Collections for years 4 to 6

Collections for Juniors
Collection title
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
Aztecs, Incas and chocolate
Buddhism - religious artefacts
Castles and mediaeval times
Celebrations and festivals
Chinese - religious artefacts
Christianity - religious artefacts
Clothes and costumes
history, art
history, art
food, famous people, gladiators, homes, Romans in Britain
specific animals from around the world, reptiles, amphibians, mammals
art techniques like collage, drawing, craft like puppet making, famous artists
history, myths and legends
10 books and various religious materials
knights, castles as buildings, life in a castle, middle ages
weddings, birthdays, religious festivals, country festivals, cooking
myths, history, Celts in Wales, Romans and Celts
10 books and various religious materials
10 books and various religious materials
fashions, costumes and textiles
specific countries, atlases, maps, deserts, coasts, explorers
climate change, recycling and refuse, endangered life, acid rain, pollution, ecosystem
and natural resources
famous people, disabilities, apartheid, slavery
stories from around the world
artists, inventors, saints, authors, explorers
gardening, what a farmer does, how to grow food, cooking, farm animals, history
pressure, magnetism, gravity, balance, friction, pushing and pulling, stopping and
falling, fast and slow, movement
rocks, identification of rocks
feelings, family members, growing up, personal safety, bullying, social skills
wetlands, hedgerows, gardens, ponds, under the sea, seashore, mountains,
deserts, rivers, woods
exercise, food, personal safety and drugs
10 books and various religious materials
settlements, buildings, history of building, architectures, houses around the world,
city and country, tunnels and bridges, construction
senses, skeleton, digestion, sleeping, muscles, circulation, how babies are made
Equality and diversity
Famous people
Food and farming
Fossils, rocks, gems and minerals
Friends and families
Healthy living
Hinduism - religious artefacts
Homes and houses
Human body
Islamic - religious artefacts
Judaism - religious artefacts
Machines and technology
Media and communication
Music and musicians
Myths and legends
Planet earth
Poems and wordplay
Power and energy
Prehistoric times
Religions and culture
Shakespeare and the theatre
Sikhism - religious artefacts
Solids, liquids and gases
Sports and games
Stuarts and Tudors
Travel and transport
World War II
10 books and various religious materials
10 books and various religious materials
Tadpole to frog, how we grow, from seed to plant
light and colour, day and night, experiments, reflections and shadows
how things work, inventions
glass, textiles, clay, wood, plastic, reusing
postal service, TV and film as a media, newspapers, codes and signs
spiders, molluscs, earthworms, butterflies, bees, ladybirds
songs, score sheets, musicians, musical instruments
stories from around the world
famous pirates, pirate stories, ships, craft
under the ground, soil, volcanoes, earthquakes, how the earth was made, how
mountains are created
how they grow, where to find them
poems, jokes
gas, coal, electricity and magnetism, energy, resources
history, art
animals, deforestation, plants, people
holy places, buildings of worship, stories, religious practices
geography, nature found in and around a river, specific rivers
Shakespeare’s plays, plays in general, history of the theatre
10 books and various religious materials
chemistry, air
noise, hearing, music
space travel, planets, stars, space vehicles, astronauts
specific sports like swimming, football, Olympics, games from around the world
homes, food, kings and queens, famous people, the plague, the great fire of London,
Guy Fawkes
vehicles, holidays, maps, history of travel, environmental issues
school life, travel, famous people, Queen Victoria, food homes, crime, work
myths, history, food, travel
famous people, history, visiting Wales, Newport and its history, stories and myths
water cycle, pollution and experiments
rain, hurricanes, snow, sunshine, lightning, storms, wind, and drought
Anne Frank, rationing, evacuation, propaganda, the blitz