Loss Prevention Incentive Program Checklist Purpose: This checklist is designed to make it easy for Safety and Wellness Committees to track district progress towards earning the annual Loss Prevention Incentive offered by STSIG. As items are checked off, initial in the appropriate box. When all activities have been completed and the checklist has been signed by your district representative, please forward the form to Kurt Walling at kwalling@stsig.org. If you have questions or seek clarification do not hesitate to call us at 530-221-6444 DISTRICT:___________________________ REQUIRED ACTIVITIES: 1 Maintain an active safety committee that meets regularly though the year. Four committee meetings complete Illness and Injury Prevention Plan (IIPP) updated and approved by the district board District Safety Champion identified (name)________________________ Activity 1 complete (initial)_______________ Participation in STSIG Loss Control Trainings throughout the year. 2 SIZE Very Large Districts (Annual Payroll greater than $10 million) Large Districts (Payroll $5 million - less than $10 million) Medium Districts (Payroll $2 million – less than $5 million) Small Districts (Payroll less than $2 million) Note: Classes must be completed by June 30. MINIMUM ATTENDEES 50 25 10 3 Activity 2 complete (initial)_______________ 3 4 Begin work on or review your existing Return To Work (RTW) program. Meet with Dennis Chandler, RTW Consultant (Contracted by STSIG) Activity 3 complete (initial)_______________ Develop an active safety and wellness communication program. Signed memorandum forwarded to STSIG listing dates and types of communication (examples onsite bulletin boards, employee newsletters, district website, etc) Activity 4 complete (initial)_______________ I certify that the four activities have been completed and my district qualifies for the loss prevention incentive. District Representative Signature__________________________