ANDREA DAWN HAWKES CURRICULUM VITAE CONTACT INFORMATION: Geology and Geophysics Department, MS 22 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA 02543 cell: (267) 304-7171 email: POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION Postdoctoral Scholar, Sept 2008 till present Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts General topic: Holocene sea-level change from the Caribbean: implications for geophysical modeling Advisors: Jeff Donnelly (WHOI), Jeff Williams (USGS) Doctor of Philosophy Candidate (Earth and Environmental Sciences), 2004 – Aug 2008 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Thesis: The application of foraminifera to characterize tsunami sediment and quantify coseismic subsidence along the Sumatra and Cascadia subduction zones Advisors: Prof. Benjamin Horton, Dr. Alan Nelson (USGS) Master of Science (Earth Sciences), April 2004 Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia Thesis: A study of attached benthic foraminifera associated with the deep-sea coral Primnoa resedaeformis on the Scotian Margin Advisor: Prof. David Scott Honours Bachelor of Science (Geology and Political Science), May 2001 Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia Thesis: Evidence of precursor events for mega-thrust earthquakes on the west coast of North America Advisor: Prof. David Scott PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1. Co-Hosted a six-part science documentary in the Canadian Arctic Teleimage, France and Espace Vert, Canada, May – December 2001 Theme: Interviewed and participated in fieldwork throughout the Canadian arctic for “The White Frontier”, a story of two young scientists and their fabulous adventure as they delve under the glaciers of Baffin Island. Follow and learn with them the mysteries of the arctic. 2. Field and database geologist Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Canada, May – September 2000 Description: Conducting land-based geologic mapping of the Canadian arctic using modern methods of GPS, aerial photography, and ground sampling to produce up-to-date electronic, interactive, geologic maps. RESEARCH INTERESTS My main research interests include the development and application of environmental modeling and quantitative palaeoenvironmental reconstruction techniques with the aim of understanding the role of earthquakes, tsunamis and storms as driving mechanisms of Quaternary relative sea-level change and coastal evolution. The majority of my research has been undertaken in coastal and wetland ecosystems in temperate and tropical environments, which are under increasing pressure from a variety of natural and artificial processes. The recent completion of my PhD investigated the contemporary relationship February 25 2008 1 ANDREA DAWN HAWKES among relative sea level, environmental conditions and the succession and seasonal variations of microfossil groups (foraminifera and thecamoebians) using various multivariate statistical techniques (e.g. canonical correspondence analysis). A key output is the development of a "transfer function" which allows the precise reconstruction of former sea levels using a statistically based relationship between contemporary and fossil foraminiferal assemblages. This developing research is at the forefront of a new generation of high precision sea-level reconstructions from temperate and tropical latitudes. Recent research focuses on the sedimentary and foraminiferal characteristics of 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami deposits along the Malaysia-Thailand Peninsula (Hawkes et al., 2007a,b), and estimating megathrust induced coseismic subsidence along the Oregon coast (Hawkes et al., 2005). Presently at Woods Hole Oceanographic institute I intend to look at Caribbean Holocene sea-level change using a quantitative multiproxy approach (e.g., micropaleontology, biogeochemistry, AMS dating, sediment characterization). TEACHING EXPERIENCE Field leader; Earthwatch Institute Course Title: Is sea-level rising? Responsibilities included organizing logistics, teachables and field and laboratory executables for a two week field course for 8 high school student in coastal Virginia. Teaching Associate; University of Pennsylvania Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2004-2007 Course Titles: Introduction to Environmental Analysis (ENVS 200); 2004-2005, Natural Disturbances and Disasters (GEOL-103); 2004-2007, Advanced Stratigraphy (GEOL-206); 2007. Responsibilities included teaching and grading labs and homework, holding recitation for groups of 30-40 students and individual tutoring, examination preparation, monitoring and grading. Sea level Project Lecturer; Operation Wallacea Science initiative, Operation Wallacea, August 2006 Course Title: Sea-level Research, Indonesia 2006. Responsibilities included choosing successful field sites and dissertation projects, teaching students successful fieldwork practices for sea-level research (leveling, sampling, mapping, GPS, salinity and pH measurements, etc.). Teaching Associate; Dalhousie University Department of Earth Sciences, 2002-2004 Course Titles: Stratigraphy (ERTH 3303); 2002-2004, Quaternary Sedimentary Environments (ERTH 3302); 2002-2004. Responsibilities included teaching and grading labs, as well as running field trips to teach the students the basic geologic skills (rock and mineral identification, use of geologic compass, construction of maps, measured cross-section, etc.). TEACHING RECOGNITION Teaching Assistant of the Year 2003-2004 Dawson Geology Club (Department of Earth Sciences Undergraduate Students at Dalhousie University) PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS 1. Hawkes, A.D., Horton, B.P., Nelson, A.R., Sawai, Y., Vane C.H., (in prep). Foraminiferal reconstruction of coastal subsidence in Oregon, USA, during the Giant Cascadia earthquake of AD 1700. Quaternary Science Reviews Special Issue. 2. Hawkes, A.D., Horton, B.P., Nelson, A.R., Hill, D.F., (in prep). The contemporary distribution of intertidal foraminifera in Oregon, USA. Marine Micropaleontology. February 25 2008 2 ANDREA DAWN HAWKES 3. Horton, B.P., Rossi, V., and Hawkes, A.D. (accepted). The sedimentary record of the 2005 hurricane season along the Gulf Coast. Quaternary International. 4. Horton, B. P., Bird, M., Birkland, T., Cowie, S., Grundy-Warr, C., Hawkes, A. D., Tan Shau Hwai, A., Law, L., Macgregor, C., Nott, J., Eong Ong, J., Rigg, J., Robinson, R., Tan-Mullins, M., Tiong Sa, T. and Zulfigar, Y., in press. Environmental and socio-economic dynamics of the Indian Ocean Tsunami. in Penang, Malaysia. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 5. Bird, M., Cowie, S., Hawkes, A.D., Horton, B.P., Macgregor, C., Eong Ong, J., Tan Shau Hwai, A., Tiong Sa, T., and Yasin, Z., 2007, “Indian Ocean Tsunami – Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts in Langkawi, Malaysia”: The Geographical Journal, v. 173. 6. Hawkes, A.D., Bird, M., Cowie, S., Grundy-Warr, C., Horton, B.P., Tan Shau Hwai, A., Law, L., Macgregor, C., Nott, J., Eong Ong, J., Rigg, J., Robinson, R., Tan-Mullins, M., Tiong Sa, T., and Zulfigar, Y., 2007a. “The Sediments Deposited by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Along the Malay-Thai Peninsula”: Marine Geology Special IGCP 495 Issue 242, p. 169-190. 7. Hawkes, A.D., Engelhart, S., and Horton, B.P., 2007b. “Tsunami: a white cobra hits Pangandaran West Java”: Geology Today, v.23, p. 12-14. 8. Hawkes, A.D., Scott, D.B. And Lipps, J.H., 2005a. Evidence for possible precursor events of mega-thrust earthquakes on the west coast of North America. GSA Bulletin, v. 117, no. 7/8, p. 996-1008. (Editors Choice, Science 308) 9. Hawkes, A.D. and Scott, D.B., 2005b. Attached benthic foraminifera as indicators of past and present distribution of the deep-sea coral Primnoa resedaeformis on the Scotian Margin: In A. Freiwald and J. M. Roberts (eds):"Deep-water Corals and Ecosystems", Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, p.881-894. CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS 1. Hawkes, A.D., 2008. Tsunamis and Hurricanes: Teasing the two apart. MYRES III New Orleans, Mississippi. May 20-23. 2. Hawkes, A.D., Horton, B.P., Nelson, A., Grand Pre, C., 2007. A microfossil-based approach to constraining megathrust-induced coseismic land displacement of the 1700AD even in the Pacific Northwest (presentation). AGU Annual Meeting 2007 San Francisco, California. December 10-15. 3. Hawkes, A.D., Horton, B.P., Nelson, Kemp, A., 2007. Foraminiferal assemblage zones of Oregon salt marshes: implications for studies of relative sea-level change (poster). AGU Annual Meeting 2007 San Francisco, California. December 10-15. 4. Hawkes, A.D., Horton, B.P., Nelson, A., Grand Pre, C., 2007. A microfossil-based approach to constraining megathrust-induced coseismic land displacement in the Pacific Northwest. GSA Annual Meeting 2007 Denver, Colorado. October 27-31. 5. Hawkes, A.D., Horton, B.P., Nelson, A., Grand Pre, C., 2007. A microfossil-based approach to constraining megathrust-induced coseismic land displacement in the Pacific Northwest. INQUA 2007 Cairns, Australia. July 28 – August 3. 6. Hawkes, A.D., Horton, B.P., 2007. 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami sediment characteristics along the Malaysia-Thailand Peninsula, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(23), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract T43B-02. 7. Hawkes, A.D., Horton, B.P., 2007. Using a microfossil-based approach to constrain megathrustinduced coseismic land displacement in coastal Oregon, USA, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(23), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract T41B-01. 8. Hawkes, A., Bird, M., Cowie, S., Horton, B.P., Hwai, A.T.S., Law, L., Macgregor, C., Ong, J.E., and Yasin, Z., 2006. The Taphonomy of Sediments Deposited by the Indian Ocean Tsunami Along the West Coast of the Malay-Thai Peninsula, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP43B-1237. February 25 2008 3 ANDREA DAWN HAWKES 9. Hawkes, A.D., Horton, B.P., Robinson, R., Bird, M., and Nott, J., 2006. The sediments deposited by the Indian Ocean Tsunami along the Malay-Thai Peninsula. GSA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia. October 22-26. 10. Hawkes, A.D., Bird, M., Cowie, S., Horton, B.P., Nott, J., Robinson, R., and Won Aik, L., 2006. Indian Ocean Tsunami deposits along the west coast of the Malay-Thai Peninsula: Foraminiferal and grain size analysis. FORAMS 2006, Natal, Brazil. September 10-15. 11. Hawkes, A.D., 2006. Indian Ocean Tsunami Deposits. Philadelphia Geological Society. April 20. (Invited) 12. Hawkes, A.D. and Horton, B.P., 2006. Microfossil and grain size analysis of sediment deposited by the Indian Ocean Tsumani along the May-Thai Peninsula. GSA northeast section 41st Annual meeting, Harrisburg, PA. March 20-22. 13. Hawkes, A.D., 2006. Microfossil and grain size analysis of sediments deposited by the Indian Ocean Tsunami along the west coast of the Malay-Thai Peninsula. Delaware Valley Geo Institute student night, February 21. (Invited) 14. Hawkes, A., Bird, M., Cowie, S., Grundy-Warr, C., Horton, B.P., Hwai, A.T.S., Law, L., Aik, D.L.W., Macgregor, C., Nott, J., Ong, J.E., Rigg, J.,Robinson, R., Tan-Mullins, M., Teh, T.S. and Yasin, Z., 2005. Microfossil analysis of sediment deposited from the Indian Ocean Tsunami along the west coast of the Malay-Thai Peninsula. GSA Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City,October 16-19. 15. Hawkes, A. D. and Scott, D. B., 2003. Primnoa resedaeformis habitat characterization using an associate assemblage of attached benthic foraminifera. 2nd International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals, Erlangen, Germany, Sept. 2003, p. 43. 16. Hawkes, A. D. and Scott, D. B., 2003. Impacts on East Coast Fish Stocks: Long-term Climate and Benthic Habitat Changes. Northeastern GSA meeting, Halifax, March, 2003. 17. Hawkes, A. D., 2001. Giant megathrust earthquakes on the west coast of North America: micropaleontological evidence for precursors of major earthquakes. Abstract at GSA Annual Meeting, Nov. 2001, p. A161. 18. Hawkes, A. D., 2001. Evidence of precursor events for mega-thrust earthquakes on the west coast of North America. Atlantic Geology, v. 37, p.113. 19. Horton, B, Hawkes, A.D., Engelhart, S., Bird, M., Cowie, S., Eong Ong, J., Tan Shau, Hwai, A., Law, L., Macgregor, C., Tiong Sa, T., and Yasin, Z., 2006. The Taphonomy of Sediments Deposited by the Indian Ocean Tsunami Along the West Coast of the Malay-Thai Peninsula. AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco. December 11-16. 20. Horton, B.P., Bird, M., Cowie, S., Grundy-Warr, C., Hawkes, A., Hwai, A.T.S., Law, L., Aik, D.L.W., Macgregor, C., Nott, J., Ong, J.E., Rigg, J.,Robinson, R., Tan-Mullins, M., Teh, T.S. and Yasin, Z., 2005. Indian Ocean Tsunami - Environmental and Socio-economic impacts on the Malay-Thai Peninsula. GSA Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, October 16-19. 21. Horton, B.P., Bird, M., Cowie, S., Grundy-Warr, C., Hawkes, A., Hwai,A.T.S., Law, L., Aik, D.L.W., Macgregor, C., Nott, J., Ong, J.E., Rigg, J.,Robinson, R., Tan-Mullins, M., Teh, T.S. and Yasin, Z., 2005. Indian Ocean Tsunami - Environmental and Socio-economic impacts on the Malay-Thai Peninsula. Tsunami Deposits and their role in hazard mitigation, Seattle, June 12-15. 22. Scott, D. B., Hawkes, A. D., and Lipps, J. H., 2003. Evidence of possible precursor events for mega-thrust earthquakes on the west coast of North America. Abstract at Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 2003. RESEARCH GRANTS United States Geological Survey, Co-PI Pacific Northwest earthquake research; 2007, $5400 USD Society of Sedimentary Geology, Sanders student research fund; 2007, $1500 USD February 25 2008 4 ANDREA DAWN HAWKES University of Pennsylvania, Graduate Society Association Council; 2007, $300 USD United States Geological Survey, Co-PI Pacific Northwest earthquake research; 2006, $20,000 USD University of Pennsylvania, School of Arts and Sciences travel grant; 2006, $300 USD Geological Society of America, annual meeting registration grant; 2006, $60 USD Society of Sedimentary Geology, Sanders student research fund; 2006, $1500 USD University of Pennsylvania, Paleontology summer research stipend; 2006, $2000 USD University of Pennsylvania, School of Arts and Sciences travel grant; 2005, $300 USD Cushman Foundation, Joseph A. Cushman Award for student research; 2005, $500 USD Society of Sedimentary Geology, Sanders student research fund; 2005, $1000 USD University of Pennsylvania, Paleontology summer research stipend; 2005, $2000 USD PANGA, travel grant; 2005, $500 USD AWARDS AND ACADEMIC RECOGNITION Postdoctoral Scholar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2008-present Dean’s Dissertation Completion Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania, 2007-2008 Benjamin Franklin Fellowship; University of Pennsylvania, 2004-2007 Henry Lewis Endowment Fund; University of Pennsylvania, 2004-2005 MacEachern-Ponsford Award; Dalhousie University, 1998-1999 ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS University of Pennsylvania Graduate Society Association Council, EES rep; 2006 to present University of Pennsylvania Women in Science, 2004 to present American Association of Petroleum Geologists; 2004 to present American Geophysical Union; 2006 to present Geological Society of America; 2002 to present International Geological Correlation Program; 2004 to present Quaternary Research Association; 2006 to present Society of Sedimentary Geology; 2004 to present REFERENCES Dr. Benjamin P. Horton Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104 Relationship: Ph.D. advisor and co-author February 25 2008 phone: (215) 573-5388 fax: (215) 898-0964 email: 5 ANDREA DAWN HAWKES Dr. Alan Nelson United States Geological Survey P.O. Box 25046 Mail Stop 966 Golden, CO 80225-0046 Relationship: Ph.D. external advisor and collaborator Dr. Steve Culver Department of Geology East Carolina University Greenville, NC 27858-4353 Relationship: collaborator February 25 2008 phone: (303) 273-8592 email: phone: (252) 328-6360 email: 6