GRADUATE AWARDS NIGHT MAY 29, 2012 134TH COMMENCEMENT THE FOLLOWING AWARDS ARE GIVEN IN RECOGNITION TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CLASS OF 2012 WHO HAVE ACHIEVED EXCELLENCE IN THEIR ACADEMIC STUDIES DURING THE PAST FOUR YEARS: The following members of the National Honor Society, C. W. Holmes Chapter. Each member has maintained an average of 93 or better during the last four years. They are: Julia Archambault, Sara Benedetti, Ellen Gerardi, Paul Gildea, Kendra Hildebrand, Max Karsok, Connor King, Nicole Labonte, Elizabeth Maguire, Chris Masterson, Reed Miller, Ross Mungeam, Emma Piwowarski, Corrin Powell, Timothy Schroeder, Nicole Sullivan, Kim Sysopha, Marissa Valentine NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY SERVICE AWARD – PRESENTED BY DAVE VILANDRE JULIA ARCHAMBAULT – 1st HIGHEST HONOR STUDENT – (Plaque, Books, Medallion) Music Award (Instrumental Accomplishment)-pin Worcester Telegram & Gazette Student Achiever – Presented to the Senior who best represents Scholastic and Leadership qualities- (certificate & pen) KIM SYSOPHA - 2ND HIGHEST HONOR STUDENT – (Plaque, Books, Medallion) French Award (Pin) 2011-2012 Worcester County Mathematics League Achievement in Varsity Mathematics(Certificate) 2011-2012 Worcester County Mathematics League Achievement for Highest Scorer in Varsity Mathematics Competition – (Plaque) ROSS MUNGEAM - 3RD HIGHEST HONOR STUDENT – (Plaque, Books) National Scholar/Athlete Award – The United States Army Reserve (For Academic and Athletic Excellence)- Certificate and Medallion REED MILLER - Mathematics Award – Four years of Study in Mathematics – (Pin) NICOLE SULLIVAN - Social Science Award – (pin) RYAN MACRAE - History Award – Four years of Study in History –(Pin) 2011-2012 Worcester County Mathematics League Achievement in Varsity Mathematics – (Certificate) AARON ARSENAULT - Art Award – Pin JENNIFER MAILHIOT - 2012 Yearbook Award – (pin) CARA STACY - Commercial Award – Achievement in Business (pin) HEATHER KASWANDIK - Family & Consumer Science Award – (Pin) ANDREW PASTORE - Computer Science Award - (pin) 2011-2012 Worcester County Mathematics League Achievement in Varsity Mathematics – (Certificate) JAKE DALY - Music Award – Instrumental Accomplishment – (pin) JUSTIN DEFREITAS - Industrial Arts Award – (pin) ELLEN GERARDI - Drafting Award – (Pin) The Commonwealth Award – For Exemplary Community Service sponsored by Senator Moore is presented to a graduating senior who most clearly demonstrates the qualities of social responsibility, self motivation, leadership, creativity, dedication, commitment to service, and inspiration to inspire others to participate in community service. (trophy, certificate) SETH WILSON - 2011-2012 Worcester County Mathematics League Achievement in Varsity Mathematics – (Certificate) KENDRA HILDEBRAND - National Scholar/Athlete Award – The United States Army Reserve (For Academic and Athletic Excellence)- Certificate and Medallion MAX KARSOK - DAR – (Daughters of American Revolution) Good Citizen Award – (Certificate, Pin, Check) ELIZABETH MAGUIRE - English Award – (pin) JULIA ARCHAMBAULT/ MICHELLE WOJCIK ASHLEY BURCH - 2012 Honorable Mention winners for VHS Courses – VHS Courses better prepare students to succeed by providing critical 21st century skills including the “4Cs” - Communication, Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Thinking. This year’s scholarship question asked students to cite specific references to the 4Cs, and answer the question: “How did your VHS course experience help you develop the skills you will need to succeed in the 21st century?” Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators’ Association Student Achievement Award – For her dedication to the Peer Leaders and Friends of Rachel Program and their impact on the school culture. (certificate)