AXIS Pension Systems

AXISe Pension Systems
Payroll Training
Section 2
Prepared by:
2 Victoria Street
WA14 1ET
October 2003
Payroll Data Views
Member Address
Pay Basic Details
Pay Elements
AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Ref: O:\Payroll\Paygen\Training Docs\526
October 2003
AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
This guide explains how to create the additional data views required in order to set up a
payee on the payroll. It assumes that the basic data views required, that is Member
Summary and Basic Details, already exist for the payee.
It is not designed to be a comprehensive guide to the system but rather an overview.
Further detailed instructions are available within the On-line Help.
It assumes that you are familiar with Microsoft’s Windows or NT operating environment,
and the use of a mouse, menu bar, toolbar and shortcut keys.
On-line Help and the Advisor
These facilities have already been described in Section 1 of the Training Guides.
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Payroll Data Views
Payroll Data Views
Ref: O:\Payroll\Paygen\Training Docs\526
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Payroll Data Views
Payroll Data Views
The payroll data views are as listed below. The ‘Member Address’ data view is included
because it is mandatory to hold address details for pensioners.
Member Address
Pay Basic Details
Pay Elements
Variation O/Ride
This section deals with the creation and amendment of the first four data views listed.
Variation O/ride data views are described in Section 4 of the Payroll Training
The basic requirements are
The member needs to be on the system.
A valid Payroll ID needs to be input on the member’s Summary data view.
Do not apply a test Payroll ID (eg TST) to a person who is in a 'LIVE'
scheme. Payees in a test payroll must be in a test scheme, eg 'T01'.
The member requires an address for Pay Advice and P60 purposes.
If a member does not exist on the system then the necessary authority or action needs
to be obtained from the relevant personnel before creating the payroll data views.
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Payroll Data Views
Linking the Member to a Payroll
The first action is to link the member to a payroll or pay group.
Display the member's Summary data view using the Member Selection option with the
payroll menu. (Option R11)
Update the relevant 'Ident' field with a payroll reference (if required)
Input the three character Payroll Id
(usually TST for testing/training purposes)
Update the amendments by selecting the Member Summary button and saving the
data when requested.
The member’s Summary view is re-displayed and in addition to general data views you
will now have access to the payroll data views.
If it does not exist, select the Member Address data view.
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Member Address
Member Address
Ref: O:\Payroll\Paygen\Training Docs\526
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Member Address
Member Address
Alternative Name can be used if you wish to address a payee correctly.
Lord Harwell instead of Lord P Harwell
Overseas Ind – Inputting ‘Y’ will cause pay advices (and P60’s) for payees residing
overseas to be separated for printing purposes.
Gone Away – This indicator has no effect on the production of Pay Advices or P60’s
Address History
A history of three address changes is held. The latest always being displayed first. If
you want to record a change then check the ‘Historise Amendment’ box. To display
the previous addresses use the ‘Display Next/Previous Occurrence’ buttons.
N.B. Two address lines must be completed as a minimum in order to produce a
pay advice.
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Pay Basic Details
Pay Basic Details
Ref: O:\Payroll\Paygen\Training Docs\526
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Pay Basic Details
Pay Basic Details
This data view has two different displays, dependent on whether it is being created
for the first time or already exists.
After creating the address select the Pay Basic Details option.
Creation Mode
The minimum amount of data required to create the data view is as follows:
Date Joined the payroll, Method of Payment details, and Tax Code and Basis
(may be defaulted from parameters)
Remember the Advisor in the Help drop down menu for input instructions
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Pay Basic Details
Method of Payment
A feature of the system is the Net Pay Split facility, ie net pay can be sent to two
different destinations. You will notice therefore that there are two sets of method of
payment details.
Leave fields blank that are not required.
Other Fields
There are a number of other fields that are available for use but not necessarily
required for creation. Your consultant will explain their uses in conjunction with the
There are certain fields marked as ‘Not Used’. Do not use these fields. They are
for Heywood's use only.
If you activate the OK button the system will validate any values input, and display any
default values - eg Tax Code.
Select the next data view or select another option. The system will prompt you to save
the data in the usual way.
For the purposes of this example choose the Pay Basic Details view again.
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Pay Basic Details
Amendment Mode (ie data view already exists)
Page 1
There are two noticeable differences and one subtle difference.
Data Fields
The data fields are now in different positions and there are more of them. Fields that
may require changing have moved to the top - eg Bank Details.
Fields that do not change often or are changed by a bulk process have moved to the
middle - eg Tax code details.
Fields that will not usually require changing are at the bottom of the screen - eg Date
The whole purpose of this is to minimise unnecessary movement around the screen.
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Pay Basic Details
Status Line
A new line has appeared just above the data fields. This describes the status of this
member in processing terms. There are four headings, each with multiple
Payee Status
Adv Prtd
Payee’s pension is currently in payment
Left CYr TP
Payee set as left in current period
Left CYr LP
Payee set as left in prior period in current tax year
Left PYr, Leaving Payee set as left in prior tax year
Payee is suspended
Susp Next
Payee will be suspended from next period
No Proc
Payee will not be processed in the current period
Calculation status: Yes, No, Failed.
Pay Advice Printed status: Yes, No, Failed
Payroll data views have been Amended (‘A’) or Created (‘C’) this
Page 2
There is now a second page to this record.
Click on the page tabs to display either page.
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Pay Basic Details
Page 2
The data is grouped into four categories:
Status Line
This Period Values
To Date Values
(Excluding This Calc)
Additional Indicators:
Ref: O:\Payroll\Paygen\Training Docs\526
This is a feature of all payroll data
The current period calculation values
appear in these fields
The total values paid or deducted in
the current year (excludes This Period
Calculation values)
October 2003
AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Pay Basic Details
203 recs exist
Tax Overridden
Normal Pay Override
Wk 53/54/56
Input Required
Input Received
Ref: O:\Payroll\Paygen\Training Docs\526
Number of ‘Variation/Override’ data views
which exist for the Payee (described in
Section 4)
Current period’s tax calculation result has
been manually overridden (described in
Section 4)
One or more Pay Elements have been
overridden by a ‘Variation/Override’ data
view (described in Section 4)
Normally set to ‘N’. For weekly, twoweekly or four-weekly payrolls this will be
set to 3, 4 or 6 respectively only if the
current Tax Period is 52 and another
payment is due before the year end.
Normally set to ‘N’, but if set to ‘Y’ then
one or more Pay Elements require
mandatory input each period.
Set to ‘Y’ when either mandatory input has
been completed (see ‘Input Required’
above), or input has been done to
defined as input-only.
appropriate, these settings will be
discussed by your Consultant.
October 2003
AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Pay Elements
Pay Elements
Ref: O:\Payroll\Paygen\Training Docs\526
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Pay Elements
Pay Elements - Creation
From the Data View drop down menu select Payroll then Pay Elements.
A blank summary screen is displayed.
When creating the first pay element data view you are advised
In order to create a pay element click on the Current View option
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Pay Elements
Ref: O:\Payroll\Paygen\Training Docs\526
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Pay Elements
The Element Detail screen
Select the appropriate element type then the required element.
You will notice that there are a large number of edit boxes available for selection. The
input required depends on how the element is defined eg, ‘Held Amount’, ‘Reducing
Balance’, ‘Court Order’, etc. We will assume for these purposes that the element is
simply a ‘Held Amount’. If other types of element are required then your Consultant will
demonstrate these.
Enter the value to be paid/deducted each period then decide what you wish to do next.
Ref: O:\Payroll\Paygen\Training Docs\526
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Pay Elements
Additional Elements
If creating a further pay element then access the Current View menu and repeat the
process, eg a deduction.
The new element will be displayed.
When all of the elements have been created simply select another data view or menu
Amending an element from the Summary screen
Select the pay element data view and the summary screen is displayed.
Ref: O:\Payroll\Paygen\Training Docs\526
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Pay Elements
Ref: O:\Payroll\Paygen\Training Docs\526
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Pay Elements
Amendable Fields
There are seven grid cells displayed but only the last three are capable of amendment.
New Amount
To amend an existing element from the summary screen, place the mouse pointer over
the field you wish to amend. Right-click the mouse, this will activate a menu which
displays ‘Modify’. Select ‘Modify’ and the field will be opened for amendment.
If other fields require amendment, ie those not displayed, then double clicking on the
relevant element will display the detail screen.
Setting Elements to Nil
If an element needs to be set to NIL, ie zeroised, it must be done from the detail
screen and not the summary screen.
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Pay Elements
Cessation Date
If an element is to cease in the future, then you have the option to enter a cessation
date. Simply input the date in the field marked Cessation.
The calculation process compares this date with the process date and will, in the month
prior to the cessation, warn you via the calculation control report that the element is due
to cease. In the following period the element will cease to be applied.
Commencement Date
The Commencement Date follows the same principle as the Cessation Date. If an
element is to start sometime in the future then you have the ability to input a
commencement date. Just follow the instructions above.
Ref: O:\Payroll\Paygen\Training Docs\526
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Pay Elements
Loans/Reducing Balances
These values can only be set/amended using the detail screen. Enter the value to be
deducted each pay period in the ‘Amount’ field, and the total of the loan which is to be
repaid in the field marked ‘Red. Balance Limit’. When the ‘Year To Date’ agrees with
the ‘Red. Balance Limit’, the payment/deduction will cease.
Ref: O:\Payroll\Paygen\Training Docs\526
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Ref: O:\Payroll\Paygen\Training Docs\526
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
The system allows for the creation of message text for printing on pay advice forms.
The printing of messages is dependent upon each client’s pay advice forms having
space allocated. The actual size of the message(s) is dependent upon the amount of
space allocated on the form.
There are basically six types of message, the first four involve the creation of the
messaging data view either manually or by the system.
Multiple messaging data views are allowed, but the overriding factor is the size of the
actual message area on the pay advice form, ie will it fit?
Ad-hoc message data views created manually by the User in respect of individual
Ad-hoc message data views created manually by the User but held in a library until
required. Again used for individual payees.
A message created automatically by a Pensions Increase exercise and sent to a
discrete group of payees, ie those who are receiving an increase.
A message automatically created by the system because of a change in historised
payroll data e.g. Tax Code. (nb This is not a standard feature)
A message which is issued globally to all payees. This involves the creation of a
message at parameter level, ie not at payee level.
A message which is issued to targeted payees
This section will concentrate on messages created for individual payees and Library
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Ad-hoc Messages
The procedure is as follows
Identify the payee
Select Messages data view.
Move the cursor to 'Norm/Immed Pay’
Input 'N' if the message is for the Normal Payroll pay advice
Input 'I' if the message is for the Immediate Payment system pay advice.
(N.B. Immediate Payments is not a standard facility)
Type in the message as required. Remember that the data view allows messages
to be 50 characters wide but your allocated space may be less.
Press the ‘OK’ button - if your message is wider than the allocated space on the pay
advice a message will be displayed giving the maximum allowed width:
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Confirm and exit in the usual manner
Remember - What you type is what you get.
What happens next?
When pay advices are produced the message text will be printed in the allotted space
on the form. When 'Period End' update is performed the messages are automatically
How many messages can I have?
It is all dependent upon the size of your form. To 'Create Another' message access the
message then use the ‘Current View’ option.
A blank screen will be displayed, the contents of which will be added to the previous
message when printed.
What if I no longer want the message?
Simply identify the payee, then the message and use the 'Delete’ option on the ‘Current
View’ menu.
Ref: O:\Payroll\Paygen\Training Docs\526
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Library Messages
This involves creating messages in a library, then bringing them down when required.
The advantage being that often-used messages do not need re-typing.
Select Option 441 from the payroll menu. Input the relevant Payroll
Message Text Indicator
Give the message a two character reference, for example:
TC for message concerning tax codes
MP for message concerning payment methods
Input the message, bearing in mind the size etc.
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Ref: O:\Payroll\Paygen\Training Docs\526
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Using a Library message
From within the payees data set, access a message data view and input the message
text indicator code together with which payroll ie Normal or Immediate Payments.
Press OK and the message will be displayed.
Exit and save in the usual manner.
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AXISe Payroll Training – Section 2
Number of Messages
How many Library messages can I have?
As many as you want, but remember that if you have more than one payroll and you
wish to standardise messages across all payrolls then you will need to repeat the
creation procedure using Option R441.
How long will the message remain in the library?
Until you delete it
What if I no longer want the message in the library?
Simply identify the message in the library and use the 'Delete’ option on the toolbar.
Ref: O:\Payroll\Paygen\Training Docs\526
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