P.O. Box 370, Rocky Mount , VA 24151 Phone: 540-483-5123 FAX: 540-483-7286 Tunkhannock office: 1 Stony Mountain Road, Tunkhannock, PA 18657 email:office@selectsirepower.com Phone: (570) 836-3168 FAX: (570) 836-1490 $2500 Wayne Dudley Scholarship Additionally, several $750 scholarships will be awarded 2015 Scholarship Application Form 2015 Eligibility Requirements 1. The applicant must have completed one academic year of college, and presently be enrolled in an undergraduate agricultural related major. Current college seniors are eligible. 2. Parent, guardian, or applicant must be an active customer in good standing or “user” of Select Sire Power and reside within the Select Sire Power membership area. 3. Previous scholarship winners will remain eligible during subsequent award years. However, a person can only receive the $2500 scholarship once. Name Years of College Completed School Address Telephone Number (Home) (School) E-Mail Address Select Sire Power Account Number Select Sire Power Sales Representative Parent or Guardian Names Home Address (Personally own) Number of Breeding Age Cattle (Family farm) On Farm Major College Attending College Advisor CUMULATIVE GPA IS BASED ON # CREDITS PLEASE INCLUDE A CURRENT TRANSCRIPT OR A COPY OF LATEST GRADE REPORT SIGNED BY YOUR ADVISOR WITH YOUR APPLICATION (Unofficial transcripts are acceptable) PAGE 2 2015 SELECT SIRE POWER SCHOLARSHIP CRITERIA FOR JUDGING: APPLICATIONS ARE JUDGED ON A COMBINATION OF ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS, LEADERSHIP ACTIVITIES, GRADES, AND ACTIVITY WITH SELECT SIRE POWER, INC. PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. The answers to questions should be in typewritten form. IF YOU TYPE THE ANSWERS ON ANOTHER SHEET, PLEASE INCLUDE THE QUESTION. ADHERE TO SPACE ALLOTMENT AND USE A FONT SIZE OF 10 OR LARGER. 1. After college, what are your career plans and how do they relate to agriculture? 2. What role do you play in your family farm operation? PAGE 3 2015 SELECT SIRE POWER SCHOLARSHIP 3. Please list your leadership and organizational involvement, as well as awards you have received (4-H, FFA, school, community, church, etc…) Leadership roles and elected offices held: Organizational involvement and awards: PAGE 4 4. 2015 SELECT SIRE POWER SCHOLARSHIP Dairy and beef markets have recently attained all time highs for producer prices. What would your strategy be for a farm to maximize profits in 2015? 5. How can a beef or dairy producer best use social media to impact demand for the product being produced on his or her farm? PAGE 5 2015 SELECT SIRE POWER SCHOLARSHIP 6. Select Sires has recently introduced the CowManager activity monitoring system for use by customers. What do you consider to be the main benefits from an activity monitoring system such as CowManager? Is there a certain type or size of operation that can benefit the most? SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION MUST BE POSTMARKED AND RETURNED TO: SELECT SIRE POWER, INC ATTN: KIRK SATTAZAHN PO BOX 370 ROCKY MOUNT, VA 24151 kirk7@selectsirepower.com BY AND NO LATER THAN JANUARY 31, 2015