Quarter 1 Weather Journal Purpose: The main purpose of this project is to help you sharpen your skills of observation, organization and your ability to analyze data. You will also learn about; research, math, time management... lots of good stuff!!!! Introduction: The Weather Journal is a semester long project that is broken down into 2 quarters. You will be collecting weather data, graphing and analyzing it. Second quarter the rules change slightly. You will receive instructions at the beginning of second quarter to explain what will change. What you need: It is preferred to have a “memory stick” for this project. If you can not get one then you MUST have a separate Weather Journal notebook and Science class notebook. A three ring binder also works quite well as a substitute for a “memory stick” or the second notebook. See me if you need help in getting these supplies. Entries: There are 4 categories that you will need to complete. Each is worth 25 points. Category #1 (25 pts) For each day you collect the data below you will earn 0.5 pts. You need to complete this for 28 days (=14pts), 14 days in September, and 14 days in October. The remaining 11 points is for proper labels. Data: Date/time Temp. in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit, high and low (4 data sets) Cloud cover (use cloud types learned: clear, partly cloudy, mostly cloudy, cloudy) Precipitation = separate rain/snow columns (2 data sets) # of minutes of daylight (9 hours 32 minutes= 9x60=540+32=572 minutes) Wind speed and direction (2 data sets) Barometric pressure in inches Mercury Humidity (%) Dew point (C & F) (2 data sets) Where you found your information (list once) Category #2 (25 points) You should find AVERAGES for each month separately for ALL the info above (14 data sets). Include cloud cover types and wind direction. Precipitation (snow and rain) is the ONLY data you will TOTAL instead of average. This data MUST be in a SEPARATE data sheet from the category #1 data! (See other side for an example) Category #3 (25 points) Graph your AVERAGED DATA for each month. Graph ALL the averaged data! (Including cloud types) (See other side for an example of a properly labeled graph) Category #4 (25 points) Write a one page paper analyzing your data. Look for trends between each category. Look for a correlation (relationship) between; wind direction and temp, barometric pressure and precipitation, dew point and low temp... These are just a few examples. Look at ALL the different combinations looking for a relationship. For example, when the temperature increases what else increases? What decreases? How does wind direction affect temperature? If the dew point increases, what else increases? Extra credit can be earned by creating data tables and graphs for moon rise/set, % illumination, and moon phase. (A maximum of 15 pts will be awarded) I have high expectations for the quality of your work. DO NOT lose this paper! It, along with our class discussion will guide you through this learning experience! It is due A parent/guardian signature is required. 9 points will be awarded if returned on or before Thursday, Sept ________. Student name (please print first & last name) Student signature Date _______ Parent (guardian) signature Date _______ Sample averages: Date sept oct nov dec feb temp *C high 16.8 10 13 11 4 temp *C low temp *F low 20 20 13 11 5 20 45 15 2 1 temp *F high 24 67 23 3 0 humidity % 56 45 34 12 4 Sample graph: Average humidity 60 50 % 40 30 humidity 20 10 0 sept oct nov Time (months) dec