Soil Soil Mixture of weathered rock fragments (regolith) and organic matter (humus) Lies on top of bedrock (parent material) Soil Composition Clay (0.002 mm = smooth), Silt (0.002 – 0.05 mm = gritty), Sand (0.05 – 2 mm = sandy) Proportions and composition determined by parent rock o Feldspar bedrock = Clay-rich soils o Granite bedrock (quartz) = sandy soils o Transported soil = from elsewhere (water/wind/ice carries in) Soil Profile A cross-section (side-view) of the different layers within a soil and their makeup Layers are called horizons Three horizons on top of bedrock o A horizon (topsoil) Contains humus and rock particles Dark colored; most weathered Many pore spaces to allow water in o B horizon (subsoil) Mostly clay, little humus, minerals leached from the A horizon Sometimes tan or reddish o C horizon (weathered parent rock) Partly weathered bedrock fragments, minerals leached from the B horizon Bottom layer; just beginning to weather o Bedrock Unchanged rock below the C horizon that serves as the parent rock for the soil Soil and Climate Climate is a very important factor in soil formation and soil type Creates varying thickness and mineral content in the horizons Climate and soil type o Humid Tropics Chemical weathering rapid A horizon is thinner – washed away by heavy rain Minerals are leached to the B horizon = thicker B horizon o Desert and Arctic Soil Mostly mechanical weathering Very little chemical weathering A and B horizons small o Temperate Soil Both mechanical and chemical weathering All horizons thick Soil and Topography Soil on flat ground = thick, soil on slopes = thin Soil Erosion and Conservation Unwise use of the land has upset the balance between soil erosion and soil formation Rapid soil erosion occurs when natural plant cover has been removed o Farming, grazing animals, construction, etc. o Causes gullying or sheet erosion This leaves behind only subsoil or bare rock Ways to prevent soil erosion = soil conservation o Contour plowing – plow perpendicular to slope o Strip Cropping – crops are planted in alternate rows o Terracing – plant crops on step-like ridges o Windbreaks – plant grass breaks and build fences o Crop Rotation – alternate the type of crop planted each year o Best way – leave natural ground cover on the land!