Relocation of the M2.6 Portland, Oregon, earthquake of November 5, 2006 Robert Butler, Jenda Johnson, John C. Lahr, and Ruth S Ludwin (Authors listed in alphabetical order.) (Revised 11/30/2006) During June, 2006, the authors gave a seismology workshop for twelve teachers from 11 public schools in Portland. This year the teachers are sharing 6 AS-1 seismic systems that were provided by IRIS. Half-way through the year the instruments will change classrooms. Four of the six instruments were running when the November 5th event occurred, including the instrument located at Sellword Middle School (SMOR) just 5 km from the epicenter. Although absolute timing is not maintained on these instruments, the SMOR record displayed clear P and S arrivals with a time separation of 1.8 seconds. Since WPO, the nearest station of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN), is located 13 km away, the S minus P interval from SMOR may provide better depth constraint because it is located much closer. The computer program HYPOELLIPSE can use of S minus P intervals, along with P and S arrival times to locate earthquakes, so that program was used to relocate the Portland earthquake. The results are summarized in this table and details from the HYPOELLIPSE program are given in the appendix. Three different velocity models are in use by the PNSN, so three sets of locations were computed. Location source Origin Time Latitude Velocity Model C3 (North of Portland) Longitude Depth (km) Horizontal PNSN Catalog with free depth PNSN with fixed depth Hypoellipse without S-P Hypoellipse with SP 05:34:35.69 45N30.94 45.5157 05:34:35.80 05:34:35.62 Location source Origin Time 05:34:35.79 Standard Error (km) Vertical 15.67 45N30.86 122W38.87122.6478 122W38.89 45n30.78 45.5130 45n30.55 45.5091 122w39.08 -122.6513 122w39.08 -122.6513 18.05 0.9 2.4 13.29 0.8 0.9 Latitude 13. Velocity Model O3 (South of Portland) Longitude Depth (km) Horizontal Standard Error (km) Vertical PNSN with free depth PNSN Catalog with fixed depth Hypoellipse without S-P Hypoellipse with SP 05:34:35.11 45N30.99 122W38.94 16.62 05:34:35.26 45N30.96 122W38.81 13.0 05:34:35.62 45W30.90 122W38.84 18.05 0.9 2.6 05:34:35.79 45N30.39 122W39.064 11.61 0.8 0.9 Location source Origin Time Latitude Velocity Model P3 (Puget Lowland) Longitude Depth (km) Horizontal PNSN with free depth PNSN with fixed depth Hypoellipse without S-P Hypoellipse with SP Standard Error (km) Vertical 05:34:35. 45N30.89 122W38.85 14.43 05:34:35. 45N30.88 122W38.79 13.0 05:34:35. 45W30.75 122W39.04 16.88 0.9 2.6 05:34:35.86 45N30.57 122W39.10 13.45 0.8 0.9 The computed depth when the S minus P interval was included varied from 11.6 to 13.5 km. The HYPOELLIPSE relocations did not use the station corrections developed by the PNSN. Perhaps the best solution consistent with past PNSN locations are those above obtained by fixing the depth at 13 km and then relocating this event with the standard PNSN location program. As a check on the constraint provided by a nearby S minus P interval, I’ve computed the S minus P interval for an event located directly below a station. These intervals were computed for depths ranging from 1 to 20 km and for all three velocity models. If an uncertainty of plus or minus 0.1 s is assumed for the S minus P time, and if the true velocity model is bracketed by these three models, then the observed S minus P of 1.8 seconds implies a maximum depth between 11.2 and 15 km. If the earthquake epicenter is located not directly under station SMOR but rather 5 km away, then the depth range becomes: Sqrt(11.2**2 – 5**2) to Sqrt(15**2 – 5**2) or 10.2 to 14.1 km These depths are also a function of the ratio of the P velocity to the S velocity. A value of 1.78 has been assumed. layer 1 2 3 4 5 6 velocity model C3 (North of Portland) velocity depth thickness km/sec km km 5.100 6.000 6.600 6.800 7.100 7.800 .000 1.000 10.000 18.000 34.000 43.000 1.000 9.000 8.000 16.000 9.000 1000.000 vpvs 1.780 1.780 1.780 1.780 1.780 1.780 layer 1 2 3 4 5 6 layer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 velocity model O3 (South of Portland) velocity depth thickness km/sec km km 2.900 4.700 6.000 6.400 6.800 7.700 .000 1.300 3.400 8.000 30.000 42.000 1.300 2.100 4.600 22.000 12.000 1000.000 velocity model P3 (Puget Lowland) velocity depth thickness km/sec km km 5.400 6.380 6.590 6.730 6.860 6.950 7.800 .000 4.000 9.000 16.000 20.000 25.000 41.000 4.000 5.000 7.000 4.000 5.000 16.000 1000.000 vpvs 1.780 1.780 1.780 1.780 1.780 1.780 vpvs 1.780 1.780 1.780 1.780 1.780 1.780 1.780 The white rectangle indicates the range of possible depth, given an uncertainty of 0.1 s in the observed 1.8 s S minus P interval. Figure 1. Google Earth map showing the location of the 6 schools with AS-1 seismic systems, the PNSN earthquake location and relocated location based on C3 and O3 velocity models. East Bank fault (purple) and Portland Hills fault (blue). Figure 2. Sellwood Middle School (SMOR) unfiltered record with S minus P interval of 1.8 seconds. The first motion is impulsive compression. Conclusions Data from the classroom seismic station located at Sellwood Middle School by Rick Oleksak has helped to constrain the depth and location of the Portland earthquake of November 5, 2006. The relocation places the event at a depth of 13 km approximately equidistant from the mapped surface traces of the Portland Hills and East Bank faults. The interpretation of the S minus P interval is dependent on the assumed velocity model. In the vicinity of the relocated epicenter, the velocity models in use at the PNSN constrain the depth to be between 10.2 and 14.1 km. If the Portland Hills fault dips to the west and the East Bank fault dips to the East, then this event must have occurred on an unmapped fault. If a future sequence of well-recorded earthquakes occurs on this fault, then it should be possible to determine its location and dip. Acknowledgements Many thanks are due to Roy Chambers and the teachers who have been running AS-1 seismic stations in their classrooms. The teachers include Joanne Barda, Edwin Wack, Gerilyn Nichols, Tom Bright, Ric Oleksak, Rod Kitson, Joanne Barta, and Edwin Wack. Support for this study as well as the initial teacher workshop and the AS-1 instruments was provided by the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS). The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network shared their arrival-time data and location parameters, which made this study possible. Appendix Event location from HYPOELLIPSE using velocity model C3 and the S minus P interval at SMOR: horizontal and vertical single variable standard deviations (68% - one degree of freedom; max 99 km) seh = .59 seh = .80 sez = .91 quality = a az = -62. az = 28. se of orig = .09; # of iterations = 8; dmax = event type = " "; processing status = " " closest station did not use both p and s date 20 61106 seh .8 origin lat long 534 35.79 45n30.55 122w39.08 sez q sqd .9 b b a depth 13.29 150.00; sequence number = mag no d1 gap d 2.502 35 5 57 1 rms .1357 avwt 1.00 adj in nr avr aar nm avxm mdxm sdxm nf avfm mdfm sdfm .21 0 56 -.010 .092 0 .0 9 2.50 2.50 .1 -- travel times and delays -stn c pha remk p p-sec s-sec resid std-er dist smor z iZU9 c 36.00 5.2 azm ain 179 157 tc c vthk 1 se .10 vpvs .000 ttob-ttcal-dlay-edly=resid rmk stn pha sources .21 2.35 -2.14 smor smor smor wpo wpo huba pgo ross perl g04a g04a g04a eyes bull bull bull colt vg2 f04a g03a g03a g03a lvp rvw tdh sso vll fl2 cdf shw sep f03a f03a f03a edm sos elk gul vfp h04a tdl f05a f05a f05a h03a asr bow lcw z z z z z z z z z e e z z n n z z z n n z z z z z z z z z z z n n z z z z z z z z n n z z z z s smp s s s s s s S0 c iZ 1 S2 iZ 1 iZU1 iZ 1 iZ 1 iZD1 iE 4 S2 iZ 1 iZ 1 iN 4 S1 iZ 0 iZD1 iZ 2 iN 4 S2 iZD0 iZD1 iZD2 iZD2 iZD2 iZD2 iZU1 iZ 2 iZ 2 iZU2 iZ 2 iN 4 S2 iZ 2 iZD1 iZD1 iZD1 iZ 2 iZD0 iZD1 iZ 8 iN 4 S8 iZD1 iZ 2 iZD1 iZ 2 37.80 39.06 41.28 38.97 c 39.52 39.38 39.96 d 42.15 47.60 42.56 42.48 47.59 42.92 d 44.16 43.95 52.02 44.70 46.10 47.10 47.59 47.71 48.50 48.63 48.70 49.09 c 49.61 49.30 d d d d d d c d d d d d 60.05 49.56 50.18 50.14 50.95 51.40 51.20 51.37 52.40 65.02 d 52.25 53.07 d 53.63 55.98 -.04 .21 .04 .07 .28 .05 -.11 .06 -42.09 .60 .29 -.06 -42.54 -.22 .10 .14 -.24 -44.70 .37 .00 -.28 -.26 .19 -.07 .42 -.01 -.32 .03 .23 -.09 -49.39 .04 .02 -.13 -.30 .14 .44 -.31 -.24 .43 -51.97 .43 -.26 .09 -.53 -.10 1 .10 .50 ----.50 .50 .50 .50 .50 --------.51 .51 --------.10 .52 1.06 --------.11 .57 1.20 1.20 1.22 1.25 .65 1.34 1.34 1.38 1.38 --------1.39 .74 .75 .78 1.57 .16 .85 ------------.93 2.02 1.24 3.99 13.0 13.5 16.3 17.0 22.5 36.3 36.3 37.6 39.4 39.4 41.2 49.3 50.4 53.8 53.8 64.8 71.4 71.6 74.1 76.1 79.8 82.3 82.6 84.7 84.8 84.8 85.8 90.9 91.7 94.2 95.2 98.8 99.4 101.8 101.8 105.4 108.5 116.3 129.1 303 131 131 360 130 109 124 358 122 206 113 158 101 158 101 101 238 100 100 99 100 99 99 156 99 143 96 21 96 247 96 96 247 96 17 94 354 94 110 94 168 94 94 93 17 93 35 93 23 93 25 93 304 93 304 93 93 27 93 26 93 15 93 60 93 102 93 158 92 20 92 65 92 65 92 92 209 92 48 92 338 92 358 76 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.01 1.80 3.27 5.49 3.18 3.73 3.59 4.17 6.36 -35.79 11.81 6.77 6.69 -35.79 11.80 7.13 8.37 8.16 -35.79 16.23 8.91 10.31 11.31 11.80 11.92 12.71 12.84 12.91 13.30 13.82 13.51 -35.79 24.26 13.77 14.39 14.35 15.16 15.61 15.41 15.58 16.61 -35.79 29.23 16.46 17.28 17.84 20.19 4.19 1.84 3.06 5.45 3.12 3.46 3.54 4.29 6.30 6.30 11.22 6.48 6.75 6.75 12.02 7.03 8.24 8.40 8.91 15.87 8.91 10.59 11.58 11.61 12.00 12.29 12.86 13.23 13.28 13.60 13.61 13.61 24.22 13.76 14.53 14.65 15.03 15.18 15.72 15.82 16.18 16.18 28.80 16.73 17.19 18.38 20.29 -2.18 .21 .04 .07 .28 .05 -.11 .06 -42.09 .60 .29 -.06 -42.54 -.22 .10 .14 -.24 -44.70 .37 .00 -.28 -.26 .19 -.07 .42 -.01 -.32 .03 .23 -.09 -49.39 .04 .02 -.13 -.30 .14 .44 -.31 -.24 .43 -51.97 .43 -.26 .09 -.53 -.10 smor smor wpo wpo huba pgo ross perl g04a g04a g04a eyes bull bull bull colt vg2 f04a g03a g03a g03a lvp rvw tdh sso vll fl2 cdf shw sep f03a f03a f03a edm sos elk gul vfp h04a tdl f05a f05a f05a h03a asr bow lcw s smp s s s s s s lmw bro bkc pcmd rer g06a huo rcs euo rvc z z z z z z z z z z iZU1 c 56.60 iZ 8 56.97 iZ 8 60.64 iZ 1 59.47 iZD2 d 60.48 iZ 8 61.30 iZ 7 62.45 iZ 7 61.88 iZ 7 61.28 iZD7 d 61.72 .14 2.28 -.54 ----.89 -----.52 d ----.10 d ----.56 ----.81 ----.21 -----.48 -----.05 ----- 131.7 138.9 154.1 155.7 158.4 160.8 166.9 167.2 167.8 167.8 depth may decrease by 1.00 or increase by standard error of .100 and rms limit of .145 12 173 150 10 23 100 157 25 192 18 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20.81 21.18 24.85 23.68 24.69 25.51 26.66 26.09 25.49 25.93 .93 given a reading 20.67 21.73 23.97 24.20 24.60 24.95 25.85 25.88 25.97 25.98 .14 -.54 .89 -.52 .10 .56 .81 .21 -.48 -.05 lmw bro bkc pcmd rer g06a huo rcs euo rvc