Authors of Class Competition - Texas A&M University

Authors of Class
Writing Competition
Sponsored by the Bill Martin Jr Memorial Symposium Committee and the
Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Texas A&M University-Commerce
Teams of Young Writers for the
Bill Martin Jr Authors of Class Writing Competition
The Authors of Class Competition is open to children in Grades K–12 and is
designed to encourage teams of students to use their reading, writing, and artistic
skills to create books. First and Second place winners will be chosen for each grade
level and showcased at the Bill Martin Jr Memorial Symposium in Commerce
and/or the Mesquite Celebration.
Inspire future authors by helping your students feel the thrill of
authorship NOW.
Under the guidance of a project coordinator (classroom teacher, parent, student
teacher, teacher’s aide), children work in teams of three or more students (this can
be the whole class) to write and illustrate their own books. The creative process of
working in teams helps provide a natural environment to practice editing,
teamwork, and the communication skills necessary for future success. All students
involved get a sense of pride and accomplishment from submitting the team
Recognition of Winners will be in several formats.
1. Your book, authors, and project coordinator will be announced on the Bill
Martin Jr website. First and Second place winners will be recognized either
at the Symposium or at the Mesquite Celebration.
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2. In addition, the Authors of Class BMJ Committee will work to get your
book published by submitting it to a state journal.
To get started, follow these steps to establish excitement and enthusiasm
for the program.
Introduce the Program
 Read at least 3-5 Bill Martin Jr books to your students. Let your students
get to know some of the different patterns and story elements.
 Explain the competition to the students as a concluding activity to a unit
on authors/illustrators or as part of a unit on teaching the elements of story
 Let the students pick a topic. This can be about something they are
learning about or a story they have created.
General Guidelines
 Entries must be written in picture book format for both Fiction and
Nonfiction books.
 The book will be created using the Language Experience Approach (LEA)
and the Writing Process. A typed Final Reflection is due with the form that
tells the committee how the LEA and the Writing Process were used while
creating the book. This must accompany the book.
 Submit the completed book, the completed entry form and the reflective
summary to the Dept of Curriculum & Instruction Office, Ed South 204,
Texas A&M University-Commerce, P.O. Box 3011, Commerce, Texas,
75429-3011 by April 15, 2014.
 Make sure the artwork complements the text.
 Create the book around something you are studying or have studied.
 Do not use licensed characters, trademarked, or brand names (Mickey
Mouse, McDonald’s, etc.). These names are protected by copyright.
Illustration Guidelines
 The illustration should be done on plain paper.
 The artwork can be created using construction paper, paint, ink, crayons, etc.
Do not use pencil, as that is not dark enough to show up well. In addition,
the artwork throughout the book should be the same style and materials.
Consider making use of contrast in the artwork to create surprise and add life
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to pictures. Put dark colors next to light colors, thin lines next to thick lines,
or use sharply contrasting figures.
 The illustrations should be centered and cover about ¾ of the page in order to
leave room for the print.
Text Guidelines
 Let the students write their ideas. Then help them change their writing to the
correct format by using the editing phase of the Writing Process.
 If the text is going to be typed, have younger students sit by you as you type
the text so they can see the oral language/print match. However, hand
written books are encouraged.
 You need to create a real book.
o The book should be bound in some manner, with pages front to back
like a real book. That means the pages should be laminated together.
 You will need a hard cover.
 Authors can be the students in Mrs. Blank’s 1st grade class or
you can write the first names of the students on the front page
 You will need a title page, and copyright page.
 Copyright will be BMJ 2014
 You will need a front page before the story begins.
 On the last page of inside of the hard cover, there should be a
picture of the class authors.
Submissions Guidelines
 Fill out the entry form.
 We need the teacher’s consent, the project coordinator’s signature, and the
students’ signatures.
Can an entry be submitted by one student?
No. Each entry must be submitted by a group of 3 or more students. This contest
was designed to encourage students to work together as a team. Collaborating as a
team helps provide a natural environment to practice editing, teamwork, and
communication skills.
Where to send or deliver the completed book and form?
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
ATTN: Authors of Class Committee
Ed South 204
Texas A&M University-Commerce
Authors of Class, 3
P.O. Box 3011
Commerce, Texas, 75429-3011
When are the entries due?
All entries must be postmarked or hand delivered to the Curriculum and Instruction
Office in Ed South by April 15, 2014.
Does the project coordinator have to be a teacher?
No. A librarian, teacher's aide, parent or student teacher can be the project
coordinator. The project coordinator ensures that the entry adheres to the
guidelines and that the spelling and grammar are correct. The story and
illustrations must be the students' work.
Will I be notified when my entry is received?
Entrants will receive an email acknowledgement if it is placed on the entry form.
The books will be returned at the BMJ Symposium and the Mesquite Celebration.
Will I be notified when the winner is selected?
The winners will be notified and acknowledged at the BMJ Symposium or the
celebration in Mesquite.
Selection Criteria
Contest submissions will be judged on originality, content, overall appeal to
children, quality of artwork, and compatibility of text and illustrations, as well as
the Final Reflection summary of the writing project written by the coordinator.
Entry Process and Deadline
Fill out the entry form. Mail or deliver the book, the entry form and the Final
Reflection summary by April 15, 2014 to the C&I office.
Contact Dr. Susan Szabo, Authors of Class Committee Chair at
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