“Gain characteristics of a 210 km hybrid Raman/erbium-doped fiber amplified loop”, Gaston E. Tudury, Jonathan Hu, Brian S. Marks, Anthony S. Lenihan, Curtis R. Menyuk, Gary M. Carter, Optics Communications Vol. 261, pp.152–157 (2006). “Statistical Properties of the DGD in a Long-Haul Optical Fiber System With Temporally Drifting Birefringence”, Hai Xu, Brian S. Marks, John Zweck, Li Yan, Curtis R. Menyuk, and Gary M. Carter, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology Vol. 24, pp. 1165-1175 (2006). “Transmission of 80 Gbit/s over 840km in standard fibre without polarisation control”, G.E. Tudury, R. Salem, G.M. Carter and T.E. Murphy, IEE Electronics Letters Vol. 41, pp. 1394- 1395 (2005). “Performance of DBPSK in a 5 x 10 Gb/s Mixed Modulation Format Raman / EDFA WDM System,” W. Astar, A.S. Lenihan, and G.M. Carter, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Vol. 17, pp. 2766-2768 (2005). “Polarization-Insensitive Optical Clock Recovery at 80 Gb/s Using a Silicon Photodiode,” Reza Salem, G. E. 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Carter, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Vol. 15, pp. 1067-1069 (2003). “Polarization-state evolution in recirculating loops with polarization-dependent loss”, Brian S. Marks, Yu Sun, Curtis R. Menyuk, and Gary M. Carter, Optics Letters Vol. 27, pp. 1881-1883(2002). “Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of a 40-Gb/s Long-Haul Single-Channel Transmission System”, Ronald Holzlöhner ; Heider N. Ereifej ; Vladimir S. Grigoryan ; Gary M. Carter ; Curtis R. Menyuk, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology Vol. 20 pp. 1124-1131(2002). “All-Optical timing jitter measurements on 40Gbit/s pseudorandom RZ data after long-haul transmission in a dispersion-managed soliton system”, J. Dörring, G. E. Tudury, A. Lenihan, G. M. Carter, and Y. J. Chen, Electronics Letters Vol. 38, pp. 727-729 (2002). “Intersymbol Interference and Timing Jitter Measurements in a 40-Gb/s Long-Haul Dispersion-Managed Soliton System, Heider N. Ereifej; Ronald Holzlöhner” ; Gary M. Carter ; Curtis R. 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Carter, Julius Goldhar, Journal of Fiber and Integrated Optics vol. 18, pp. 155-166 (1999). “Low cost phase-modulation measurements of nanosecond fluorescence lifetimes using a lock-in amplifier”, Peter Harms, Jeffrey Sipior, and Natraj Ram, Gary M. Carter, and Govind Rao, Review of Scientific Instruments vol. 70, pp. 1535-1539 (1999). “Transmission of Dispersion-Managed Solitons at 20 Gbit/s Over 20,000 km”, Gary M. Carter, Ruo-Mei Mu, Vladimir Grigoryan, Curtis R. Menyuk, Pranay Sinha, Thomas F. Carruthers, Michael L. Dennis, and Irl N. Duling III, Electronics Letters vol. 35, pp. 233-234 (1999). “Transmission of 10 Gbit/s wavelength converted RZ data over 20000 km in a dispersion-managed system”, Pak S. Cho, Gary M. Carter, and Daniel Mahgerefteh, Electronics Letters vol. 34, pp. 2265-2267(1998). “Dynamics of Solitons in Filtered Dispersion-Managed Systems”, Gary M. Carter and John M. 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