PH313 Dissertation Titles

PH313 Dissertation Titles
Thomas Acton Bishop (0610266)
Can one be committed to an externalism about the
individuation of propositional mental states and at the same
time maintain that the rational explanation of a person’s
behaviour is a form of causal explanation? (Christoph Hoerl)
Katie Ashford (0605525)
Christopher Benton (0613343)
Freedom in Sartre and Camus. (Peter Poellner)
Do human emotions prove that we are not rational? In light
of the answer to this assess the consequences for human
nature. (Eileen John)
Scepticism in Wittgenstein’s On Certainty. (Michael Luntley)
A defence of Mill’s theory of liberty rights. (Fabienne Peter)
Can the contemporary mental health debate learn anything
from Plato’s construal of mania in the ‘Phaedrus’ and mental
illness in the Republic? (Angela Hobbs)
The role of science in Merleau-Ponty’s ‘Phenomenology of
Perception’. (David Smith)
Can Nietzche’s affirmation be understood as ‘love’ of life?
(Stephen Houlgate)
Is personal identity intersubjectively constituted? (Christoph
An investigation into Marmenides’ distinction between the
way of being and the way of seeming. Can a reading of Kant
illuminate this distinction? (Angela Hobbs)
Spinoza’s attempt to realize the traditional conception of God.
(Stephen Houlgate)
Can an egalitarian hold a purely procedural conception of
democratic legitimacy? (Fabienne Peter)
What’s wrong with “Autonomy”? A critique of Chapter I of
the View from Nowhere. (Johannes Roessler)
What is the role of eros in the philosophic life as depicted in
Plato’s Symposium? (Angela Hobbs)
Art and aesthetic detachment in the philosophy of
Schopenhauer and early Nietzsche. (Peter Poellner)
A theistic account of moral realism. (Kai Spiekermann)
The error theory of moral values. (Michael Luntley)
What lies open to view? – Dummett and Davidson on truth.
(Matt Soteriou)
The role of freedom in Sartrean Ethics. (Peter Poellner)
Singer’s critique of the reflective equilibrium methodology and
the role of inhibitions in moral theory. (Kai Spiekermann)
Does conceivability entail possibility? (Matt Soteriou)
Richard Birt (0619289)
Victoria Bradbury (0607083)
Victoria Bristow-Smith (0618041)
Sarah Brown (0522401)
Jacob Capleton (0606052)
Rebecca Day (0620165)
Bennett Dunn (0614152)
Robert Dunphy (0620170)
Richard Elliot-Cooke (0406439)
Felix Faltin (0626494)
Peter Fossey (0607829)
Timothy Franklin (0607666)
Will Gibbs (0621595)
Stuart Glass (0500781)
Benjamin Goodwin (0610246)
Sam Hawke (0608273)
Rebecca Holloway (0607994)
Harriet Howard-Leach (0615551)
Sophie Jeffery (0515063)
James Kent (0506291)
Wendy Lee (0604440)
Katie Lilley (0621005)
Charanpreet Mann (0608132)
Lorenzo Marchese (0612815)
Philip McDonnell (0622227)
Henry Morgan (0601350)
Is it possible for a computer game to be an artwork? (Dawn
Does Plato successfully demonstrate that biological
differences between males and females are irrelevant to all but
reproductive activities? (Angela Hobbs)
The Trolley Problem: A defence and improvement of Foot’s
Solution. (Kai Spiekermann)
Tragedy: Why do we take pleasure in tragedy? (Eileen John)
Sartre’s notion of the encountering of the Other in the light of
Martin Buber’s philosophy of dialogue. (David Smith)
Examine the notion of authenticity in the work of Sartre and
Kierkegaard. (Stephen Houlgate)
In Aristotle, is moral excellence vulnerable to luck? Is
Aristotle right to claim this? (Angela Hobbs)
Finola Mulligan (0619060)
Simon Neill (0503576)
Thomas O’Hagan (0607273)
Tanya Osborne (0608114)
Georgie Peters (0600538)
Mate Prath (0629026)
Kimberley Rennick
Tim Richardson (0500697)
Louise Riddick (0627835)
David Ridley (0622125)
Matthew Rosier
Alexander Searle (0626783)
James Todd (0617589)
Ian Tournay (0614365)
James Vaux (0606177)
James Wrigley (0520760)
Is the child in the pond more important than the starving
child overseas: Empirical research in philosophical arguments.
(Kai Speikermann)
A defence of error theory. (Michael Luntley)
What kind of intentional irrealist can one be? (Steve Butterfill)
Oedipus and anti-Oedipus: changing the function of desire.
(Miguel Beistegui)
The relation between virtue and pleasure in Aristotle and
Kant. (Angela Hobbs)
From the transcendental ego to the transcendence of Dasein.
(Miguel Bestegui)
Does the ideal of equality have intrinsic value? (Kai
How does Sartre account for the interaction of philosophy
and literature? (Eileen John)
Beyond fair equality of opportunity. (M Clayton)
‘Being towards death’: the possibility of the impossibility of
existence in Heidegger’s “Being and Time”. (Miguel
Husserl’s phenomenology and its methods. (Miguel Beistegui)
Heidegger: the issue of space, equipmentality and ‘worldhood
of the world’ in his analytic of Dasein. (Miguel Beistegui)
Does Plato present consistent theories of pleasure and
eudaimonia in the Protagoras and the Gorgias? What can
modern philosophers learn from this debate?
Blackburn’s attitude problem. (Kai Spiekermann)
Kant’s reply to Hume’s account of causation. (Johannes