Cell Division 1 Office Hours: MF 3107 BROWN 11:30


Cell Division

Mitosis: Chapter 10

Meiosis: Chapter 11

Office Hours:


11:30-12:30 M (Brown 3107)

10:00-11:00 Thursday (Lily B406E)

No appointment necessary

Cell division



11:30 Lilly 1-105

1:30 Lilly G-126

2:30 Lilly G-126

- Melanoma, a type of skin cancer cause by uncontrolled growth of melanocytes

 Reproduction is a key element of life

 Requires 3 things:


Replication of genetic material


Accurate segregation of genetic material


Division of cytoplasm

 Process needs to be controlled

 Responsive to environmental conditions

Bacteria divide by binary fission

 Prokaryotes have simple form of cell division

 DNA duplication and segregation a concerted process, are coupled

 Lot less genetic material than eukaryotes o Usually singular, circular chromosome

 Replication begins at unique site o Origin of replication o Bidirectional to unique site: terminus

Prokaryotic Chromosome compaction

 Chromosome larger than cell

 Chromosome must be compacted, folded o Complex with proteins o Supercoiled by topoisomerase

 Problem for replication and segregation

 Chromosome is also attached to plasma membrane


Binary fission

 Segregation once thought to be passive o Now known to be an active process o Replicated DNA actively partitioned to different ends of cell o Requires specific sequences near origin

 Growth of new membrane and a septum partitions of other cell contents o Septum forms at site of ring of FtsZ protein o FtsZ resembles microtubule protein tubulin involved in eukaryotic mitosis

 Figures 10.1, 10.2

Eukaryotic chromosomes

 Homologue: same chromosome, different parent

 Sister chromatid: one of two exact copied of a replicated chromosome

 Centromere: visible constriction (near center of chromsome, not always in center) o Short repeated DNA sequences

 Kinetochore: proteins attached to centromere o Connect chromosomes to microtubules during mitosis

 Cohesin: complex of proteins holding sister chromatids together

 Figure 10.7

Problems cells must solve

 Chromosome compaction o Chromosomes are too long to fit into cell

 Means must always be folded o Even greater compaction for separation

 Replication and chromosome separation occur at different times o Chromosomes are not “labeled” o Means must keep chromatids of chromosomes attached until separation o Release of attachment is irreversible

 Cleavage of cohesin


Eukaryotic Chromosome compaction

 Chromosomes are very long and must be condensed to fit within the nucleus o DNA is complexed with histone proteins o DNA are – charged; histones are + charged

 Nucleosome – DNA wrapped around a core of 8 histone proteins

(histone octamer)

 Nucleosomes are spaced 200 nucleotides apart along the DNA

 Nucleosome compaction: Figure 10.5

The solenoid

 Further coiling of nucleosomes creates the 30-nm fiber (diameter) or solenid o Interphase compaction

 Further coiling of solenoid o Further compaction prepares for cell division o Forms radial (chromosomal) loops, are held in place by scaffold proteins o Scaffold proteins aided by condensin proteins o Radial loops staked on one anotherThe final prduct: Figure 10.4

Eukaryotic cell cycle

 The eukaryotic cell cycle has 5 main phases:




(Gap phase 1)


S (Synthesis)




(Gap phase 2)


M (Mitosis)


C (Cytokinesis)

 Phases 1 – 3 = Interphase

 Cycle is oscillation: Mitosis and Interphase

 G


is nondividing, functional state at end of G


 The length of a complete cell cycle varies greatly among cell types

 5 Phases of the cell cycle: Figure 10.8


 Interphase is composed of:

 G


(Ga phase 1) – time of cell growth

 S phase – synthesis of DNA (DNA replication)


o 2 sister chromatids are produced o Centrosome (the two centrioles) replication

 G


(Gap phase 2) – chromosomes condense – become tightly coiled o Normal microtubule structure disassembled

 Differences in length of cell cycle mostly due to interphase (G


) length


 Mitosis is divided into 5 phases:











 Mitosis is a continuous process


 Chromosomes continue to condense

 Centrioles move to each pole of the cell

 Spindle apparatus assembly o Microtubule bridge structure that forms between the two paired centrioles o Will later separate sister chromatids

 Nuclear envelope dissolves

 Figure 10.11



 Additional microtubules grow and attach to sister chromatids at their kinetochores o Kinetochore microtubules

 Each sister chromatid captured by a microtubule from opposite sides of the cell

 Microtubules begin to pull each chromosome toward the center of the cell

 Figure 10.11


 Microtubules pull the chromosomes to align them at the center of the cell

 Once aligned, chromosomes under tension

 Check for accuracy

 Metaphase plate: imaginary plane through the center of the cell where the chromosomes align

 Figure 10.12


 Lysis of cohesion proteins causes the sister chromatids to separate

 Microtubules pull sister chromatids toward the poles

 In Anaphase A, the chromatids are pulled apart

 In Anaphase B, the poles move apart and the cell elongates


 Spindle apparatus disassembles

 Nuclear envelope forms around each set of chromosomes

 Chromosomes begin to reverse the compaction process

(chromosomes no longer visible)

 Gene expression proceeds

 Nucleolus (where ribosomes are assembled) reappears in each new nucleus

 Opposite of Prophase



 Cytokinesis – cleavage of the cell and cytoplasm into two equal cells

 In animal cells – Uses a contractile ring o Made of actin/myosin microfilaments (parts of the cytoskeleton) o Produces a cleavage furrow

 In plant cells – plasma membrane forms between the nuclei o Vesicles (made of a phosolipid bilayer) form, line up and fuse o Called a cell plate

 Figure 10.14, Figure 10.15


 Phosphorylation – addition of a phosphate group to a molecule o Kinases: enzymes that phorphorylate other molecules o (Phosphatases dephosphorylate other molecules)

 Phosphorylation is an important mechanism of regulating genes

 Cell cycle controlled by phosphorylation

Control of cell cycle

 Cell cycle controlled at three checkpoints:




/S checkpoint: a.

The cell “decides” to divide




/M checkpoint: a.

The cell makes a commitment to mitosis


Late Metaphase (spindle) checkpoint: a.

The cell ensures that all chromosomes are attached to the spindle

 Figure 10.18


 Cyclins: regulatory proteins that are accumulated in a cell-cycle specific fashion o Increased going into mitosis o Degraded coming out of mitosis

 Cyclin-dependent kinases = Cdk’s o Kinase that only work when bound to cyclin o Cause an increased synthesis of cell cycle-specific proteins


Cyclins and Cdks

 Cdks function to trigger mitosis

 Cdks also controlled by phosphorylation o Activated by dephosphorylation o Active kinase -> drives mitosis

 Sensitive to internal and external factors o Nutritional state o Hormones and growth factors

 Figure 10.19

 Cell Cycle Control: Figure 10.21



/S checkpoint

 At G


/S Checkpoing: o G


cyclins (cyclin E) accumulate o G


cyclins bind with cdk2 to create the active G


/S Cdk o G


/S Cdk phosphorylates a number of molecules that ultimately increase the enzymes required for DNA replication

 G


/M checkpoint similar in nature o Different type of cyclin and Cdk o Different triggers

Spindle Checkpoint

 At the spindle checkpoint o The signal for anaphase to proceed is transmitted through anaphase-promoting complex (APC)

 APC activates separase o Separase hydrolyses the cohesion proteins holding sister chromatids together

 APC also necessary to destroy Cdks so cell can exit mitosis

Mitosis vs. Meiosis

 Mitosis results in two identical diploid cells

 Meiosis produces four cells that are not identical to each other

 Meiosis involves two successive cell divisions o No DNA replication in between

 Result: reduction of the chromosome number from diploid to haploid o Meiosis = gamete production


Two Parts to Meiosis

 Meiosis includes two rounds of cell division – Meiosis I and Meiosis II o Meiosis I is the key

 During Meiosis I, homologous chromosomes (homologues) become closely associated with each other o This is synapsis

 Proteins between the homologues hold them in a synaptonemal complex

 Figure 11.4

Meiosis I

 Meiosis I is significantly different from mitosis

 Key is the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis I o Prophase I: chromosomes coil, pair up & form synaptonemal complex o Homologous pair aligns at Metaphase I o Homologous disjoin during Anaphase I

 Each daughter cell gets 1 homolog for each chromosome (each with

2 sister chromatids)

 Figure 11.6


 Telophase I: o Nuclear envelope form around each set of chromosomes o Each new nucleus s now haploid o Sister chromatids are no longer identical because of crossing over

 Cytokinesis follows telophase I

 Bried interphase with no S phase


Crossing Over

 Paired Homologous can exchange genetic material during meiosis I o Prophase I synaptonemal complex formed o Crossing over occurs o Physical exchange of chromosomal material o Chiasmata: site of crossing over

 Meiosis increases variation o Independent behavior of chromosomes o Crossing over rearranges chromosomes

 Figure 11.5

Crossing Over & Genetic Variation

 Generates additional genetic variation than from sexual reproduction alone (each offspring inherits only half of their genes from each parent)

 May result in new combinations of alleles on a particular chromatid

(those that had previously existed on non-sister chromatids)

 Only detected genetically if new combinations of alleles are generated on a chromosome

Meiosis II

 Meiosis I is followed by Meiosis II o No replication between

 Meiosis II is like a mitotic division without replication

 Each cell has only 1 homolog for each chromosome

 Sister chromatids separate during Anaphase II

Meiosis review

 Meiosis is characterized by 4 features:


Synapsis and crossing over


Sister chromatids remain joined at their centromeres throughout meiosis I


Kinetochores of sister chromatids attach to the same pole in meiosis I


DNA replication is suppressed between meiosis I and meiosis II

