INFECTIOUS DISEASES HIGHER SPECIALIST TRAINING PROGRAMME MALTA APRIL 2011 INTRODUCTION Training in Infectious Diseases provides a generic programme for specialists who may practice in a variety of infection related disciplines for example tropical medicine, HIV medicine, infection control and aspects of public health medicine. SELECTION for and ACCESS to the TRAINING Teachers and training institutions or other responsible bodies select and appoint trainees in accordance with the established selection procedure. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Registration with the Medical Council Malta. Certificate of Completion of Basic Specialty Training in General Medicine DURATION of TRAINING A minimum of 4 years postgraduate training is required, in addition to at least a minimum of 2 years must be in General Internal Medicine which forms the “common trunk”. The common trrunk should be completed before embarking on the specialist training (this 2 year period is subsequent to the compulsory post qualification training internship otherwise known as the Foundation Programme). Infectious Diseases training should thus not be less than four years full-time or equivalent TRAINING CENTRE Training shall take place in an institution or group of institutions which together offer the trainee practice in the full range of the specialty. They must have an intensive care unit and other specialties must also be represented (particularly the medical specialties and surgery) so as to provide an opportunity for inter-specialty consultation. They must have access to a full range of microbiological, biochemical, haematological and imaging investigations and fulfil other criteria that the Association of Physicians may, from time to time, determine. TRAINING PROGRAMME, TRAINING LOG-BOOK General Description of Higher Medical Training for Infectious Diseases: (These requirements are in addition to the general principles for Higher Specialist Training as described in the document Specialist Training Programmes in Adult Medical Specialties issued by the Medical Specialists Accreditation Committee). The training programme will include agreed periods undertaken in the management of unselected community acquired infection(s) and the management of imported infection, both as in patient and out patient, and hospital acquired infection. Attachment to a Medical Microbiology/Clinical Virology department is also necessary during the training to enable the trainee to acquire the ability to use the laboratory appropriately and to interpret data originating from the Clinical Microbiology laboratory. Involvement in the management of immuno-compromised patients (for example HIV infection, transplant patients, patients with infected prostheses) and a period of involvement in an Intensive Care Unit will be obligatory. Research will be regarded as an integral component within the training programme. It is recognised that in some countries infectious diseases is practised with clinical responsibility INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 1 of 21 042011 for patients in a ward and in others it may be more on a consultation basis but the underlying principles included in this training programme should be relevant to both styles of training. KNOWLEDGE-BASED ASSESSMENT In order to be awarded the CCST at the end of training, the trainee should be in possession of specialty certificate awarded by the Federation of Royal Colleges of the UK and the relevant speciality society or the UEMS speciality certificate or an equivalent qualification recognized by the Association of Physicians of Malta. INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 2 of 21 042011 THE CURRICULUM Community Acquired Infection and hospital acquired infection: Involvement in management (clinical assessment, investigation, diagnosis, treatment and follow up) of unselected patients suffering from infections, preferably predominantly community acquired, and imported infection(s) forms a central theme within the training programme. Typical examples would be community acquired pneumonia, MRSA infections, vector-borne diseases such as leishmaniasis, typhus and leptospirosis. Consult experience should be obtained during this period e.g. in other hospital associated infections such as surgical infections, intensive-care related infections, orthopaedic infections, device related infections and infection in immune compromised patients. At least 3 years should usually be spent in an approved post which meets the above requirements of the curriculum. It must include both inpatient and out patient care. (A maximum of one year of training outside the European Community at a recognised training centre approved prior to the period of training by the specialist national authority will be acceptable). ORGAN-SPECIFIC INFECTIONS The trainee is expected to have extensive experience in the diagnosis and management of the following organ-specific infections Pneumonias and other respiratory infections Endocarditis (native/prosthetic) Joint and bone infection Skin and soft tissue infection Central Nervous System infections: Meningitis/Encephalitis Urinary tract infections Infectious diarrhea Complicated intra-abdominal infections PYREXIA OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN (PUO) Training in the management of patients suffering from PUO must be given during the training period. The trainee is expected to be well-experienced in the management of such patients. HIV/AIDS Experience in HIV/AIDS must form part of the training programme and may require rotation to a unit possessing a high component of suitable patients or to a dedicated HIV unit if it cannot be provided in the primary ID training centre. Cross specialty infections including tuberculosis and viral hepatitis Experience in the management of cross speciality infections such as tuberculosis and viral hepatitis (including B and C) must be part of the training programme. Immuno-compromised patients: The training programme must include experience in the management of opportunistic infection(s) in immunocompromised patients such as neutropenic hosts, transplant patients, INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 3 of 21 042011 congenital immune deficiencies as well as those compromised by illness such as diabetes mellitus and infected prosthetic devices. Medical Microbiology: Experience in Medical Microbiology is essential. It is envisaged that attachment, collaborative research, and/or direct involvement in these disciplines will be necessary. An attachment will typically be between 2-3 months (flexible timing may be allowed), and should ideally be organised in the first year of training. Intensive Care: A period of attachment to and a period providing consults to an Intensive Care Unit to gain experience in the management of these patients must form part of the training programme. A period spent in this environment should provide additional experience in the prevention and treatment of nosocomial infection and sepsis. This period of attachment is expected to be from 2-4 weeks and should ideally be done during the second year of training. SEPSIS A firm grasp of the pathogenesis, diagnosis and management of the sepsis syndrome is considered very important Control of Infection: Experience in the prevention and control of community and healthcare related infections or hospital outbreaks e.g. MRSA, SRSV is important. Epidemiology and Public Health Medicine A period of interface with these disciplines is regarded as desirable and will enable the trainee to become familiar with the principles and practicalities of immunisation and vaccination, investigation and control of notifiable diseases and community outbreaks. Research: Training to develop a basic understanding and ability in clinical and/or laboratory research methodology is essential. Supervised research or further formal postgraduate training, is encouraged. The trainee will be expected to publish at least one manuscript in an international, peer reviewed journal. During the training, the trainee is also expected to initiate and participate in at least 2 Clinical Audits pertaining to the local Infectious Disease practice. Tropical Medicine To enhance their training in tropical medicine the following would be considered valuable and desirable: 1. Attendance at a tropical medicine training course at one of the internationally approved centres such as those leading to the Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene or equivalent or 2. A twelve month period in a recognised training centre in the tropics or a period of experience in an approved parasitological laboratory may be considered. INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 4 of 21 042011 Post-graduate Qualifications Other post-graduate qualifications will be considered valuable after discussion a priori (before committing to any specific course or examination) with the Infectious Disease Lead Trainer/s. Diseases of travel: The training must include aspects of prevention of travel associated diseases as well as the regular clinical assessment, diagnosis and management of travel related infections. If this training cannot be provided at the primary training centre, the experience must be obtained elsewhere. VIRAL HAEMORRHAGIC FEVERS (VHFS) A clear understanding of the management of VHFs, the strict infection control measures and public health implications must form part of the training programme. Bioterrorism An understanding of the issues related to the clinical presentation, early recognition, epidemiology and management and control of infections which could potentially be deliberately released into a community for example, smallpox, anthrax, plague, botulism and tularaemia. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) An understanding of the basic principles of STD as they relate to infectious diseases is desirable. This may include a short period of attachment to the Genito-urinary Clinic of between 1-2 weeks. Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Knowledge of the issues relating to optimal use of antimicrobial chemotherapy including an understanding of the pharmacokinetics and principles of prevention, mechanisms of resistance and management of antimicrobial resistance must be obtained during the training. Practical Skills to be acquired by completion of infectious diseases training: The underlying objective is to produce an individual who can function independently at specialist level by the end of training. Requirements can be summarised as follows: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Appropriate management of an emergency admission suffering from severe infection. Competence in acute assessment of patients suffering from infections and the day-to-day care of patients suffering from severe infections and its sequelae. Management of severe infection in an ICU setting. Management of patients with imported infections - e.g. malaria. Care of immuno-compromised patients - including neutropenic and those with HIV infection/AIDS. It is essential that the trainee must develop the skill to effectively use and monitor combination antiviral regimes. Management of nosocomial infections, with knowledge of infection control, and appropriate liaison with laboratory services. Practical knowledge of common clinical diagnostic procedures It is also essential that the trainee be: INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 5 of 21 042011 a. Regularly involved in under-graduate and post-graduate teaching. b. Involved in audit and quality control relating to the speciality. c. Conversant with clinical pharmacological aspects of and appropriate use of antimicrobial chemotherapy (where possible with involvement with the Antibiotic Sub-Committee). d. Conversant with aspects of infection control (where possible by being co-opted onto the Infection Control Committee). e. Aware of resource management implications related to practice in the speciality. f. Able to lead a multidisciplinary team in the clinical setting. During infectious diseases training, the trainee must: 1. Be competent to supervise work and training of staff undergoing general professional training (common trunk general internal medicine), and to contribute to the training of those in the earlier stages of infectious diseases training. 2. Have understanding of clinical and/or laboratory research methods. 3. Have been exposed to ‘management’. This should include attendance at agreed courses and committee experience. 4. Be familiar with administrative duties relevant to modern consultant practice in the speciality. 5. Be aware of the importance of involvement in continuing medical education (CME) and utilisation of resources for this purpose. 6. Actively contribute towards the improvement in systems of patient-care and safety, and in health-care management. INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 6 of 21 042011 THE TRAINING PROGRAMME Infectious diseases training for any individual trainee must be co-ordinated by an individual person or body. There should be a training programme with a regular formal review for the trainee on a minimum of an annual basis. The ID Training Programme shall be based on the Curriculum outlined in this document. JOINT TRAINING WITH GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE: This may be undertaken and will have to be in accordance with guidelines produced by the National Authorities to meet European requirements. LOG-BOOK AND GENERAL CONDITIONS A log-book will be kept with details concerning experience gained which must be signed by the appropriate supervisor(s). (Appendix 1) A Clinical Supervisor shall be assigned for an ideal period of one year after which the trainee shall rotate to another Clinical Supervisor. The role of the Clinical Supervisor is primarily that of monitoring and supporting the trainee’s day to day clinical and professional work An appraisal shall be carried out at intervals of 6 months (minimum) or ad hoc as necessary at the discretion of the Clinical Supervisor. At these appraisal meetings, a review of the logbook will also be done. The Appraisal form in Appendix 2 will be used and filed in the trainee’s logbook. Any Ad hoc meetings with the Clinical Supervisor may be recorded in the Clinical Supervisor’s Ad hoc meeting form (Appendix 3) In addition, the trainee shall have an Educational Supervisor. The role of the Educational Supervisor is primarily that of monitoring and supporting the trainee’s Educational Programme and progress. A meeting with the Educational Supervisor shall be carried out at intervals of 6 months (minimum) or as necessary at the discretion of the Educational Supervisor. At these Review meetings, the educational programme and progress of the trainee may be discussed along with any other relevant matters.The Educational Supervisor Review Meeting form in Appendix 4 will be used and filed in the trainee’s logbook. Communication between the Clinical and Educational Supervisors may be done if any relevant information regarding the trainee’s clinical, and educational progress needs to be shared with the interest of the trainee and patient safety in mind. It will be the onus of the trainee to approach the Clinical and Educational Supervisor to organise the regular meetings as well as the ad hoc meetings when necessary. The Clinical and Educational Supervisors may however also themselves call an ad hoc meeting as necessary. All meeting encounters will be recorded in the Meeting Encounters form (Appendix 5) and filed in the trainee’s logbook. ANNUAL REVIEW OF PROGRESSION An Annual Review of Progression will be done by an Annual Review of Progression Board. The Board will consist of the Clinical and Educational Supervisors as well as an External Reviewer. The logbook will be reviewed and achievements noted. Recommendations for progress or otherwise in the Infectious diseases Programme will be made, as well as recommendations for further development if necessary. INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 7 of 21 042011 Any difficulties with progression will be referred to the Training Committee. In addition, the Training Committee will be undertaking a separate review, based on Supervisor Appraisals and other assessments as necessary. TRAINING BOARD IN THE EU/EFTA Trainees should have the opportunity to be trained in recognised training institutions in other UEMS member countries during their training with prior approval by the Specialist Advisory Committee. TEACHER/TRAINEE RATIO The ratio between the number of qualified Infectious Diseases physicians in the teaching staff and the number of trainees should provide for adequate close personal monitoring of the trainee during his/her training and provide adequate exposure of the trainee to the training. This ratio should be no less than 1:1. OVERSEAS TRAINING A period of training in an approved overseas training centre is encouraged and highly desirable. EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES Attendance at weekly Journal Club meetings is expected. Other teaching activities will be actively encouraged. CONFERENCES Attending of Infectious diseases related conferences is encouraged and desirable at least once every year. OTHER REQUIREMENTS FOR TRAINEES EXPERIENCE To build up his/her experience the trainee should be involved in the management and treatment of a sufficient number of in-patients and out-patients and perform a sufficient number of the practical procedures relevant to the specialty which may not be provided by other hospital professionals. LANGUAGE The trainee should have sufficient linguistic ability to communicate with patients and to study international literature and to communicate with foreign colleagues. In some countries this may be subject to a formal test. HUMANISTIC SKILLS The specialty of Infectious Diseases traverses all other specialties and inter-specialty consultations make up a substantial part of the work load of ID physicians. Trainees are therefore expected to have particularly good communication skills, be able to work in a team without problems, and maintain excellent doctor-healthcare worker and doctor-patient relationships. INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 8 of 21 042011 Appendix 1 LOGBOOK FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES KEY AREAS AND COMPETENCE Malta Infectious diseases Training Programme KEY AREAS OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES Trainee’s name CATEGORY KEY POINTS Community acquired infection (Please refer to Curriculum) Approx number of inpatients per month Tropical infectious disease Approx number of returning travellers per year Travel medicine Approx number of travelrelated consultations per year HIV / AIDS Approx number of HIV inpatients seen per month Approx number of HIV outpatient seen per month Approx number of compromised patients (excluding transplant/HIV) per month YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 Approx number of outpatients per month Compromised patients (including transplant) Hospital acquired infection Pyrexia of Unknown Origin Approx number of transplant per month Approx number of hospital acquired infections per month (c. diff., pneumonia, UTI etc) Approx number of patients per year Surgical infection consults Approx number of consults (month) Intensive care Approximate number of patients seen in Intensive Care Clinical Supervisor Initials INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 9 of 21 042011 Trainee’s name Sepsis Approx number of patients per year Medical microbiology/ clinical virology Approx time spent in laboratory aspects of infection (weeks) Approximate number of cases where you have decided directly re antimicrobial chemotherapy Epidemiology and Public Health Approx time spent in activities relating to this area (hours) Genito urinary medicine Approx time spent in this areas (weeks) Other (specify) (eg journal club, case presentation) Other (specify) Other (specify) KEY AREAS OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES SIGN OFF Trainee’s name Clinical supervisor signature year 1 Educational supervisor signature year 1 Date Clinical supervisor signature year 2 Educational supervisor signature year 2 Date Clinical supervisor signature year 3 Educational supervisor signature year 3 Date Clinical supervisor signature year 4 Educational supervisor signature year 4 Date INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 10 of 21 042011 LEVEL OF COMPETENCE Trainee’s name CATEGORY KEY POINTS YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 KEY TO LEVEL OF COMPETENCE: 1.lacks competence, needs basic instruction 2.insufficient competence, supervision essential 3.competent under supervision 4.fully competent and able to act independently Community acquired infection Please refer to curriculum Management of unselected patients with community acquired infection (inpatient) Management of unselected patients with community acquired infection (outpatient) Tropical infectious diseases Management of illness in the returning traveller from the tropics Travel medicine Principles & practice of prevention of travel related illness Management of all aspects of HIV care - clinical (including drug therapy) Diagnosis & management of infection in compromised patients including transplant patients Diagnosis & management of hospital acquired infection and understanding the principles of prevention and control Understand principles of diagnosis, management and control of surgical infection HIV / AIDS Compromised patients Hospital acquired infection Surgical infection Clinical Supervisor Initials INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 11 of 21 042011 LEVEL OF COMPETENCE SIGN OFF Trainee’s name Clinical supervisor signature year 1 Educational supervisor signature year 1 Date Clinical supervisor signature year 2 Educational supervisor signature year 2 Date Clinical supervisor signature year 3 Educational supervisor signature year 3 Date Clinical supervisor signature year 4 Educational supervisor signature year 4 Date INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 12 of 21 042011 Appendix 2 Structured Trainee Appraisal Form – HST Infectious Diseases Training Programme Details of Trainee Name & Surname: _________________________________________ I.D. Number: ________________________ Medical Council Registration Number: ______________________ Grade (circle one): HST1 HST2 HST3 HST4 Time period under assessment: From (DD/MM/YY) ___________________ to 1 CLINICAL SKILLS AND UNSUITABLE (DD/MM/YY) _____________________ SUITABLE Unable EXPERIENCE comment Poor 1.1 Fair Satisfactory Good Clinical Skills Clinical Knowledge Technical/operative skill Clinical judgement Patients clinical records INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 13 of 21 042011 to 1.2 Do you have any concerns regarding the applicant’s (a) Overall clinical competence compared to other doctors at this level? NO (b) Awareness and insight into knowing when it is necessary to seek advice? NO (c) Ability to organise and prioritise problems? NO (d) Manual dexterity NO YES, My concerns relate to: ...........................................………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 14 of 21 042011 2 ATTITUDE TO WORK UNSUITABLE SUITABLE Unable AND TRAINING comment Poor 2.1 to Fair Satisfactory Good Willingness to learn Contribution to the department Punctuality Reliability Self motivation 2.2 Do you have any concerns regarding the applicant’s (a) Enthusiasm to take responsibility for their training needs? NO (b) Attendance or contribution at educational and audit meetings? NO (c) Interest or ability in teaching juniors/peers? NO YES, My concerns relate to: ...........................................………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3 PERSONALITY UNSUITABLE SUITABLE Unable comment Poor 3.1 Fair Satisfactory Good Ability to cope under pressure Honesty/Integrity INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 15 of 21 042011 to 3.2 Do you have any concerns regarding the applicant’s (a) Resilience-ability to cope with stressful situations? NO (b) Awareness of ethical issues and individual responsibility? NO YES, My concerns relate to: ...........................................………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 16 of 21 042011 4 ATTITUDE TO OTHERS UNSUITABLE SUITABLE Unable Skills in communication, comment co-operation and team working Poor 4.1 Fair Satisfactory Good Patients Relatives Consultants Peers Other colleagues/staff groups 4.2 Do you have any concerns regarding the applicant’s (a) Communication skills (clear, fluent and articulate in communication in English) NO (b) Ability to establish a good rapport with patients/relatives/colleagues etc? NO (c) Ability to empathise & treat patients in a non-judgmental way? NO (d) Ability to work as a member of a team NO YES, My concerns relate to: ...........................................………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 Disciplinary record / Fitness to Practice Please give details of any existing disciplinary/fitness of practice record or outstanding disciplinary/fitness to practice matter, together with the relevant details INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 17 of 21 042011 to 6 Sickness / Attendance record Sickness while on your employment Do you have any concerns about the applicants attendance No. of days…………very rare! NO If yes give details of your concerns ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… … 7 Summary Using the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate please give any other information relevant to the person specification and training programme. Signature: Name of Supervisor in Block Letters: Date: INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 18 of 21 042011 Appendix 3 CLINICAL SUPERVISOR AD HOC MEETING Infectious diseases HST Training Programme Name of trainee Date: Name of Clinical Supervisor Name of Educational Supervisor Comments State reason for meeting Recommendations (state where special attention should be given in future attachments) Signature of trainee Signature of Clinical Supervisor Date YEAR OF SPECIALIST TRAINING (please circle) ONE/TWO/THREE/FOUR INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 19 of 21 042011 Appendix 4 EDUCATIONAL SUPERVISOR REVIEW MEETING Infectious diseases HST Training Programme Name of trainee Date: Regular / Ad hoc (circle as necessary) Name of Clinical Supervisor Name of Educational Supervisor Comments If Ad hoc, state reason for meeting: Recommendations (state where special attention should be given in future attachments) Signature of trainee Signature of Educational Supervisor Date YEAR OF SPECIALIST TRAINING (please circle) ONE/TWO/THREE/FOUR INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 20 of 21 042011 Appendix 5 MEETING ENCOUNTERS FORM Infectious diseases HST Training Programme Name of trainee Date: YEAR OF DATE SUPERVISOR TRAINING (CLINICAL / EDUCATIONAL) MEETINGTYPE (REGULAR / AD HOC) INFECTIOUS DISEASES TRAINING PROGRAMME - MALTA Page 21 of 21 SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE 042011