Moorcroft Surgery Dr Hall, Dr Newell, Dr Lewis, Dr Higgins (Partners) 646 King Lane, LEEDS LS17 7AN Tel: 0113 295 2750 Fax: 0113 295 2761 PRIVATE PRESCRIPTIONS – Conversion to NHS Prescriptions Dear Patient Please note that Moorcroft Surgery does not have an obligation to convert privately issued prescriptions to NHS prescriptions. We reserve the right for GPs to assess such requests on an individual basis and use their personal discretion and judgement. You may take a privately-issued prescription to any Pharmacy and bear the cost yourself but please note that the cost will be the price of the medication and NOT the standard NHS prescription fee. Requests to convert Private scripts to NHS are not straight-forward and WILL NOT be processed within our normal 48-hour turnaround target for standard repeat prescriptions. Please note that GPs who issue NHS scripts are taking responsibility for the patient’s use of that medication and for its monitoring. They need to be confident that they have all of the relevant information available to consider the appropriateness of the medication and any associated risks (especially in cases where they have not been involved in the referral). Our prescribers have to adhere to strict guidelines, formularies, licensing information and protocols applicable to NHS prescriptions. Some items cannot be prescribed in primary care (i.e. by a GP rather than a hospital consultant). An NHS prescription can only be provided if the medication would usually be provided on the NHS. Therefore we will not be able to convert any private prescriptions to NHS prescriptions before we have received CLEAR and DETAILED information from the relevant Consultant/provider including their recommendations, dosage, treatment plans and clinical justification. This can take up to 2 weeks and it is NOT our responsibility to chase this up. Thankyou for your understanding and patience in this matter. We understand it can be frustrating but patient safety is our priority. Kind regards Nikki Ibbotson – Practice Manager (on behalf of the GP Partners)