senior resident objectives of

Residents will see and be involved with patients who have cancer of the GI track, lung,
GU track (primarily seminoma), lymphoma and metastasic disease
The resident will review patient care materials before the patient arrives and perform a
history and physical on each new patient. Appropriate physical findings for each tumor
type will be emphasized and the resident will be expected to be able to discover
appropriate physical findings for each patient seen. The resident will review treatment
options with the attending and will be expected to discuss treatment plans in detail with
the attending. The resident will be expected to know the natural history of the disease
in question and the appropriate work-up for the disease in question. The resident will
be fully involved in the simulation process be expected to know the appropriate
anatomical principles and simulation techniques for each patient simulated. The
resident will participate fully in the treatment planning process and be expected to give
input to dosimetry and work with the dosimetrist in treatment planning. The resident will
be fully involved in verification of plans. The resident will be expected to know
appropriate doses and time dose relationships as well as dose volume histograms for
patients who are treated. The resident will see patients each week with the attending
and monitor tumor response and side effects. The resident will see follow-up patients
weekly with the attending.
The resident will be provided with appropriate literature to support the disposition on
patients seen. The resident will be expected to review such literature and be able to
present a cogent discussion on appropriate therapy for each patient seen. The resident
will be expected to provide specifics on how to manage patients. The resident will be
expected to know doses, treatment techniques, normal tissue tolerances and side
effects of any treatment plan which is under discussion. Each week the resident will be
given a didactic session on GI cancer, lung cancer, lymphoma or seminoma and
provided with the classic papers on each topic for discussion. The resident will be
questioned on the material and asked specific questions on patient set-up and
management. The resident will be expected to know doses, treatment techniques and
side effects for each tumor type under discussion.
The resident will be expected to know computer skills necessary to function in today’s
medical world. The resident will use the PAX system for radiology review as well as the
Internet to access appropriate literature.
The resident will be expected to be able to perform an appropriate history and physical
exam for the disease process in question. The resident will be expected to present a
cogent discussion of the disease process in question with the attending. The resident
will be expected to communicate effectively with other health care professionals and the
patients themselves under the guidance of the attending and be expected to differences
in patients’ backgrounds and cultures.
The resident will be expected to make the patient the number one priority. The resident
will be expected to maintain professional demeanor and behavior to the entire medical
The resident will continue the process of learning how to function in a referral-based
practice with many different types of referral sources, i.e., Kaiser, San Francisco
General Hospital, VA and private medicine. The resident will continue the process of
learning the complexities of dealing with each health system.