Consultants Practice Specialty

Consultants Practice Specialty
Meeting Minutes
February 7, 2014
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Dave Smith
Debby Shewitz
Deb Roy
Chitraran Saran
Paul Longville
Dan Snyder
Margret Wan
JA Rodriguez
Pam Walaski
Cindy Straka
Melanie Javens
Larry Holloway
Alycia Hall
Carol Robinson
Tim Fisher
Terry Grisim
Brian Hitt
Rich Moscato
Carol Keyes
C. Haguewood
November 2013 minutes motioned for approval by Cindy Straka and seconded by Dave Smith. All
approved the November minutes.
Advisory committee assignments – Program Year -2014
Asst. Administrator:
Nominations / Elections:
Directory Task Force:
Body of Knowledge:
Social Media / Website:
Conferences / Seminars:
Awards / Honors:
Pam Walaski
Brian Hitt
Paul Longville (Carol Keyes)
Terry Grisim
Brian Hitt, Carol Robinson, Cindy Straka
Dave Smith, Carol Robinson, Debby Shewitz
Tom Keelty, Pam Walaski
Dan Snyder (will now fill this assignment)
Kelly Bernish
Linda Tapp
Brian Hitt, Debby Shewitz, Rich Moscato
Membership Chair
Brian has sent out letters to new members recently. Carol Robinson will work with Brian on Membership.
Brian Hitt noted that there are 21 new members to the CPS giving us close to 1,400 members.
The next deadline for the CPS newsletter is April 14th, 2014. As always for future newsletters, the goal
remains to receive articles about what we do as consultants – hopefully from us as consultants. Some
discussion ensued about writing an article regarding global warming and Global Harmonization. Also, a
suggestion was made for an article on certification preparation. Pam thinks there is already one article
submitted as well. Keep submitting.
Matrix – Status and Revisions
The matrix is due in mid-March. Pam sent out a rough draft of it with the agenda. Discussions ensued
regarding different presentations and various updates that will fill-in a number of elements of the matrix.
PDC Planning
Advisory Committee Meeting – per Char is set for Monday starting at 5:30. Kelly Bernish will assist us in
finding a place for dinner after the meeting if we wish.
Consultants Practice Specialty
Meeting Minutes
February 7, 2014
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CPS Roundtable
Scheduled for Monday June 9th 10:30 to 11:45 and will be titled “Expanding Capabilities Through
Consulting Relationships”. Carol Robinson provided some details regarding the content of the
Roundtable. The moderator and the recorder are established (Debby Shewitz and Carol Robinson) but
since there is a 50% discount for those who fill the roles and Debby/Carol are already presenting and get a
full discount, anyone who is willing to help and obtain the discount should let Pam know. The minutes
from the roundtable must be completed by July 3rd.
Sponsored Sessions
13 sessions and the roundtable are sponsored by CPS for Safety 2014. A list of the sessions will be
provided prior to the PDC.
Consultants Guide Book
JA Rodriguez reported that the Consultants Guide book is going to be a great resource book for all
consultants. All the chapters are completed and are undergoing a complete and final review by one person
prior to submitting to Technical Publications. Title is still in process for the book. Please submit ideas
concerning the title. The last chapter of the book will be “How Do You Make It Work” and several
consultants have submitted personal essays as content for this chapter.
We look to have a phase one launch soon. Debby Shewitz, Dave Smith and Carol Robinson noted that the
current version looks very good. Free registration is valid through the end of March. Pricing after that
initial rollout is still to be determined.
The listing is free for the first year. There are over 200 listings already. Tim Fisher noted very good
comments so far.
Awards and Honors
Still looking for names of consultants that should be recognized. Brian Hitt noted that the main criteria
are work/service for the ASSE and also other outside activities. At this time there is one name submitted.
Tim Fisher noted there are several other awards that could be considered. (i.e. Culbertson). We hope to
have a Practice Specialty SPY award nomination and Council on Practices SPY award nomination.
A nomination for a News/Article Award was also discussed. If you have an article that should be
considered – please send an e-mail to Brian and Debby. Debby noted that you can self-nominate as well.
New Business
Body of Knowledge meeting should be held next month.
Meeting was closed by Pam.
Next Conference Call: May 2nd 2014 at 3:30 EST