LITERACY WEEKLY PLAN Week 4 Text: A range of Whole Class .Traditiona1 stories: The Gingerbread Man & Little Red Riding Hood, also using Suddenly, story with familiar/patterned lang. Target: To ,re-tell a story, oral & (shared reading and writing). On-going: make a list of Traditional/Fairy story characters & display them. . Continue to model & practice h/w, & build in time for extra practice outside the Literacy Hr. S &L objectives: speaking for different audiences. written using a story map/plan: . Whole Class Word Work: (phonics, spelling, grammar, vocabulary). LO: W3: consonant clusters. Guided Group Tasks: (reading and writing). For Guided Reading see yellow folder Continue to tape stories from story maps. Independent Group Tasks: Clearly state work target each group is to achieve. All groups to work on independence for learning strategies ICT Component Plenary Programs chil'n can use Word" Starspell & Clicker. Chil'n to continue using Pizza Hut role play area. Monday Objectives: T4 to re-tell stories Tl6: to, use some of the elements of known stories to structure own writing. S1: to expect Written text to make sense. S5: to continue demarcating sentences Tuesday Objectives Represent outlines of story plots . Talk for writing: Ask a child to re-tell , 'The Gingerbread Man' using story map. Shared\writing: Refer to story plan & model writing the, beginning of the story Chil’n to work with a talk partner to think of sentences & use' whiteboards to practice writing them. Count sentence, put ticks etc. Refer to DEW framework. PIPs Step 5: LO 4, to blend to read words containing consonant clusters. Adapt Cube Game, p 30, game) & use whiteboards. Set target,fime for making sl' cl' bl' fl words. S & T groups: independently write the beginning of the story. H group: to write the end of the story. P group: to write the middle of the story. Children to produce individual outcomes. Focus on making the writing more interesting. C group: most able chil'n in grp to write 4 sentences for beginning. Least able chil'n to match words to colour coded sentence strips, stick in bks. (The Old Lady made a Gingerbread Man. The Gingerbread Man ran away.) Complete with picture of Gingerbread Man. Choose chi!d'n to read the beg, middle & end of the story. Do the parts fit together well, has appropriate story lang been used? Share reading 'Little Red Riding Hood:, Talk about events at the beginning the middle & at the end of the story, scribe brief notes on a simple plan. Discuss drawing a story map - change an event, or, add a new character. Refer to list of characters etc. (What exciting journey does LRRH go on!) Identify Consonant clusters in text. PIPs Step 5: LO 3 as above. Play Full Circle Game, game 1 Chil'n to draw their. own story maps for Little Red Riding Hood. . H group: Discuss ways of changing the story. Allow time during the day for chil'n to complete their maps! Look for key features in the story lang & practice reading t4em. Discuss .the lang in the other stories read. Wednesday Objectives: as for Monday Thursday Objectives: T8: To identify & discuss characters. T15: To build simple profiles of characters. Friday Objectives: T6: To identify & discuss a range of story themes ........ T4 to re-tell stories. . Talk for writing: Ask a child to re-tell 'Little Red Riding Hood' using story map. Encourage child to make the story 'their own'. " Shared writing. Teacher Demonstration: Refer to the 'beg' section of the story plan. & model writing it. Children to work with a talk partner to think of next sentence. Chil'n to use whiteboards to practice writing the final sentence, discuss & complete beg; PIPs Step 5: LO 3, to segment to spell words containing' consonant clusters iu initial position. Play Quickwrite & Phoneme fingers. Brush, cross, dress, black, flag, glad, clock, frog, green. Talk for writing: Discuss the role & character of the wolf in the 4 stories read, use pictures from the bks etc. Have ready a set of questions & a wolf mask, ask it child to be the wolf & put him/her into the "Hot Seat'. Chil'n to think of words to describe the Wolf, make a list. PIPs Step 5: LO 1&4, hear phonemes & blend them. Play Bingo, game 1. Share reading Suddenly. Discuss storyline, characters, problem, 'bad' character etc PIPs Step 5: LO 4, to blend to: read words containing consonant clusters. . Adapt Cube Game, p 30, game 2 & use whiteboards. The 3 least able chil'n from the C group using Clicker to create a word bank to write story sentences. Chil'n to write the beg of the story,. Work in books. Pupil Target: I can write a story using sentence All chil'n to make the' own simple Wolf stick puppet. Ask 2 or3 children to read their story Least able group create a word bank using ‘Clicker’ t\ openings. Ask other chil' n to read out a really exciting / interesting word or sentence, record & display. _ Continue with puppets Draw, colour, cut out, attach to dowling. Resources: pictures of Wolf from the Big Bks, paper, card, crayons, felt tips, dowling, sellotape, scissors. Sustained writing session: Chil'n to use their own story maps of Red Riding Hood to write story. H, P, S, T groups, chil'n to copy & complete 4 'sentences using consonant clusters, ' Spelling test: see half term plan Wk 3. Chil'n will do activities related to spellings, work on initial sounds, segmenting & blending, onset & rime, flash cards etc. Ask child to retell ‘gingerbread Man ‘ story from story map