Name: _______________________ Per: _____ st Introduction to Free Body Diagrams (FBD) and Newton’s 1 Law For each of the situations assigned below complete the Circle Map by a) drawing a motion diagram clearly indicating the velocity evolution and the acceleration direction (or a=0 if not accelerating); b) describing in words HOW the object is moving by indicating speed trend (constant, speeding up, or slowing down), direction of motion (left, right, up, down, or NONE), and direction of acceleration (left, right, up, down, or NONE); c) describing in words the direction of the net force acting on the object or indicate that it is zero; and d) drawing a free body diagram (FBD) representing each FORCE acting ON the object as an arrow directed appropriately and with adequate length to indicate the status of the net force acting on the object. Each arrow should be subscripted to indicate force TYPE and SOURCE. Example: (a) Motion Diagram (d) F B D (b) Motion description: (c) Net force statement: A rock sits at rest atop a surface. 1) 2) 3) A rock is dragged rightward at constant speed across a rough surface by a string. The rock sits at rest, unmoving, tied to the end of a string. A rock slides rightward at constant speed across a frictionless surface. 4) 5) A rock falls at constant speed down through the resisting air. The rock falls freely speeding up without air resistance. 7) 8) 9) A rock slides leftward at constant speed across a frictionless surface. A rock is lowered downward at constant speed by a string. A rock is dragged leftward at constant speed across a rough surface by a string. 6) A rock is raised upward at constant speed by a string. Name: _______________________ Per: _____ Free Body Diagram Construction Circle Map Pictorial Representations Free Body Diagram Dynamics Kinematics Motion Diagram Net Force Statement Motion Description Verbal Representations