Panel Debate

Panel Debate
Debate Duties and Procedures
The Moderator
Beginning of the debate:
The moderator introduces the topic, defines the terms, and gives background information.
For example: if the topic were capital punishment, the moderator might give a brief
history of capital punishment in the United States, define capital punishment, and
summarize current law.
The debaters need to know the content of this introduction prior to the presentation.
During the debate: the moderator introduces the debaters and keeps track of time.
At the conclusion of each debater’s speech: The moderator calls on opposing debaters
and/or class members to ask questions of the speakers (if needed, the moderator may ask
questions). At the conclusion of the debate: the moderator offers a 1–3 minute summary
of the main issues presented by each side in the debate.
The Debaters
The presentation of the arguments and evidence should be equally divided between the
team members. Each debater is expected to ask questions of the opposition (see “How to
Ask Questions in a Debate”).
The First Affirmative Speaker’s 2–5 minute speech will include:
• At least two arguments in favor of the resolution
• Evidence from the research that supports the arguments
***The first affirmative’s opening speech will be fully prepared before the debate.
The First Negative Speaker’s 2–5 minute speech will include:
• At least two arguments against the resolution
• Evidence from the research that supports the arguments
• Refutation of the affirmative speaker’s arguments
The Second Affirmative Speaker’s 2–5 minute speech will include:
• At least one new argument in favor of the resolution
• Evidence from the research that supports the arguments
• Refutation of the negative speaker’s arguments
The Second Negative Speaker’s 2–5 minute speech will include:
• At least one new argument against the resolution
• Evidence from the research that supports the arguments
• Refutation of the affirmative speakers’ arguments
• a final statement of the negative position
The First Affirmative Speaker’s 1–2 minute speech will include:
• Refutation of the negative speakers’ arguments
• A final statement of the affirmative position
The Audience Class members are expected to:
• take notes
• ask pertinent questions of the debaters during allotted questioning
Class members may:
• be asked to write a brief comment on their personal attitude toward the topic prior to the
• be asked to indicate any change in their opinion
• be asked to write an evaluation of the debate.
The debate will be conducted on the following time schedule:
Moderator Introduction
First Affirmative Speaker
First Negative Speaker
Second Affirmative Speaker
Second Negative Speaker
First Affirmative Speaker
Moderator Summary
2-3 minutes
2-5 minutes
1-3 minutes
2-5 minutes
1-3 minutes
2-5 minutes
1-3 minutes
2-5 minutes
1-3 minutes
1-2 minutes
1-3 minutes