Pangrams are sentences that use every letter of the alphabet

Word Play!
• Tongue Twisters are verbal challenges created by using the effects of alliteration
(repetition of a sound), with a phrase designed to make it easy to slip up. These
sentences and poems are guaranteed to provide lots of fun and laughter. Tongue
Twisters are one of the few types of wordplay that exist in every language. There are
lots of well-known ones in English. Try saying these three times fast:
The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
She sells seashells by the sea shore.
Freshly-fried flying fish.
• Oxymorons are phrases where the words are contradictory. The examples will help you
understand this figure of speech.
Jumbo Shrimp
Same Difference
Pretty Ugly
Definite Maybe
Military Intelligence
Microsoft Works
• Palindromes are words or phrases that read the same in both directions.
Rats live on no evil star. (Ms. Stew’s favourite)
• Anagrams are words or phrases made by mixing up the letters of other words or
THE EYES is an anagram of THEY SEE. Here are some more good ones:
Debit card = Bad credit
Punishment = Nine Thumps
Dormitory = Dirty room
Astronomer = Moon starer
The Hurricanes = These churn air
Schoolmaster = The classroom
• Pangrams are sentences that use every letter of the alphabet.
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.
Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.
How quickly daft jumping zebras vex.
The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
A large fawn jumped quickly over white zinc boxes.
• Rebus They are essentially little pictures, often made with letters and words, which
cryptically represent a word, phrase, or saying.
• Riddle is a puzzle in the form of a question or rhyme that contains clues to its answer.
Your Word Play Challenge!
• 2 Tongue Twisters
You may work with a partner to create your word play.
• 2 Oxymorons
This challenge must be original work! You are welcome
• 2 Palindromes
to research the various types of word play, but you
• 2 Anagrams
not to copy examples! Please create your own with your
• 2 Pangrams
partner. It is a tricky assignment- that’s why you may
• 2 Rebus
work with a friend – two heads are better than one!
• 2 Riddles
Have fun!
Format: This assignment will need several drafts as you play with words!
Type your final copy if possible! Remember to include both partner names!
When you create your riddles- test them out! Make sure your clues are accurate.
Remember to use metaphors and similes (comparisons) in your 6-line riddle- just like the
example in your notes. See below!
In marble walls as white as milk,
Lined with a skin as smooth as silk,
Within a fountain crystal clear.
A golden apple doth appear.
No doors are found in this stronghold,
Yet thieves break in and steal the gold.
Place your answers on the back of the page- so the reader must guess before seeing
the answer!
Have fun!