PERMISSION TO SEDATE - Coffee Road Animal Hospital

Coffee Road Animal Hospital
3534 Coffee Road
Bakersfield, CA 93308
Occasionally some pets become agitated and extremely nervous when away
from home and around other animals. To minimize this stress on your pet it is
sometimes necessary to medicate with a sedative to keep your pet safe and
Of course, your pet is monitored and we would never sedate a pet that is not
experiencing extreme agitation or nervousness.
Please indicate your wishes regarding sedation below. Please also be aware that
if sedation is necessary there is a charge of $4.00 per day to administer the
_____ I DO approve sedation if necessary.
_____ I DO NOT approve sedation. I understand that should the veterinarian find
it is life threatening or inhumane NOT to sedate my pet; this waiver
becomes invalid.
This agreement shall apply to all pets I board at COFFEE ROAD ANIMAL
HOSPITAL, INC & PET RESORT, and will remain in effect indefinitely.
Signature of owner or responsible party