Spring Newsletter

CHICA Nova Scotia
Spring Newsletter
As we spring into April, we thought it would be timely to update
members with a Newsletter. We hope that this will be an
effective communication tool to keep us in touch.
Mark your calendar - Our next meeting is April 21/06 @ 12pm in
Halifax at the VG Site, 5th floor Dickson Building in the Weather
Watch Room. A light lunch will be provided. As requested,
following the business meeting, the Education Committee is
planning a Question and Discussion session. This will be an
excellent opportunity for members to share information and
President’s Message
Over the last year, Infection Prevention and Control has been
under much scrutiny and in the news! There has been significant
public interest and a definite rise in our visibility. This has been
and continues to be an opportunity for Infection Control
Practitioners to move their programs forward and make progress
with our objectives.
ICANS has had a very successful year, including a 62% increase
in membership, the second most significant increase within
CHICA- Canada. Many new practitioners have joined the ranks
and it is terrific to see so many keen and energetic new
members! On behalf of our membership, Best Wishes are
extended to Juanita Madison and Maureen Hull on their
ICANS had a fabulous turn out in Winnipeg this year with 12
members attending! It was my first conference as a Chapter
President and very enlightening. Although exhausted from the
meetings, I was honored to represent ICANS and participate. I
have become better informed on CHICA’s work and future
endeavors. I hope that I have been successful in sharing that
with the membership.
During 2005, two very successful education days were held – a
Novice Education day in April and the annual Provincial
Education Day in October. Participation and feedback was very
positive. A devoted Education Committee, under the guidance of
Kim Allain and Faith Stoll, did a fantastic job. Several
educational sessions were held following the regularly scheduled
meetings. Also, during meetings random draws were held for
infection-control related texts and a CHICA 2006 membership
An MRSA Provincial working group has been developed and work
is progressing. Along with provincial-wide membership, input is
received from most levels of the healthcare continuum. The
Department of Health is aware of our endeavors and has sent a
letter of support. We continue to lobby the DOH for support and
assistance in meeting our goals.
As the result of a unanimous vote held in September, the chapter
was renamed CHICA Nova Scotia, effective January 1, 2006. As
a chapter of a national organization, it is hoped our association
will receive greater visibility. A CHICA Nova Scotia web page is
currently under development, thanks to Lori Jessome, CHICA
N.S.’s very own webmaster.
I feel our association is making great strides in providing our
members with the support and opportunities they deserve.
Meeting attendance is excellent and the networking and
comradeship very evident. As Chapter President, I will continue
to do my best to represent CHICA Nova Scotia on the local,
provincial and national stages!
Elizabeth Watson RN BScN CIC
Membership information
It is getting easier all the time to join CHICA N.S. Go to either
http://www.chica.org/ and click to the right side of the page for
membership or directly to http://www.chica.org/join.html
Your membership includes:
Subscription to the Canadian Journal of Infection Control
Annual Member and Source Guide
Professional exchange of ideas
Access to CBIC certification
Local Chapter activities and support
Development of infection control standards
Reduced registration fees for annual conference and other
educational offerings
Access to Members Only section of the website
Broadcast emails, providing timely infection control updates
Access to on-line distance education
Meetings are held in September, November, February, April,
and June from 1200 until 1500 hours in Halifax and provide
a great opportunity to meet other people working in
infection control and to ask questions of other experts.
In October, there is an annual conference that continues to
grow in popularity each year and as a member you receive
a discount.
As a member of CHICA N.S, there are funding opportunities
for conferences
If you have questions, please feel free to contact Patsy Rawding,
Membership Director at 424-8254 or cell 430-2169 or email:
Education Committee
The Education Committee has been hard at work! In addition to
planning the regular education sessions for our meetings, the
committee has begun working on the annual Education Day. The
date is set: Friday, October 20th - based on your feedback, the
venue remains unchanged (Holiday Inn Dartmouth). Why mess
with a good thing, right? Topics and speakers are to be
determined. However, selections will be made with this year’s
National Infection Control Week theme in mind, “Infection
Prevention: Planning for Tomorrow”.
The Education Committee selected six applicants to receive
$500 in funding assistance to attend the upcoming CHICA
Canada National Conference in London, Ontario, this May. The
successful applicants were: Faith Stoll, Suzanne RhodenizerRose, Lori Jessome, Sheila Richardson & Rhonda Lush.
Colleen Boyd was the recipient of $500 funding assistance
toward the cost of her attendance at the Centennial College
Infection Prevention & Control course in Toronto.
For those who are interested in online courses, check out the
CHICA Canada website www.chica.org where you will find links
to online courses offered at the University of Calgary, Queen’s
University (Kingston), University of British Columbia (Vancouver)
and Centennial College (Toronto).
Finally, there have been some changes to the Education
Committee membership. First, we say a fond farewell and best
wishes to Kim Allain who will soon be enjoying her maternity
leave. Thanks Kim for all your hard work, leadership and
dedication you have shown in your role of education committee
co-chair. Lori Jessome has stepped in to replace Kim. Lori and
Faith Stoll will be the committee co-chairs. We along with the
other members of the committee (Arlene Schmeisser, Patsy
Rawding, Barb Caulfield, Debby Goulding, Suzanne RhodenizerRose & Linda Stoddart) are looking forward to planning your
upcoming education events. If you have any ideas or
suggestions, please let us know!
Faith & Lori
MRSA Working Group Update
The MRSA working group is getting down to brass tacks by
developing evidenced-based recommendations for acute and
long-term care settings! The larger group has broken into three
subcommittees to address three priority areas:
Isolation Subcommittee chaired by Colleen Boyd
Screening Subcommittee chaired by Suzanne Rhodenizer Rose
Education Subcommittee chaired by Faith Stoll
As each subcommittee develops its guidelines, presentations will
be made to the working group and forwarded to the membership
for review.
Dr. Jeff Scott and the Infectious Disease Advisory Committee,
attended by both Patsy Rawding and Suzanne Rhodenizer Rose,
have expressed a very keen interest in the outcome of the
working group and are hopeful the province will adopt the
guidelines. Although the intent of the working group is to provide
MRSA management guidance within the membership, this is a
great opportunity for CHICA-Nova Scotia to establish its
expertise in the field on Infection Prevention & Control with the
rest of the province!
Submitted by:
Suzanne Rhodenizer Rose & Debby Goulding
Working Group Co-chairs
Provincial Consultant
In June 2005, the Department of Health established a Provincial
Infection Control Consultant position. This was in response to a
request from the District Health Authority and the IWK
(DHA/IWK) for provincial standards and guidelines to support
infection control practices throughout Nova Scotia.
As the Provincial Infection Control Consultant, I have a clear
mandate that includes the development of an infection control
framework that produces enhanced coordination and system
guidelines that will promote consistency throughout Acute and
Continuing Care sectors in Nova Scotia. My position provides
support through consultation and collaboration for Infection
Control Practitioners working in your District.
I am spending the spring visiting all DHA’s/IWK and meeting with
people in continuing care. Based on input gathered, a framework
will be developed and reviewed by a stakeholder group. My hope
is that through this process some good things will happen for
Infection Control in Nova Scotia.
So far I have had a very exciting and interesting start to this
position. I have participated in the Public Health Agency of
Canada initiatives on reprocessing of single use items and
producing guidelines for community-acquired MRSA. I have
worked with CCAR to develop guidelines for hygiene and asepsis
for long-term care and community. I have helped develop an
infection control manual for EMC and have been heavily involved
in provincial pandemic planning.
Please feel free to contact me, Patsy Rawding @ 424-8254 or cell
430-2169 email: prawdin@gov.ns.ca
CHICA NS Executive
President: Elizabeth Watson
President-elect: Julia Jewett
Secretary: Sheila Richardson
Treasurer: Josie Ryan
Membership Director: Patsy Rawding
Education Committee Co-Chairs: Lori Jessome & Faith Stoll
Mark your Calendar
2006 CHICA NS Meetings:
April 21
June 16
Sept 15
Nov 17
Infection Control Week - October 16-20, 2006.
CHICA NS Annual Education Day - October 20, 2006.