Books_files/Deduce our dimension - Bon-davi

Deduce for yourself
why the universe exists,
and why consciousness exists.
This “game” of reasoning will work for a
while, before word of the book, “The
Universe And Consciousness Explained,” gets
out. From experience, I know that solving
what is presented below creates a line of
thrilling realizations, each of which left me
“high” for days. That is the reason I have
included this game, for the time being, along
with the book. Reading the book is
fascinating, but deducing the first realizations
yourself is even better - it’s physically
thrilling! Stop at any point in the discourse
you like, and see if contemplation will bring
you the answers. Good luck. I am not giving
the final answers away, but I am leaving you
staring right at where they’re hiding - and,
for a few bucks, you can read all about it, and
much, much more in the book. (It took 25
years of studying science and mysticism, and
another 23 years of contemplation and
editing, to write the entire 222 page book.)
Why the universe exists, and why we are
conscious, is what the inquisitive of every age
have had the greatest desire to know.
Unfortunately, conventional wisdom has come
to believe that this information is unknowable.
But this is an erroneous assumption. Simple
logic can tell us clearly why we and the universe
The universe had to have had a beginning,
because initially either it had to exert its
potential, its power, to exist, or a Deity had to
exert Its power to construct the universe in its
initial form. The universe couldn’t have always
existed, because it is an impossible paradox that,
at every moment of existence, either the
universe has already exerted its potential to exist
during some previous moment, or some Deity
has already exerted Its power to create the
universe in a previous moment. It had to have
actually happened at some actual moment,
thereby creating a beginning to the universe’s
So, the universe had a beginning. At the
beginning of our universe’s existence, either the
universe arose on its own, or it was created by
some other dimension of existence, possibly a
Deity. In order to know whether the universe
arose on its own or was created by something
either making up or existing within some other
dimension of existence, we have to take our
inquiry back to the beginnings of anything, and
proceed from there to determine what happened
that led to our universe being created. The
primary question to ask becomes - What does
logic say can arise, when existence first becomes
Logic trumps everything. Whatever exists
must have a logical way to manifest its
existence. So, we must let logic be our guide in
determining what has the inherent power to
arise, and what has the inherent power to create
anything else. Even any form of Deity which
might arise has to have the logically
understandable ability to do so built into its
What existed at the very first moment of
possible existence? First, we can determine that
nothing of a tangible nature, be it a potential
universe or a potential Deity, could have existed
at the very first moment of possible existence.
This is because for anything to exist it has to be
constructed from the elements inherent in its
potential to exist. For things of an intangible
nature this can be instantaneous, because any
assembly occurs within a spaceless void. But
for anything of a tangible nature to arise, its
construction requires some type of tangible
movement to occur requiring one moment of
time to record the start of the movement, and at
the very least a second moment of time to record
the situation of the completion of the movement.
If a potential tangible universe or tangible Deity
existed at the first moment of possible existence,
either of them could only have become aware of
the fact that they could now start to react to the
offer of existence. They could now start the
tangible movement which, once finished, would
actually create something of a tangible nature at
the second moment of possible existence. This
means that, at the first moment of possible
existence, although something of a potentially
tangible nature might exist, nothing actually
tangible exists yet. It also means that whatever
arises must do so from what is present at the
first moment of possible existence, which is
nothing of a tangible nature.
The next step to take is to realize that
“nothing tangible exists” is not a negative
statement - it is a positive statement. Nothing
tangible existing doesn’t mean that nothing at all
exists - it means that a Void does exist. The
dimension of The Void exists, fully constructed,
since no tangible actions are necessary for Its
So, the first thing, the first dimension of
existence, the first realm of existence, the first
type of existence, the first unique essence, we
find existing instantly at the first moment of
possible existence is The Void.
Is there
anything else, obviously of an intangible nature,
also instantly “formed” at the first moment of
possible existence?
At this first moment of possible existence,
along with The Void, the intangible dimension
existing in the form of Time starts to exist,
having also registered the possibility that It can
now exist, and having instantly exerted Its
intangible ability to do so. Intangible Time
exists at the first moment of possible existence,
fully “formed,” doing what time does, recording
any form of existence, in this case recording The
Void’s existence. “The Void” exists and “The
Time of The Void” exists.
A third dimension also exists - one a little
harder to understand - the dimension of
This one takes a little thought.
The dimension of Possibility is what starts off
any existence. As far as the factors necessary the dimensions necessary - for the existence of
anything is concerned, without the presence of
the “Possibility Of Existence,” there would be
no existence of any kind. Think about it - you
know that the “Possibility Of Existence” does
exist, so how does It exist? In what manner, in
what fashion, does It exist? It exists in Its own
unique way, being Its own unique intangible
essence - Its own intangible dimension of
existence - functioning in Its own intangible
Thinking about how Possibility actually does
exist as a unique intangible dimension of
existence - that is, as a unique intangible essence
which actually does exist in some intangible
dimension - helps us to make the jump to the
fourth and last intangible dimension that logic
finds existing at the first moment of possible
Once we name the fourth intangible
dimension of existence present at this first
moment, we can deduce, first, that none of these
four dimensions can create anything else. Time
can only record the situation of what exists.
Possibility simply informs other potential
dimensions that existence is now possible. (I
suppose you could call the dimension of
Possibility a kind of Deity - but It doesn’t have
consciousness, and It doesn’t create on Its own;
all It has is the innate power to allow whatever
else which can arise and exist on its own to start
doing so.) And The Void, in being what It is, is
nothing of a tangible nature, and does nothing of
a tangible nature, thereby constructing Itself and
nothing more.
Next we can establish that logic stipulates
that, not only can The Void not create anything
else, it is also true that no power existing within
The Void, which of necessity must be of an
intangible essence, can create any type of action
which would have a tangible result. You can
exert intangible powers, or combine them, and
still nothing will ever be constructed which has
anything other than an intangible presence. You
can’t get anything of a substantial existence even a tangible empty space grid, each point of
space having the tangible power of maintaining
its unique position - if all you start out with are
intangible elements, with intangible powers of
expression. And when we discover what the
fourth and last dimension is, which is present at
the first moment of possible existence, we
realize that this dimension is also intangible, and
also cannot construct any other dimension,
tangible or intangible.
So these four
dimensions of existence are all that ever exist.
And if nothing else can arise from the
situation present at the first moment of possible
existence, then no other dimension of existence
will arise subsequently. This is because the first
situation doesn’t ever change.
Since logic does not allow any other tangible
or intangible dimension to exist other than these
four, this also rules out any form of Deity
dimension arising, to then somehow create our
universe. Even a would be Deity would have
to have a logical basis for Its existence. We
can’t just run things backwards, and define a
Deity as being miraculously all powerful, and
therefore able to overrule logic and exist. If
something has no logical basis for its existence,
this means that there is no way possible for it to
exert any type of innate power that would enable
it to exist. (Note - the dimension we live in is a
Deity, but It can be called that because it just
happens to have what we define as a Deity’s
abilities - at least what Mystics define as a
Deity’s abilities - the ability to be conscious and
to focus all the details of imagining everything
imaginable, for an eternity. But our dimension
is just plain lucky that It exists and has
consciousness as part of Its make-up. It doesn’t
exist because Its “all-powerful will” allows It to
will Itself into existence, overruling any logical which means overruling any possible - way to
exist. It exists because the function It fulfills
cannot not exist - similarly to how and why the
dimension of Time exists.)
Although none of the other three dimensions
have the power to give rise to anything else, the
presence of any of the other three dimensions
provides all that is necessary, or in other words
makes it appropriate, for the fourth intangible
dimension of existence to arise on Its own. (To
make it easier to discover what that fourth
dimension is, concentrate on the fact that the
presence of The Void, alone, makes it
appropriate, that is, provides all that is
necessary, for this fourth dimension to exist.)
When we know that nothing other than these
four dimensions of existence can instantly exist
at the first moment of possible existence, and
know that they cannot themselves give rise to
any other dimension of existence, then we know
that the dimension we live in must be one of
these four dimensions. Our experience tells us
that we are not Time, and we are not Possibility,
and we are not The Void. That leaves only the
fourth dimension to be the dimension we live in.
Once it is realized what this fourth dimension
is, further thought on how our dimension must
be structured in order to perform the function it
exists to fulfill leads us to realize how this
dimension we exist as part of must include the
universe that we see around us, and must also
include many other universes. We can also
realize that our dimension must also consist of
all the things that thought can imagine. It also
tells us how consciousness must be an intangible
component of this dimension, and how we can
call this dimension a Deity if we wish, and how
we are immortal! (!!)
And then all the
statements you’ve heard mystics make - “we are
all one,” “everything in our lives is a grand
illusion - we don’t, unless we’re Enlightened,
really understand the actual illusory nature of
any of the components making up our lives
here,” and “you yourself are the creator of this
universe, taking a limited focus of consciousness
within a unique perspective on what there is to
imagine” - all mystical statements, made by
enlightened Mystics, making up a tiny
percentage of all the world’s spiritual traditions,
and who follow in the footsteps of the
enlightened Mystics who started all the world’s
major religions and spiritual traditions, all their
statements now make perfect sense. And, if
you are familiar with the strange actions of subatomic particles which those studying quantum
physics have discovered, these strange
occurrences will now make perfect sense as
well. And, finally, if you’re familiar with some
of the established “pillars” of the new age
movement, the writings of Carlos Castaneda and
the Seth material also now make sense.
So, what is the fourth dimension - our
dimension? Hint - it has something to do with
the other three dimensions. It would exist if
any of the other three dimensions of existence
were the sole existing dimension to arise. But
concentrate on how it exists because The Void
exists. If The Void exists, what other intangible
dimension must also exist, in Its own unique
fashion, functioning in Its own unique way doing Its own mundane little thing?
Once you realize what this fourth dimension
of existence is, then think how this dimension
must be structured in order to perform Its
function. Do this, and a line of thrilling
realizations awaits you. Why is It conscious?
Why does It imagine whole universes? Why
does It exist forever in a moment? Why do
YOU exist forever?
To understand what dimension we live in and to know that we do not live in a tangible
universe - is very exciting. But this is just the
beginning! To go through this line of reasoning
in greater detail, and to know much, much more,
buy the book, “The Universe And
Consciousness Explained” at this website, and
read all 222 pages.