INCA Head Start Lesson Plan Week of: Study: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Teacher: Investigations: 2. Where does trash go? What do workers do there? (Monday-Tuesday) 3. How do Trash and garbage affect our community? (Wednesday-Friday) Large Group Monday:pg40 Calendar/Helpers MM71, “Recycle Song” Introduce Sanitation worker Invite children to share questions Choice Time Small Group LL04, “Bookmaking” or LL02, “Desktop Publishing” Read Aloud Sam Helps Recycle Tuesday: pg42 Calendar/Helpers MM71, “Recycle Song” Review what happens to Sam in Sam Recycles Provide a collection of safe items for children to sort. AS they sort refer back to the list of items that can be recycled and items that need to be thrown away. Point out itmes with the recycling symbol Wednesday: pg46 Calendar/Helpers MM69, The Litter Monster” Create a pile of trash use a fan to blow the trash. Discuss litter. Talk about why we put trash in special places. What do we need to teach the litter monster record responses. Thursday: pg48 Calendar/Helpers MM69, The Litter Monster” Show the page in The Adventures of Gary & Henry that talks about Harry’s choking on the bag. Discuss how litter can be harmful to animals. Friday: pg50Calendar/Helpers MM69, The Litter Monster” Go on a litter walk Discuss picking up trash safely and the importance of wearing gloves. Talk about trash they should not pick up like glass. Invite children to explore how many crushed cans will fit in a small trash can. Have children compare that number with the number of crushed cans that will fit in the small trash can. LL04, “Bookmaking” or LL02, Desktop Publishing” Radio Man BD11 Make Don’t litter…signs Use empty boxes to build with while in the block area M03, Seek & Find” or M05, “Sorting & Classifying” Adventures of Gary and Harry BD09 Daily Transition: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Daily Literacy: (Words of the Week) Large Group Round up Recall the day’s events Write a group thank you note. Zoo Phonics Pick activity Weekly Activities Mental Health: Pick activity Learning Center Materials Art/Writing: paper; markers; paint Computer: Recall the day’s events Invite children who crushed cans in the science area to share what they learned. Pick activity Humanities: Pick activity Blocks: Garbage trucks Empty boxes of various sizes Dramatic Play: Recall the day’s events Share photos of children’s block constructions. Invite children to describe their creations. Pick activity Social Studies: Pick activity Library/Listening: Books about trash, garbage, and recycling Manipulatives: Sand & Water: Math/Science: Junk collection Help children write “Don’t be a litter monster” signs M22, Story Problems” or M01, “Dinnertime” Talk about shapes found in junk collection, invite to sort and describe 3-d shapes by comparing to familiar objects. LL18, “What’s Missing” or LL08, “Memory Games” I Stink! Adventures of Gary and Harry BD09 Monthly Cooking (Food) Activity: Recall the day’s events Invite children who made signs in art area to share their work. Recall the day’s events Invite children to share their experiences from today’s litter walk Music: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pick activity Healthy/Safety: Pick activity Crushed cans and small trash cans Music: Pick activity Nutrition: Pick activity Color: Number: Shape: Rhyme: Outside: P20, “Body Shape and Sizes” Day 3, Litter walk around the school INCA Head Start Lesson Plan Week of: Study: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Teacher: Investigations: 2. Where does trash go? What do workers do there? (Monday-Tuesday) 3. How do Trash and garbage affect our community? (Wednesday-Friday) Individual Help: Material Sent Home: (e.g. Zoo-phonics activity worksheets, newsletters) Parent Suggestive Activities: (Activity & Signature) Family Partnerships: We would like families to bring in a piece of trash that has the recycling symbol on it. Also, please access the ebook, Sam Helps Recycle. If you are a family member who plays a musical instrument and you would be willing to visit our class next week to help the children make instruments, please let us know. We also would like to ask families to contribute old wrapping paper and gift boxes of different sizes for the children to use in an upcoming investigation. Wow! Experiences: Monday—An interview with a sanitation worker and a look at a trash or recycling truck Friday—A litter walk around the school