chemical or toxic products, including new or used oil and all oil by-products such as: tires, or all other types of residual material. 1-14) FARMING ANIMALS - for the purposes of the present by-law, the notion of farming animals signifies an owner who keeps more than "2" animals for the purpose of breeding and this, contrary to article 2-10 of the present by-law. 1-15) STREET AREA – under the present by-law is described as being the surface area a road or street and can include the areas incorporated into the street area (ditches, etc.) forming part of the public community. 1-16) URBANIZATION PERIMETER - understood, notably in article 4-4d) in the present by-law as being the zone of Kazabazua's municipality defined as such in the various by-laws of the municipality. ARTICLE 2: 2-1) General provisions Constitutes a nuisance, the actions of an owner or occupant of a building, to throw, deposit or let trail on this building: 1234- garbage; scrap metal; paper; wood piles other than external storage of firewood for domestic purposes; 5- empty bottles or cans; 6- household waste; 7- rubbish; 8- rejects of all kinds; 9- nauseating substances; 10- animal carcasses; 11- accumulation of demolition or building material, except that which is authorized by the municipality of Kazabazua for a period of time required to carry out demolition or building work, all within a reasonable period. 12- accumulations of branches, undergrowth other than for domestic composting or burning, the whole subject to article 5-1 b) of this bylaw as for burning. 13- chemicals or toxic products including new or used oil and all derivative petroleum such as: 13-1- tires; 13-2- any other type of residual matter; 2-2) Constitutes a nuisance, the actions of any person, to throw, deposit or leave on public property: 1- garbage; 2- garbage bags; 3- torn garbage bags; 4- empty bottles or cans; 5- refuse; 6- rejects of all kinds; 7- household refuse; 8- accumulation of building materials; 9- accumulation of branches or undergrowth; 10- scrap metal; 11- tires out of use; 12- all other types of residual matter; Notwithstanding what proceeds, the actions by any owner of a building or its occupant, to deposit within the authorized periods, bags of household refuse in a garbage box, private or municipal, located on the edge of a municipal roadway, does not constitute a nuisance; 2-3) 2-4) Constitutes a nuisance, the actions by any owner or occupant of a building, to use an old freezer or any other apparatus of the same kind as a garbage box; Constitutes a nuisance, the actions by any person of being at the municipal dump apart from the official hours of business, without having obtained authorization from a municipal authority; 2-5) Constitutes a nuisance, the actions by any person not owning of a building located on the territory of the municipality of Kazabazua, or by any person who does not have in his/her possession a construction permit number issued by the Municipality of Kazabazua, to throw or deposit at the municipal dump of Kazabazua, waste, building materials, worn out tires, scrap metal, old pieces of furniture, or any other residual matters, without having obtained written authorization from a municipal authority beforehand; 2-6) Constitutes a nuisance, the act of leaving a pit, hole, excavation or foundation of a building if this pit, hole, excavation, or foundation is likely to create a public menace; 2-7) Constitutes a nuisance, the actions of the owner of a building, to keep one or more dead or dangerous trees near a residence or a public place; 2-8) Constitutes a nuisance, the actions of any person, to create a condition likely to encourage the presence or the proliferation of vermin or rodents, more particularly and without restricting the general information of what proceeds, constitutes a nuisance the actions of all owners or occupants of a building to throw away, deposit or let trail on this building, animal carcasses or animal parts; 2-9) Constitutes a nuisance, the actions by the owner of a building to allow trees or branches to block the private road entrance of a building,resulting in preventing the passage of emergency vehicles (fire trucks/ambulance/police) or other vehicles of public service: 2-10) Constitutes a nuisance, the actions by any owner or occupant of a building to practice or exert the breeding of animals, the whole as defined in the present by-law, apart from an agricultural zone recognized by the authorities of the municipality and identified on the zoning plan # of the municipality of Kazabazua. ARTICLE 3: Provisions relating to road vehicles and scrap metal 3-1) Constitutes a nuisance, the actions by the owner of a building, vacant or built, to throw, deposit or leave a mess on this property: 1234567- 3-2) scrap metal road vehicles, out of use; one or more road vehicle frames; parts or remains of road vehicles; mechanical apparatuses, non-functional; parts or mechanical remains of apparatuses; parts or remains of vehicles of all kinds; The exception being for zones and buildings where the regulations allow it, constitutes a nuisance, the actions by the owner or occupant of a property to proceed, authorize or tolerate dismantling, modification or repairing of a road vehicle outside a closed building, except for the normal maintenance of a road vehicle pertaining to the owner or the occupant of the property. ARTICLE 4: Provisions relating to water, waterways and water levels 4-1) Constitutes a nuisance, the actions by the owner of a property, to allow on such a property, the presence of one or several water ponds stagnating of natural origin, or emanating from a defective septic installation; 4-2) Constitutes a nuisance, the actions of installing or placing at the entrance of a street any obstruction, as defined in article 1-15 of the present by-law, or doing work likely to prevent the normal flow of rainwater, without prior authorization from the municipality of Kazabazua, in writing, or under the terms of some other applicable by-law; 4-3) Constitutes a nuisance, the action of pouring, pushing, depositing, or throwing, snow or ice from a private property on the street, road, sidewalks or on public property; 4-4) a) Constitutes a nuisance, the actions by an owner or the occupant of a property, to spread or to have spread on the aforementioned property, within a width of ground measuring one hundred fifty (150) meters, measured starting from the highest limit of water or a water level and or a water stream, according to circumstances, fertilizer, pesticide, or chemical weed killer, in liquid, solid or granules form, or any other form of fertilizer, pesticide, or chemical weed killer, particularly and without restricting the general information of what precedes above, constitutes a nuisance, the spreading of chemicals of comparable nature used for the maintenance of lawns; b) Notwithstanding what precedes in article 4-4 a) above, the reasonable spreading of fertilizer made up of composted organic matter, diatonic ground and pesticides whose active agent is of bacterial origin, do not constitute a nuisance; c) Notwithstanding what precedes in article 4-4 a) above, when the property is located inside an agricultural zone of a dominant vocation, or when the property is protected by acquired rights connected to agricultural use, or when the property is a golf course recognized by the municipality of Kazabazua, the nuisance applies, but the width of ground mentioned in article 4-4 a) above, is reduced to 3 meters, measured starting from the highest limit of water of a river or water level, according to the circumstances; d) Constitutes a nuisance, actions by an owner or occupant of a property located inside the perimeter of urbanization (village zone) of the Municipality of Kazabazua, the whole as defined in the present by-law article 1-16, to spread or to have spread on the said property, manure; 4-5) a) Constitutes a nuisance, the actions by any person, to throw objects, matter or substance in a river or a water way; b) particularly and without restricting the general information of what precedes in article 4-5 a) above, constitutes a nuisance, actions by any person to throw or pour in a river or a water stream, garbage, bags of garbage, refuse, scrap metal, residual matter, including feces and urine, water coming from a septic installation, exceptions being those provided for by the BY-LAW ON EVACUATION AND TREATMENT OF USED WATER FROM ISOLATED RESIDENCES (Q-2, r.8), the aforementioned by-law being integrated into the present by-law. 4-6) a) Constitutes a nuisance, the actions by any person, to wash themselves or wash an animal in a river or a water stream, using shampoos, soaps, including natural products, labelled as biodegradable or not; b) Constitutes a nuisance, the actions by any person, to wash in or at the immediate edge of a river or a water stream, any type of vehicle, whole or part vehicle, or any other object, using shampoos, soaps, detergents, stripping solutions, or other product of comparable nature, labelled biodegradable or not; ARTICLE 5 Provisions relating to the air pollution 5-1) a) Constitutes a nuisance, the actions by any person, to cause or allow the existence of sources of nauseous odours which disturb the normal pleasure of the property in the vicinity; More particularly and without restricting the general information of what precedes in article 5.1 a) above, constitutes a nuisance, the actions by any person, to burn waste garbage or materials other than wood in a natural state, except when entertaining campfires in a secured area prepared for this purpose are authorized; b) More particularly and without restricting the general information of what precedes in article 5-1 a) above, constitutes a nuisance, the actions by the owner of a property to allow the existence of sources of nauseous odour coming from a defective septic installation which disturbs the normal pleasure of the properties in the vicinity; 5-2) Without limiting the general information of what precedes, constitutes a nuisance, the actions by any person of making a fire when it is prohibited, by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Quebec or the Society for the protection of forests against fire; ARTICLES 6 Administrative Provisions 6-1) The responsible officer is in charge of the application of this by-law; 6-2) Any person creating, causing or allowing that which is considered a nuisance contravenes the present by-law; 6-3) Any person having created or having caused a nuisance described by this by-law must, by order of the responsible authority, within the time allowed by way of notice of breach of law, make disappear, eliminate, remove or destroy this nuisance: failing to conform to the order received within the time limit, or in the event of emergency, the authority responsible can have everything done that is necessary to correct the situation at the expense of this person. The expenses incurred for the execution of this work are regarded as being a priority credit on the property concerned, recoverable in the same manner as a special tax. Instances where cleaning requires the interruption or the detour of road traffic or pedestrians, the person given the obligation to clean must first warn the responsible officer prior to undertaking corrective measures. 6-4) The Municipal Council of Kazabazua through this by-law, any peace agent or responsible officer to undertake penal pursuit against any contravener with all provisions of this by-law and generally authorizes these people to deliver the reports of infringements useful to this end; these people will be charged through the application of this by-law. 6-5) The officer responsible for the application of this by-law is authorized to visit, examine any personal estate and real, as well as the interior and the outside of any house, property or unspecified property to note if this bylaw is respected, and any owner, tenant or occupant of these properties, houses, and buildings, must receive them, permit them to enter, and answer all questions which are asked to them relating with the execution of this by-law; The violation that makes it possible for the responsible officer to visit or examine the house, building or office, as required in article 6-5(1), constitutes an infringment of the present by-law within the meaning of article 6-2 of this by-law, and is thus punishable within the meaning of article 7; ARTICLE 7 Provisions relating to the sanctions and recourse 7-1) Any breach of the law or infraction with one or the other of the provisions of this by-law makes the contravener liable, if it is an individual and in the case of a first infraction, a minimum fine of one hundred ($100.00) dollars plus expenses, but not exceeding one thousand ($1000.00) dollars plus expenses. If the contravener is a legal entity, a minimum fine of two hundred ($200.00) dollars plus expenses, but not exceeding two thousand ($2 000.00) dollars plus expenses; 7-2) In the event of a repeat offence within two (2) years of the declaration of guilt of the contravener, for an infraction of the same by-law, and if the contravener is an individual, a minimum fine of two hundred ($200.00) dollars plus expenses, but not exceeding two thousand ($2 000.00) dollars plus expenses. If the contravener is a legal entity, of a minimum fine of four hundred ($400.00) plus expenses, but not exceeding four thousand ($4 000.00) dollars plus expenses; 7-3) If the infraction is continuous, it can be treated as such and fines administered for each day. ARTICLE 8 The present by-law enters into force 8-1) The present by-law will come into effect in accordance with the Law. ___________________________ Mayor ___________________________ Secretary-Treasurer