Richard Fisher Intro Sponsers Supporters Mission Dr. Micheal Gottesman (7:30mins) Introduction to conference Nanotech is more than just molecular biology at the nanoscale Nan development of devices - - - - His work is: Multi-drug eFlUX pumps (8mins) o How they work and how they create resistance to cancer drugs o Circumvent the activity of these pumps Using nanoparticles to deliver drugs to cells Development of nano-imaging Combining the two Construction of nanoparticles for cancer therapy (8:30) o Chemical Appraoches Can circumvent normal paths to attack(get to) cells Ethics (9mins) o Environmental caution o Need for caution Integrating different areas of nanotechnology and research Dr. Mark Ratner Interests: Structure and Function at the nanoscale & theory of fundamental chemical processes - Nanoscale behaviors from metal to biology nanoelectronics - Nanoscale (13:30) o 100 nanometers to 1 nanometer Different things along the scale Bacteria/virus Gold Hybrid synthesized gold nanostructures C-60’s - Design scale of nature - self assembling structures - size-dependent behaviors - Moving nanoparticles (15mins) - Patroleum refinement - breaking up petroleum particles at a smaller scale = releasing more octane material from the gas - Already in use - 40% of US gas - self-assembly (18mins) - making utensils that can work at the nanoscale (nanotip- 20:30mins) - nanotips can write nanowriting - nanomarking of medicine - smaller and smaller materials creating smaller and smaller work - Fabrication techniques - templates for nanostructures Painting on nano-structures paint is molecular biological substraints Fabrication tech - Molecular Nanorod Regenerative Medicine (25mins)*** o based on self assembly naturally binding chemicals/particles use natural properties to create nanostructures o upon injection self assempling “GEL” biorecognition code (natural code) natural binding results in a certain particles to separate and form an outer “shell” o Example of treatment spinal chord injury Destruction of communication systems Injection at injury site with proper chemical attraction creates self assembling reconstruction of communication paths - Cholesterol Remediation (29mins) o Lipoprotien cycling o Decrease LDL o Increase HDL Therapeutics o synthesize lipid particles start with gold nanoparticle Binds cholesterol o Use for Therapeutics - - All Based on Self Assembly- directed self assembly Directed Assembly Size dependent behavior (33:30) o Golds behavior changes when it gets to small that it is almost all surface area o Size and shape changes properties o Like bells and sound frequency Dr. Shuming Nie (42mins) - Development of probes for intracellular and single molecule imaging - How does the size of the particle determine its interaction with other molecules and biological particles - Semi conductor quantum dots (44mins) o Size tunable QD Different sizes determine different color due to genetic makup o Composition Tunable Outside composition is the same yet inside chemical makup varies = effective mass o Strain Tunable Changing the surface changes the entire composition Changes core Change energy band gap - using opical properties of these nanodots for imaging o single molecule imaging problem is the size of the composite on the core (entire particle) (54:30mins) o creating thinner coating particles o size dependent interaction between particles and biological molecules o future hold smaller quantum dot abilities Dr. Xiaowei Zhuang (1:11mins) Bioimaging at the Nanoscale o overall imaging at different levels (1:12mins)*** - Light Microscopy o Light is not invasive – easy to study a live sample o Light has many different colors- allows for many different color probes o Light labeling approaches are uniform o However light microscopy is limited in how small it can get – not molecular scale Limited by diffraction (limited by lenses) Resolution becomes muddy some ways to work with diffractions limitations been able to localize single particles o overcoming the light limitation reconstruct isolated images to determine center of all molecules individually Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy o to image isolated particles need dye that can be imaged with florescent lights found best floraphore o Super r esolution imaging (1:27:30mins) Dynamic resolutions Multiprtoien/color activations o 3D imaging resolution - Building imaging through different imaging areas put together New quantitative abilities Can now measure interactions resolution based on localizations of precision and density o GAINED localization accuracy and strategies o These high scale images of natural biological dynamic interactions in real time is the main gain Dr. Milan Mrksich (1:47) Nanomaterials for the study of cell adhesion o nanomaterials are interacting with protein layer on top of glass/plastic materials o proteins substrates are difficult to adhere to the surface of materials o Self-assempled Monolayers alkines, thielanes and gold Nanotip writing with sulfer on gold Sulfer (or the chemical at the end of the tip is created to synthesis with the substrate coating of the target materials (ie sulfer and gold will synthesis) o These tips are made up of many chemicals that are now connected to the target material o **Self assembly – directed interactions - dynmic cell adhesion (1:55) o can we create a mutli-interactive monolayers electroactive monolayers –that selectively release single cell multi-manipulations electrochemistry - made one aspect of the monolayer a electrochemical reaction to detach specific cells after they have been attached o breakthrough in the ability to prepare molecular level designs for active interface between cells and substrates got through the problem of dynamic cell interaction altering the substrates or the molecular makeup picture of actual microscope and substrate materials (2:00) much previous work was limited in the way they could have two cells interact can now control more precisely what to cells interact/ and the timescale over which they interact fiberblasts – the way in which the turning on of cellular function is done o can either turn on and must sstay on or could turn on can then not needed depends on functioning levels - designing cell surfaces o chemical dynamics (cool cell picture 2:04) o shapes polymer on biological materials light shown through a mask o places that are hit by light are degraded left with a polymer pattern on the surface then gel polymer material is poured over structure and peeled off giving casts of the original polymer o then shape surface of cast with ink substrate controlling the area which will interact with a cell and create monolayers o controls cellular interaction area How cellular patterns control interaction o Can develop averages(heat maps) of many cell if they have the same pattern Certain shapes enable better interactions/ anchoring of contractility o geometric ques that define the cytoskeleton of the cell and its state of contractility strong convex edges are best localization points can manipulate these convex edges for dynamic optimization o stem cell study (2:11) can manipulate the future a cell will choose by manipulating its tendencies bone cell/ fat cell cell pattern determines fate can also manipulate contractility through the manipulation of cytoskeletal makeup but drug manipulation nulls the shape effects o ready for gene cell arrays large similar shaped molecules decreases the noise usually found in exp. Carlos Bustamante (2:22) The cell is a small conductor - complicated factory made of different localized functions o energy transfusers energy into mechanical force - virus mechanism (motor) o target of drug implementation - precise measurement of virus and cell interaction (dna packaging) o through the motor processes across time – molecular packaging slows at the half way higher and higher forces required for molecular packaging o motor is extremely powerful measure internal force of dna on virus virus can package incredible amount of dna ---infection o can determine the packaging rate of a single phage then can force virus motor to attach to a non-hydrolyzable analog which will force the motor to stall more nonhydrolizable ATP results in longer motor stalls o can determine the nature of the chemical interaction between virus and substrate chemicals determine charge chargless DNA can cause a failure in the virus motor o increase of chargless DNA = increase in motor failure attaching chargless DNA to different parts of the DNA causes different effects on the virus’ motor ability new ways to maximize packaging o breaking down packaging into subphases makes for larger control (control of smaller and smaller functions) modeling different phases of packaging (movie animations of new model (2:56) Mauro Ferrari (3:00) Individualized Medicine - The right drug to the right person in the right circumstance o Nanotechnology to help all aspects - Bimolecular individualization o Drugs at the time o Drug at the right place o Monitoring the drug effect - molecularly targeted medicine with nanotechnology participles that carry active moieties o drug release time delivery – responsive to circumstances build nanoscale channels inside of silicon membranes using an innovative technology silicon chip fabrication technology – microelectronics industry - Directing therapy o Affective tumor growth therapy o Heating of nanoparticle for tumor destruction Remote activation - biological distribution o controlling probability - - - - - density effects design prescription o how low can we individualize therapy control degradation rates of individual particles quantum dots, nanotubes personalization at the subatomic level o written in blood real time efficacy monitoring controlling time profile of release of bioactive agents o release from intravascular vectors o release of agents or vectors from implants Individualizing of optimizing intravascular transport o Rational design of delivery vectors o Thru biological barriers via multi-stage systems monitoring of therapeutics efficacy Dr. Kathrine Lewis (3:38) - overview of NIH nanotechnology programs o The national Nanotechnology Initiative NNI o NCI alliance cancer institute Imaging and early detection Multifunctional theraputics Links to all NIH funding opportunities and current projects Dr. Dennis Buxton (3:55) - NHLBI programs of excellence in nanotechnology - leading people in the different programs - brief snippets of each focus Gang Bao (4:06) -PEN - Cardiovascular Disease o Diagnosis and treatment Miochardial healing Heart transplant Asthma Targeted comb copolymers and nanoassemblies Optimization of targeting procedures Using quantum dots for florescence imaging o Labeling of multiple epitopes - - Biodistribution Hydrocynanines for imaging ROS in Vivo o Activatable fluorescent catB sensors o Multiple contrasts in one invivo delivery o higher efficient o individual cell detection Ralph Weissleder (4:43) - Nanosensors for molecular application o Used in devices, nanomaterial development, and clinical treatment o Bringing these devices and materials to the patient o Magnetic nanomaterials detection of lymph node metastasis Magnetic resonance for metastsis detection Increased diagnostic ability Diagnostics are done automatically o Compare new images to database of old images Output shows diagnostics Can now make diagnostics on small or early stage malignants o Target cancer cells New technologies to detect more and more specific substances Studying blood cell through magnetic device o NMR Look straight through blood to diagnose Built a hand held NMR system Microcoils, magnet, microfluidics for blood incubation of cancer cells, o Oassed over detection coils for diagnosis o 4X8CENTIMETERES o All electronics in one transceiver o Single cell detection level o Labeling of cells through cell type/shape/other quialities/level of severity o development of compound nanomateriales/ substraites for specific purposes o Targeted siRNA delivery using multifunctional nanoparticles o NC’s/ quantum dots that combine targeting and sensing Developing different targeting styles/ approaches Jeff Scholoss (5:10) - Nanomedicine Roadmap initiative o Discussion of components of the roadmap o Moving from the science to the production to the implementation Wah Chiu (5:21) - Protein folding materials o Synthesized protein in the ribosomes o Interested in the folding and unfolding of protein folding Group 2 Chaperonin ATP hydrolysis to fold substrates dealing with the process of the protein folding within the chaperonin and the design principles of chaperonin want to design chaperonins to fold biolmedical substrates develop adaptors for more developed folding develop drug nano-cage for drug delivery based on chaperonin platform develop outreach for nanomedicine targeted delivery Chaeronin & substrate design Structures Dynamics –single molecule imaging Simulations –modeling and design Biochemistry – cell biology -Protien misfolding in a disease understanding the structulral design of the Mm-cpn Chapreronin localizings individual particles reconstruction high resolution animation o density diagrams Engineering a new chaperonin Understanding open and closed states of the Cryo-Em Understanding the structural changes in ATP Hydrolysis Understanding interaction between two states (closed and open states) across rings Biochemists test the chemistry of the structural changes and the interactions of the chaperonins during hydrolysis process Protease K experiment Identify key residues to keep the subunit together during its atpase cycle The subunit moves almost as a rigid body between the open and closed conformational states. Built in lid is not critical for ATP induced conformational changes ABEL Anti-Brownian Electrokokinetic – Trap for determining ATP Binding in Chaperonin Maximum efficiency for single cell biochemical detection (6:01) - Harnessing the power of Nanotechnology for Human Health at the Natioanl Institutes of Health - NIH mission - Translating the research framework to nanotechnology Martin Philbert (6:15) - Synthesis and Manufacture o General overview o Problem with mode of manufacturing High surface areas to volume ratios Excellent potential for absorption of unwanted synthetic materials.catalysts on the surface Enhance possibilities for nuisance surface chemistries that alter biological macromoleculres For labile nanoparticles, potential release of contaminatnes into biological environments Use of Green Chemistry will become increasingly important for sustainable development o Safe design will vary widely with each development o Role of conglomeration Size and surface area Increase exponentially Unpredicted effect on internal areas Aggregation in situ may lead to formation of microemboli and local infarction o Some cells will accumulate and aggregate nanomaterials o nanoparticles are invariably heterogeneous surface charge can penetration and translocation occur quantum dots o translocation to proximal lymph nodes o Hydrophobicity Cell integrity Bio-compatibility Role of Reticuloendothelial System o Effects of PEG Weight on dynamis MRI scanning of nanoparticles Degradable nanoparticles Excellent tumor imaging o Targeting specific sites Sub cellular localization Flexible photonic chemistry options Ormosils “nanobottles” Intracellular 3-D opto-chemical imaging - o Photodynamic apparoaches Nanoparticles can be used to kill resistant cancer cells Invivo evaluation of antitumor activity of PDT nanoparticles o From the lab to the neurological suite Staining of a tumor for optical delineation Optical tagging of orthotopic tumors Safe nanomedicines o Green manufacturing will be prudent o Choice of chemical in manufacturing is critical Nutritional applications o surface-mediated targeting is feasible o biodegradable particles will help to optimize