Positive Indicators - West Yorkshire Police





Excel Competency Framework


The Excel Competency Framework is the new name for the Integrated

Competency Framework (ICF).

The competencies in the new Excel Competency Framework are the same as those in the Integrated Competency Framework but the new framework is underpinned by the Excel principles which are as follows:

We will



Delivering on our promises.

Making it personal.

Putting in the extra effort to succeed.

Taking your problems seriously.

The Excel principles and the competencies are mutually compatible. Together the y underpin the Force’s drive to build confidence and satisfaction. They are fundamental to ensuring that officers and staff know the performance that they expected to deliver and that they deliver a quality service.

The Excel principles are part of all the existing competencies. Officers and staff should continue to be assessed against the existing competencies for

PDR and other purposes such as recruitment and selection exercises.

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Area Behaviour

Strategic perspective

Looks at issues with a broad view to achieve the organisation’s goals.

Thinks ahead and prepares for the future.


Openness to change

Recognises and responds to the need for change, and uses it to improve organisational performance.

Working with others

Negotiation and influencing

Persuades and influences others using logic and reason. Sells the benefits of the position they are proposing, and negotiates to find solutions that everyone will accept.

Maximising potential

Actively encourages and supports the development of people. Motivates others to achieve organisational goals.

Respect for race and diversity

Considers and shows respect for the opinions, circumstances and feelings of colleagues and members of the public, no matter what their race, religion, position, background, circumstances, status or appearance.


Develops strong working relationships inside and outside the team to achieve common goals. Breaks down barriers between groups and involves others in discussions and decisions.

Community and customer focus

Focuses on the customer and provides a high-quality service that is tailored to meet their individual needs. Takes customer problems seriously.

Understands the communities that are served and shows an active commitment to policing that reflects their needs and concerns.

Effective communication

Communicates ideas and information effectively, both verbally and in writing. Uses language and a style of communication that is appropriate to the situation and people being addressed. Makes sure that others understand what is going on.

Problem solving

Gathers information from a range of sources. Analyses information to identify problems and issues, and makes effective decisions.

Achieving results

Planning and organising

Plans, organises and supervises activities to make sure resources are used efficiently and effectively to achieve organisational goals.

Personal responsibility

Takes personal responsibility for making things happen and achieving results. Delivers on promises, puts in the extra effort to succeed, displays motivation, commitment, perseverance and conscientiousness. Acts with a high degree of integrity.


Shows resilience, even in difficult circumstances. Prepared to make difficult decisions and has the confidence to see them through.

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Looks at issues with a broad view to achieve the organisation’s goals. Thinks ahead and prepares for the future.

Understands external expectations and influences on the organisation or unit.

Identifies common goals, interests and perspectives with other agencies. Creates a vision for the future and a strategy for how it can be achieved.

Positive Indicators

Understands broad political, economic and legislative trends, and predicts what effect they will have on the police service.

Understands the views and priorities of outside organisations and government bodies, and their effect on the organisation.

Understands and manages complex political agendas.

Considers the effects of actions on the police service, stakeholders and the community, balancing own needs with theirs.

Takes a national or international view, thinking beyond the interests of own unit or Force.

Looks three to five years ahead to decide where the organisation needs to be.

Compares performance with other Forces and centres of excellence to set organisational goals.

Creates effective strategies, vision and values, and establishes them within the organisation.

Develops strategies and ways of working that balance local and organisational needs.

Identifies overlaps in activity in the organisation, and introduces policies that encourage people to think and act more broadly .

Negative Indicators

Is not aware of organisational strategy.

Does not recognise the links between related activities or functions.

Is not interested in what is going on outside own area.

Does not see the possible damaging effects of actions or decisions on other parts of the organisation.

Criticises or does not support organisational policies.

Is not willing to accept or co-operate with organisational policy.

Focuses on short-term issues, ignoring long-term effects.

Is not aware of the effect of own actions on other agencies.

Does not see the wider picture.

Is not aware of political issues.

Does not predict and prepare for problems.

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Looks at issues with a broad view to achieve the organisation’s goals. Thinks ahead and prepares for the future.

Concentrates on issues that support the broad organisational strategy. Maintains a broad view, and understands and considers the interests and aims of other units or outside organisations.

Positive Indicators

 Makes sure own team’s ways of working are in line with the strategic direction of the organisation.

Concentrates on issues that support organisational strategy.

Thinks across functional and unit boundaries, understanding how their actions will affect other people.

Thinks strategically beyond own role or specialist area.

Raises awareness of strategic issues.

Finds ways of exposing people to ways of working outside the service.

Tries to influence organisational strategy, culture and direction.

Predicts the effects of complex problems and issues and takes appropriate action.

Considers the longer term and broader view, even when having to respond quickly.

Predicts the effect of legislation on the organisation and prepares for it.

Negative Indicators

Is not aware of organisational strategy.

Does not recognise the links between related activities or functions.

Is not interested in what is going on outside own area.

Does not see the possible damaging effects of actions or decisions on other parts of the organisation.

Criticises or does not support organisational policies.

Is not willing to accept or co-operate with organisational policy.

Focuses on short-term issues, ignoring long-term effects.

Is not aware of the effect of own actions on other agencies.

Does not see the wider picture.

Is not aware of political issues.

Does not predict and prepare for problems.

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Looks at issues with a broad view to achieve the organisation’s goals. Thinks ahead and prepares for the future.

Takes an interest in the organisation beyond own role. Acts in the best interests of the organisation as a whole, rather than just own area or department.

Understands policies and procedures, and prepares for the consequences of own actions.

Positive Indicators

Understands the main issues that affect the police service.

Keeps up with developments in own part, and other parts, of the organisation.

Understands what the organisation is trying to achieve.

Understands how own role contributes to achieving the goals of the whole organisation.

Understands what other areas of the organisation do, and where to get information.

Is aware of the policies and procedures that have been set.

 Acts in the organisation’s best interests.

Thinks through the wider consequences of own actions.

Negative Indicators

Is not aware of organisational strategy.

Does not recognise the links between related activities or functions.

Is not interested in what is going on outside own area.

Does not see the possible damaging effects of actions or decisions on other parts of the organisation.

Criticises or does not support organisational policies.

Is not willing to accept or co-operate with organisational policy.

Focuses on short-term issues, ignoring long-term effects.

Is not aware of the effect of own actions on other agencies.

Does not see the wider picture.

Is not aware of political issues.

Does not predict and prepare for problems.

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Recognises and responds to the need for change, and uses it to improve organisational performance.

Identifies ways in which the organisation needs to change. Personally champions change and encourages and supports managers to make it happen.

Positive Indicators

Makes sure the organisation responds quickly to outside requirements.

 Identifies changes that will improve the organisation’s performance.

Identifies areas within the organisation that need to be changed.

Uses gap analysis and other techniques as a basis for introducing change.

Involves staff in developing the vision for the future.

Encourages managers to take responsibility for change.

Provides support for managers who make change happen.

Supports and encourages people who question traditional ways and propose better alternatives.

Makes sure that change does happen.

Champions change - shows a personal belief in and commitment to change.

Does not introduce change unnecessarily - assesses the likely benefit and effect.

Challenges the way that things are normally done.

Negative Indicators

Sticks to the job description so strictly that they cannot be flexible.

Finds it difficult to cope with change.

Resists change.

Wants to keep things the way they are.

Does not understand the need for change.

Prefers routines and tried and tested ways of working.

Is quick to say that change is not working.

Does not listen to the reasons for change.

Does not want to be part of any changes that are being introduced.

Discourages people from questioning traditional approaches.

Ignores or talks down suggestions for change made by others.

Does not promote change to staff.

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Recognises and responds to the need for change, and uses it to improve organisational performance.

Supports, promotes and puts into practice change. Introduces new ways of doing things and encourages others to accept them. Overcomes barriers to change.

Positive Indicators

Develops new systems and procedures.

Encourages staff to be flexible and to think of totally new approaches or solutions to problems.

Encourages others to recognise the need for change and helps them to adapt to it.

Actively promotes change and manages resistance to it.

 Shows understanding of other people’s fear of change.

Encourages people to think of improvements and to take these forward.

Actively supports and promotes a change in the organisational culture.

Uses the skills of people who can take change forward.

Changes things in a controlled way.

Negative Indicators

Sticks to the job description so strictly that they cannot be flexible.

Finds it difficult to cope with change.

Resists change.

Wants to keep things the way they are.

Does not understand the need for change.

Prefers routines and tried and tested ways of working.

Is quick to say that change is not working.

Does not listen to the reasons for change.

Does not want to be part of any changes that are being introduced.

Discourages people from questioning traditional approaches.

Ignores or talks down suggestions for change made by others.

Does not promote change to staff.

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Recognises and responds to the need for change, and uses it to improve organisational performance.

Understands the need for change and is willing to adapt to it. Is flexible and prepared to try out new ideas.

Positive Indicators

Is willing to change and has a positive attitude towards change.

Is flexible to best suit the circumstances.

Tries new ideas and initiatives with enthusiasm.

Understands the need for change and can see the benefits.

Is willing to take on new or different responsibilities or change role.

Adapts to new ways of working and its demands.

Co-operates with changing plans and priorities.

Suggests changes to existing systems and other initiatives to achieve improvements.

Understands and uses new technology.

Negative Indicators

Sticks to the job description so strictly that they cannot be flexible.

Finds it difficult to cope with change.

Resists change.

Wants to keep things the way they are.

Does not understand the need for change.

Prefers routines and tried and tested ways of working.

Is quick to say that change is not working.

Does not listen to the reasons for change.

Does not want to be part of any changes that are being introduced.

Discourages people from questioning traditional approaches.

Ignores or talks down suggestions for change made by others.

Does not promote change to staff.

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Persuades and influences others using logic and reason. Sells the benefits of the position they are proposing, and negotiates to find solutions that everyone will accept.

Develops sophisticated strategies for influencing others at all levels in the organisation. Negotiates satisfactory solutions on broad or complicated issues with stakeholders .

Positive Indicators

Identifies important players in a situation.

Achieves a general agreement at all levels.

Develops logical arguments, selling the benefits to everyone involved.

Focuses on important elements of complicated issues to sell the viewpoint to others.

Tailors arguments to include the points that will have the most influence on the other person involved.

Assesses the reaction of key players, and adjusts arguments accordingly.

Gets support before presenting proposals.

Creates a vision of the future that others can relate to and find attractive.

Negotiates successful outcomes with stakeholders, gaining their support to achieve organisational objectives.

Identifies the real power base in other organisations as a starting point for negotiation.

 Understands outside partners’ preferred approaches to agreeing solutions.

Negative Indicators

Gives views without any real belief.

Cannot explain or justify decisions.

Gives views without any logic or reasoning.

Is not willing to compromise to achieve a solution that everyone accepts.

Tries to force views on others without discussion.

Does not focus on the important points of complicated issues that will persuade others.

Does not think through the possible issues and objections that might be raised.

Ignores points raised by others.

Tries to get proposals approved without getting support beforehand.

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Persuades and influences others using logic and reason. Sells the benefits of the position they are proposing, and negotiates to find solutions that everyone will accept .

Uses logic and reason to influence others. Persuades people by using powerful arguments. Identifies clear aims in negotiations and achieves satisfactory outcomes.

Positive Indicators

Sells the benefits of a decision or situation to others.

Backs up arguments with facts.

Uses logic and reason to persuade and influence others.

Presents powerful arguments.

Handles objections by acknowledging issues and suggesting alternatives.

Involves people who have positive attitudes to get commitment from others.

Sets clear negotiating aims and outcomes.

Understands the negotiating position of others and considers them.

Makes sure that everyone involved is satisfied with agreements that have been reached.

Negative Indicators

Gives views without any real belief.

Cannot explain or justify decisions.

Gives views without any logic or reasoning.

Is not willing to compromise to achieve a solution that everyone accepts.

Tries to force views on others without discussion.

Does not focus on the important points of complicated issues that will persuade others.

Does not think through the possible issues and objections that might be raised.

Ignores points raised by others.

Tries to get proposals approved without getting support beforehand.

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Actively encourages and supports the development of people. Motivates others to achieve organisational goals.

Puts systems and strategies in place that develop people at all levels of the organisation. Creates an environment where staff are motivated to achieve results.

Positive Indicators

Encourages managers to develop their leadership skills, giving guidance and support.

Makes sure that all the right people at the right level are given management opportunities.

Introduces systems and structures that support decision-making at the most appropriate level.

Use s training and development in a focused way to improve the organisation’s capability.

Is active in supporting peoples development by personally acting as a coach and mentor.

Encourages managers and senior officers to be effective role models, coaches and mentors.

 Delegates responsibility effectively to develop people’s skills and broaden their experience.

Creates an environment where staff can learn from their own mistakes.

Helps people to identify and develop their strengths.

Sets an example to others by showing they are committed to maintaining and developing own skills.

Promotes a culture throughout the organisation of recognising and rewarding effort.

Shows determination to succeed as a way of motivating others.

Negative Indicators

Does not help staff learn by sharing knowledge with them.

Gives the impression of being too busy to be available for staff.

 Does not review staff’s work or progress.

Tends to do all the jobs themselves, rather than using them to develop staff.

Does not encourage staff to see the development opportunities in everyday activities.

Shows little interest in teaching or coaching others.

Does not try to find out why someone may not be performing well.

Gives unhelpful criticism, and does not use praise to motivate people.

Is not aware of the good work done by staff.

Gives negative feedback rather than focusing on ways to improve.

Creates a climate of blame when mistakes are made.

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Actively encourages and supports the development of people. Motivates others to achieve organisational goals.

Encourages others to learn and develop, giving them clear and direct guidance and feedback on their performance. Encourages and supports staff, making sure they are motivated to achieve results.

Positive Indicators

Understands the needs, talents, capabilities and interests of staff, and matches these to development opportunities.

Creates opportunities for staff to learn and develop, giving them advice where necessary.

Assesses the skills of staff to identify and plan for individual and team development needs.

Is approachable and makes time for staff even when under pressure.

Examines the reasons why someone may not be performing well.

Recognises and rewards performance improvement.

Helps staff to see that they can achieve their aims.

Makes sure excellence is rewarded.

Involves staff in management problems and decisions so they can develop.

Maintains responsibility for and interest in tasks given to staff to do.

Helps staff to develop their skills through encouragement, motivation and support.

Negative Indicators

Does not help staff learn by sharing knowledge with them.

Gives the impression of being too busy to be available for staff.

 Does not review staff’s work or progress.

Tends to do all the jobs themselves, rather than using them to develop staff.

Does not encourage staff to see the development opportunities in everyday activities.

Shows little interest in teaching or coaching others.

Does not try to find out why someone may not be performing well.

Gives unhelpful criticism, and does not use praise to motivate people.

Is not aware of the good work done by staff.

Gives negative feedback rather than focusing on ways to improve.

Creates a climate of blame when mistakes are made.

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Working with others

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Develops a culture and systems that promote equality and value diversity.

Provides emotional and practical support to people who are dealing with difficult issues. Shows respect and understanding for them and their situation. Treats others with dignity and respect at all times, no matter what their background, status, circumstances or appearance.

Positive Indicators

In addition to level A positive indicators officers and staff in Level A+ roles must demonstrate the following:


 Follow and promote the organisation’s standards of behaviour and conduct.

Has self awareness and recognises the areas for their personal development in relation to equality and diversity issues


Actively support individuals whose rights have been compromised in having their complaints appropriately addressed.

Knowledge and Understanding

Is able to interpret current and emerging relevant legislation, employment regulations and policy

Understands the duty of care under legislation and employment regulations

Understands what organisational culture means, who this is set by and your role in this

Understands the positive and negative impact of leadership roles and styles

Understands the affect of organisational culture on groups that are in a minority in the workforce and how they may respond as a result


Actively promote and value diversity

Use relevant legislation and employment regulations to ensure eq uality and individual’s rights and responsibilities are promoted, and diversity valued, within their area.

 Take appropriate action to ensure that the organisation’s systems, policies, procedures and guidelines are promoted and applied within their area to ensure fairness to all.

 Monitor the effectiveness of the organisation’s systems, policies, procedures and guidelines within their area and provide feedback, when appropriate, over how these processes can be enhanced.

Actively challenges the inappropriate behaviour of others and institutional discrimination.

Negative Indicators

Does not challenge discriminatory or inappropriate behaviour of others

 Does not follow the Force’s code of conduct or required standards of behaviour.

Does not actively promote diversity within their area.

Does not support individuals who consider that their rights have been compromised

Does not apply relevant legislation relating to diversity issues

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Understands and respec ts other people’s views and takes them into account. Is tactful and diplomatic when dealing with people, treating them with dignity and respect at all times. Promotes equality and values diversity. Understands and is sensitive to social, cultural and racial differences.

Positive Indicators


Is polite, tolerant and patient when dealing with people, inside and outside the organisation.

Respects diversity and values people as individuals

Takes account of how their behaviour affects others and their perception of our organisation

Apologises when they are at fault or have made mistakes.

Respects and maintains confidentiality, wherever appropriate.


 Shows understanding and sensitivity to people’s problems, vulnerabilities, interests and needs.

Seeks feedback from others about their behaviour and uses this to improve it

Listens to and values others views and opinions.

Knowledge and Understanding

Can demonstrate knowledge of and acts in accordance with relevant legislation, employment regulations and codes of practice related to promoting equality and valuing diversity

Is aware of the potential for abusing their status and power


Deals with diversity issues and gives positive practical support to people who may feel vulnerable.

Does not discriminate against people

Provides individuals with information, in an appropriate format, that they need to make informed decisions about their rights

Actively helps others to promote equality and diversity

Seeks support from appropriate internal and external sources when having difficulty understanding how to promote equality and diversity

Challenges people when they are acting inappropriately.

Communicates in an appropriate way and is sensitive to the affect on others

Supports minority groups both inside and outside the organisation.

Negative Indicators

 Does not consider other people’s feelings.

Does not appropriately talk to people about personal issues.

Uses inappropriate remarks, language or behaviour.

Is thoughtless, dismissive or impatient with people.

Does not respect confidentiality.

Uses power and control where this is not appropriate.

Intimidates others

Uses humour inappropriately.

Shows bias and prejudice when dealing with people.

Does not know relevant legislation and policy

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Develops strong working relationships inside and outside the team to achieve common goals. Breaks down barriers between groups and involves others in discussions and decisions.

Creates working partnerships inside and outside the organisation. Develops links with outside stakeholders to get different views. Develops strategies to help people work together to achieve organisational goals.

Positive Indicators

Promotes joint working and partnership with stakeholders and other organizations to meet the goals of everyone involved.

Develops relations with outside agencies to achieve organisational goals.

Draws together people from a wide range of internal and external groups to works on joint action plans.

Tries to get stakeholders to agree on emotive or complex issues.

Maintains and draws on a network of contacts in influential or specialist positions.

Sets up forums, including a large mix of ranks and grades, to deal with major issues.

Combines the activities of different units and divisions to make sure they work together.

Works closely with other parts of the organisation to gain their active support.

Shares information and power with other people, making sure they have all they need to know.

Makes sure hierarchy does not affect how effective the organisation is.

Identifies the main causes of low morale or conflict, and finds ways of dealing with them.

Negative Indicators

Does not volunteer to help other team members.

Is only interested in taking part in high-profile and interesting activities.

Takes credit for successes without recognising the contribution of others.

Works to own agenda rather than contributing to team performance.

Allows small exclusive groups of people to develop.

Plays one person off against another.

Restricts and controls what information is shared.

Does not let people say what they think.

Does not offer advice or get advice from others.

Shows little interest in working jointly with other groups to meet the goals of everyone involved.

Does not discourage conflict within the organisation.

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Develops strong working relationships inside and outside the team to achieve common goals. Breaks down barriers between groups and involves others in discussions and decisions.

Sets up teams or working groups, and involves them in achieving goals.

Develops good relationships and co-operation within the team, and removes barriers. Supports team members when necessary.

Positive Indicators

Identifies common goals and interests, and uses these to unite teams.

Gets commitment from others by consulting and involving them.

Works inside and outside the team to share ideas and information.

Builds good working relationships and teams.

Welcomes and supports new team members.

Shows appreciation for the efforts of team members.

Consults others for ideas and suggestions, and welcomes suggestions from everyone involved.

Explains options and discusses solutions with others.

Supports the activities of staff, especially when tasks are difficult.

Establishes effective contact and involvement with outside agencies.

Builds balanced teams of people with different skills, backgrounds, cultures and experiences.

Negative Indicators

Does not volunteer to help other team members.

Is only interested in taking part in high-profile and interesting activities.

Takes credit for successes without recognising the contribution of others.

Works to own agenda rather than contributing to team performance.

Allows small exclusive groups of people to develop.

Plays one person off against another.

Restricts and controls what information is shared.

Does not let people say what they think.

Does not offer advice or get advice from others.

Shows little interest in working jointly with other groups to meet the goals of everyone involved.

Does not discourage conflict within the organisation.

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Develops strong working relationships inside and outside the team to achieve common goals. Breaks down barriers between groups and involves others in discussions and decisions.

Works effectively as a team member and helps build relationships within it.

Actively helps and supports others to achieve team goals.

Positive Indicators

Understands own role in a team.

Actively takes part in team tasks in the workplace.

Is open and approachable.

Makes time to get to know people.

Co-operates with and supports others.

Offers to help other people.

Asks for and accepts help when needed.

Develops mutual trust and confidence in others.

Willingly takes on unpopular or routine tasks.

Contributes to team objectives no matter what the direct personal benefit may be.

Acknowledges that there is often a need to be a member of more than one team.

Negative Indicators

Does not volunteer to help other team members.

Is only interested in taking part in high-profile and interesting activities.

Takes credit for successes without recognising the contribution of others.

Works to own agenda rather than contributing to team performance.

Allows small exclusive groups of people to develop.

Plays one person off against another.

Restricts and controls what information is shared.

Does not let people say what they think.

Does not offer advice or get advice from others.

Shows little interest in working jointly with other groups to meet the goals of everyone involved.

Does not discourage conflict within the organisation.

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Focuses on the customer and provides a high-quality service that is tailored to meet their individual needs. Takes customer problems seriously. Understands the communities that are served and shows an active commitment to policing that reflects their needs and concerns.

Maintains a broad understanding of social trends and identifies what effect they will have on the organisation. Creates processes that make sure stakeholders’ and customers’ views and needs are clearly identified and responded to. Puts in place strategies for media and community relations.

Positive Indicators

Focuses policing plans, objectives and targets on meeting the needs of the community.

Makes sure local objectives are agreed in partnership with local statutory and voluntary agencies.

Understands the complexity and effects of policing a variety of different communities.

Clearly identifies and acts on the views and needs of stakeholders and customers.

Is sensitive to the needs and interests of other organisations when working with them.

Makes sure the organisation relates to people of all ages, backgrounds and views.

Sets up structures and processes that encourage effective working relationships with the media.

Explains why and how money is being spent in the organisation to stakeholders and the public.

Shows a belief that the organisation is responsible to the local community.

Keeps local communities informed of progress in meeting their needs and dealing with their concerns.

Balances social and political needs with financial restrictions.

Monitors the service delivery to make sure customers’ needs are met .

Negative Indicators

Is not customer-focused and does not consider individual needs.

Does not tell customers what is going on.

Presents an unprofessional image to customers.

Only sees a situation from their own view, not from the customer’s view.

Shows little interest in the customer – only deals with their immediate problem.

Does not respond to the needs of the local community.

 Slow to respond to customers’ requests.

 Fails to check that customers’ needs have been met.

Focuses on organisational issues rather than customer needs.

Does not make the most of opportunities to talk to people in the community .

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Focuses on the customer and provides a high-quality service that is tailored to meet their individual needs. Takes customer problems seriously. Understands the communities that are served and shows an active commitment to policing that reflects their needs and concerns.

Sees things from the customer’s point of view and encourages others to do the same. Builds a good understanding and relationship with the community that is served.

Positive Indicators

Identifies and takes action to deal with the issues and needs of different groups within the community.

Talks to people in the community and tries to understand the social issues that affect the community.

Identifies and builds relationships with influential people and groups within the community.

Persuades community members of the need to co-operate with the police.

Actively influences the way minority groups view the police service.

Encourages officers and staff to learn about the issues affecting their local area.

Finds ways of helping people to understand the different points of view within the community.

Makes sure people understand that the service is part of the community, rather than controlling it.

Encourages and finds ways for minority groups to give their opinions.

Encourages and helps members of the community to get involved in the organisation.

Promotes the interests of the organisation to outsiders.

Negative Indicators

Is not customer-focused and does not consider individual needs.

Does not tell customers what is going on.

Presents an unprofessional image to customers.

Only sees a s ituation from their own view, not from the customer’s view.

Shows little interest in the customer – only deals with their immediate problem.

Does not respond to the needs of the local community.

Focuses on organisational issues rather than customer needs.

Does not make the most of opportunities to talk to people in the community.

 Slow to respond to customers’ requests.

 Fails to check that customers’ needs have been met.

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Focuses on the customer and provides a high-quality service that is tailored to meet their individual needs. Takes customer problems seriously. Understands the communities that are served and shows an active commitment to policing that reflects their needs and concerns.

Provides a high level of service to customers. Maintains contact with customers, works out what they need and responds to them.

Positive Indicators

Presents an appropriate image to the public and other organisations.

Supports strategies that aim to build an organisation that reflects the community it serves.

Focuses on the customer in all activities.

 Tries to sort out customers’ problems as quickly as possible.

Apologises for mistakes and sorts them out as quickly as possible.

Responds quickly to customer requests.

Makes sure that customers are satisfied with the service they receive.

Manages customer expectations.

Keeps customers updated on progress.

Balances customer needs with organisational needs.

Negative Indicators

Is not customer-focused and does not consider individual needs.

Does not tell customers what is going on.

Presents an unprofessional image to customers.

 Only sees a situation from their own view, not from the customer’s view.

Shows little interest in the customer

– only deals with their immediate problem.

Does not respond to the needs of the local community.

Focuses on organisational issues rather than customer needs.

Does not make the most of opportunities to talk to people in the community.

 Slow to respond to customers’ requests.

 Fails to check that customers’ needs have been met.

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Communicates ideas and information effectively, both verbally and in writing.

Uses language and a style of communication that is appropriate to the situation and people being addressed. Makes sure that others understand what is going on.

Explains complex issues, making them easy to understand. Makes sure that important messages are being communicated and understood throughout the organisation.

Positive Indicators

Makes sure that people get important messages and receive decisions accurately.

Delivers effective presentations to a wide variety of audiences.

Uses appropriate visual aids and techniques to get the message across and help understanding.

Explains complex issues simply and puts them into context for others.

Deals with issues effectively, even when under extreme pressure from the media.

Considers how different audiences will interpret information.

Communicates in a way that is understandable and meaningful to everyone.

Checks how effective communication is to the target audience.

Takes every opportunity to reinforce important messages.

Negative Indicators

Is hesitant, nervous and uncertain when speaking.

Speaks without first thinking through what to say.

Uses inappropriate language or jargon.

Speaks in a rambling way.

Does not consider the target audience.

Avoids answering difficult questions.

Does not give full information without being questioned.

Writes in an unstructured way.

Uses poor spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Assumes others understand what has been said without actually checking .

Does not listen, and interrupts at inappropriate times.

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Communicates ideas and information effectively, both verbally and in writing.

Uses language and a style of communication that is appropriate to the situation and people being addressed. Makes sure that others understand what is going on.

Communicates all needs, instructions and decisions clearly. Adapts the style of communication to meet the needs of the audience. Checks for understanding.

Positive Indicators

Deals with issues directly.

Clearly communicates needs and instructions.

Clearly communicates decisions and the reasons behind them.

Communicates face to face wherever possible and if it is appropriate.

Speaks with authority and confidence.

Changes the style of communication to meet the needs of the audience.

Manages group discussions effectively.

Summarises information to check people understand it.

Supports arguments and recommendations effectively in writing.

Produces well-structured reports and written summaries.

Negative Indicators

Is hesitant, nervous and uncertain when speaking.

Speaks without first thinking through what to say.

Uses inappropriate language or jargon.

Speaks in a rambling way.

Does not consider the target audience.

Avoids answering difficult questions.

Does not give full information without being questioned.

Writes in an unstructured way.

Uses poor spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Assumes others understand what has been said without actually checking.

Does not listen, and interrupts at inappropriate times.

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Communicates ideas and information effectively, both verbally and in writing.

Uses language and a style of communication that is appropriate to the situation and people being addressed. Makes sure that others understand what is going on.

Speaks clearly and concisely, and does not use jargon. Uses plain English and correct grammar. Listens carefully to understand.

Positive Indicators

Makes sure all written and spoken communication is concise and well structured.

Communicates information in a friendly and approachable style.

Uses appropriate language and does not use jargon.

Makes sure communication has a clear purpose.

Makes sure communication is factual and accurate, and provided at the right time.

Communicates information in an interesting way.

Pays attention and shows interest in what others are saying.

Uses correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Listens carefully to understand.

Asks questions to clarify issues.

Negative Indicators

Is hesitant, nervous and uncertain when speaking.

Speaks without first thinking through what to say.

Uses inappropriate language or jargon.

Speaks in a rambling way.

Does not consider the target audience.

Avoids answering difficult questions.

Does not give full information without being questioned.

Writes in an unstructured way.

Uses poor spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Assumes others understand what has been said without actually checking.

Does not listen, and interrupts at inappropriate times.

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Achieving Results

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Gathers information from a range of sources. Analyses information to identify problems and issues, and makes effective decisions.

Applies a range of analytical techniques to understand complex information issues. Considers a range of options and their effects. Makes strategic decisions by logically analysing all the relevant factors.

Positive Indicators

Uses an analytical approach to solve problems.

Challenges underlying assumptions to make sure information is accurate.

Gathers information and ideas from outside to benefit the organisation.

Takes an intelligence-driven approach to complex situations.

Identifies trends in statistical information.

Analyses information to identify possible problems in the future.

Clearly identifies the main issues in complex problems and focuses on them.

 Considers different options and thinks through ‘what if’ scenarios.

Produces imaginative responses to complex problems.

Makes balanced decisions that are in proportion to the problem being faced.

Exercises good judgment, making fair decisions.

Tests widely for possible reactions to controversial decisions.

Negative Indicators

 Doesn’t deal with problems in detail and does not identify underlying issues.

Does not gather enough information before coming to conclusions.

Does not consult other people who may have extra information.

Does not research background.

Shows no interest in gathering or using intelligence.

Does not gather evidence.

Makes assumptions about the facts of a situation.

Does not notice problems until they have become significant issues.

Gets stuck in the detail of complex situations and cannot see the main issues.

Reacts without considering all the angles.

Becomes distracted by minor issues.

Leaves others to solve problems and does not see it as part of the role .

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Gathers information from a range of sources. Analyses information to identify problems and issues, and makes effective decisions.

Gathers information from a range of sources to understand situations, making sure it is reliable and accurate. Analyses information to identify important issues and problems. Identifies risks and considers alternative courses of action to make good decisions.

Positive Indicators

Takes a systematic approach to gathering information.

Gathers different versions of events to build up a picture of a situation.

Carries out research to identify relevant facts that are not immediately available.

Identifies inconsistencies in information.

Checks information to make sure it is correct.

Takes account of all information, however small it is.

Analyses information carefully to make sure it has not been misunderstood.

Makes sure that decisions are made using as much reliable information as possible.

Assesses and takes account of risk when making decisions.

Finds new ways of solving problems.

Considers the views and motives of everyone involved when drawing conclusions.

Negative Indicators

 Doesn’t deal with problems in detail and does not identify underlying issues.

Does not gather enough information before coming to conclusions.

Does not consult other people who may have extra information.

Does not research background.

Shows no interest in gathering or using intelligence.

Does not gather evidence.

Makes assumptions about the facts of a situation.

Does not notice problems until they have become significant issues.

Gets stuck in the detail of complex situations and cannot see the main issues.

Reacts without considering all the angles.

Becomes distracted by minor issues.

Leaves others to solve problems and does not see it as part of the role

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Gathers information from a range of sources. Analyses information to identify problems and issues, and makes effective decisions.

Gathers enough relevant information to understand specific issues and events.

Uses information to identify problems and draw logical conclusions. Makes good decisions.

Positive Indicators

Identifies where to get information and gets it.

Gets as much information as is appropriate on all aspects of a problem.

Separates relevant information from irrelevant information, and important information from unimportant information.

Takes in information quickly and accurately.

Reviews all the information gathered to understand the situation and draw logical conclusions.

Identifies and links causes and effects.

Identifies what can and cannot be changed.

Takes a systematic approach to solving problems.

Remains impartial and avoids jumping to conclusions.

Refers to procedures and precedents, as necessary, before making decisions.

Makes good decisions that take account of all relevant factors.

Negative Indicators

 Doesn’t deal with problems in detail and does not identify underlying issues.

Does not gather enough information before coming to conclusions.

Does not consult other people who may have extra information.

Does not research background.

Shows no interest in gathering or using intelligence.

Does not gather evidence.

Makes assumptions about the facts of a situation.

Does not notice problems until they have become significant issues.

Gets stuck in the detail of complex situations and cannot see the main issues.

Reacts without considering all the angles.

Becomes distracted by minor issues.

Leaves others to solve problems and does not see it as part of the role.

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Plans, organises and supervises activities to make sure resources are used efficiently and effectively to achieve organisational goals.

Develops structured plans across a range of activities that may be complex.

Monitors progress towards strategic objectives. Makes sure all activity is in line with efficient and effective policing.

Positive Indicators

Turns overall strategy into specific objectives for the organisation.

Sets demanding standards of performance and introduces quality standards.

Sets timescales to achieve objectives.

Introduces systems that make sure it is clear who is responsible for what.

Effectively manages several complex activities at the same time.

Adjusts strategies and plans to reflect the changing needs of stakeholders.

Sets up systems to monitor organisational performance and improvement.

Carries out audits to work out how effective the organisation is.

Challenges actions that are not in line with efficient and effective policing.

Coordinates units’ activities to make sure they are cost-effective.

Maintains a performance culture in which activity is continuously reviewed.

Negative Indicators

Takes an unsystematic approach to tasks.

Deals with tasks as they arrive, without considering priorities.

Waits until problems arise.

Does not differentiate between the levels of importance of tasks.

Does not check for or spot mistakes and inconsistencies.

Leaves roles and responsibilities unclear.

Consistently fails to meet deadlines due to poor planning.

Tries to achieve everything personally.

Takes inappropriate short cuts.

Takes a fixed approach – does not monitor and re-assess plans.

Does not consider costs when planning activities.

Cannot work on a number of priorities at the same time.

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Plans, organises and supervises activities to make sure resources are used efficiently and effectively to achieve organisational goals.

Plans activities thoroughly for self and others. Builds milestones into plans, monitors progress and adjusts them as necessary in response to any changes.

Provides clear direction and makes sure that staff know what is expected of them.

Positive Indicators

Identifies important activities and milestones, establishing importance and urgency.

Plans alternatives and contingency plans.

Makes sure people know what a task or responsibility involves, and can carry it out.

Defines, clarifies and assigns roles and responsibilities.

Makes sure people have a workload that is manageable and fair, as well as being challenging.

Carefully checks everything is in place before starting a major initiative or police operation.

Assesses new information and reorganises the workload to meet new demands.

Organises action around who is available, their skills, and other resources.

Costs all activities and finds ways of achieving results within the budget .

Constantly monitors and assesses progress, making sure people work to decisions, plans and policies.

Concentrates on detail while being aware of the overall objectives.

Makes sure staff are aware of and follow Best Value principles.

Negative Indicators

Takes an unsystematic approach to tasks.

Deals with tasks as they arrive, without considering priorities.

Waits until problems arise.

Does not differentiate between the levels of importance of tasks.

Does not check for or spot mistakes and inconsistencies.

Leaves roles and responsibilities unclear.

Consistently fails to meet deadlines due to poor planning.

Tries to achieve everything personally.

Takes inappropriate short cuts.

Takes a fixed approach – does not monitor and re-assess plans.

Does not consider costs when planning activities.

Cannot work on a number of priorities at the same time.

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Plans, organises and supervises activities to make sure resources are used efficiently and effectively to achieve organisational goals.

Plans and carries out activities in an orderly and well-structured way. Prioritises tasks, uses time in the best possible way, and works within appropriate policy and procedures .

Positive Indicators

Decides priorities and organises workload.

Differentiates between what is urgent and what is important.

Develops appropriate ways to achieve goals.

Knows the status of own work and any spare time or resources to do other work.

Achieves demanding deadlines through careful planning.

Checks relevant procedures and follows them.

Maintains orderly, accurate and up-to-date paperwork.

Creates systems that make information easily accessible.

Always knows where to find things.

Does not lose sight of goals.

Is punctual and reliable.

Negative Indicators

Takes an unsystematic approach to tasks.

Deals with tasks as they arrive, without considering priorities.

Waits until problems arise.

Does not differentiate between the levels of importance of tasks.

Does not check for or spot mistakes and inconsistencies.

Consistently fails to meet deadlines due to poor planning.

Tries to achieve everything personally.

Takes inappropriate short cuts.

Takes a fixed approach – does not monitor and re-assess plans.

Does not consider costs when planning activities.

Cannot work on a number of priorities at the same time.

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Takes personal responsibility for making things happen and achieving results.

Delivers on promises, puts in the extra effort to succeed, displays motivation, commitment, perseverance and conscientiousness. Acts with a high degree of integrity.

Readily accepts responsibility for self and others. Takes responsibility for managing situations and problems. Leads by example, showing a commitment and a determination to succeed. Continues to learn and develop.

Positive Indicators

Sets personal goals and monitors own achievement.

Takes responsibility when things go wrong or when others cannot handle situations.

Concentrates and shows patience during long operations or activities.

Takes control and asserts authority where necessary.

Confronts and deals with issues and situations.

Learns from mistakes and considers how to approach things differently in the future.

Takes an energetic and committed approach to the job.

Tries hard to overcome obstacles and achieve results.

 Challenges others people’s decisions or actions if they are inappropriate.

Asks for and acts on feedback and criticism.

Sets high standards of behaviour for themselves and others, and acts consistently with these.

Is open and honest with people .

Negative Indicators

Passes responsibility upwards inappropriately.

Is not concerned about letting others down.

Will not deal with issues, just hopes that they will go away.

Blames others rather than admitting to mistakes or looking for help.

Unwilling to take on responsibility.

Puts in the minimum effort that is needed to get by.

Shows a negative and disruptive attitude.

Shows little energy or enthusiasm for work.

Expresses a cynical attitude to the organisation and their job.

Gives up easily when faced with problems.

Fails to recognise personal weaknesses and development needs.

Makes little or no attempt to develop self or keep up to date.

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Takes personal responsibility for making things happen and achieving results.

Delivers on promises, puts in the extra effort to succeed, displays motivation, commitment, perseverance and conscientiousness. Acts with a high degree of integrity.

Takes personal responsibility for own actions and for sorting out issues or problems that arise. Is focused on achieving results to required standards and developing skills and knowledge.

Positive Indicators

Takes personal responsibility for own actions.

Takes on tasks without having to be asked.

Uses initiative.

Takes action to resolve problems and fulfill own responsibilities.

Keeps promises and does not let colleagues down.

Takes pride in own work.

Is conscientious in completing work on time.

Follows things through to a satisfactory conclusion.

Shows enthusiasm about own role.

Focuses on a task even if it is routine.

Improves own job-related knowledge and keeps it up to date.

Is open, honest and genuine, standing up for what is right.

Negative Indicators

Passes responsibility upwards inappropriately.

Is not concerned about letting others down.

Will not deal with issues, just hopes that they will go away.

Blames others rather than admitting to mistakes or looking for help.

Is unwilling to take on responsibility.

Puts in the minimum effort that is needed to get by.

Shows a negative and disruptive attitude.

Shows little energy or enthusiasm for work.

Expresses a cynical attitude to the organisation and their job.

Gives up easily when faced with problems.

Fails to recognise personal weaknesses and development needs.

Makes little or no attempt to develop self or keep up to date.

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Shows resilience, even in difficult circumstances. Prepared to make difficult decisions and has the confidence to see them through.

Shows reliability and resilience in difficult circumstances. Remains calm and confident, and responds logically and decisively in difficult situations.

Positive Indicators

Is reliable in a crisis, remains calm and thinks clearly.

Sorts out conflict and deals with hostility and provocation in a calm and restrained way.

Responds to challenges rationally, avoiding inappropriate emotion.

Deals with difficult emotional issues and then moves on.

Manages conflicting pressures and tensions.

Maintains professional ethics when confronted with pressure from others.

Copes with ambiguity and deals with uncertainty and frustration.

Resists pressure to make quick decisions where full consideration is needed.

Remains focused and in control of situations.

Makes and carries through decisions, even if they are unpopular, difficult or controversial.

Stands firmly by a position when it is right to do so.

Negative Indicators

Gets easily upset, frustrated and annoyed.

Panics and becomes agitated when problems arise.

Walks away from confrontation when it would be more appropriate to get involved.

Needs constant reassurance, support and supervision.

Uses inappropriate physical force.

Gets too emotionally involved in situations.

Reacts inappropriately when faced with rude or abusive people.

Deals with situations aggressively.

Complains and whinges about problems rather than dealing with them.

Gives in inappropriately when under pressure.

Worries about making mistakes and avoids difficult situations wherever possible .

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Shows resilience, even in difficult circumstances. Prepared to make difficult decisions and has the confidence to see them through.

Shows confidence to perform own role without unnecessary support in normal circumstances. Acts in an appropriate way and controls emotions .

Positive Indicators

Deals confidently with members of the public, drawing on own skills and experience.

Is comfortable working alone with an appropriate level of supervision and guidance.

Puts a positive view on situations and concentrates on what can be achieved.

Is aware of and manages personal stress.

Accepts criticism and praise.

Controls emotions and does not get emotionally involved in disputes.

Is patient when dealing with people who make complaints.

Acts in a confident way when challenged.

 Says ‘no’ when necessary.

Negative Indicators

Gets easily upset, frustrated and annoyed.

Panics and becomes agitated when problems arise.

Walks away from confrontation when it would be more appropriate to get involved.

Needs constant reassurance, support and supervision.

Uses inappropriate physical force.

Gets too emotionally involved in situations.

Reacts inappropriately when faced with rude or abusive people.

Deals with situations aggressively.

Complains and whinges about problems rather than dealing with them.

Gives in inappropriately when under pressure.

Worries about making mistakes and avoids difficult situations wherever possible .

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