Yong-Ping Zheng

講題:Wearable Sensors for Healthcare
講者:Associate Professor Yongping Zheng
Dept of Health Technology and Informatics
Associate Director, Research Institute of Innovative
Products and Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr. Yongping Zheng received the BSc and MEng in Electronics and Information Engineering from
the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei. He received the PhD degree in
Biomedical Engineering from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Hong Kong, in
1997. After a postdoctoral fellowship in acoustic microscope and nonlinear acoustics at the
University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, Canada, he joined PolyU as an Assistant Professor in 2001
and was prompted to Associate Professor and Professor in 2005 and 2008, respectively, in the
Department of Health Technology and Informatics. He also serves as the Associate Director of the
Research Institute of Innovative Products in PolyU from Aug 2008 to Aug 2010. Dr. Zheng’s main
research interests include biomedical ultrasound imaging and measurement, and wearable sensors
for healthcare. He has trained 4 PhD (all got Faculty Distinguished Thesis Award), 5 MPhil and 6
MSc graduates, and 5 PhD and 1 MPhil students are currently under his supervision. He is in the
editorial boards of number of journals and the Associate Editor of Transactions of Hong Kong
Institution of Engineers. He is a Senior Member of IEEE. He holds 6 US and 4 Chinese patents
and has 11 patents pending, mainly in the field of wearable sensors and biomedical ultrasound.
Continuous monitoring of health conditions of patients and elderly people is becoming more
important as the increase of aging population. If abnormal health conditions can be identified early
enough, many serious injuries or complications can be avoided. In this talk, the development and
applications of two wearable sensors for healthcare will be introduced. The first one is designed to
monitor fall and physical activities through the continuous monitoring and recording of body
motions using 3-axis accelerometers. In addition to providing real-time fall detection, the device
can provide an analysis of activity level, motion abnormality, etc. for weeks, months, and years,
which can be used to predict the health condition of the wearer, such as an elderly person. The
device is tiny enough so that the user will not feel using it. It has been successfully used for 10
persons with intellectual disability and over 20 elderly people, and values of the device have been
demonstrated. The second device is to monitor in real-time the pulse wave of a person by wearing
an ear-born sensor. Optical sensing is used for the pulse detection and a novel technique has been
developed to overcome the motion artifacts to the pulse detection. This device can also monitor the
skin temperature. The pulse waveform together with temperature and other parameters can be
continuously transmitted to a base station wirelessly from the wearable sensor for monitoring
health conditions of the user. We believe that using wearable sensors to continuously monitor the
health conditions of subjects can help to prevent more serious injuries or complications for elderly
people and those with cares needed.