4/5/10 - Sigma Alpha

Sigma Alpha, Beta Alpha Spring 2010
Monday, April, 5
Old Business
 Please see minutes from 3/22
 Josh McGrath, Professional event (speaker)
 Philanthropy Event- Baltimore ASPCA- Rebecca, Emily J and steph
went and stuffed bags and saw the animals in the shelter. This is
an option for future philanthropy events.
 Sisterhood Event- Easter Egg Dying + movie night- both really
successful events! Colleen, Allison, steph and Rebecca attended
movie night and had a lot of fun
New Business
 Upcoming events
o April 8th- Date auction- send your bio to Katherine by tomorrow if
you’re being auctioned off, if not being auctioned, please help
out in any way possible!
o April 9th- Ag in the classroom at Burwin Heights Elementary
o April 12th- Sisterhood event and the last day for nominations
o April 16th- Go-Karting sisterhood event- originally a social event,
so invite as many people as you want. It will be $6 and at 6pm.
An email will be send around about logistics
o April 21st- MC Activation at 6pm!. All those who polled they are
able to make Wednesdays at 6 earlier in the semester are
expected to be there.
o April 24th- Ag Day!!!!!- everyone is expected to participate with
SA in some capacity
o April 26th- professional meeting
o April 30th-May 2nd is our retreat as Assateague Island
 Officer and Committee Chair nominations
o April 26th a ballet will be passed out and completed after the
professional event. If you’re not in good standings, you are
graduating, or not attending the professional event, you will not
be able to vote
o Retreat is when we will announce the results
 Annual Report Guide
o In the past, a lot of girls have had trouble with what exactly
needs to be in the annual report; this work sheet states exactly
what you need.
o Due May 1st (in the bylaws)
Officer Reports
 President, Brit
 1st Vice, Amanda
 2nd Vice, Vicky- tomorrow the MCs are making paddles, so bigs should not
attend. Other actives are welcome to attend. Vicky has the key to the closet,
and at 6pm tomorrow we’ll meet at HJP to store our sacred items.
 Treasurer, Rebecca- we have over $2000 and will be getting more money
from the date auction and MCs.
 Secretary, Emily
 Rush Chair, Sara
Committee Reports
 Philanthropy Chair, Rebecca- the SPCA was really fun, so we want to plan
more events with them. Berwyn Heights this Friday (4/9/10 at 1:30pm)
Allison, Rebecca, Brit are definitely going. Vicky, Brooke, Amanda will check
their schedules.
 Scholarship Chiar, Amanda- please keep adding to the internship/job bank!
Help out your fellow sisters
 Alumni Liaison, Vicky
 Sisterhood Chair, Allison- we’re making totes, so please bring crafting
supplies! We have green and yellow paint, so if you want extra stuff, please
bring your own.
 Social Chair, Steph and Vicky- invite people/clubs to the go-karting event on
April 16th at 6pm. Steph will email Tim Lapanne for a mass email to all
clubs/AGNR students
 Fundraising Chair, Katherine- we’re currently selling them for $7/each. If
you’ve collected money for the planners, give Katherine money ASAP so the
money doesn’t come out of the SA bank account. Invite as many people as
possible to the date auction this Thursday April 8th! Amanda and Allison will
hand out flyers in front of Turtle the night before to advertise!
 Ag Day Chair, Rachel- emails were sent to professors about the kiss-a-pig
event and a lot of people want to participate. There was a mix up with the
kitchen permit, so it will be sent in. If that fails, we will buy prepacked food to
sell. The signup sheet will be emailed out so everyone knows their shift. If
you cant help out during the day, find someone to work for you and help out
the night before or cleaning up.
 Retreat Chair, Amanda- she will be going the day beforehand to buy the food
and help people find the site. Please bring a tent if you’re able to bring a tent.
If you have ideas for next year’s rush t-shirt, think of that too. Make sure you
bring $15, a sleeping bag, and something to sit on at the beach.
 Awards, Pride and Promotion, Sara- Awards were due today, so if you
haven’t turned your awards in, turn them in ASAP. It will only take you 20
minutes to do it, you will get a super sister point for each award you fill out,
and you only have to write a paragraph for each. Super sister points:
Rebecca S. (for setting up North Carroll and planning everything), Katherine
(for organizing the planners), Colleen (for making brownies and hosting the
movie night), Brit (for making the event templates), Emily J (for doing such a
great job for formal, Rebecca (for organizing catering), Dani, Molly, Colleen
(helped set formal up), Katherine (helped Emily buy supplies)
 Historian, Stephanie- next sisterhood meeting, Steph will bring the scrapbook
to show the sisters
Webmaster, Colleen- Rebecca will send in the necessary items for the
We will doing the produce judging this year. It is a good PR opportunity for
sigma alpha to put in the DelMarva farmer. The vegetables will be bought the
night before, and brought to stamp by 8am that morning. It will be on a
Tuesday, so if people can help out during the day that will be great.