Curriculum Vitae Personal Details Name: Date of Birth: Age: Nationality: e-mail: Mark Leadbeater 2nd August 1972 28 British Address: Telephone: 5 Bowes Grove Spennymoor Co.Durham DL16 6LT 01388 817842 Education 1993 1996 University of Lancaster Ph.D. Theoretical Physics 1990 1993 University of Lancaster BSc (Hons) class I Theoretical Physics 1983 1990 Spennymoor Comprehensive School Spennymoor Co. Durham S-level A-levels Chemistry (1) Chemistry (A) Mathematics (A) Physics (A) Further Maths (B) Physics (A) 9 grades (A-C) AS-level GCSEs Employment History 2000 - Department of Physics University of Durham Durham, DH1 3LE Tel: 0191 374 2130 EPSRC Post-Doctoral Research Associate 1998 2000 Dipartimento di Fisica Universitá di Roma Tre 00146 Roma, Italy EU Marie Curie Research Fellow 1996 1998 Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme 01187 Dresden, Germany Guest Scientist Other Responsibilities 2000 1995 1993 1994 1993 2001 1996 1996 1995 1995 Teaching Assistant in Level 3 General Problems class Organiser of weekly departmental seminars Teaching assistant in Mathematical and Computational workshops Mathematical Methods Tutor Member of various University committees Awards Gained 1991 1990 1993 1991 University, Physics department and college awards for achievement University Pilkington Award, Physics and Mathematics departmental awards for achievement General Interests I enjoy experiencing different European cultures both on holiday and through my work. In my spare time, I enjoy playing and watching most sports, reading modern fiction, marquetry, gardening and DIY. Research Summary Ph.D.: 'Quantum Dynamics of Phase Coherent Structures', University of Lancaster. Performed research in the group of Prof. C.J. Lambert working on quantum transport in hybrid normal metal (N) - superconductor (S) mesoscopic structures. Used existing software based on a transfer matrix technique to predict an analogue of the Aharonov-Bohm-Casher effect present in mesoscopic rings with superconducting regions. Developed new software to compute the scattering matrix for a given hybrid structure. Extended formulae which relate the scattering matrix coefficients to the electrical and thermal conductance. Studied resonant transport in the presence of superconductivity, the tunnelling conductance of a vortex core, geometrical confinement effects on the conductance of normal wires and transport measurements in the presence of the superconducting proximity effect. Guest Scientist, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme. Joined the research group 'Mesoscopic Physics and Quantum Chaos' headed by Dr. K. Richter. Continued my research in N-S systems with a paper on the dependence of the conductance on the phase-difference of two superconductors and on superconductivity induced suppression of the conductance in N-S systems. Studied transport in quantum wires with rough edges. Predicted anomalous scaling with system dimensions of the correlation energy of conductance fluctuations in such wires. Used semi-classical and numerical methods to study the density of states suppression in integrable and rough billiards in the presence of superconductivity. Developed software to study two interacting particles in a random potential. Used finite-size scaling to demonstrate the interactioninduced enhancement of the two-particle localisation length in one dimension. Applied these results to the problem of electron-hole pairs in one dimension. E.U. TMR Marie Curie Research Fellow, Universitá di Roma Tre. Obtained a personal fellowship from the E.U. TMR programme to work with Dr. R. Raimondi. Extended my transport software to include ferromagnetism and spin-orbit coupling. Studied the effect of a weak exchange field on the sub-gap conductance of N-S junctions. Studied two interacting particles in two dimensions demonstrating an interaction-induced transition from localised to extended two-particle states. Studied the theory of electron-electron interactions in disordered metals. Numerically iterated the renormalisation group equations for such systems to obtain accurately their temperature and magnetic field dependence. Predicted a new probe for quantum interference effects in such systems that gives rise to a non-linear conductivity. EPSRC Research Associate, University of Durham. Joined the group of Dr. C.S. Adams to study the non-linear Schrödinger model for quantum fluids. Initial studies focused on sound emission from moving vortices and from vortex reconnections. By studying the collision of vortex rings we could calculate the energy released as sound from vortex reconnections. Present studies are focused upon vortex creation by moving objects and turbulence. Work on the role of strong spin-orbit coupling in disordered conductors has been concluded. IT Experience. Developed software in Fortran77 and C on Unix platforms (HP-9000, SUN Sparc and Dec-Alpha workstations, P.C.s under Linux). Limited knowledge of C++ and F90. Working knowledge of MatLab, Mathematica and Maple. Referees Professional (1) Dr. C.S. Adams Department of Physics University of Durham Durham, DH1 3LE Tel: (0191) 374 2150 e-mail: Professional (2) Prof. C.J. Lambert School of Physics and Chemistry Lancaster University Lancaster, LA1 4YB Tel: (01524) 65201 ext. 3059 e-mail: Professional (3) Dr. R. Raimondi Dipartimento di Fisica Universitá di Roma Tre 00146 Roma, Italy Tel: 00 39 06 5517 7032 e-mail: Personal Dr. N.R. Claughton Geneva Technology Ltd The Old Granary, Westwick Cambridge, CB4 5AR Tel: (01223) 488 046 e-mail: Publications Spin-orbit induced anisotropy in the magnetoconductance of two-dimensional metals. R. Raimondi, M. Leadbeater, P. Schwab, E. Caroti and C. Castellani, Submitted to Phys. Rev. B. Sound emission due to superfluid vortex reconnections M. Leadbeater, T. Winiecki, D.C. Samuels, C.F. Barenghi and C.S. Adams, Phys. Rev Letts. 86 1410 (2001). Nonlinear conductivity and quantum interference in disordered metals. M. Leadbeater, R. Raimondi, P. Schwab and C. Castellani, Eur. Phys. J. B15 277 (2000). Numerical results for two interacting particles in a random environment. R.A. Römer, M. Leadbeater and M. Schreiber, Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 8, 675 (1999). Large-scale superconductivity-induced conductance suppression in mesoscopic normalsuperconducting structures. R. Seviour, M. Leadbeater and C.J. Lambert, Superlattice Microst. 25 639 (1999). Sub-gap conductance in ferromagnetic-superconducting mesoscopic structures. M. Leadbeater, C.J. Lambert, R. Raimondi and A. Volkov, Phys. Rev. B59 12264 (1999). Scaling the localisation lengths for two interacting particles in one-dimensional random potentials. M. Leadbeater, R.A. Römer and M. Schreiber, Physica A266, 481-485 (1999). Formation of electron-hole pairs in a one-dimensional random environment. M. Leadbeater, R.A. Römer and M. Schreiber, in Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter, R.T. Williams and W.M. Yen (eds). Interaction-dependent enhancement of the localisation length for two interacting particles in a onedimensional random potential. M. Leadbeater, R.A. Römer and M. Schreiber, Eur. Phys. J. B8, 643-652 (1999). A decimation method for studying transport properties of disordered systems. M. Leadbeater and C.J. Lambert, Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 7 498-502 (1998). Levy flights in quantum transport in quasi-ballistic wires. M. Leadbeater, V. Falko and C.J. Lambert, Phys. Rev. Letts. 81 1274-1277 (1998). Superconductivity-induced phase-periodic transport in nanoscale structures. M. Leadbeater and C.J. Lambert, Phys. Rev. B56 826-831 (1997). Modification of normal metal transport by the superconducting proximity effect. M. Leadbeater and C.J. Lambert, Czech. J. Phys. 46 575-576 (1996). Theory of geometry induced transport. V. Sweeney, C.R. Burbridge, M. Leadbeater and C.J. Lambert, Czech. J. Phys. 46 2515-2516 (1996). Symmetry breaking in the tunnelling conductance of a superconducting vortex. M. Leadbeater and C.J. Lambert, Czech. J. Phys. 46 1797-1798 (1996). Theory of Andreev resonances in quantum dots. N.R. Claughton, M. Leadbeater, C.J. Lambert and V.N. Prigodin, Surface Science 362 302-305 (1996). Symmetry breaking in the tunnelling conductance of a superconducting vortex. M. Leadbeater and C.J. Lambert, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 8 L345-L352 (1996). Theory of Andreev resonances in quantum dots. N.R. Claughton, M. Leadbeater and C.J. Lambert, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 7 8757-8784 (1995). Mesoscopic superconducting analogues of the Aharonov-Bohm-Casher effect. M. Leadbeater and C.J. Lambert, Phys. Rev. Letts. 74 4519-4522 (1995). Presentations I have presented work (either orally or in poster form) at the following conferences or institutions - (I) indicates invited contribution. Mar. 2001 The Open University, Milton Keynes (I) Dec. 2000 Institute of Physics (IOP) Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (CMMP) Conference, Bristol June 2000 IOP Low Temperature Meeting, Warwick Dec. 1999 IOP CMMP Conference, Leicester Aug. 1999 E.U. School on 'Exotic States in Quantum Nanostructures', Windsor May 1999 E.U. School on 'Phase Coherent Dynamics of Hybrid Structures', Karlsruhe, Germany Mar. 1999 Condensed Matter Physics Conference, Fai della Paganella, Italy Dec. 1998 IOP CMMP Conference, Manchester Oct. 1998 Workshop on 'Percolation, Interaction, Localisation and Simulation', Berlin (I) Mar. 1998 German Physical Society (DPG) meeting, Regensburg, Germany Dec. 1997 IOP CMMP Conference, Exeter July 1997 International Workshop on `The Bogoliubov - de Gennes Equation for Superconductors', Bristol (I) May 1997 Technische Universität Chemnitz-Zwickau, Chemnitz, Germany (I) Apr. 1997 E.U. Meeting on `Phase Coherent Dynamics of Hybrid Nanostructures', Madrid (I) Dec. 1996 IOP CMMP Conference, York Nov. 1996 Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden (I) Aug. 1996 21st International conference on Low Temperature Physics, Prague May 1996 IOP Theory of Condensed Matter Meeting, Birmingham Apr. 1996 E.U. Conference on `Quantum Dynamics of Phase-Coherent Structures', Catania, Italy Mar. 1996 International Workshop on 'The Bogoliubov - de Gennes Equation for Superconductors', Bristol Jan. 1996 Department of Physics, University of Geneva, Switzerland (I) Dec. 1995 IOP CMMP Conference, Liverpool Nov. 1995 Department of Physics, Lancaster Sept.1995 Euro-conference on `Mesoscopic Superconductivity and Josephson Junction Arrays', Turin Aug. 1995 11th International Conference on `Electronic Properties of Two Dimensional Structures', Nottingham Apr. 1995 E.U. Conference on `Quantum Dynamics of Phase-Coherent Structures', Hamburg Dec. 1994 IOP CMMP Conference, Warwick Oct. 1994 International Workshop on `Solving the Bogoliubov - de Gennes Equation for Superconductors', Bristol Sept. 1994 E.U. Conference on `Localisation and Transport Fluctuations In Microstructures', Murcia, Spain Sept. 1994 IOP High Tc Superconductivity Meeting, Warwick May 1994 IOP Low Temperature Meeting, Nottingham Jan. 1994 E.U. Conference on `Quantum Dynamics of Phase-Coherent Structures', Ambleside