LAWA method with logos - Solutions for Water platform

Strategic Direction: 6th World Water Forum SD
Priority for Action: 6th World Water Forum PFA/CS
Target : 6th World Water Forum Target
Title of the Solution: LAWA method; cross border “upstream rule”
EXISTING SOLUTION: the solution is already being implemented and has demonstrated longterm sustainability and added-value
Key words: flood risk assessment, flood maps, upstream rule, cross border standardization
Description of the solution
Category (technical, institutional, legal, policy, financial, communication, others (please specify):*
Adopting the German LAWA principle “upstream rule” in the NL means the formal implementation
of a technical principle to determine the extent of the necessity to produce flood hazard/risk maps
for the complete river basin.
Brief description of the solution: *
Upstream rule: Cross border rivers at risk are analyzed up to the river mouth, across the border.
Risk / hazard maps: The layout of the risk maps stays as far as possible the same across the border.
The LAWA documents provide a methodology for data acquisition, analysis and gives specifications
for the generation of flood hazard and flood risk maps (contents and layouts). The aim is to ensure
that the content and design of the maps are standardised as far as possible, thus ensuring that the
set of maps produced has nationwide coherence
In the so-called Sieg-study (a document preceding the official LAWA documents) the upstream rule
is mentioned and actually applied in Northrhine-Westphalia. This 'upstream rule' was identified as
relevant for the transboundary maps: if an area situated in an upper part of a catchment area is
classified as being at risk, all areas downstream in this catchment also have to be classified as being
at risk. Maps for these areas have to be made. Reason: if measures against floods in the upstream
part are taken they will also have effects on the downstream part. This rule is also valid for cross
border rivers, since the effect of measures does not stop at the border. Communication about
LAWA-method took place with the Dutch Waterdienst (part of Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and
Where was/is the solution implemented?*
The German “upstream principle” was used in Nordrhein-Westfalen and has now been
implemented in the Dutch approach of classifying the tributaries of the Meuse originated in
Wallonia and Germany.
Who had initiated the project? What were the stakeholders’ drivers?
The cooperation between Germany and the Netherlands was part of the Interreg IVC project
FLOOD-WISE, a 10 country, 17 partner project in 6 European river basins. The main stakeholders
were the German water authority Wasserverband Eifel-Rur and the Dutch water authority
Waterschap Roer en Overmaas.
Strategic Direction: 6th World Water Forum SD
Priority for Action: 6th World Water Forum PFA/CS
Which actors proved strategic in the implementation? At what stage were they brought in?
The implementation in Dutch national policy was suggested by the Roer and Overmaas Regional
Water Authority to the Dutch national water management level and agreed upon in the National
Water Group by the secretary of state. This was realized within a year after the initial idea.
Who has ensured follow-up of the solution at the local level?
The implementation of the European Flood Risk Management Directive in the Netherlands is carried
out by the cooperating Water Authorities, Provinces and the Ministry of Infrastructure and
Problem to solve
Key question your solution aims to answer (i.e. if your Solution is the answer, then what is the
question) and how does that fit with the target?*
In cross border cooperation it is possible that an upstream country designated a Flood risk while the
downstream country decides contrary and vice versa. How to avoid these conflicts of interest?
How does the solution contribute to the target’s effective implementation and attainment?
When upstream and downstream countries managing cross border rivers agree on the common
problem and both take responsibility, produce flood risk maps and management plans, cross border
problems will be reduced to a minimum.
Added-value and cost effectiveness
What are the solution’s key outputs and what impacts did the solution have given the investment
level (not only financial)?*
Cross border common solutions, coordinated interpretation of discharge occurrences, coordination
of hydraulic models, harmonized details, legends, etc.
Can the solution continue to deliver tangible impacts on the long term?*
The solutions will be constantly improving in time when existing cross border differences will be
dealt with as soon as the time is ripe.
In the process of effectively implementing this solution, what are some of the key qualitative and
quantitative indicators of success over time (i.e. what would you expect to see change, where and
Depending on the availability of data in each country, the LAWA work documents provide good
guidelines and references (contents, symbology, layout) for the processing of hazard and risk maps
according to the Flood Risk Management Directive; details and layouts for the transnational maps
are harmonized but do not necessarily have to have the same contents.
Replication and up scaling potential
Given your experience, who would / should be most interested in this Solution and why? How will it
help them?*
Countries with cross border rivers all over Europe should consider to adopt this rule.
In what context do you think this solution could / would work best and why?*
This solution works best in dealing with cross border river management because the adopted
principles are the same.
Given your experience, what would be needed to upscale this solution, for example to a political
or/and a regional level ?*
Strategic Direction: 6th World Water Forum SD
Priority for Action: 6th World Water Forum PFA/CS
This rule might be adopted on the European scale and it should be considered to make it part of the
Flood Risk Management Directive itself.
Key lessons learnt
What tips and guidance (dos and don’ts) would you give to others interested in applying this solution
in their own context?*
Adhere to the principle .
What is the minimum investment necessary (in terms of human resources, time,
energy, infrastructure, financial resources, political will, etc.) in order to effectively implement this
Adoption of this rule will not require investments, just adhering to the principle in implementing the
FRMD in national guidance documents.
What are the main factors of success that you wish to emphasize?*
Cross border common understanding and cooperation without (senseless) discussions on the
differences between countries.
Existing commitments
Have some organisations/institutions/committees already committed to implement or replicate this
This is still ongoing within the FLOOD-WISE project
Key contact institution
Where can people go for more information, help or advice on this solution?*
Details of the contact person* (e.g. name, address, e-mail or phone number)
Harry Tolkamp | Project Manager
Shared Service Centre | INTERREG IVC ‘FLOOD-WISE’ Network
Phone: +31 (0)43 3897487; +31 (0)46 4205 760; m. +31 (0)6 5237 5690
Email: h.tolkamp@overmaas.nll
Postal address: P.O. Box 5700 | 6202 MA Maastricht | The Netherlands
Sabine Bartusseck
Department of Policy, Research and Advice
Roer and Overmaas Regional Water Authority
PO Box 185, 6130 AD Sittard The Netherlands
t. +31 (0)46-4205817
f. +31 (0)46-4205701
Strategic Direction: 6th World Water Forum SD
Priority for Action: 6th World Water Forum PFA/CS
Supporting material
Website, Video, podcast, report, PowerPoint presentation, photo album, creative support, etc:
please do not hesitate to send us as attachment to this template any supporting material to be
circulated about your solution!
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